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What scientific evidence do we have for the existence of human consciousness?


Well-Known Member
Consciousness is not a component of existence. It's an emergent property. Lol

Emergence would mean that the subatomic particles themselves would be conscious.

Then all chemical processes are deterministic, we know that any attempt to explain consciousness as being local to the brain must do so using only deterministic biochemical processes. If biochemical processes are truly the source of consciousness, then we have no free will because all chemical processes are deterministic in nature. If this is the case, then we aren't actually choosing to do anything. Nature has pre-destined every remote thought and everything. Our lives have no meaning since we don’t actually control them.


Well-Known Member
Emergence would mean that the subatomic particles themselves would be conscious.

Then all chemical processes are deterministic, we know that any attempt to explain consciousness as being local to the brain must do so using only deterministic biochemical processes. If biochemical processes are truly the source of consciousness, then we have no free will because all chemical processes are deterministic in nature. If this is the case, then we aren't actually choosing to do anything. Nature has pre-destined every remote thought and everything. Our lives have no meaning since we don’t actually control them.

Interesting read:

Do subatomic particles have free will? | Science News

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Emergence would mean that the subatomic particles themselves would be conscious.

Then all chemical processes are deterministic, we know that any attempt to explain consciousness as being local to the brain must do so using only deterministic biochemical processes. If biochemical processes are truly the source of consciousness, then we have no free will because all chemical processes are deterministic in nature. If this is the case, then we aren't actually choosing to do anything. Nature has pre-destined every remote thought and everything. Our lives have no meaning since we don’t actually control them.
I think that would be the case. Chemistry is reactive. Cause and effect. I actually can't think of a single thing where this doesn't apply. Maybe you could provide an example to the contrary.

I wouldn't think life as It's lived is meaningless, but there are direct facts that some people may not want to accept or acknowledge, and our reactive nature applies from atom to molecule and whatever form it takes.


Well-Known Member
I think that would be the case. Chemistry is reactive. Cause and effect. I actually can't think of a single thing where this doesn't apply. Maybe you could provide an example to the contrary.

I wouldn't think life as It's lived is meaningless, but there are direct facts that some people may not want to accept or acknowledge, and our reactive nature applies from atom to molecule and whatever form it takes.

In the court of law, for one. A murderer wouldn't be a murderer. No one would and could be labeled or judged as anything. One was just doing what the physical chemicals in their brain told them to do. Science could be used as a strong defense to do anything we desire with no consequences.

Also, if everything is reactive, cause and effect, from external stimuli, then our cognition would come and arise to us from an external source of consciousness. Our skin being permeable to the subatomic particles of energy (information in motion).
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Well-Known Member
I think that would be the case. Chemistry is reactive. Cause and effect. I actually can't think of a single thing where this doesn't apply. Maybe you could provide an example to the contrary.

I wouldn't think life as It's lived is meaningless, but there are direct facts that some people may not want to accept or acknowledge, and our reactive nature applies from atom to molecule and whatever form it takes.

Here's a good link to read though if interested.

You Are Not in Control - Illusion of Free Will

I personally agree with most of it, besides the doing things for selfish reasons. A pure heart and mind can do things genuinely and not in vain.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
The irony is, using scientific law, mountains would be conscious.

If consciousness were created by matter then information is encoded into matter. This is incorrect.

During the past decade, astrochemists have found that DNA molecules, the fundamental building blocks of life, find their origins not on Earth, but in the Cosmos. They are the languange of the Universe, the information they inherited comes from the stars and the cosmic ecology that formed them.

Information being built up over time.

Then what is information? Energy in motion.

Information is not consciousness.

Consciousness would be, "being in-formed or as being "in formation." Being.

Then there must be a molecule (DNA) that functions as the source of speaking, walking, reading, and doing mathematics, etc.

Then one must credit that DNA knows math, which would give it a mind.
Can we really believe that anyone, and all other producers of words, get their inspiration from amino acids, enzymes, and proteins, which is what DNA actually produces?

Yes, we actually can in a sense. Consciousness and science are both correct. Information is encoded in forms of subatomic invisible energies. Energetic communication from one conscious source to another. Subtle undetectable intelligence.

Inspiration, thoughts, intuition, new ideas, etc seem to just arise into our minds and we don't know how. Classical physics explains this well. Our brains and bodies are not exempt from laws. Cognition arises from external stimuli, this is the collective conscious. Being's being "in-formed" by means of subatomic energies.

If information is encoded into matter, then yes a mountain would be conscious according to science.

Scientists are completely baffled how any matter can be conscious.

But then there is the science that states:
Solid matter has been reduced to invisible waves existing in a field of mathematical probabilities.

The probability of an event, any event only exists as long as there is someone to ask the question of what may happen and to measure the outcomes when they occur. So probabilities and other mathematical expressions, which are the foundation of modern quantum physics, imply the existence of observation.

Reality is based on math but math is broken down to nothing at all. Then what is nothing? Nothing is everything: primordial consciousness. It's self evident this exists and we "experience" all of its effects but we don't know what it is using science because it cannot be seen or measured or be made technical... It is to be experienced. To BE "in-formed."

The reason why anything (including us) seems to be real physical things made up of particles is because our souls(electromagnetic fields of energy) became complex enough to create amazing brains to give us this experience. Think about a computer game. It presents worlds and characters to us as we see and experience the computer screen and controller. But really this computer game is made up of a bunch or 0’s and 1’s! It’s not really a person running around on the screen; it’s a bunch of zeros and ones. Our brains work the same way. When we pick up a rock, we aren’t really touching a physical object. Instead we are picking up a mathematical formula that our brains interpret as a solid piece of granite, quartz, or whatever. It is the hardware of our brains that allows us beings (accumulated experiences) to sense and experience physicality. The strange thing is that our brains are also not real. They, too, are just complex mathematical formulas interpreting other complex mathematical formulas.

Solid matter has been reduced to invisible waves existing in a field of mathematical probabilities.

The probability of an event, any event only exists as long as there is someone to ask the question of what may happen and to measure the outcomes when they occur. So probabilities and other mathematical expressions, which are the foundation of modern quantum physics, imply the existence of observation. Countless acts of observation give substance and reality to what would otherwise be ghosts of existence.

Information encoded into all matter, isn't logical either because "information" is a mental concept, and without the concept, there's no information in anything, since information by definition must ultimately contain meaning (even if it is a sequence of 0’s and 1’s as in computer language), and only minds grasp meaning and receive information.

Information comes from the experience of consciousness interacting within its limited forms, it is "in-formed" or "in formation" which is conscious being.

The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will; the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why. The truly valuable thing is the intuition.
Albert Einstein

My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists. Nikola Tesla

“It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.” Eugene Wigner, theoretical physicist and mathematician. He received a share of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963

I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulating consciousness.” – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918

It is by humbling oneself and entering within ourselves that we experience wonderful counseling, wisdom, knowledge, love, peace, oneness from the Source.

Existence is comprised of three components: energy (motion), matter, and consciousness. Essentially these are all ONE. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. Matter is neither created nor destroyed. Consciousness is neither created nor destroyed. You cannot have the one without the other. In order for consciousness to “be,” a vehicle (body) is needed. As matter (the body) is put into motion (energy) consciousness has the chance to experience, eventually given rise to self awareness.

Well, I don't know where to start. :)

Allow me a simplification. Mass and energy are the same, according to Relativity. So, you are lef with only two components: energy and consciousness.

Incidentally, motion is relative too. If I see a massive rocket passing by, that rocket has a high energy for me, not for anyone that travels along with the rocket. So, for me it has energy, for them it has not and we are both equally right, since there is no privileged observer. Therefore, your so called energy of motion is not objective.

Second, according to QM, you can borrow energy if you give it back sooner or later. Therefore, you can, or must, have an energetic imbalance for a short time. actually, it is impossible to say what the energy of a system is if you measure it for sufficiently short intervals of time,,even if you know it before the measurement. Saying that it stays constant during this time would contradict the indetermination principle.

All this seems to contradict your basic assumptions. Especially if you appeal to modern physics, as your references to M. Plank seem to indicate.


- viole


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't know where to start. :)

Allow me a simplification. Mass and energy are the same, according to Relativity. So, you are lef with only two components: energy and consciousness.

Incidentally, motion is relative too. If I see a massive rocket passing by, that rocket has a high energy for me, not for anyone that travels along with the rocket. So, for me it has energy, for them it has not and we are both equally right, since there is no privileged observer. Therefore, your so called energy of motion is not objective.

Second, according to QM, you can borrow energy if you give it back sooner or later. Therefore, you can, or must, have an energetic imbalance for a short time. actually, it is impossible to say what the energy of a system is if you measure it for sufficiently short intervals of time,,even if you know it before the measurement. Saying that it stays constant during this time would contradict the indetermination principle.

All this seems to contradict your basic assumptions. Especially if you appeal to modern physics, as your references to M. Plank seem to indicate.


- viole

Thank you for the reply, and reasoning.

Mass and energy are not necessarily the same.

Matter and Energy: A False Dichotomy | Of Particular Significance

According to classical physics, measurements of the speed of light should vary according to the motion of the observer, as you've stated.

Light has unknowable qualities. We never see light itself. The light that strikes the eye is known only through the energy it releases. This energy is translated into a visual image in the mind. Although the image appears to be composed of light, the light we see is a quality appearing in consciousness. What light actually is, we never know. Consciously, we can receive this light and energy.

Even a vacuum is full of activity and is not exactly empty. Energy is borrowed from the future to create a matter particle and antimatter particle, which collide in a process called pair annihilation to form energy again (through e=mc2), returning the energy borrowed. A vacuum can be said to contain matter and antimatter particles which are constantly created and destroyed all the time. Their density is tremendous, but we cannot perceive any of them because their observable effects entirely cancel each other out.

But in a strong electromagnetic field, this annihilation, which is typically a sink mechanism, can be the source of new particles.

In the course of the annihilation, gamma photons appear, which can produce additional electrons and positrons.

A gamma photon is a high-energy particle of light. A positron is an anti-electron, a mirror-image particle with the same properties as an electron, but an opposite, positive charge. Our brains are permeable receivers.

God is light.

This sounds a lot like Genesis. Our souls are electromagnetic fields of energy.

In the original language the word was't "God".

The word was ELOHIM.

Elohim is a word that means dual.

Both male and female. (Positive and negative energies)

In Genesis 1:20 it says " Let us make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness". (Mirror image particles)

Notice the duality there.

It is suggesting male and female. (Positive and negative energies)

In Genesis 5:1 it says " Male and Female created he him and called their name Adam".
Referring to one person,
with a dual mind.

Male(positive/positron) and female(negative/electron) and called their name Adam(atom)

Conscious and subconscious/unconscious = one mind, dual. Objective higher mind and subjective lower mind. Husband and wife.

The universal mind. Is energy/light and consciousness.

Noah's Ark(Arc) where the flood of cosmic energy came and destroyed them all (bad cells)

An Arc is defined as a continuous passage of an electric current between two or more separated carbon or other electrodes.

Nerve impulses in the human body are triggered across synapse's.

These are electrical impulses.

In the brain the impulse Arcs from one receptor to the other.

As one is separated from thought and mind, we are receiving light energy through the Pineal Gland which then causes Arcs of electricity from receptor to receptor.

These are inner experiences of consciousness achieved through electrical Arcs,or Arks.

Angles of light cause Arcs in the brain, Archangels or we can say Arcangles.

The human brain is a receiver for information in motion/energy/consciousness from its external and internal environment. It's a miniature duplicate brain of the cosmos (big brain)

Conveying signals point to point. Source to source.

Information in motion. (Photons/light)
The word 'Angel' is taken from the Greek word 'Angelos' which means 'Messenger, Angels are God's messengers, and Einstein said that Light comes to the Earth at an angle, and that light which are Photons, are messenger particles. Angels/Angles. Archangel= Arcangle.

This ties in well with these wonderful links:




pro scapegoat
Thank you for the reply, and reasoning.

Mass and energy are not necessarily the same.

Matter and Energy: A False Dichotomy | Of Particular Significance

According to classical physics, measurements of the speed of light should vary according to the motion of the observer, as you've stated.

Light has unknowable qualities. We never see light itself. The light that strikes the eye is known only through the energy it releases. This energy is translated into a visual image in the mind. Although the image appears to be composed of light, the light we see is a quality appearing in consciousness. What light actually is, we never know. Consciously, we can receive this light and energy.

Even a vacuum is full of activity and is not exactly empty. Energy is borrowed from the future to create a matter particle and antimatter particle, which collide in a process called pair annihilation to form energy again (through e=mc2), returning the energy borrowed. A vacuum can be said to contain matter and antimatter particles which are constantly created and destroyed all the time. Their density is tremendous, but we cannot perceive any of them because their observable effects entirely cancel each other out.

But in a strong electromagnetic field, this annihilation, which is typically a sink mechanism, can be the source of new particles.

In the course of the annihilation, gamma photons appear, which can produce additional electrons and positrons.

A gamma photon is a high-energy particle of light. A positron is an anti-electron, a mirror-image particle with the same properties as an electron, but an opposite, positive charge. Our brains are permeable receivers.

God is light.

This sounds a lot like Genesis. Our souls are electromagnetic fields of energy.

In the original language the word was't "God".

The word was ELOHIM.

Elohim is a word that means dual.

Both male and female. (Positive and negative energies)

In Genesis 1:20 it says " Let us make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness". (Mirror image particles)

Notice the duality there.

It is suggesting male and female. (Positive and negative energies)

In Genesis 5:1 it says " Male and Female created he him and called their name Adam".
Referring to one person,
with a dual mind.

Male(positive/positron) and female(negative/electron) and called their name Adam(atom)

Conscious and subconscious/unconscious = one mind, dual. Objective higher mind and subjective lower mind. Husband and wife.

The universal mind. Is energy/light and consciousness.

Noah's Ark(Arc) where the flood of cosmic energy came and destroyed them all (bad cells)

An Arc is defined as a continuous passage of an electric current between two or more separated carbon or other electrodes.

Nerve impulses in the human body are triggered across synapse's.

These are electrical impulses.

In the brain the impulse Arcs from one receptor to the other.

As one is separated from thought and mind, we are receiving light energy through the Pineal Gland which then causes Arcs of electricity from receptor to receptor.

These are inner experiences of consciousness achieved through electrical Arcs,or Arks.

Angles of light cause Arcs in the brain, Archangels or we can say Arcangles.

The human brain is a receiver for information in motion/energy/consciousness from its external and internal environment. It's a miniature duplicate brain of the cosmos (big brain)

Conveying signals point to point. Source to source.

Information in motion. (Photons/light)
The word 'Angel' is taken from the Greek word 'Angelos' which means 'Messenger, Angels are God's messengers, and Einstein said that Light comes to the Earth at an angle, and that light which are Photons, are messenger particles. Angels/Angles. Archangel= Arcangle.

This ties in well with these wonderful links:


The origin of the word 'angle' is not related to that for 'angel'. It comes from the old French and means 'corner'.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the reply, and reasoning.

Mass and energy are not necessarily the same.

Matter and Energy: A False Dichotomy | Of Particular Significance

According to classical physics, measurements of the speed of light should vary according to the motion of the observer, as you've stated.

Light has unknowable qualities. We never see light itself. The light that strikes the eye is known only through the energy it releases. This energy is translated into a visual image in the mind. Although the image appears to be composed of light, the light we see is a quality appearing in consciousness. What light actually is, we never know. Consciously, we can receive this light and energy.

Even a vacuum is full of activity and is not exactly empty. Energy is borrowed from the future to create a matter particle and antimatter particle, which collide in a process called pair annihilation to form energy again (through e=mc2), returning the energy borrowed. A vacuum can be said to contain matter and antimatter particles which are constantly created and destroyed all the time. Their density is tremendous, but we cannot perceive any of them because their observable effects entirely cancel each other out.

But in a strong electromagnetic field, this annihilation, which is typically a sink mechanism, can be the source of new particles.

In the course of the annihilation, gamma photons appear, which can produce additional electrons and positrons.

A gamma photon is a high-energy particle of light. A positron is an anti-electron, a mirror-image particle with the same properties as an electron, but an opposite, positive charge. Our brains are permeable receivers.

God is light.

This sounds a lot like Genesis. Our souls are electromagnetic fields of energy.

In the original language the word was't "God".

The word was ELOHIM.

Elohim is a word that means dual.

Both male and female. (Positive and negative energies)

In Genesis 1:20 it says " Let us make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness". (Mirror image particles)

Notice the duality there.

It is suggesting male and female. (Positive and negative energies)

In Genesis 5:1 it says " Male and Female created he him and called their name Adam".
Referring to one person,
with a dual mind.

Male(positive/positron) and female(negative/electron) and called their name Adam(atom)

Conscious and subconscious/unconscious = one mind, dual. Objective higher mind and subjective lower mind. Husband and wife.

The universal mind. Is energy/light and consciousness.

Noah's Ark(Arc) where the flood of cosmic energy came and destroyed them all (bad cells)

An Arc is defined as a continuous passage of an electric current between two or more separated carbon or other electrodes.

Nerve impulses in the human body are triggered across synapse's.

These are electrical impulses.

In the brain the impulse Arcs from one receptor to the other.

As one is separated from thought and mind, we are receiving light energy through the Pineal Gland which then causes Arcs of electricity from receptor to receptor.

These are inner experiences of consciousness achieved through electrical Arcs,or Arks.

Angles of light cause Arcs in the brain, Archangels or we can say Arcangles.

The human brain is a receiver for information in motion/energy/consciousness from its external and internal environment. It's a miniature duplicate brain of the cosmos (big brain)

Conveying signals point to point. Source to source.

Information in motion. (Photons/light)
The word 'Angel' is taken from the Greek word 'Angelos' which means 'Messenger, Angels are God's messengers, and Einstein said that Light comes to the Earth at an angle, and that light which are Photons, are messenger particles. Angels/Angles. Archangel= Arcangle.

This ties in well with these wonderful links:



Couple this with in the book of Numbers, the number from the tribe of Judah is 186,400. Light comes from Judah.

The tabernacle of God. The brain of God. The brain of consciousness with the twelve tribes surrounding as the twelve cranial nerves that regulate how we interact with and perceive our environment.


Well-Known Member
The origin of the word 'angle' is not related to that for 'angel'. It comes from the old French and means 'corner'.

Thank you for the information. It's about the word angel and it being a messenger of light. Not the word angle. The world angle does derive from something meaning to bend or bow.

Genesis 9:13King James Version (KJV)
13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.


pro scapegoat
Thank you for the information. It's about the word angel and it being a messenger of light. Not the word angle. The world angle does derive from something meaning to bend or bow.

Genesis 9:13King James Version (KJV)
13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
Oh ok. The messenger of light? You mean Satan? 2 Corinthians 11:14.

I think it is Young's Literal Translation that has is exactly as messenger of light. Satan transforms himself into a messenger of light.


Well-Known Member
Oh ok. The messenger of light? You mean Satan? 2 Corinthians 11:14.

I think it is Young's Literal Translation that has is exactly as messenger of light. Satan transforms himself into a messenger of light.

Heaven is a state of being in the mind.

The war in heaven has to do with the war of angels and demons in your head as thoughts and manifestations of mind.

When trying to attain enlightenment, or Christ consciousness, or super consciousness, (divine marriage between conscious and subconscious) it is important to eradicate (not grasp onto) any thoughts and manifestations of the mind. That’s why God was so adamant about slaying every last person (cell) in the enemy camp. If one thought goes unchecked, it blossoms into many more.

Satan represents the ego.

Christ and Satan are terms represented by something within the temple (brain/mind)

Most people live an ego-driven life. The mind is constantly manifesting ego-driven thoughts. The key is to learn not to identify your true self with those thoughts. Thoughts come and go. That’s also why Satan is described as masquerading as the light, because most people think their ego is the real them, their true light. But becoming an observer of our thoughts for awhile without judging them, we begin to understand how insane the mind can be.

They are so identified with their thoughts that they inherently believe that that is who they are. Because of this, they are consciously unaware of their connection to the potential consciousness within them. Their true conscious potential is never nurtured and they live and die as an ego-driven individual.

Christ and Satan are both are the potential inside of you, in the kingdom of your mind.

In order to become the Christ, (higher consciousness/super consciousness) one has to work through the potential of the ego. Then we symbolically crucify it by going deep “within.”

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Cognition would derive from an outside and external source using the laws of physics. This is something that is spot on. Cognition does derive from an external source.
Cognition simply means that something is able to obtain information and then later review that information. I don't know what you mean by external in this claim. Do you mean external to the function? External to the system? Or external to the universe?

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I agree that consciousness, from a philosophical point of view, or from the point of view of Webster's nonspecific definition of "consciousness", is self-evident. From a scientific point of view (as I'll go into a bit more detail below), I strongly disagree that consciousness is "self-evident".
What consciousness "is" may not be self evident but that it exists in some form that we see in function is self evident.


Well-Known Member
So are you really a mystic?

I don't define myself or any other as anything. It creates labeling and judgements. Mystic holds too many preconceived religious and occult determinations.

If a more mechanical being needed a definition of something that is beyond defining, this would work:

a being who seeks by closing off the mind within and self-surrender to obtain unity with the absolute, or who knows/experiences in the spiritual/conscious apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect, receiving cognition(wisdom, knowledge, understanding) from the Source and not living by sight alone.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Thank you for the reply, and reasoning.

Mass and energy are not necessarily the same.

Matter and Energy: A False Dichotomy | Of Particular Significance

According to classical physics, measurements of the speed of light should vary according to the motion of the observer, as you've stated.

Light has unknowable qualities. We never see light itself. The light that strikes the eye is known only through the energy it releases. This energy is translated into a visual image in the mind. Although the image appears to be composed of light, the light we see is a quality appearing in consciousness. What light actually is, we never know. Consciously, we can receive this light and energy.

Even a vacuum is full of activity and is not exactly empty. Energy is borrowed from the future to create a matter particle and antimatter particle, which collide in a process called pair annihilation to form energy again (through e=mc2), returning the energy borrowed. A vacuum can be said to contain matter and antimatter particles which are constantly created and destroyed all the time. Their density is tremendous, but we cannot perceive any of them because their observable effects entirely cancel each other out.

But in a strong electromagnetic field, this annihilation, which is typically a sink mechanism, can be the source of new particles.

In the course of the annihilation, gamma photons appear, which can produce additional electrons and positrons.

A gamma photon is a high-energy particle of light. A positron is an anti-electron, a mirror-image particle with the same properties as an electron, but an opposite, positive charge. Our brains are permeable receivers.

God is light.

This sounds a lot like Genesis. Our souls are electromagnetic fields of energy.

In the original language the word was't "God".

The word was ELOHIM.

Elohim is a word that means dual.

Both male and female. (Positive and negative energies)

In Genesis 1:20 it says " Let us make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness". (Mirror image particles)

Notice the duality there.

It is suggesting male and female. (Positive and negative energies)

In Genesis 5:1 it says " Male and Female created he him and called their name Adam".
Referring to one person,
with a dual mind.

Male(positive/positron) and female(negative/electron) and called their name Adam(atom)

Conscious and subconscious/unconscious = one mind, dual. Objective higher mind and subjective lower mind. Husband and wife.

The universal mind. Is energy/light and consciousness.

Noah's Ark(Arc) where the flood of cosmic energy came and destroyed them all (bad cells)

An Arc is defined as a continuous passage of an electric current between two or more separated carbon or other electrodes.

Nerve impulses in the human body are triggered across synapse's.

These are electrical impulses.

In the brain the impulse Arcs from one receptor to the other.

As one is separated from thought and mind, we are receiving light energy through the Pineal Gland which then causes Arcs of electricity from receptor to receptor.

These are inner experiences of consciousness achieved through electrical Arcs,or Arks.

Angles of light cause Arcs in the brain, Archangels or we can say Arcangles.

The human brain is a receiver for information in motion/energy/consciousness from its external and internal environment. It's a miniature duplicate brain of the cosmos (big brain)

Conveying signals point to point. Source to source.

Information in motion. (Photons/light)
The word 'Angel' is taken from the Greek word 'Angelos' which means 'Messenger, Angels are God's messengers, and Einstein said that Light comes to the Earth at an angle, and that light which are Photons, are messenger particles. Angels/Angles. Archangel= Arcangle.

This ties in well with these wonderful links:



i like your definition of angels as messengers. At least, it explains why they have wings. Probably an inspiration from the old way of sending messages with pigeons. I think this is a symbolism to keep into account.

But concerning your analogy angels/angles: does it work only in English or it is valid also for, say, Hebrew? I know it does not work in German: Winkel and Engel do not look similar.


- viole


Well-Known Member
The origin of the word 'angle' is not related to that for 'angel'. It comes from the old French and means 'corner'.

I'm glad you brought that up, helped me divulge deeper. Thanks.

The Greek equivalent in areas of scripture is gonia. The Greek meaning is perhaps more closely related to our modern divisions known as quadrants. Gonia literally means angles, or divisions.

4 corners of the Earth in scripture. The Earth is a way of conveying matter as the physical brain. 2 tablets of stone (two hemispheres of brain)

Perhaps the 4 lobes in the brain. Divided into four sections.


Well-Known Member
i like your definition of angels as messengers. At least, it explains why they have wings. Probably an inspiration from the old way of sending messages with pigeons. I think this is a symbolism to keep into account.

But concerning your analogy angels/angles: does it work only in English or it is valid also for, say, Hebrew? I know it does not work in German: Winkel and Engel do not look similar.


- viole

Thank you.

We also have cheribum with two wings. Cheribum correlates with the word cerebrum as a cover.

An interesting thing to consider in alternative languages.


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