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What makes somebody atheist and not a theist?


Veteran Member
The assertion, delivered as if
wise and true, is all you will ever get.

Same as the " scientism" thing.
No examples exist, none will be
I don't feed trolls. I ignore them. No one here is asking for any evidence. They're just asking for another excuse to insult and dismiss anyone that dares to reject their BS.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Once they render the term meaningless by removing any and all actual content (that they would have to defend) the term itself becomes irrelevant. So sure rocks and unicorns and babies are all "atheists". Why not? And yet they continue to assert their own atheism it as if it represents some great wisdom and truth on their part. It's ridiculous.
That comment was ridiculous. It's pure deflection and straw manning. The atheist doesn't need to defend his beyond pointing out that there is insufficient reason to believe in gods. You seem to be unable to understand that and keep insisting that atheists are hiding their true beliefs from you and deflecting with word games. And you are apparently incapable of thinking about atheists except in demeaning terms. That's all you, amigo. You've become an atheophobic bigot, and you exert a tremendous amount of energy trying to depict them as morally and intellectually bankrupt. That's projecting (see below).
No one here is asking for any evidence. They're just asking for another excuse to insult and dismiss anyone that dares to reject their BS.
As @ChristineM suggested, this is also projection. This describes YOU. You're here insulting others for daring to reject your unevidenced, defamatory claims about what atheists believe and how they behave. We saw a great illustration of deflection in the news recently. This is how we know that Trump finally understands that it is HE that is headed for oblivion:

TRUMP RAGES AND WARNS THAT A TUMBLE INTO OBLIVION IS COMING SOON Over the weekend, Donald Trump’s fury ratcheted to new heights, and he found himself raging and ranting on Truth Social Donald Trump Rages on Truth and Promises Tumble into 'Oblivion'

This is how you appear to others here. Two of now have told you that explicitly in the last 24 hours. And I've pointed out your bigotry for atheists, and called that projection as well, a displacing of a dysphoric idea about unbelief from self to others. I assume that whenever you evade such comments, that it's for the reason that you consider it in your interest to just hope those words go away and are forgotten if you ignore them. Can you confirm or rebut that, and by rebut, I mean present a falsifying counterargument and not just an expression of dissent with or without some belief you hold that fails to contradict? Rhetorical question. You're "debating" habits don't generally include rebuttal, and you rarely provide any kind of responsive reply better than unsupported angry comments like the above. Who are you really angry at and for what?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If you were able to give any evidence for God, I would do that.
If Quran has evidence, you have never pointed to it. Kindly tell me of that.
Again, what evidence do you have for it?
Yeah, 'Lolita' also is for all of mankind. Anyone can read it.
I have read Quran and I still do not believe in any supernatural, God or soul. Kindly tell me as to how I can detect my soul or your God?
I do not care about "the argument from your God's vision'. Tell me of any argument 'from my vision'.
You've seen me present this evidence over the years. I can't force you to accept to it.


Be your own guru
No, I have not. I do not think other members of the forum also have not seen any evidence for God or soul or for Muhammad being the messenger of God. Quoting Quran, the views of 7th Century Arabian tribals, does not impress me because I do not take it as any God's word. Come up with just one to establish your statement.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
No, I have not. I do not think other members of the forum also have not seen any evidence for God or soul or for Muhammad being the messenger of God. Quoting Quran or Bible does not impress us because we do not take it as any God's word. Come up with just one to establish your statement.
This is one argument for God I've made which I believe the Quran makes as well: Why our existence is contingent on God's judgment and sight.


Be your own guru
Why our existence is contingent on God's judgment and sight. Without any light from God and his witness of the time, we would be totally clueless to who we are. I would say also we rely on God's light and judgment to know ourselves. It's God's light that makes us to some degree know ourselves but reality no one knows anyone no matter how good or how evil but God himself.
It's this reality, that we can only be known to God the Perfect judge, that to me is the strongest way to remind yourself of God's existence.
You cannot do without his sight.
Even souls that are totally pure and holy, his chosen ones, ..
In short, the value aspect of who we are, proves God exists, because it needs his vision and judgment to have accurate reality.

God's light, Gods judgement? What you say is immaterial. I am not asking for your views. I am asking for evidence for what you are saying.
Where is God's light? Is it available in the market? And God has no role in judgment in India. We have our various courts.
You have not yet proved your reality.
I know exactly as to who I am. I am a bundle of molecules while I live.
You do not even know whether God is God or evil, but you are making him the perfect judge. We in India, do not appoint people with shady past as judges.
My eyes are not 20/20 at my age, but I can still work on a computer comfortably. I do not need God's eyes.
Do you mean your visible and (the Ghayaba) imams? Well, I do not believe in these superstitions.
I am a bundle of Molecules, that does not prove existence of God, Soul or that Muhammad was a messenger of any God.
Link, write something sensible.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
God's light, Gods judgement? What you say is immaterial. I am not asking for your views. I am asking for evidence for what you are saying.
Where is God's light? Is it available in the market? And God has no role in judgment in India. We have our various courts.
You have not yet proved your reality.
I know exactly as to who I am. I am a bundle of molecules while I live.
You do not even know whether God is God or evil, but you are making him the perfect judge. We in India, do not appoint people with shady past as judges.
My eyes are not 20/20 at my age, but I can still work on a computer comfortably. I do not need God's eyes.
Do you mean your visible and (the Ghayaba) imams? Well, I do not believe in these superstitions.
I am a bundle of Molecules, that does not prove existence of God, Soul or that Muhammad was a messenger of any God.
Link, write something sensible.
Either your brain judgment assess part of you (your value part with respect to deeds) and assigns you the accurate value or something beyond that. I don't think the brain can assess perfectly who you are, only God can. If you believe you are only molecules, yes molecules don't need God to judge them if purely material. But if their idea/word type reality to who you and you surely know there is, then brain can't generate that program and judge it perfectly at the same time. It just can't. It doesn't start off knowing everything about morality, but in fact, tries to learn about it. While God knows morality through and through and alone can judge you.

It's obvious fact that you exist in a perfect judgment or who you are as far value goes would be a complete illusion.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Everyone starts out atheist. It's the epistemic default.
Most people start out following the belief of their parents.
God made me an atheist.
Actually I seriously agree. Being an atheist is for some a very important stage. That stage taught me to question claims. So when I read this from Rabbi Noach Weinberg, I think "yes, of course that's true" "Beware of any system which discourages questioning. Anyone who stifles questions is afraid that it could uncover the falseness of the beliefs."


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Most people start out following the belief of their parents.

Actually I seriously agree. Being an atheist is for some a very important stage. That stage taught me to question claims. So when I read this from Rabbi Noach Weinberg, I think "yes, of course that's true" "Beware of any system which discourages questioning. Anyone who stifles questions is afraid that it could uncover the falseness of the beliefs."
I agree with you. Except I would say the questions has to have motive of learning and leave some possibility that there is an answer to their question, that they might be missing something in their confusion. If it's purely for seeking fault, with no intention of learning, the answers will harm the soul asking even if they are the truth. They will rapidly in haste ask questions, not seeking answers, but just to think they are unanswered. I been there with Quran where I found 28 issues. I argued with people about them. Even though the replied correctly on a lot, I was determined that there were no answers to these problems and so I asked to prove them wrong.

This is okay in some context, but in some context, there is no way you can help someone who asks question in haste and seeks to not know the truth.

I know what you said accounts for this, but I wanted to clarify, there is two type of questioning. I know you meant in the right intention.