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What religion is scientifically proven?


Complex bunch of atoms
May I throw mine in as well. My religion has no qualms with science at all. There is no incompatibility whatsoever.

I would suggest any religion that has the notion of gods or godesses, believes in magic, and such things as crystals is pretty incompatible with what we know scientifically.

To the OP. Belief in the Koran or Bible as a factual text would be the scientific equivalent of putting your hands on your ears and shouting "LA LA LA LA LA not listening"


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I would suggest any religion that has the notion of gods or godesses, believes in magic, and such things as crystals is pretty incompatible with what we know scientifically.
Why? Science can't tell us anything about the first, the second depends on what you mean, and the third... ok, that I'll grant you. ;)


Well-Known Member
pick a number between 1-400 now il write down 4000 numbers how big is the chance il geuss your number,
religion just wrote down thousends of words what are the odds in thousends of years that one of there geusses turns out to be right?


Wonder Woman
I would suggest any religion that has the notion of gods or godesses, believes in magic, and such things as crystals is pretty incompatible with what we know scientifically.

Why? Science doesn't even touch on whether or not there are gods and goddesses. As Storm mentioned about magic it depends on your definition. As for working with crystals, stones, or anything else found in nature, since when does science have anything to say about using something from nature to feel more in touch with nature? Spirituality cannot be touched or examined by science and my spirituality is not contigent on what science does or does not reveal about geology, evolution, abiogenesis or many other things. I accept what science finds as fact without issue. Since what I believe cannot even begin to be examined by science there is no issue there either.


This really isn't a real religion, but Pastafardianism is somewhat based on facts.

no u r wrong...a true religion and its teachings should make common sense and scientific facts that it gives..to prove itself to the human brain...should be proven...and the religion u named..Pastfarianism.or whatever.... i read that they believe that a monster spaghetti is the creator of the universe....:sorry1:NOT BUYING THAT

In a way our mankind's earliest beliefs which were forms of animism are being scientifically proven. Our ancestors believed that everything that existed had some sort of energy or "spirit" to it. In a way they were right. It's just not supernatural. But perhaps to ancient man that energy was not supernatural either, it was a reality to them. Perhaps animism is not an actual "religion". I think our ancestors were far more intelligent than many people think.

sir...........spirits and non,, soul thingies..:run:,,,,,,,, how are they being scientiffically proven..:S


So a wittings divine truth is measured by the number of facts it contains?


The Britannica is the oldest English-language encyclopaedia still in print.[3] It was first published between 1768 and 1771 in Edinburgh, Scotland

quran came 1400 years...ago..i bet that BRitiance book had many facts...but those facts were not given before quran...and those sceintific proves were given in quran so many years ago....

so who changed skies to "space" and earth to "matter" and who inserted (as one creation) was that you or someone else?

THe almighty GOd WHoeLSE>....:yes:


sir...........spirits and non,, soul thingies..:run:,,,,,,,, how are they being scientiffically proven..:S

Sorry, perhaps they are not completely scientifically proven as of yet, but the more science learns the more scientifically plausible the existence of other forms of energy becomes. They early animists believed that rocks and other objects were "alive" and had a "spirit" to them. Were they completely wrong? I don't think so, they just had a different way of describing what they felt and understood. As scientists are discovering, all matter even rocks are in a way "alive" with animate vibrational energy. This is what I consider their so-called "spirit" energy. Look at the energy of a quartz for example. A quartz crystal has what is called piezoelectric energy, as do many other things in nature. This energy has a specific vibration which also affects the vibrations of other forms of energy. As humans (energy bodies) we are also affected by the energies of things around us. The ancients knew of ways of "tapping into" this energy. It is my belief that the human or animal "spirit" is just another form of energy in one way or another. Even this energy is not supernatural. Just because a particular phenomena has not been scientifically explained does not mean that it is "supernatural". We are "alive" are we not? Therefore some form of energy must also exist that makes us alive. All that exists is natural to exist. Gods and deities are not naturally occurring, they are man-made concepts and are supernatural. Therefore I do not believe that they exist, perhaps only in our imaginations.
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Well-Known Member
I would say that the religion that is coming the closest to being in line with science (quantum physics) is mysticism. And that is not really a religion per se. The Bible, Torah and the Quran can all be interpreted by anyone in any way. That is not exactly a great scenerio even when used for faith reasons, but it is ultimately disasterous if they are being used to prove science. The Sumerians knew many things way before the Jews Christians or Muslims. So did the Egyptians. It is not possible for the Quran to be the complete and total truth because Muhammed died in approximately 632 and the first account of his life was set down a full 120 years after his death by Ibn Ishaq. This original document was lost and was reworked by Ibn Hisham who died in 834. Even then they were collected off of bits and pieces of paper, hides etc. I have great respect for what Muslims believe until they start trying to claim they are the only ones that know anything and have a monopoly on God. I don't think anyone has that. Belief in God is very private and there is no right or wrong way of viewing God imho.


Try looking at ancient Greek civilisation,Hippocrates,Aristotle,Archemides,Democratus etc etc this was a long long time before the Quran and does'nt get lost in translation

Aristotle was only a greek physician..he didn't prove anything...like how the earth was created and what the universe was created....aristotle was a philospher..and he didn't produce any hypothesis thats true now..Archimedes is generally considered to be the greatest mathematician of antiquity and one of the greatest of all time.[2][3] He used the method of exhaustion to calculate the area under the arc of a parabola with the summation of an infinite series, and gave a remarkably accurate approximation of Pi.[4] He also defined the spiral bearing his name, formulas for the volumes of surfaces of revolution and an ingenious system for expressing very large numbers.....BUT NO SCIENTIFIC HYPOTHESI..:sorry1:...and DEmocratus..said that atom can't be any smaller..which is proven wrong now...............

QUran...on many occasions states so many facts..that were not known to the man at that time..and we are just finding them true now........ :yes:

Here is a challenge for you,all known scientific knowledge up to the time of Muhammed versus all the scientific facts in the Quran

you can find all the scientific inventions by muslims after the revelations of quran.... and the scientific inventions before quran...and you will see how much The TRUE GOD revealed in Quran to so that human's will be able to see what the true religion is...


why_islam, if islam is the one true faith (sic)
then why is every single islamic state a hotbed of bigotry, mysogyny, and intolerance?

Your book means utterly nothing to me, has as many nonsense 'facts' as it has scientific 'facts' which has been shown in many threads here before.

Your words are typical of anyone who has had the 'truth' rammed so often down the throat that it becomes 'the truth'.

I grew up believing in Santa and the tooth fairy...difference is my parents let me in on the 'lie' before I became obsessed with it.

dear friend..the state of islamic countries have become like this because they have stopped doing what islam tells them to do...you can search the history..when Muslims were fallowing islam truely..and how incredible things they had done...ISlamic Empire was all over the world...won several wars...Made many truely exceptional inventions...How the knowledge of muslim scientisits was ahead of the whole western world....LOOK AT THE HISTORY...AND the point about santa....SAnta is not proven to be true..ISLAM IS>>>>>>>>>>>>. You might not understand what i am trying to explain..because you are not open to understand it...your hearts won't accept the truth...


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
you can find all the scientific inventions by muslims after the revelations of quran.... and the scientific inventions before quran...and you will see how much The TRUE GOD revealed in Quran to so that human's will be able to see what the true religion is...
So... God decided to demonstrate to the world what the true religion is?

If that's the case, why are there still non-Muslims? I mean, if all-powerful God decides to do something like, say, convince people of the truth of the Quran, it would be done. Period. But I'm still not convinced. Little ol' imperfect, mortal me wouldn't be able to thwart the will of an almighty god. In fact, the whole non-Muslim two-thirds of the planet aren't convinced.

So what's going on? Are you mistaken about God's intent or is He really that bad at convincing people?


So you're not really interested in a discussion, just proselytizing? Gotcha... :rolleyes:
NO sir..you have totally understood it wrong...I am totally open to any disscusion....I am just stating the true facts...and open to any true fact that anyone else says...


Through the Looking Glass
NO sir..you have totally understood it wrong...I am totally open to any disscusion....I am just stating the true facts...and open to any true fact that anyone else says...
So to paraphrase, your beliefs are the truth for everyone in every way, though you are willing to open-mindedly consider what anyone else has to say, so long as they agree with you.