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What proof do you have of God?


Well-Known Member
Unless you can show (and you can't) that if God exists then evil wouldn't, this is a meaningless contention.

I don't really have to show nothing. I have faith it goes my way. And that's enough. (sarcasm)

At least with God these wrongs eventually get made right.

How dare you discredit all those who have fought to resolve those bad situations? The credit goes to them, not to your nonexistent God.

In a Godless system all that can be said is oh well and justice is never achieved. In fact it can't be shown without God that what you call evil actually is evil. Without God what can you say that proves what happens to children in sweat shops is actually wrong? Good luck. In fact evil has no ultimate meaning at all without a higher standard. NEXT

So God is just a lie, an invented "higher standard" created in order to distinguish good and evil. I agree!

But to be honest. I live a godless life, with godless morals. And I still consider myself a good person, I still can distinguish good actions from bad actions. And I do not need God to justify my love and kindness. You're the one who has to borrow from the Bible bases to act morally, your goodness is false and copied, not an idea thought up by yourself. You're the one with the problem.


Active Member
I have the Proof. I can present it here at anytime. It is a statement that unlocks the entire Ghita, Torah, Bible, and Qur'aan. It is the simplest program that unlocks all knowledge and the easiest the human mind can understand. All understanding of scripture collapses in its presence when it is unveiled. Who wish to challenge this? In just the first five lines of the Torah see for yourself what few have seen in thousands of years; from before the origin to the beginning and beyond. Nothing you could ever have imagined about scripture right before your eyes. See how your mind declares to you who the author is. Who is out there who will put me to this challenge? al-amiyr


Active Member
Go ahead.
A Thread has been created:

The Proof: From The Hidden Book In The Divine Scriptures


I don't really have to show nothing. I have faith it goes my way. And that's enough. (sarcasm)
That is your right. However the stakes are too high for me to adopt a faith that does not have suffecient support as you have done. You may have faith that God does not exist but that faith is not supported by any evidence concerning this calim we were discussing.

How dare you discredit all those who have fought to resolve those bad situations? The credit goes to them, not to your nonexistent God.
What are you talking about? It is only the assumption that things are actually right or wrong (that is only possible with God) that suffeciently justify any action at all. Dawkins admitted this when he said that with evolution only, it can't be said whether what Hitler did was actully wrong. You can't justify the cost in lives needed to stop Hitler without an appeal to a absolute standard. That is why every great undertaking to stop evil is always justified by the assertion of objective standards and God is referenced time and again to give the actions meaning and validity. Atheists who do good things do them based on moral codes that atheism can't justify. As the great philosopher Ravi Zacharias said. Atheists can do any good act they choose to however they must smuggle in concepts that only have justification in God because their world view has no suffecient justification for actuall right and wrong. We could stop something but we could never actually say it was wrong in the first place without a higher standard to compare it to.

So God is just a lie, an invented "higher standard" created in order to distinguish good and evil. I agree!
When you must purposely distort another persons position in order to be able to respond has anything worth while been accomplished. This is a desperate and meaningless response.

But to be honest. I live a godless life, with godless morals. And I still consider myself a good person, I still can distinguish good actions from bad actions. And I do not need God to justify my love and kindness. You're the one who has to borrow from the Bible bases to act morally, your goodness is false and copied, not an idea thought up by yourself. You're the one with the problem.
You may certainly meet the human standards of a good moral person, you just can't justify it in a meaningful way without borrowing from God. There is no way to know a line is crooked unless a straght one exists to compare it with. As Kant said in the quotation "Out of the crooked timber of humanity no straight thing was ever made" we must look else where for a suffecient standard by which to justify morality.


Well-Known Member
That is your right. However the stakes are too high for me to adopt a faith that does not have suffecient support

*Sees your "christian" title* Oh gosh.

You may have faith that God does not exist but that faith is not supported by any evidence concerning this calim we were discussing.

Oh and your faith is supported by evidence? Oh.... Ok



What are you talking about? It is only the assumption that things are actually right or wrong (that is only possible with God) that suffeciently justify any action at all. Dawkins admitted this when he said that with evolution only, it can't be said whether what Hitler did was actully wrong.


Well... Just pointing that evolution is a theory regarding the origin of the different species that populate this planet. So of course can not be used to say if Hitler is a good person or not.

You can't justify the cost in lives needed to stop Hitler without an appeal to a absolute standard. That is why every great undertaking to stop evil is always justified by the assertion of objective standards and God is referenced time and again to give the actions meaning and validity. Atheists who do good things do them based on moral codes that atheism can't justify. As the great philosopher Ravi Zacharias said. Atheists can do any good act they choose to however they must smuggle in concepts that only have justification in God because their world view has no suffecient justification for actuall right and wrong. We could stop something but we could never actually say it was wrong in the first place without a higher standard to compare it to.

Morality and ethics existed long before Jesus was born. So your religion-morality correlation is just a sad falacy. Plus even animals are moral, if you have a dog, you can probably tell that he knows when he has done something wrong or right, and I don't think your dog has read the Bible.

Most mammals and birds know that fighting is wrong, killing is wrong (maybe with the exception of the prey), and stealing is wrong. And this has a very simple explanation: they realize it is a painful experiencie to be hit, to have someone killed, or to be robbed, so, even if they do this things to survive, they usually try to go unnoticed when doing them, because they know this will make other individuals angry. You don't need the Bible in order to distinguish what is right or wrong, you only need intelligence.

You may certainly meet the human standards of a good moral person, you just can't justify it in a meaningful way without borrowing from God. There is no way to know a line is crooked unless a straght one exists to compare it with. As Kant said in the quotation "Out of the crooked timber of humanity no straight thing was ever made" we must look else where for a suffecient standard by which to justify morality.

Whatever is my standard, it is certainly not borrowed from the Bible. I know what can hurt me, so I know what can or may hurt other people. That's everything I need to be a good person. And this is a concept brought up by myself. I don't need to copy some morality code written on an ancient book, I think by myself.

PS: Now that you mention the Bible, I didn't read the book, but as far as I know, God killed his own son leting romans torture him to death. So I wouldn't like any morality written on your holy book, thnks.
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*Sees your "christian" title* Oh gosh.
This wasn't coherent enough to allow for a replie.

Oh and your faith is supported by evidence? Oh.... Ok
Are you going to debate or just make negative comments? There is more textual evidence for Christ than any other figure in ancient history. The biblical text is better attested than any other text in ancient history. Simon Greenleaf the greatest expert on evidence in human history said the evidence contained in the bible meets every standard of modern law. So yes I have evidence what you got besides pointless commentary, incoherent replies, and emoticons?

Well... Just pointing that evolution is a theory regarding the origin of the different species that populate this planet. So of course can not be used to say if Hitler is a good person or not.
If it is this limited why are it's adherents using it for everything from generating explenations of morality to proving God does not exist. I have heard both of those from many of the top evolutionary debaters of the day. Double standards are pathetic. Evolution can explain anything but things that are unflattering. If it wasn't a meaningfull issue then why did he state it. He believes in atheistic evolution. It is all there is to produce morals and he even states it does so unless it is an inconvenient moral implication. I am starting to doubt your ability to competantly debate the issue.

Morality and ethics existed long before Jesus was born. So your religion-morality correlation is just a sad falacy. Plus even animals are moral, if you have a dog, you can probably tell that he knows when he has done something wrong or right, and I don't think your dog has read the Bible.
Post the statement where I said morality was introduced by Jesus. In fact morality preceeded man. Morality was given in the form of our God given concience which defies explenation outside God. However many morals are missing in Godless societies through out history. You will not find compassion in the great Greek philosophers lists of attributes. In fact Greece and much of pagan Rome considered it a fault. That is what allowed the murder of sick babies at birth which is another implication that is consistent with evolution.

Most mammals and birds know that fighting is wrong, killing is wrong (maybe with the exception of the prey), and stealing is wrong. And this has a very simple explanation: they realize it is a painful experiencie to be hit, to have someone killed, or to be robbed, so, even if they do this things to survive, they usually try to go unnoticed when doing them, because they know this will make other individuals angry. You don't need the Bible in order to distinguish what is right or wrong, you only need intelligence.
Prove a Baboon believes stealing his pack leaders position and mate is wrong. Actually I agree to an extent but a better explenation is a primative God given concience. How would morality be genetically transferred?

Whatever is my standard, it is certainly not borrowed from the Bible. I know what can hurt me, so I know what can or may hurt other people. That's everything I need to be a good person. And this is a concept brought up by myself. I don't need to copy some morality code written on an ancient book, I think by myself.
Yes some of your standards are from Christianity. Western society is based on Israel, Athens, and maybe Rome somewhat. Everything we drew from them has been incorporated into the learning experience of every child growing up here. It is unavoidable. It can even be proven but it takes time.

PS: Now that you mention the Bible, I didn't read the book, but as far as I know, God killed his own son leting romans torture him to death. So I wouldn't like any morality written on your holy book, thnks.
The obsurdity that drives critics to corrupt things they do not understand is amazing. We give metals to and respect above all other people who practice self sacrifice. There are museum, awards, prizes, and books given for acts that invloved one person suffering for the sake of another. Your perversion of the greatest example of that noble and revered idea in human history is an example of a bias so rampant as to be almost incomprahensable. God did not force anything. Jesus volunteered to rescue us. Even he said he could call down thousands of legions of angels and wipe them all out but he chose based on love so pure it has no parallel to provide what we can't. And the response is to make the greatest act of compassion in human experience into a detestable event has left me almost speech less. You can deny it's reality but it's meaning and motivation are unassailable.


Well-Known Member
Are you going to debate or just make negative comments? There is more textual evidence for Christ than any other figure in ancient history. The biblical text is better attested than any other text in ancient history. Simon Greenleaf the greatest expert on evidence in human history said the evidence contained in the bible meets every standard of modern law. So yes I have evidence what you got besides pointless commentary, incoherent replies, and emoticons?

Sorry but we have a different understanding of what an evidence actually is. To me, a two thousand year old book riddled with inconstatable myths, is not an evidence of any kind.

If it is this limited why are it's adherents using it for everything from generating explenations of morality to proving God does not exist. I have heard both of those from many of the top evolutionary debaters of the day. Double standards are pathetic. Evolution can explain anything but things that are unflattering. If it wasn't a meaningfull issue then why did he state it. He believes in atheistic evolution. It is all there is to produce morals and he even states it does so unless it is an inconvenient moral implication. I am starting to doubt your ability to competantly debate the issue.

Again, to say that evolution is a moral code is in the best case, a supreme foolishness. And I'm sure that no scientist has said something similar. And if he did, either he is a very bad scientist, or you've understood him spectacularly wrong.

Post the statement where I said morality was introduced by Jesus. In fact morality preceeded man. Morality was given in the form of our God given concience which defies explenation outside God. However many morals are missing in Godless societies through out history. You will not find compassion in the great Greek philosophers lists of attributes. In fact Greece and much of pagan Rome considered it a fault. That is what allowed the murder of sick babies at birth which is another implication that is consistent with evolution.

Well, God can not be a synonym of morality for the simple reason that only in the Old Testament God alone killed more people than Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Satan together.

Prove a Baboon believes stealing his pack leaders position and mate is wrong. Actually I agree to an extent but a better explenation is a primative God given concience. How would morality be genetically transferred?

Animals don't need morality to be transfered, they can learn to be moral. As I said, almost every superior vertebrate know that what hurts them, hurts the others. So they actually know what is wrong and what is right. Problem is that animals struggle to survive much more than us, so they very often are forced to make "evil things" in order to survive. This happens also in our society, poor people may find themselves forced to steal in order to eat, but that doesn't mean they don't know that stealing is wrong.

Yes some of your standards are from Christianity. Western society is based on Israel, Athens, and maybe Rome somewhat. Everything we drew from them has been incorporated into the learning experience of every child growing up here. It is unavoidable. It can even be proven but it takes time.

As I said, I haven't read the Bible and I don't live on a christian country. I simply consider "wrong" the things that bother me or hurt me. So I know these things may bother/hurt those around me. This is my intelligence alone, nothing to do with my culture actually.

The obsurdity that drives critics to corrupt things they do not understand is amazing. We give metals to and respect above all other people who practice self sacrifice. There are museum, awards, prizes, and books given for acts that invloved one person suffering for the sake of another. Your perversion of the greatest example of that noble and revered idea in human history is an example of a bias so rampant as to be almost incomprahensable. God did not force anything. Jesus volunteered to rescue us. Even he said he could call down thousands of legions of angels and wipe them all out but he chose based on love so pure it has no parallel to provide what we can't. And the response is to make the greatest act of compassion in human experience into a detestable event has left me almost speech less. You can deny it's reality but it's meaning and motivation are unassailable.

So this is how the story goes:
-God needed to punish someone because of Adam's sins.
-Jesus offered voluntary.
-And God agreed to let romans kill him.
So why didn't God just forgive Adam's sins? Why would he let his OWN SON die? To say this is moral and an act of love, it's just horribly sad. God is onmipotent, God could forgive Adam in order to save his own son, but instead he chose to kill him. God is, at best, a really wicked being. No offence.


Sorry but we have a different understanding of what an evidence actually is. To me, a two thousand year old book riddled with inconstatable myths, is not an evidence of any kind.
I wouldn't believe in that book either. However the bible not being the book you described is unaffected. The bible is the most textual reliable book in ancient history by many many times over. It meets every standard of modern evidence presentation. If you want, these two claims can settle the issue if you desire resolution. If the bible be dismissed then every single other text of antiquity must be more so dismissed.

Again, to say that evolution is a moral code is in the best case, a supreme foolishness. And I'm sure that no scientist has said something similar. And if he did, either he is a very bad scientist, or you've understood him spectacularly wrong.
I would agree but in the absence of God what other force formed morality. That is why the evolutionist's have grand but incorrect theories about how evolution did form morality. There are many books on the subject. Never heard of the silly selfish gene thoery or the mutual empathy idea?

Well, God can not be a synonym of morality for the simple reason that only in the Old Testament God alone killed more people than Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Satan together.
No he did not. If you desire we can let this issue settle the question as I have recently had to show (and it is easy) that the numbers used for this claim are absolutely false. Your choice.

Animals don't need morality to be transfered, they can learn to be moral
Animals and humans exhibit morality in isolation from any teachers.

As I said, almost every superior vertebrate know that what hurts them, hurts the others. So they actually know what is wrong and what is right.
Even the terms have no ultimate meaning without God. Why would hurting another creature be wrong in any ultimate sence. Refer to Dawkins statement please.

Problem is that animals struggle to survive much more than us, so they very often are forced to make "evil things" in order to survive. This happens also in our society, poor people may find themselves forced to steal in order to eat, but that doesn't mean they don't know that stealing is wrong.
Prove wrong or evil have an absolute meaning that rises above simple preference, without God. Some cultures prefer to eat their neibors. What is appealed to to show that they are wrong without God?

As I said, I haven't read the Bible and I don't live on a christian country. I simply consider "wrong" the things that bother me or hurt me. So I know these things may bother/hurt those around me. This is my intelligence alone, nothing to do with my culture actually.
Right, so you have determined what is right and wrong by feelings. Hitler determined right and wrong the same way, cannables do so as well. Why are they wrong and you right since you both used the same standard? Feelings are about the worst foundation for morals possible.

So this is how the story goes:
-God needed to punish someone because of Adam's sins.
-Jesus offered voluntary.
-And God agreed to let romans kill him.
So why didn't God just forgive Adam's sins? Why would he let his OWN SON die? To say this is moral and an act of love, it's just horribly sad. God is onmipotent, God could forgive Adam in order to save his own son, but instead he chose to kill him. God is, at best, a really wicked being. No offence.
Sin creates debt. This is apparent in every court system is every country. Adam did not have anything that would compensate for his debt. No one does and so the benevolent God supplied it himself. There was more love demonstrated by Jesus' self sacrifice than any unjust act of hand waiving sin away. Sin is terrible, it is diabolical. It can't be wished away. We give medals for lesser acts of what you call wicked. You must have missed this:
The obsurdity that drives critics to corrupt things they do not understand is amazing. We give metals to and respect above all others, people who practice self sacrifice. There are museum, awards, prizes, and books given for acts that invloved one person suffering for the sake of another. Your perversion of the greatest example of that noble and revered idea in human history is an example of a bias so rampant as to be almost incomprahensable. And the response is to make the greatest act of compassion in human experience into a detestable event has left me almost speech less. You can deny it's reality but it's meaning and motivation are unassailable
Someone is doing his own thing here. In fact self sacrifice is the most profound, obvious, and valued expresion of love in human existance. That is true even if God did not exist (actually that's not correct, it would be true even if every one claimed he didn't exist).
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Rogue Theologian
Sorry to interrupt.....from another thread moments ago....
I quote myself....
Proof and evidence are not the same thing.

The stars above, the earth and all of it's wonder.....
and all of this...including you...is just one huge accident?
An accident?... that holds itself together with such incredible repeat
and at the same time revolves about random events.

The evidence is all around you in huge quantity.
The 'proving' however will never be delivered.
No photo, no fingerprint, no equation, no experimental results.

You just have to think about it.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't believe in that book either. However the bible not being the book you described is unaffected. The bible is the most textual reliable book in ancient history by many many times over. It meets every standard of modern evidence presentation. If you want, these two claims can settle the issue if you desire resolution. If the bible be dismissed then every single other text of antiquity must be more so dismissed.

There’s no way to tell what in the Bible (which is actually a collection of books randomly grouped) is factual or fictious. The Bible is meant to have a theological meaning, so those who wrote the book didn’t bother if it was historical or not. You can rely on the Bible if you want, I will not.

I would agree but in the absence of God what other force formed morality. That is why the evolutionist's have grand but incorrect theories about how evolution did form morality. There are many books on the subject. Never heard of the silly selfish gene thoery or the mutual empathy idea?

Well, if you are simply saying that evolution may be responsible of the basic sense of morality all superior animals present. Then yes, it probably is. Morality may be very advantageous for example in social animals, so it wouldn’t impress me that evolution has something to do with it.

No he did not. If you desire we can let this issue settle the question as I have recently had to show (and it is easy) that the numbers used for this claim are absolutely false. Your choice.

Well, it is your choice to believe it or not. I’ve seen those Bible passages.

Animals and humans exhibit morality in isolation from any teachers.

When I said “they can learn to be moral”, I wasn’t implying that they need a teacher. The only thing they need is enough intelligence to come to this: “well this hurts me, so it may hurt the others”.

Even the terms have no ultimate meaning without God. Why would hurting another creature be wrong in any ultimate sence. Refer to Dawkins statement please.

What’s an “ultimate sense”? There’s plenty of reasons, even from an evolutionary perspective, of why hurting another creature could be the wrong thing to do.

Prove wrong or evil have an absolute meaning that rises above simple preference, without God. Some cultures prefer to eat their neibors. What is appealed to to show that they are wrong without God?

Ironically, most cannibals eat their neighbors because of religious reasons. So to name God is not a good idea to defend your stance.

Right, so you have determined what is right and wrong by feelings. Hitler determined right and wrong the same way, cannables do so as well. Why are they wrong and you right since you both used the same standard? Feelings are about the worst foundation for morals possible.

Hitler was crazy, I’m not. Hitler was a bigot, and I am not. The Inquisition killed thousands of people in the name of God. Those were moral actions for them. Yet they believed in the same God you do.

Feelings are necessary for the foundation of morals, as it is reason. But religion? Religion is completely out of the equation. When you see your Holy Book as a moral guide, you end up stoning women or burning witches. NO THANKS.

Sin creates debt. This is apparent in every court system is every country. Adam did not have anything that would compensate for his debt. No one does and so the benevolent God supplied it himself. There was more love demonstrated by Jesus' self sacrifice than any unjust act of hand waiving sin away. Sin is terrible, it is diabolical. It can't be wished away. We give medals for lesser acts of what you call wicked. You must have missed this: Someone is doing his own thing here. In fact self sacrifice is the most profound, obvious, and valued expresion of love in human existance. That is true even if God did not exist (actually that's not correct, it would be true even if every one claimed he didn't exist).

Sorry but that God needed his son's death to atone for the sins of Adam, shows how cruel and pathetically weak this God is.


There’s no way to tell what in the Bible (which is actually a collection of books randomly grouped) is factual or fictious. The Bible is meant to have a theological meaning, so those who wrote the book didn’t bother if it was historical or not. You can rely on the Bible if you want, I will not.
The historical method applies to the bible's 25,000 verified historical claims just the same as it does to any other book. That fact you do not like it does not mean any of what you claim here is true.

Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1901), English scholar who was appointed regius professor at Cambridge in 1870, said: "Indeed, taking all the evidence together, it is not too much to say that there is no historic incident better or more variously supported than the resurrection of Christ. Nothing but the antecedent assumption that it must be false could have suggested the idea of deficiency in the proof of if."
Clifford Herschel Moore, professor at Harvard University, well said, "Christianity knew its Saviour and REdeemer not as some god whose history was contained in a mythical faith, with rude, primitive, and even offensive elements...Jesus was a historical not a mythical being. No remote or foul myth obtruded itself of the Christian believer; his faith was founded on positive, historical, and acceptable facts."
Benjamin Warfield of Princeton expressed in his article, "The Resurrection of Christ an Historical Fact, Evinced by Eye-Witnesses": On the other hand the Resurrection of Christ is a fact, an external occurrence within the cognizance of man, to be established by other testimonies and yet which is the cardinal doctrine of our system: on it all other doctrines hand."
Armand Nicholi, of Harvard Medical School, speaks of J. N. D. Anderson as "...a scholar of international repute and one eminently qualified to deal with the subject of evidence. He is one of the world's leading authorities on Islamic law...He is dean of the faculty of law in the University of London, chairman of the department of Oriental law at the School of Oriental and African Studies, and director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in the University of London."
This outstanding British scholar who is today influential in the field of international jurisprudence says: "The evidence for the historical basis of the Christian faith, for the essential validity of the New Testament witness to the person and teaching of Christ Himself, for the fact and significance of His atoning death, and for the historicity of the empty tomb and the apostolic testimony to the resurrection, is such as to provide an adequate foundation for the venture of faith."

Evidence That Demands a Verdict - Ch. 10 p. 2
How many highly respected scholars of history and evidence dissagreeing with you do you require before you abandon this inaccurate claim?

Well, if you are simply saying that evolution may be responsible of the basic sense of morality all superior animals present. Then yes, it probably is. Morality may be very advantageous for example in social animals, so it wouldn’t impress me that evolution has something to do with it.
Yesy that is what I have always been saying as well as the evolutionists, however you conclusion does not follow from your premise.

Well, it is your choice to believe it or not. I’ve seen those Bible passages.
Are you refusing the challenge? I have noticed that most bible critics so value the contention that allows dismissal that any hint at actually resulving the issue causes panic and misdirection to avoid any resolution that challenges their conforte zone. I prefer to pick a few things and reach a conclusion than to throw a hundred surface contentions around that justify what I wanted to believe anyway and refuse to resolve any of them. To give truth to one who loves it not only increases the opportunity for contention.

When I said “they can learn to be moral”, I wasn’t implying that they need a teacher. The only thing they need is enough intelligence to come to this: “well this hurts me, so it may hurt the others”.
Most morals have nothing to do with pain.

What’s an “ultimate sense”? There’s plenty of reasons, even from an evolutionary perspective, of why hurting another creature could be the wrong thing to do.
Then you would have shown them. There is no way to say any action is actually wrong. You can say you do not prefer it and that as far as you can go.

Ironically, most cannibals eat their neighbors because of religious reasons. So to name God is not a good idea to defend your stance.
This appeal to the obsurd is incorrect. They justify their actions the same way you do by preference and feeling.

Hitler was crazy, I’m not. Hitler was a bigot, and I am not. The Inquisition killed thousands of people in the name of God. Those were moral actions for them. Yet they believed in the same God you do.
No they were not moral. In Christianity but not in your system there is an absolute standard to define what is wrong and what is right. What the inquisiter's did is condemned by the bible so it has nothing to do with God or the bible. However Hitler said he justified his racial purity crap by evolution as can clearly be seen by the title of: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.
On the Origin of Species - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He was in fact acting consistent with evolution and the inquisiters were acting inconsistently with Christ.

Feelings are necessary for the foundation of morals, as it is reason. But religion? Religion is completely out of the equation. When you see your Holy Book as a moral guide, you end up stoning women or burning witches. NO THANKS.
My bible does not allow, it in fact prevents me from stoning or burning anyone. Your attributing the actions of lunatics who said they were Christian's to Christianity is a fallacy. If I went out and killed someone and said I did it in the name of otokage007 would you accept responsability? Of course not. Double standards reveal an unsupportable position. Feelings and emotions are universally known to be erratic unpredictable and irrational. They are responsible for a great portion of the immorality that exists. A better foundation for morality is needed and the bible provides it. If fact I heard a debate where when the atheist said feelings justified his morals the audience laughed. His opponent told him some cultures love their neibors on the basis of feelings and some eat each on based on feelings and he asked him if he a preference.

Sorry but that God needed his son's death to atone for the sins of Adam, shows how cruel and pathetically weak this God is.
There is one thing that frustrates me more than anything else in these discussions. The adoption of a claim that is opposed by every scrap of data available but is however put forward as fact on the basis of preference. If you love your position so much that all the reality in the world has no effect on it then why bother dicussing it. It is especially frustrating when the time is taken to show that in every instance known self sacrifice is viewed as the greatest expression of love known. There are statues, medals, museums, books, and buildings that were onctructed as monuments for acts of self sacrifice. Name me one other type of act that has been more commemorater in human history. If you are confortable with calling up - down and left - right to hang on to a pre commitment then that is your right but wasting time discussing something you have no interest in or value information about is meaningless.


Well-Known Member
The historical method applies to the bible's 25,000 verified historical claims just the same as it does to any other book. That fact you do not like it does not mean any of what you claim here is true.
Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1901), English scholar who was appointed regius professor at Cambridge in 1870, said: "Indeed, taking all the evidence together, it is not too much to say that there is no historic incident better or more variously supported than the resurrection of Christ. Nothing but the antecedent assumption that it must be false could have suggested the idea of deficiency in the proof of if."
Clifford Herschel Moore, professor at Harvard University, well said, "Christianity knew its Saviour and REdeemer not as some god whose history was contained in a mythical faith, with rude, primitive, and even offensive elements...Jesus was a historical not a mythical being. No remote or foul myth obtruded itself of the Christian believer; his faith was founded on positive, historical, and acceptable facts."
Benjamin Warfield of Princeton expressed in his article, "The Resurrection of Christ an Historical Fact, Evinced by Eye-Witnesses": On the other hand the Resurrection of Christ is a fact, an external occurrence within the cognizance of man, to be established by other testimonies and yet which is the cardinal doctrine of our system: on it all other doctrines hand."
Armand Nicholi, of Harvard Medical School, speaks of J. N. D. Anderson as "...a scholar of international repute and one eminently qualified to deal with the subject of evidence. He is one of the world's leading authorities on Islamic law...He is dean of the faculty of law in the University of London, chairman of the department of Oriental law at the School of Oriental and African Studies, and director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in the University of London."
This outstanding British scholar who is today influential in the field of international jurisprudence says: "The evidence for the historical basis of the Christian faith, for the essential validity of the New Testament witness to the person and teaching of Christ Himself, for the fact and significance of His atoning death, and for the historicity of the empty tomb and the apostolic testimony to the resurrection, is such as to provide an adequate foundation for the venture of faith."

Evidence That Demands a Verdict - Ch. 10 p. 2
How many highly respected scholars of history and evidence dissagreeing with you do you require before you abandon this inaccurate claim?

Those “”””evidences”””” about the resurrection of Christ are nothing compared to the millions of millions of billions of evidences that prove that spontaneous resurrection of a person is impossible.

Yesy that is what I have always been saying as well as the evolutionists, however you conclusion does not follow from your premise.

I simply don’t understand your point. Feel free to elaborate a little more.

Are you refusing the challenge? I have noticed that most bible critics so value the contention that allows dismissal that any hint at actually resulving the issue causes panic and misdirection to avoid any resolution that challenges their conforte zone. I prefer to pick a few things and reach a conclusion than to throw a hundred surface contentions around that justify what I wanted to believe anyway and refuse to resolve any of them. To give truth to one who loves it not only increases the opportunity for contention.

What are you talking about? Again I simply don’t understand what u are saying. Maybe my bad english skills :/

Most morals have nothing to do with pain.

I think one of the basic purposes of morality is to prevent people from hurting each other.

Then you would have shown them. There is no way to say any action is actually wrong. You can say you do not prefer it and that as far as you can go.

Call it whatever you want, if don’t want to use the word “wrong” due to its high subjective connotations, don’t use it. And yes, there’s evolutionary advantages of being moral, to know that kill, rape, or steal, are “wrong”, will be very useful to you if you live in society. The same goes to a lot of animals. If they do these kind of things, they better do them when unnoticed, or they will probably pay consequences.

This appeal to the obsurd is incorrect. They justify their actions the same way you do by preference and feeling.

You're entitled to your wrong opinion. :shrug:

No they were not moral. In Christianity but not in your system there is an absolute standard to define what is wrong and what is right. What the inquisiter's did is condemned by the bible so it has nothing to do with God or the bible. However Hitler said he justified his racial purity crap by evolution as can clearly be seen by the title of: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.
On the Origin of Species - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He was in fact acting consistent with evolution and the inquisiters were acting inconsistently with Christ.

Hitler killing Jews or ill people was certainly not natural selection. You should do some research about what the word “natural” means. And I tell you again, that the Theory of Evolution, part of the book “The Origin of Man” has nothing to do with morals. You can buy the book and see for yourself. It is not a Bible, it doesn’t try to be a moral code and there’s nothing there about morality.

And according to the Old Testament, inquisiters didn’t do anything God wouldn’t do himself.

My bible does not allow, it in fact prevents me from stoning or burning anyone. Your attributing the actions of lunatics who said they were Christian's to Christianity is a fallacy. If I went out and killed someone and said I did it in the name of otokage007 would you accept responsability? Of course not. Double standards reveal an unsupportable position. Feelings and emotions are universally known to be erratic unpredictable and irrational. They are responsible for a great portion of the immorality that exists. A better foundation for morality is needed and the bible provides it. If fact I heard a debate where when the atheist said feelings justified his morals the audience laughed. His opponent told him some cultures love their neibors on the basis of feelings and some eat each on based on feelings and he asked him if he a preference.

Sorry but pre-abrahamic civilizations were still moral. Your book means nothing to anyone but christians regarding morality. And even with that, there’s still plenty of christian rapists and assassins, drug addicts, pedophiles, etc. So I fear your book prevents nothing.

There is one thing that frustrates me more than anything else in these discussions. The adoption of a claim that is opposed by every scrap of data available but is however put forward as fact on the basis of preference. If you love your position so much that all the reality in the world has no effect on it then why bother dicussing it. It is especially frustrating when the time is taken to show that in every instance known self sacrifice is viewed as the greatest expression of love known. There are statues, medals, museums, books, and buildings that were onctructed as monuments for acts of self sacrifice. Name me one other type of act that has been more commemorater in human history. If you are confortable with calling up - down and left - right to hang on to a pre commitment then that is your right but wasting time discussing something you have no interest in or value information about is meaningless.

I hold my position.


Those “”””evidences”””” about the resurrection of Christ are nothing compared to the millions of millions of billions of evidences that prove that spontaneous resurrection of a person is impossible.
There is not a single scrap of scientific evidence that has any bearing on whether God can resurrect someone or not. How many millions of claims made by competent authorities in the past have been overturned. In the 80s a group of the top weather scientists in the world got together and presented the UN with a paper that declared global cooling was going to kill us all. Regardless science has no ability to address supernatural issues. It has a checkered record concerning science.

I simply don’t understand your point. Feel free to elaborate a little more.
Your conclusion that evolution would produce what we observe in the way of morals is not based on valid data.

What are you talking about? Again I simply don’t understand what u are saying. Maybe my bad english skills :/
Actually my typeing leaves a lot to be desired. I said in the previous to the last post if you wanted to use the contention you claimed was proof that the bible was false then we could do so. Every time an actuall claim is put to the test 1 of 3 things are done by a bible critic. 1. They divert the discussion and avoid the test. 2. They allow it until they are very close to being shown to be irretrievably wrong and they dissapear. 3. They do not allow even the simplest most obvious conclusion to be reached that would challenge their claim. They would say 2 + 2 = 4 is not correct if it proved them wrong.

I think one of the basic purposes of morality is to prevent people from hurting each other.
That would be included I would agree but that leaves many more issues concerning morality unaddressed.

Call it whatever you want, if don’t want to use the word “wrong” due to its high subjective connotations, don’t use it. And yes, there’s evolutionary advantages of being moral, to know that kill, rape, or steal, are “wrong”, will be very useful to you if you live in society. The same goes to a lot of animals. If they do these kind of things, they better do them when unnoticed, or they will probably pay consequences.
Let me put this another way. In evolution there is a very very great advantage to a group to wipe out all other competing groups that do not directly benefit them. That is why population control by euthenasia, the execution of people who no longer contribute, genetic experimentation, and race supremecy are all consistent with evolution.

You're entitled to your wrong opinion
Show I am wrong or don't claim to know so.

Hitler killing Jews or ill people was certainly not natural selection
. He himself used evolutionary principles to defend his actions. He did them for other reasons but when he had to justify them only evolution could do so. Dawkins affirmed this by saying in evolution we can't condemn his actions. How much evidence is enough?

You should do some research about what the word “natural” means. And I tell you again, that the Theory of Evolution, part of the book “The Origin of Man” has nothing to do with morals. You can buy the book and see for yourself. It is not a Bible, it doesn’t try to be a moral code and there’s nothing there about morality.
It has inescapable moral implications. Evolutionists admit it, debates are held to discuss it, and you in other places admit it. To in other instances deny it is a strange habit.

And according to the Old Testament, inquisiters didn’t do anything God wouldn’t do himself.
That is not true but even if it was, Christians are not allowed to do anything God can or could for very good reasons. That's being wrong twice in one sentence. Unlike your statements calling me wrong, It is knowable and can be demonstrated.

Sorry but pre-abrahamic civilizations were still moral. Your book means nothing to anyone but christians regarding morality. And even with that, there’s still plenty of christian rapists and assassins, drug addicts, pedophiles, etc. So I fear your book prevents nothing.
God existed before Abraham. Our God given conscience existed from day one. I never even mentioned him. God grants the free will to reject and dissobey him. When I see examples of it I find no reason to doubt God, quite the opposite. The world exactly matches the bible's explenations and predictions concerning it. None of this has to do with anything I said anyway. Like I said when cornered diversion is necessary. There is no religion or theory that can match the bible's explanitory powerand scope concerning observed reality.

I hold my position.[/quote]


Sorry to interrupt.....from another thread moments ago....
I quote myself....
Proof and evidence are not the same thing.

The stars above, the earth and all of it's wonder.....
and all of this...including you...is just one huge accident?
An accident?... that holds itself together with such incredible repeat
and at the same time revolves about random events.

The evidence is all around you in huge quantity.
The 'proving' however will never be delivered.
No photo, no fingerprint, no equation, no experimental results.

You just have to think about it.

This line of reasoning for the existence of god has always been somewhat humorous to me. Theists want to point at the universe and say "see, isn't it grand? It's so beautiful and wondrous. How could it not have been created?" as if this is some sort of evidence for the existence of god. It's not random chance or complete chaos that brought all of this about, but it's not by design, either. The existence of one thing does not necessarily imply the existence of something else, especially when logic and reason can summarily show that the first thing, the thing that does exist, exists primarily from other reasons, other than the second thing, which may or may not exist.


Well-Known Member
There is not a single scrap of scientific evidence that has any bearing on whether God can resurrect someone or not. How many millions of claims made by competent authorities in the past have been overturned. In the 80s a group of the top weather scientists in the world got together and presented the UN with a paper that declared global cooling was going to kill us all. Regardless science has no ability to address supernatural issues. It has a checkered record concerning science.

Untill scientists demonstrate a person can be resurrected. I will remain skeptical.

Your conclusion that evolution would produce what we observe in the way of morals is not based on valid data.

I’ve never made such a conclusion. But if I did, animals acting in a basic moral way is enough data to claim evolution may benefit moral individuals.

Actually my typeing leaves a lot to be desired. I said in the previous to the last post if you wanted to use the contention you claimed was proof that the bible was false then we could do so. Every time an actuall claim is put to the test 1 of 3 things are done by a bible critic. 1. They divert the discussion and avoid the test. 2. They allow it until they are very close to being shown to be irretrievably wrong and they dissapear. 3. They do not allow even the simplest most obvious conclusion to be reached that would challenge their claim. They would say 2 + 2 = 4 is not correct if it proved them wrong.

Ok :/

That would be included I would agree but that leaves many more issues concerning morality unaddressed.

For the last time. I don’t need the Bible to adress those issues. If you need it, then good for you. We both are not in the same boat.

Let me put this another way. In evolution there is a very very great advantage to a group to wipe out all other competing groups that do not directly benefit them.

That’s your own speculative claim. There’s no proof of such a thing. To wipe out another specie or another group of the same specie is something only humans do, not animals. To put you an example, lions and hyenas both compete for resources, but to wipe out hyenas could be catastrophical for lions, as the ecosystem in which both live could colapse and lions could become extinct as well. To say that lions would get a “very very great advantage”, would be recklessly naive.

That is why population control by euthenasia, the execution of people who no longer contribute, genetic experimentation, and race supremecy are all consistent with evolution.

I still don’t see the conection between the theory of evolution and a mad german trying to achieve a supreme race. Sorry. And btw, hitler was a roman catholic.

And did you know lots of archbishops and the pope himself, are evolutionists?

He himself used evolutionary principles to defend his actions. He did them for other reasons but when he had to justify them only evolution could do so.

Inquisiters also used God to defend their actions. As Osama Bin Laden did. So?

Dawkins affirmed this by saying in evolution we can't condemn his actions. How much evidence is enough?

Of course, because evolution is not a moral code but a nature’s law. :shrug:

It has inescapable moral implications. Evolutionists admit it, debates are held to discuss it, and you in other places admit it. To in other instances deny it is a strange habit.

To say evolution has moral implications, is the same as saying the law of gravity has moral implications. I don’t really want to discuss such a stupid thing, but you can go on if you want, i’ll try to answer. :facepalm:

That is not true but even if it was, Christians are not allowed to do anything God can or could for very good reasons. That's being wrong twice in one sentence. Unlike your statements calling me wrong, It is knowable and can be demonstrated.

Ok :sarcastic

God existed before Abraham. Our God given conscience existed from day one. I never even mentioned him. God grants the free will to reject and dissobey him. When I see examples of it I find no reason to doubt God, quite the opposite. The world exactly matches the bible's explenations and predictions concerning it. None of this has to do with anything I said anyway. Like I said when cornered diversion is necessary. There is no religion or theory that can match the bible's explanitory powerand scope concerning observed reality.

I still hold my position.


Untill scientists demonstrate a person can be resurrected. I will remain skeptical.
Skeptical is reasonable, stating it didn't happen is dishonorable.

I’ve never made such a conclusion. But if I did, animals acting in a basic moral way is enough data to claim evolution may benefit moral individuals.
You mean cat's torturing mice, lions eating thier own children, some offspring killing off their brothers and sisters, mates killing their partners after conception, and lions, tigers, hyenas, etc.... who have been known to kill continuously for pleasure. Nature is morally ambiguous.

For the last time. I don’t need the Bible to adress those issues. If you need it, then good for you. We both are not in the same boat.
The word bible or any allusion to it did not exist in my statement. Even if the bible didn't exist at all the point I made is just as valid.

That’s your own speculative claim. There’s no proof of such a thing. To wipe out another specie or another group of the same specie is something only humans do, not animals.
Hyenas have been known to wipe out their own food source, lions kill their own young to stop competition, ants treat 99% of the population like sacrificial robots. I am not sure you can meaningfully debate this subject. Your emotional precommitments seem to determine the truth as you see it not the other way around.

To put you an example, lions and hyenas both compete for resources, but to wipe out hyenas could be catastrophical for lions, as the ecosystem in which both live could colapse and lions could become extinct as well. To say that lions would get a “very very great advantage”, would be recklessly naive.
This exact dynamic has taken place over and over again. Over 90% of the earths animal kingdom is said to have become extinct before we even existed.

I still don’t see the conection between the theory of evolution and a mad german trying to achieve a supreme race. Sorry. And btw, hitler was a roman catholic.
Do you guys go to seminars and get spoon fed the same nonsence? Hitler was never a Christian, he only associated with the catholic church in an attempt to gain the influence it had. They rejected him and he spent his remaining time hating them. The title of Darwin's book alone could be used to justify Hitler, he did so many times. As well as Dawkin's statement and many others. You might as well be saying up is down again. The resistance to accept the obvious negative implications of evolution does evolutionists no good. It reduces credability. I do not reject the wars in the OT, or any other negative fact in the bible.

And did you know lots of archbishops and the pope himself, are evolutionists?
I do not think you understand my position. The bible said 4000 years ago that micro evolution was a fact. I do not even say macro evolution doesn't happen. I debate total evolution without God verses some evolution with God. There are many hurdels that evolution does not appear to be able to overcome alone like abiogenesis and higher than equilibrium complexity. As well as, the moral landscape would be drastically different with evolution alone. Regardless I do not care what a Pope thinks. They have done more damage to Christianity than all the atheist's combined.

Inquisiters also used God to defend their actions. As Osama Bin Laden did. So?
The difference is that their actions are specifically forbidden by the bible, but Hitler's actions are consistent with evolution. So we can't blame the bible when people do things it prohibits, but we can admit that evolution justifies things that are consistent with it. I regard Islam as satanic but won't elaborate here.

Of course, because evolution is not a moral code but a nature’s law.
However without God evolutionary principles are all that is left to produce morality. It has undeniable moral implications no matter how narrowly you define it.

To say evolution has moral implications, is the same as saying the law of gravity has moral implications. I don’t really want to discuss such a stupid thing, but you can go on if you want, i’ll try to answer.
Gravity did not develope our brains and has no implications that affect behavior. Evolution does, in fact a few statements previous to this you even said it did. You don't have to be right but at least be consistent.

I still hold my position.
That is your right but as the stakes don't get any higher to do so in the face of facts and evidence is a spurious action.


Well-Known Member
You mean cat's torturing mice, lions eating thier own children, some offspring killing off their brothers and sisters, mates killing their partners after conception, and lions, tigers, hyenas, etc.... who have been known to kill continuously for pleasure. Nature is morally ambiguous.

Unfortunatly, morality towards another specie is a luxury animals can not afford. Even in human species and our high developed moral values, kindness toward other species is a rare thing.

Cats torturing mice is just instinct, they can’t help but to “torture” every tiny thing they see, whether this thing is alive or not. Lions don’t eat their own children (what a nonsense), they kill the children of another male so they can copulate again with the lioness and have their own children. It is a matter of survival and raising their own biological effectiveness. And there’s almost none cases of the lion actually EATING the cubs. Mates killing their partners is also a matter of biological effectiveness, the partner rarely fight back. Animals rarely kill for pleasure, they have the opportunity to kill to eat, and that’s a lot to say because too often an animal will die of starving.

Btw I can excuse animals because they live on a world where they have to be constantly struggling to survive. You can’t expect them to be perfectly moral even if they have a basic morality. And btw, attrocities commited by humans (christians included) are far more terrible than anything u will find in the animal kingdom.

Hyenas have been known to wipe out their own food source, lions kill their own young to stop competition, ants treat 99% of the population like sacrificial robots. I am not sure you can meaningfully debate this subject. Your emotional precommitments seem to determine the truth as you see it not the other way around.

One thing is having a basic sense of morality, and another different thing is to expect a hyena to become a vegetarian. Are you just kidding? :/

I already adressed the lion’s issue.

It’s funny you mention ants, because according to yourself, self-sacrifice is the most beautiful and moral thing someone can do. You see? It’s plain normal even for ants :) But regarding to this, lots of ants are clones of the queen, the same happens with bees, that’s why they are such a perfect militar society where self-sacrifice is perfectly normal. She is just using her own clones like tools, but even those who are not clones, are willing to die. Call them patriots, not amorals.

But again, if you want to speak about amoral actions, don’t talk about animals forced to survive, because it is stupid. Talk about humans which don’t have the need to be amoral, yet they are.

This exact dynamic has taken place over and over again. Over 90% of the earths animal kingdom is said to have become extinct before we even existed.

It is more likely for a specie to become extinct because they have lost the “weapon career” against their competitors, rather than because the competitor just wiped out this specie directly. Animals don’t go to war, that’s human’s thing.

Do you guys go to seminars and get spoon fed the same nonsence? Hitler was never a Christian, he only associated with the catholic church in an attempt to gain the influence it had. They rejected him and he spent his remaining time hating them. The title of Darwin's book alone could be used to justify Hitler, he did so many times. As well as Dawkin's statement and many others. You might as well be saying up is down again. The resistance to accept the obvious negative implications of evolution does evolutionists no good. It reduces credability. I do not reject the wars in the OT, or any other negative fact in the bible.

Hitler was a roman catholic, and evolution has no negative implications per se. But people like you or Hitler can transform this theory in anything you want. :shrug:

The difference is that their actions are specifically forbidden by the bible, but Hitler's actions are consistent with evolution. So we can't blame the bible when people do things it prohibits, but we can admit that evolution justifies things that are consistent with it. I regard Islam as satanic but won't elaborate here.

In fact, Hitler’s actions aren’t consistent with evolution. If natural selection is not natural, then what Hitler did is nothing like Darwin postulates. What Hitler did is simply an artificial mess that guys like you take as a wildcard to disregard evolution because you know it is a theory that endangers your idea of God. And as you don’t have any scientific evidences against evolution, you simple use hitler. Here u have: :clap

However without God evolutionary principles are all that is left to produce morality. It has undeniable moral implications no matter how narrowly you define it.

As I said, it probably produces morality in the sense that a moral animal will probably be more succesful in a society if he’s moral. But to say evolution produces morality that makes animals wipe out those weaker than them, like Hitler did, is an utter nonsense.

PS: You should take a look to some of the stories about lioness adopting gazelles, chimps adopting orphans (which is actually a disvantageous thing to do), etc. And you could take a look also to your dog/cat, it isn't very difficult to realice they have a morality.
Last edited:


Unfortunatly, morality towards another specie is a luxury animals can not afford. Even in human species and our high developed moral values, kindness toward other species is a rare thing.
Ok, stay with me on this evolution has produced a system of morality that results in lions eating their or some other lions young, animals that torture others for fun, mates that kill their partners, perdators that over kill beyond hunger for fun, parasites suck the life out of other creatures and on and on and on.... You wish to adopt or accept this but you call the highest standard of morality in human history wicked. What a crazy world this is. The obvious fact that evolution without God would produce things that are rejected by society are why these following statements can be found in a million places:

The basic elements of natural selection are obvious and common-sense observations that had all been noted before.

So why the fury over evolution? There are a number of reasons:
  • Evolution seems cruel
  • Evolution appears purposeless
  • Evolution conflicts with religious beliefs
  • Evolution has disturbing sexual and social implications

It's one thing to speak of "Nature red in tooth and claw", or to note that most organisms are fated only to be lunch for somebody else. It's another to assert that nature was intrinsically organized that way. If the world was originally created harmonious but was corrupted somehow, cruelty and predation are explainable. On the other hand, if death, predation and parasitism are built into the biological world, indeed are the main mechanisms by which evolution proceeds, the philosophical and theological implications are troubling.
Historical Background of Evolution

Btw I can excuse animals because they live on a world where they have to be constantly struggling to survive. You can’t expect them to be perfectly moral even if they have a basic morality. And btw, attrocities commited by humans (christians included) are far more terrible than anything u will find in the animal kingdom.
Well evolution produced these greater cruelties as well, in your system.

One thing is having a basic sense of morality, and another different thing is to expect a hyena to become a vegetarian. Are you just kidding? :/
No I expect a book that accurately describes exactly what we see, it's causes, it's nature, and it's remedy should be respected as the most comprehensive theory with the greatest explanitory power in human history and not be dismissed based on preference alone.

It’s funny you mention ants, because according to yourself, self-sacrifice is the most beautiful and moral thing someone can do.
They did not choose this sacrifice it is programmed into them by your evolutionary system.

You see? It’s plain normal even for ants :) But regarding to this, lots of ants are clones of the queen, the same happens with bees, that’s why they are such a perfect militar society where self-sacrifice is perfectly normal. She is just using her own clones like tools, but even those who are not clones, are willing to die. Call them patriots, not amorals.
Those clones are destroyed as fast they can be until a new queen is needed. Have you ever read about what goes on in a hive. It is diabolical.

But again, if you want to speak about amoral actions, don’t talk about animals forced to survive, because it is stupid. Talk about humans which don’t have the need to be amoral, yet they are.
Again we have two possible explenations for this. Your system which made all this stuff happened and justifies it. Or mine that explains that it is a result of choose and our rebelious natture. Both are reasonable. I accept everything implied by mine and I bet you will do everything in your power as you have so far to dodge the implications of yours. In mine there is hope and a promise that all will be made right in the end. In yours it just keeps going and once religion is out of the way a true Orwellian evolutionary nightmare will begin an dthere only hope is in eventual heat death. There is no ultimate meaning, no ultimate purpose, no meaningfull destination, no meaningfull origin, and no justification for the most profound and cherished concepts in life. It is a series pointless, mindless, and puposeless anomalies. That does not mean it isn't true but even if it is who needs it and the fact that people PREFER to deny the system that remedies all these issues without any justification is baffleing or would be if once again the bible didn't perfectly explain why this is so.

It is more likely for a specie to become extinct because they have lost the “weapon career” against their competitors, rather than because the competitor just wiped out this specie directly. Animals don’t go to war, that’s human’s thing.
No matter what you use to dress it up every success comes at the expense of a failure that leaves massive death in it's wake. In fact if we were not so smart insects would eaten and otherwise killed us off a long time ago.

Hitler was a roman catholic, and evolution has no negative implications per se. But people like you or Hitler can transform this theory in anything you want.
I explained all this and if you think you are right and I am not then strip this mess down to this issue and let's get to a resolution point and let that settle the debate. I warn you I have recently had to do this and know what the outcome will be.

In fact, Hitler’s actions aren’t consistent with evolution. If natural selection is not natural, then what Hitler did is nothing like Darwin postulates. What Hitler did is simply an artificial mess that guys like you take as a wildcard to disregard evolution because you know it is a theory that endangers your idea of God. And as you don’t have any scientific evidences against evolution, you simple use hitler. Here u have:
See above.

As I said, it probably produces morality in the sense that a moral animal will probably be more succesful in a society if he’s moral. But to say evolution produces morality that makes animals wipe out those weaker than them, like Hitler did, is an utter nonsense.
What we term immoral actions are more benificial to individual groups in totality than moral ones.

PS: You should take a look to some of the stories about lioness adopting gazelles, chimps adopting orphans (which is actually a disvantageous thing to do), etc. And you could take a look also to your dog/cat, it isn't very difficult to realice they have a morality.
I am very well aware that benevolent actions take place in nature. They are just as justified by biblical doctrine and maybe far more so than any other theory. I have looked at cats, there is very little besides self centered (evil) in their eyes. A funny study was done recently where the put cameras on many cats and the diabolic nature of what they do is appaling. Many had two homes. They would stay at one house during the day and go live in another at night. That is funny stuff.