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What proof do you have of God?


I question everything. Do not assume to know my acceptance of knowledge.
You may question but an answer does not seem desired or actually wanted.

Unless there is absolute, unquestionable doubt of god's existence, then he does not exist.
That makes no sence and I think was a type o. Besides it is just wrong. God either exists or does not exist entirely independant of whether any one believes in him or not.

After all, if there was proof beyond a doubt, would it not be true that everyone would believe in his existence?
Double standards are useles for finding truth. Much of your everyday life is based on faith. Everyone's is. A large portion of science is actually based in faith. Yet it is only the only hope for man kind that people require absolute proof of. Strange dicotomy.


Well-Known Member
If the greatest expert on evidence in human history says it is evidence, I seriously doubt your credentials would deem your view more reliable than his. By the way even Newton believed in Christ. He wrote more on religion and with the same conviction than he did on physics.

I do not deny that Jesus probably existed. But there's a huge difference in believing Jesus existed, and believing he did miracles, God exist, and the rest of the fairy tales.

Magic and supernatural are just humans' imagination. Which is cool, but not real.


I do not deny that Jesus probably existed. But there's a huge difference in believing Jesus existed, and believing he did miracles, God exist, and the rest of the fairy tales.

Magic and supernatural are just humans' imagination. Which is cool, but not real.
I do not claim that miracles are proven but as they can't be dissproven I would appreciate the same courtesy and honor in return. You keep claiming you know things you do not. I will continue this later.


Active Member
but as they can't be dissproven

They are proven to be false when they do not occur.

The problem with believers is that they always make the claim of miracle intervention when something finally goes in their direction, but claim that god is testing them when the prayer is not answered. Yes, seems ABSOLUTELY valid to me.


It is not a double standard. Nice try, though. The fact remains that god does not exit until real proof can be provided of his existence.
I do not think you get it. By your arbitrary bogus methods then Uranus did not exist until 1781. With methods like this I do not doubt your frustration. Tell me why it is you demand proof from what only requires faith? If proof existed then faith would be pointless. The same way you and everyone else lives their life based on faith in a million things every day that have no proof.


Active Member
I do not think you get it. By your arbitrary bogus methods then Uranus did not exist until 1781.

You do not get it. Science did discover the planet. Has science discovered god? Until science does, god does not exist. That is the point. Science does not say something exists before it has proof of its existence. Science searches for the proof rather than accept something based on faith alone.


Well-Known Member
I do not think you get it. By your arbitrary bogus methods then Uranus did not exist until 1781. With methods like this I do not doubt your frustration. Tell me why it is you demand proof from what only requires faith? If proof existed then faith would be pointless. The same way you and everyone else lives their life based on faith in a million things every day that have no proof.

No one would make such a claim like Uranus doesn't exist, because if you haver never seen Uranus, u simply can't make a statement, positive or negative, about Uranus. As soon as someone said "hey I saw a new planet" then scientists set to work. On the contrary, there's a thousand people claiming they see god, but still there isn't any proof that they aren't lying. This situation only happens with things that don't exist, like mermaids or the boogie man, or God.


You do not get it. Science did discover the planet. Has science discovered god? Until science does, god does not exist. That is the point. Science does not say something exists before it has proof of its existence. Science searches for the proof rather than accept something based on faith alone.
Science has missed the detection of a thousand tumors that have killed people. Were they not real either? Science is far too narrow and impotent to even comment on the most profound aspects of life.


So has God.
God is not used as a tumor detector. He in fact did not miss a single one nor was he obligated to do anything about them. Medical science was. Nor was he used by you as the determining factor as to what is real or not. It was your chosen system that failed to detect the reality you claim it is the judge of. This besides being wrong was not even funny. I demand one or the other. Both would be too much to expect.


No one would make such a claim like Uranus doesn't exist, because if you haver never seen Uranus, u simply can't make a statement, positive or negative, about Uranus. As soon as someone said "hey I saw a new planet" then scientists set to work. On the contrary, there's a thousand people claiming they see god, but still there isn't any proof that they aren't lying. This situation only happens with things that don't exist, like mermaids or the boogie man, or God.
That is exactly the statement he did make.


Active Member
God is not used as a tumor detector.

Tell that to the many people who pray to him to remove tumors and the prayers are not answered.

Please, choose your next words carefully, or else you will be placed in the same ire as all other religious individuals.


Tell that to the many people who pray to him to remove tumors and the prayers are not answered.

Please, choose your next words carefully, or else you will be placed in the same ire as all other religious individuals.
I see you have wisely abandoned your flawed line of reasoning on determining what reality is or isn't. You have chosen instead to falsely accuse God of doing something you have no way of knowing he failed at doing even if he did fail. He is not obligated to heal on demand. A much wider scope of purpose and knowledge are used to base his decisions on. In no way do you have access to any of the knowledge that would make your statement meaningful or accurate. Moses died, Jesus died, all the apostles died. I did not think that death is an accurate evaluation of God's performance. That comes when all those people are resurrected. Find me on that day and we can discuss this meaningfully.


Of course not. God is capable of anything, yet he does nothing. Seems reasonable to me.
What should have seemed reasonable to you is capability does not imply will. In a world where it easily seen that tragedy brings a renual of faith. You would have probably been with Peter trying to talk Christ out of the cross. There are many people who only found God because they had a medical issue that clarified their priorities and sorted out their lives. They would not have traded the negative aspect that led to faith for anything. You would have deprived them of that. I am glad you are not God. You aren't are you? Just kidding. Why would anyone believe evil and death existed id evil and death never happened? How can we have freewill if we can't choose evil?


Active Member
What should have seemed reasonable to you is capability does not imply will. In a world where it easily seen that tragedy brings a renual of faith.

Yes, because we are too ignorant to fully understand god and his motives. Yet, we know that we would have done something where he did nothing. Sorry, that implies god does not exist. Provide me with a measure of reason that he does exist, and I will believe you. Otherwise, your god does not exist. Or if you persist, he does exist and he is an absolute dick who cares nothing for us. Choose wisely.


Yes, because we are too ignorant to fully understand god and his motives. Yet, we know that we would have done something where he did nothing. Sorry, that implies god does not exist. Provide me with a measure of reason that he does exist, and I will believe you. Otherwise, your god does not exist. Or if you persist, he does exist and he is an absolute dick who cares nothing for us. Choose wisely.
You are violating your own standards. Science hasn't and can't prove God does not exist and so you can't claim to know it. I see you are troubled by the standards you force on others. Of course the finite can't fully comprehend the infinate. Why don't you save some time and just say you don't like God (it's a legitamite position) and we can can cut out the attempts at reason here.


Well-Known Member
You are violating your own standards. Science hasn't and can't prove God does not exist and so you can't claim to know it. I see you are troubled by the standards you force on others. Of course the finite can't fully comprehend the infinate. Why don't you save some time and just say you don't like God (it's a legitamite position) and we can can cut out the attempts at reason here.

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Why did God put a forbidden tree in the face of Adam and let Satan tempt him into eating the fruit, all this watching without doing a thing to prevent it? :cover:

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