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What religion is scientifically proven?


Well-Known Member
the God is most mercifull ....No matter how many time u make mistakes...if you ask for forgiveness...you will be forgiven...Name a single person who gives you a 100% gurntee of forgiving you every single time you do anything....and promising you a house in paradise....:p

That's not the way you made him sound when you said he has prepared "other places" for those who just don't get what he wants them to do. That is what I object to. The story of hell. I would never send my children to hell for doing their own thing. Why would an all merciful God?


and i have no idea what you are talking about bro... YOU ARE TO PHILOSOPHICAL:sorry1:

Guess that's just the way I am. I'll take it as a compliment though. Thanks. :D

I work with some people who are Islamic and they are even more philosophical than I am. They are good people and I have no problems with their beliefs whatsoever. If All that exists is of One essence, then why do people fight over it? They are merely fighting over different perceptions of the same thing. On a tree with many branches, does one branch fight over a different branch on the same tree which one is right and which one is wrong? We are all like branches of the same tree. We all see things from a different perspective. There is no wrong way to perceive God. What would happen if only one branch of the tree remained and all the others got cut off? The tree would surely die.


Well-Known Member
Hello guys.

I wonder which religion is scientifically proven, i mean are the stuff written in hindu scriptures or the things that are in bible or in any other scripture of any religion scientifically proven. i guess what i am trying to say is, would you be rather believing in something that is scientifically proven or would you rather be believing in myths and majic. :confused:..:rolleyes:

And for the record, just to throw in my own two cents, some of us ENJOY believing in Myths and Magick, so how about please not knocking the paths of others, simply because they don't mesh with your own. Not all of us are so one-track-minded.


Guess that's just the way I am. I'll take it as a compliment though. Thanks. :D

I work with some people who are Islamic and they are even more philosophical than I am. They are good people and I have no problems with their beliefs whatsoever. If All that exists is of One essence, then why do people fight over it? They are merely fighting over different perceptions of the same thing. On a tree with many branches, does one branch fight over a different branch on the same tree which one is right and which one is wrong? We are all like branches of the same tree. We all see things from a different perspective. There is no wrong way to perceive God. What would happen if only one branch of the tree remained and all the others got cut off? The tree would surely die.

Some parts agreed..some not..

I agree with the part..where you said one branch could affect the others..On the last Sermon oF Muhammad...he said that ISLAM IS COMPLETED..and it is the responsibility of muslims to spread now...... I agree that we all see things with a different perspective..but can't some perspective be wrong...since the human mind is too weak to understand these complications...they think wrong on some occasions..and there are some who just belief what their forefathers believed in..because they are so noy able to look for the truth...


Agnostic Pantheist
Speaking of myths.. how does The Night Journey and riding the Buraq fit into this? or archangel Gabriel talking to a human being, or the existence of a race of djinns?


And for the record, just to throw in my own two cents, some of us ENJOY believing in Myths and Magick, so how about please not knocking the paths of others, simply because they don't mesh with your own. Not all of us are so one-track-minded.

I am so sorry..if i hurt anyone's feelings....:sorry1:


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry..if i hurt anyone's feelings....:sorry1:

It's fine. It was simply the way you worded your original post. It seemed a tad condescending to me, towards religions that ARE centered around myth and Magick, and to those practioners, like myself, who have no problem with that.


Speaking of myths.. how does The Night Journey and riding the Buraq fit into this? or archangel Gabriel talking to a human being, or the existence of a race of djinns?

As i explained earlier....God has limitless powers..He can do anything he desires.. I am amazed you know about this..These are all stated IN Quran and believed by every muslim... those were some of the things that GOD desired..and they happened....


Some parts agreed..some not..

I agree with the part..where you said one branch could affect the others..On the last Sermon oF Muhammad...he said that ISLAM IS COMPLETED..and it is the responsibility of muslims to spread now...... I agree that we all see things with a different perspective..but can't some perspective be wrong...since the human mind is too weak to understand these complications...they think wrong on some occasions..and there are some who just belief what their forefathers believed in..because they are so noy able to look for the truth...

Not all things that seem to be true are true. Not all things that seem to be false are false. Theoretically only a God can know the truth of all things, so what you believe or how you perceive them may not be be all false, but neither can it be all true. Are you that one with God in your belief that you can know the truth of all things? How can you know that your belief is all truth? Are you God? It is just your perception of a belief, nothing more.


Agnostic Pantheist
As i explained earlier....God has limitless powers..He can do anything he desires.. I am amazed you know about this..These are all stated IN Quran and believed by every muslim... those were some of the things that GOD desired..and they happened....
I'm puzzled as to how you can absolutely accept these as facts, but call other religious stories myths.
Surly you understand that to the person standing on the outside it looks strange, there are myths spread across all nations and cultures... it seems very strange to claim only *some* myths are facts, and others are not.


Not all things that seem to be true are true. Not all things that seem to be false are false. Theoretically only a God can know the truth of all things, so what you believe or how you perceive them may not be be all false, but neither can it be all true. Are you that one with God in your belief that you can know the truth of all things? How can you know that your belief is all truth? Are you God?

:no: the first thing i would clear is I M ABSOLUTELY NOT A GOD. yes i agree something that seem to be true..aren't true... But can God ever lie.. OR do something wrong..Something can lie..or do something wrong..can't be GOD.


I'm puzzled as to how you can absolutely accept these as facts, but call other religious stories myths.
Surly you understand that to the person standing on the outside it looks strange, there are myths spread across all nations and cultures... it seems very strange to claim only *some* myths are facts, and others are not.

I already said..give me a single religion that has scientific proofs.. Predicitions... ..and even if it has myths of any kind..i would believe it... I have given so many Predictions..from Quran..so many scientific proofs..is there any religion that has it..


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
There is nothing that God is not capable of doing...I gave a part from Quran that said..that some people no matter what you provide them..will not understand...that doesn't mean GOD doesn't have the ability to make them understand...God has given people the oppertuinty...some people succeed some don't....God has rewards and punishments for both...
Ah... so God could convince the Kafireen you mentioned if He wanted, and He presumably knows how to do this... but He doesn't. The implication is that God intentionally fails to convince these people. I guess He doesn't want to bring everyone to the "true path" after all.


:no: the first thing i would clear is I M ABSOLUTELY NOT A GOD. yes i agree something that seem to be true..aren't true... But can God ever lie.. OR do something wrong..Something can lie..or do something wrong..can't be GOD.

Islam is just another human perception of "God" as are all religious beliefs. Are you saying that all other perceptions are wrong? What makes you so certain?


actually why_islam, the Quran states that there are certain "sins" Allah will not forgive.

Verily, Allah does not forgive the ascribing of divinity to aught beside Him, although He forgives any lesser sin unto whomever He wills: for those who ascribe divinity to aught beside Allah have indeed gone far astray. 4:48

Behold, as for those who come to believe, and then deny the truth, and again come to believe, and again deny the truth, and thereafter grow stubborn in their denial of the truth- Allah will not forgive them, nor will He guide them in any way. 4:137

whether you [Mohammad] pray [to Allah] that they be forgiven or not- if you were to pray seventy times that they be forgiven, Allah will not forgive them, seeing that they are bent on denying Allah and His Apostle. And Allah does not bestow His guidance upon such iniquitous folk. 9:80

in other words, Allah does not forgive apostates, those who deny the validity of Mohammad's prophethood, or those who ascribe divinity to anything besides Allah. forgiveness comes about when the person doing / believing such things "repents" and becomes a Muslim. should one die while denying Islam, worshipping things other than Allah, or as an apostate from Islam, it is uncertain whether Allah would spare them from hell.

also, it is interesting to compare 9:80 of the Quran to Jesus of Nazareth's words on forgiveness -

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. (Matthew 18:21-22)

i overheard a kind of alarming and troubling conversation between an Islamic teacher and a small child... the teacher was teaching the children about jannah (paradise) and jahannam (hell fire) and was reminding them that if they did not love Allah and practice Islam, they would go to jahannam, and reminded them that no one knows their fate after death. one small boy said cheerfully "i always go to jannah!" and his teacher gasped and asked "how do you know? how do you know you will not go to the fire?" the kid got very quiet and bowed his head.

it amazed me that after a lifetime of faithfully eating halal, doing salah, giving zakah, after going on hajj and doing his best to live a Muslim life, this kid still had to live in fear of, perhaps, not being good enough for his god to truly love and pardon him. it opened my eyes to the great chasm between the Muslim and the heart / will of Allah, and the great uncertainty regarding the Islamic afterlife.
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Agnostic Pantheist
I already said..give me a single religion that has scientific proofs.. Predicitions... ..and even if it has myths of any kind..i would believe it... I have given so many Predictions..from Quran..so many scientific proofs..is there any religion that has it..
What scientific proof exists that the Buraq, a winged horse with a woman's head carried Muhammad on the Miraj?

What makes it true, while Krishna lifting a hill and defeating evil kings is a myth?


Ah... so God could convince the Kafireen you mentioned if He wanted, and He presumably knows how to do this... but He doesn't. The implication is that God intentionally fails to convince these people. I guess He doesn't want to bring everyone to the "true path" after all.

The one who doesn't want to get the right path..would say and keep arguing that..IF THE TRUE GOD wanted them to fallow... certain religion...he would automatically make them too...:sarcastic