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What proof do you have of God?


When Noe's arc landed, how did the kangaroos make it back to australia?
There is so much debate over whether the flood is literal or symbolic that I do not know what I am supposed to defend. I generally do not debate things that happened because unlike critics and many scientists it is almost impossible to verify anything. I accept the stories about events before then on faith but do not have the same confidence in them because of their cryptic nature. Were you saying that if God can get the kangaroos on the ark he could not get them back? If you accept one then there should be no problem with the other.

Adam and Eve didn't know right from wrong before eating from "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil". So why did god punish them for something they didn't know it was wrong?
The did know right from wrong to a certain extent. He told them specifically not to eat of the tree. The main thing they learned from the tree was the depth and shame of evil. It says knowledge of good and evil AS GOD KNOWS.

Why did God put a forbidden tree in the face of Adam and let Satan tempt him into eating the fruit, all this watching without doing a thing to prevent it?
Do not know. This again is said by many to be allegorical and as I have no firm stance I do not then know what to defend. It could have something to do with free will. It must be an option to dissobey or it is forced love and not real love. You realise non of this dissproves God in any way. You just found somethings you do not like or agree with. Nothing can be proven by any of them.

If u think genesis is an allegory. Then why do you believe Paul's epistles? He believed that the creation account was a fact.
I am not saying that creation is allegorical just the story used to describe it. For example a very smart man with two Phds in physics and mathematics who's book I am reading now suggests that everything in the six days was base in cosmic time. Time is relative to gravity and velocity. He used something known as the cosmic average and computed that based on relativity the age of the universe given by secular scientists is equivalent to the six days from an earth perspective. He shows all mathematics used. I do not claim he is right it is just a very complex issue that I have no firm position on to defend. If the bible is as flawed as you think you should be able to show countless problems that have verifiable answers and do not concern the ancient pre historic times.

Was jesus crucified on the first day of passover like John's gospel says. Or the next day like the other three gospel say?
Please do me a favor. Search for a simple solution to you "contradictions" on any of the hundreds of sites that resolve these things. Only give me the ones that are not resolvable after 30 seconds. You are reading John as saying "preperation for the passover" it actually reads preperation OF the passover. It was teh day during passover when they prepared for the Sabath. There is no conflict. Also the original Greek at Blue Letter bible clears up a great deal of these false problems.
Which Day Was Christ Crucified?
An Examination of Seven Apparent Contradictions in the Bible
How many donkeys did jesus ride on his entrance to jerusalem? One like martin said? Or two like matthew said?
Who the Heck is Matrin and why would I consisder him reliable? Martin Luther? How many donkeys can anyone ride? This is a new one, but wierd.

If Jesus knew he would resurrect... How can you claim he sacrificed himself?
This is silly. He a being that had never known anything but Glory and honor and a loving relationship with the father endured a beating beyond description, was chastised by the people that he was attempting to save, and complete seperation from the father, if you do not consisder that a sacrifice I can't help.

A classic: if every complex design requires a designer... Who designs God?
It is a classic example of stupid ways to dismiss God. An infinate regression of causes is no more possible than an infinate regression of seconds or events. There must by secular philosophy as well as common sence be an uncaused first cause. Asking what created something specifically said to be eternal is a strange question.

Christians are supposed to pray and lay hands on a sick person. So why do u go to the hospital!?
Because like every one else who ever lived our faith is not perfect. Nor is it guranteed that every time this was done even in perfect faith that the request is granted. With the possible exception of two every other person in the bible died.

Jesus upheld the mosaic law, which required children to be killed if they became unruly. So is jesus a messiah or a psyco?
Jesus' death did away with the law. (I know this is contreversial but takes a long time to hash out). That is why it is a new covenant and testament. That is also why it is said that fault was found with the old covenant and a new one that was perfect was given. That is also why we live under grace and not law. Those laws had very specific and practicle purposes that no longer exist. This is another complex subject and is very easily confused. It would take a long time to explain.


New Member
For me, I believe God to be Nature/ Elements/ the force that helps with Good actions. ( if that makes any sense) Becoming one with good spirits & entities... Alot of people try to put God into a Box.. Try to define exactly what he "she" is...


For me, I believe God to be Nature/ Elements/ the force that helps with Good actions. ( if that makes any sense) Becoming one with good spirits & entities... Alot of people try to put God into a Box.. Try to define exactly what he "she" is...
If God is simply the arbitrary elements that exist in this microcosom he isn't worth defining.
we have various proofs of existence of god. The creation of nature sun,moon etc. are the significance of existence of god.
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God is energy, God is spirit, God is nature... God is the whole of everything....
I know God exists because i exist, you exist, existance exists...
God is existance its self...


Rogue Theologian
God is energy, God is spirit, God is nature... God is the whole of everything....
I know God exists because i exist, you exist, existance exists...
God is existance its self...

Check another thread of similar topic....'Advanced God Theory"
You might like it.


Well-Known Member
That makes no sence and I think was a type o. Besides it is just wrong. God either exists or does not exist entirely independant of whether any one believes in him or not.

Actually you're mistaken. God exists only as a concept within human minds, like 'love' or 'justice.' When the last human dies, God will cease to exist.

If you have any more questions about the nature of God, you are welcome to ask me.


Actually you're mistaken. God exists only as a concept within human minds, like 'love' or 'justice.' When the last human dies, God will cease to exist.
Well I thought there had been a reduction in how much stuff I had to shovel. Been away at a scholars convention. I kid. Then how did God tell you he does not tell us things? Who is it that you are a prophet for? Did you stop drinking the kool aid. Just forget that you have implied that a real God exists in other posts. God either objectively exists or does not. That is not dependant on our agreement or even our existance in any way. You can't know what you claim as usual. I do not know why I bother.

If you have any more questions about the nature of God, you are welcome to ask me.
I think I would rather ask the north end of a south bound hippo. At least nothing is better than this nonsence.


God is energy, God is spirit, God is nature... God is the whole of everything....
I know God exists because i exist, you exist, existance exists...
God is existance its self...
If we are God then God help us. Or should I say us help us. This sounds like gnostic rambling to me.


Well-Known Member
God either objectively exists or does not.

Does justice either objectively exist or else not?

I think I would rather ask the north end of a south bound hippo. At least nothing is better than this nonsence.

You sound a bit wound up. But maybe I'm mistaken. Or maybe your woundupedness only exists as an individual opinion in our heads... like God.


Rogue Theologian
Actually you're mistaken. God exists only as a concept within human minds, like 'love' or 'justice.' When the last human dies, God will cease to exist.

If you have any more questions about the nature of God, you are welcome to ask me.

No spiritual life for you?....not a chance?

Billions of copies of a form that can only learn.....
and it all crumbles to dust?