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What religion is scientifically proven?


Well-Known Member
I have always wondered that same question. What religion is scientifically proven? But I always get stuck with, "Is Science really out to prove religion wrong or right?" Or just make a point that science knows what it is talking about in the case of people that don't. As if people of religious backgrounds don't know what they are talking about.
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The problem comes in a wrong understanding of the roles that religion and science are to play. Science is there to help us understand the natural world, the world around us that we can experience with the five natural senses. Religion is something that is meant to explain what is beyond that, the metaphysical, the supernatural, the spiritual. Ultimately, in my mind, religion is there to help us transcend the mundane to the ultimate reality.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
But that doesn't mean the rest of Buddhist religion/philosophy is scientifically proven.

The Classical Mayans had advanced mathematics used to predict their ceremonies... but it doesn't prove their religion to be correct.



Buddhism tends to follow Platonism and Kantianism in their idealism. Buddhism is highly empirical. Following it's meditations and ethics has proven beneficial, if not objectively, then at least subjectively. Reincarnation, or rather, in Buddhist terms, rebirth, is something that has been shown to be of interest in a scientific way, if only in a limited way. And even quantum mechanics, from what I understand, is shown to have some correlations in Buddhist philosophy. Does this mean that Buddhism is "scientifically proven"? No, not at all. What it does prove is that Buddhism is a highly rational, empirical, realist philosophy. It's not based on superstitions and fantasies. It's not based on revelation, but on observation. There are still some things in Buddhism that would be refuted by science, like the psychic abilities that one obtains when one reaches certain proficiencies in meditation. But the Tibetan monks living in the Himalayan mountains, with nothing but their robes, and not freezing to death, is pretty interesting to me. But this is just all my view on it.


wow isnt that a bit of a stretch of mans imagination. you cant prove imagination.

You dont think man created god???

You seem to know allot about the afterlife for someone who has never been there. Such a place that no man has ever returned from to tell the tale of what its exactly like,,, but you have this magical power no one else does. this is amazing!

let me tell you something about mans imagination.

homo sapiens have live on the earth 200,000 years, they had fire, art and stone tools, the whole time from the first generation. Ill tell you something else they had. Religion.

when man sat around a fire at night there was the fire spirit and there were smoke gods that carried the evil spirits away. there were the rain gods that kept the food growing, there were hunting gods and there were animal spirits.

heres a little known fact

every single tribe in every heathenistic part of the world no matter how social or how remote has beliefs in something that is not real. THERE is not 1 tribe that believes in nothing, not 1!

the farther out the tribe is away from society the more wacked out and strange the beliefs and myths are. The more modern and the more advanced the people are, the more resonable the myths and beliefs are. This is where you come in my friends. make no mistake in my opinion all past gods are and have been proven to be myths but for some magical reason out of thousands in the past. yours is the only imaginative figure thats real. [funny this works for every religion not just yours]

To show you how much man wants to have more then the life he was born with, man imagines he can continue into another life after this one. stop and think about it for a minute. How did that work for the egyptions???? the lavish tombs, the offering's the riches! the faith was outstanding! but yet not one person has ever come back from the dead.

enter our religions, tales were told when man was still writing on rock and written language was poor. As mans writing abilities evolved onto paper so did his imagination not just for all the things he did not know BUT for the things he wanted as well. The only reason realigion spread was mans ability to communicate increased with writing and the beliefs grew.

make no mistake about imagination and fiction based around a few loose unprovable facts. There was a mortal man named jesus who was a hellenitsic traveling teacher of judaism who died because he made a stink in a town he should not have and wanted to become a martyr, it was a great idea because his tales were told for decades around campfires before they were written down so you could know his story. Its a shame that he died and his real story was lost into religious dogma that built the story around his real life into something it wasnt.

jews created your god somewhere around 3500 years ago. home sapiens had been on the planet for roughly 196,000 years and then magically ONLY when writing took off did ancient mans imagination get recorded.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
But that doesn't mean the rest of Buddhist religion/philosophy is scientifically proven.

The Classical Mayans had advanced mathematics used to predict their ceremonies... but it doesn't prove their religion to be correct.

Well said.

sky dancer

Active Member
But that doesn't mean the rest of Buddhist religion/philosophy is scientifically proven.

The Classical Mayans had advanced mathematics used to predict their ceremonies... but it doesn't prove their religion to be correct.

It proves scientifically that Buddhist meditation is beneficial to the body. This has nothing to do with beliefs, or 'correctness'.

Buddhist meditation works. Period.

sky dancer

Active Member
Buddhism tends to follow Platonism and Kantianism in their idealism. Buddhism is highly empirical. Following it's meditations and ethics has proven beneficial, if not objectively, then at least subjectively. Reincarnation, or rather, in Buddhist terms, rebirth, is something that has been shown to be of interest in a scientific way, if only in a limited way. And even quantum mechanics, from what I understand, is shown to have some correlations in Buddhist philosophy. Does this mean that Buddhism is "scientifically proven"? No, not at all. What it does prove is that Buddhism is a highly rational, empirical, realist philosophy. It's not based on superstitions and fantasies. It's not based on revelation, but on observation. There are still some things in Buddhism that would be refuted by science, like the psychic abilities that one obtains when one reaches certain proficiencies in meditation. But the Tibetan monks living in the Himalayan mountains, with nothing but their robes, and not freezing to death, is pretty interesting to me. But this is just all my view on it.
The particular Tibetan Buddhist practice you mention is 'tummo'. It is a side effect of certain meditative practices that raise inner heat. Quite practical for long term meditators living in caves.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
The particular Tibetan Buddhist practice you mention is 'tummo'. It is a side effect of certain meditative practices that raise inner heat. Quite practical for long term meditators living in caves.
Probably not, actually. Sounds like they'd be more comfortable in the short term but succumb to hypothermia quicker... like drinking alcohol to "keep warm".


Intentionally Blank
yes it can, there are hundreds of scientific facts in quran. oR KORAN. in ISLAM which are scientifically proven, for example the rotaion of the earth, the solar system, the birth, these facts were in quran abuot 1400 years ago. HOW do u explain it.
there is an example of it...

The Big Bang itself resulted from an extremely dense singularity. The creation of the universe is one of matter, space and time that are intimately linked together. Matter and space were joined as one and then were separated in the explosion. This is very accurately described in the Quran:
"Do not the unbelievers see that the skies (space) and the earth (matter) were joined together (as one unit of creation) and we ripped them apart?" The Quran, 21:30

What a crock of baloney. How stupid do you think we are?

If the qur'an is so good as a science book, how come it never tells us anything we can use until after science actually discovers it, then we go back, change all the words to match the scientific theory, and suddenly magically it becomes right in retrospect? For example, ripping apart the sky and the earth is not the same as separating space and matter, and in any case, the Big Bang has nothing to do with separating space from matter. My guess is that you have not the slightest clue what the Big Bang theory, or any other scientific theory, actually says.


Intentionally Blank
To the OP:

And because the qur'an is so scientifically sound, and Muslims know the qur'an better than infidels, Muslims are recognized worldwide as being the finest scientists the world has produced. There are more Muslims than any other category among the world's leading scientists, and Muslims have dominated the Nobel prizes since they were created.