I was not attempting to. I was simply stating the fact that it is uncanny and a little disturbing how many contadictions you can pack into a few words. It is almost as if you are doing it on purpose.
Sometimes I do it on purpose. I'm trying to help you see something important so that you might shed your word-belief and therefore become undisturbed by 'contradictions'.
Contradiction is a word game. It's a phenomenon of the language itself. A person can say any seemingly contradictory thing at all and then he can either resolve that apparent contradiction or else he can't. It's only if he can't resolve the little word game that we can conclude he may be actually confused. (I can always resolve my apparent contradictions, of course. It's why I have no fear of posting them.)
Here, I'll show you and our lurkers again:
The following words may appear contradictory to most minds, but my meaning isn't the least bit contradictory, and I'm happy to be tested on it:
AmbigGuy has proven all his points in this debate, and AmbigGuy has not proven any of his points in this debate.
There is nothing contradictory in my meaning. I dare you to test me.
For fun, here's another one:
God exists, but God doesn't exist.
God speaks to me, but of course God has never spoken to me.
Jaylo is hot, and Jaylo is cool.
(Oh, my. I'm not sure I can stop myself!)
Another way of saying this same thing is to declare that statements can be both true and false at once.
Jaylo -- standing naked in Antartica -- is hot.
That claim is both true and false at once. Do you agree?
Nope, just that you have said more things that are opposites of each other than most people do in a lifetime.
Thanks. My love affair with the language has not cooled over the years.
I wonder if what you say would be more meaningful if I read it backwards.
I think it would make the same sense forward and back -- just like your answer to my question. You wrote a nonsensical answer because my question puts you off, yes? You aren't happy at the thought of addressing it.
To whom must a thing be proven in order for the thing to be proven?
You've told me that all sorts of things have and haven't been proven. I'm asking what you mean by that claim. When you say that the Biblical prophecies have been proven, I'm asking you this question: To whom must the prophecies be proven in order for you to insist that they have been proven?
Could you give me a simple non-wordsaladish answer to my question?