Of course I can imagine it (though I don't know what you mean by "literally" and I don't really need to imagine anything, really). Expecting all the gods to have human-like empathy or consideration strikes me as more than a little bit absurd. That, and considering all things are gods to me, the very Spirit of Sadism is a god who by definition would delight in eternally torturing humans and other small animals.
I actually dont know how to reply. What you said makes sense in itself. I guess I have to understand how you define everything as god. For example, I wouldnt know how the spirit of sadism can "delight" in anything. Its sounds like personification of an trait (I think) and giving it human attributes it can do like express delight or maybe anger.
It reminds me of how an christian views god gives love while many anti christians see god hating. Though that too sounds like personification of an abstract trait or idea that doesnt make sense (unless innstory or poetry?) to give "it" reason or ability to do things.
Sounds odd.
I mean, like I can imagine Zena or Zues doing whatever but thats just a figment of my imagination. I cant imagine Zues in real life (literally) doing anything. Likewise with sadaism and love.
With the OP, I cant imagine literally a god that can harm anyone. Its not just that its immoral but even more so, its like trying to make an fictional charactor (lacknof better word) come to life.
Are you saying you can use your imagination? (If so, then I agree)
If not, how can you or any god/s believer imagine in real life (literally) things like love, sadaism, and hate doing anything? Is it personification?
I mean, I understand spirits and objects (anything from a pencil to the moon) doing things. I cant imagine hate, love, etc as gods. The term "god" seems to me in the same catefory as hate, love, and other abstract words people experience (assuming mostly abrahamic rather than Pagan view).
I dont know how they can do things as Spirits and Beings can.
When you say Spirit of Sadism, is the Spirit an entity or person rather than an abstract emotion?
I find it intringuing how you express your faith. If a general subject, its one Id like to know more about.