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What religion would you pick?


The Devil's Advocate
Kali is a female, blood drinking, Mammon worshiping "I Am" presence.
Mammon? I think NOT. Kali is not a demon. She is fierce and unpredictable but she is NOT evil. Kali is also Kali Ma, the great mother, the protector.

Do not judge her by her appearances, if you do not know how it is that she came to be dripping with blood. She was saving humankind.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Mammon? I think NOT. Kali is not a demon. She is fierce and unpredictable but she is NOT evil. Kali is also Kali Ma, the great mother, the protector.

Do not judge her by her appearances, if you do not know how it is that she came to be dripping with blood. She was saving humankind.
These are your impression, not mine...
So do not know how to answer that one, my reply is hinting at the true nature of the same ‘metal empire’ within all books and so you stomp on that?
Reasoning is enlightenment and so Kali's role is played, yet don't personally know what role ‘you’ are referring too, in these days?

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
Religion reinforces human nature, good. Atheism looks at it this way, sort of, you have no after life or anything so enjoy your life and do it the way you want.

Y'know, not all religions suggest the existence of some form of after-life... ;)

As to the OP; an interesting question. My first instinct would have been to say either 'pure', whatever that means, Taoism or Kemetic Faith, but then that wouldn't be very accurate. I suspect that following Taoism is something that eventually transcends such divisions of purity, and for me to wholly subscribe to the Kemetic path would be either redundant or impossible, depending on one's interpretation of both it and myself.

(I am, after all, a Reconstructionist Orthodox :p)

Leaving the fact that I tend to 'drift' gently towards things rather then convert sharply, I've often felt a kinship with Orthodox Catholicism, so there might be a good place to start if I ever drift beyond my current religion. :)
Lilithu is right, as a hindu i know Kali assumed this persona to save earth and mankind. She is not demon. You ant judge a book by its cover!


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Lilithu is right, as a hindu i know Kali assumed this persona to save earth and mankind. She is not demon. You ant judge a book by its cover!
Find it fun, that you both defend something, i wouldn't state....can't believe in the slightest in any forces opposed to the God....
I See things working in unison and if not, i didn't look hard enough for cause and effect of why it is allowed to happen....
Mammon is a word Yeshua used and so making a Biblical link, which might of been seen or heard in the lord of the dance, "who played flutes, yet they did not mourn".....


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Mat 11:16-17
(16) But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows,
(17) And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not cried.

Luk 16:13
(13) No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

If you are Hindu can you not also explain Mammon as Idol worship?….so if Kali drinks Shiva’s blood and says "I Am"?

Joh 6:48
(48) "I am" that bread of life.
There is only One true religion, its all one.....:angel2:


Deviled Hen
Shiva is a male, lord of the dance.

You're quite mistaken. Michael Flatley is Lord of the Dance.



One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
You're quite mistaken. Michael Flatley is Lord of the Dance.
Appreciate the work and achievement it took to make it, watching it recently on Google video; couldn’t help thinking how he took centre stage all the time, so you maybe right!


The Devil's Advocate
Find it fun, that you both defend something, i wouldn't state....can't believe in the slightest in any forces opposed to the God....
I See things working in unison and if not, i didn't look hard enough for cause and effect of why it is allowed to happen....
Mammon is a word Yeshua used and so making a Biblical link, which might of been seen or heard in the lord of the dance, "who played flutes, yet they did not mourn".....
Mammon is most commonly known as a demon associated with greed and avarice. Even if you don't think that Mammon is a demon, Kali is NOT associated with greed and avarice. If you are referring to Mammon in some other way, then you need to explain what you mean. People can only go by what you write.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Mammon is most commonly known as a demon associated with greed and avarice. Even if you don't think that Mammon is a demon, Kali is NOT associated with greed and avarice. If you are referring to Mammon in some other way, then you need to explain what you mean. People can only go by what you write.
Sorry my fault:
Biblically: Mammon means "money", and Babylon style living, as such...
Gita: Mammon means idol worship and Maya, as such....

Demon is your wording, and still don’t understand what or where i said that?


The Devil's Advocate
If you are Hindu can you not also explain Mammon as Idol worship?….so if Kali drinks Shiva’s blood and says "I Am"?
Kali does not drink Shiva's blood. From whence did you get this?

There was a demon who was threatening the world. Every time someone cut off its head, its blood when it touched the ground would turn into another demon. And so its power was multiplied. Kali defeated the demon by collecting the blood in a bowl so that it could not touch the ground. And when the bowl became too full, she drank the blood, absorbing the poison into her own body in order to save the world. In this way, through her self-sacrifice, she alone was able to kill the demon.

But the poison caused her to go insane. She went on a rampage threatening the very people whom she was trying to save. Until Shiva laid down at her feet allowing her the step on him, and in doing so returned her to her senses.

Shiva and Kali (or Parvati or Shakti...) are intertwined. When they are balanced, there is harmony. When they are out of balance, there is destruction.

Kali is in no shape or form "bad." She is powerful. She is terrifying. She is beautiful. Anyone who looks at her and sees something bad is too attached to his or her own idea of beauty to see her for who she truly is.

Now please, either explain how you see Kali as equivalent to Mammon, the "god" of avarice. Or stop calling her that.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
You are reversing what i say with your impressions of things...(BAD-GOOD?)....sorry not good on traditions passed down....

Do people around the world follow and worship (mammon) "I Am" principle after drinking the blood (wine-Alcohol) of the dead “lord of the dance”?

Do they make little replicas?

What is meant too fix this?


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Why Catholicism Dawny? :)
Well lets see.....:eek:
Do they give out blood as an offering of a dead "lord of the dance"?:yes:
Do they make little replicas?:yes:
Maybe you are starting to understand this.....


Veteran Member
Well lets see.....:eek:
Do they give out blood as an offering of a dead "lord of the dance"?:yes:
Do they make little replicas?:yes:
Maybe you are starting to understand this.....

Let's try to keep it respectful, besides, I was asking her, not you. :)


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Let's try to keep it respectful, besides, I was asking her, not you. :)
Sorry couldn't help it, you answered the question, bless you for doing, timing was part of the question....

Mat 5:9
(9) Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.