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What was the Big Bang


Just old
Premium Member
Some people mixture a sphere of some unknown plasma in a container ?
And there's not anything outside this little, little sphere !
Nothingness, just a total void of emptiness.
What is containing this sphere, or `plasma`,
what is the shape of it, irregular nodulous wrinkles ?
Or a flat ribbon streaming endlessly to infinity,
surrounded by a `Void`, containing a wave of plasma !
Nahhhhh...can't happen, where is the `gravity` ?
Where's the center ? By what dimension in what direction ?
`Gravity`, we don't have . . `outside`, or `into` is a `void`,
from where is the pressure to `contain the plasma` coming ?
From the `center`, to the `point`, `sucking` everything in ?
Really ?


Rogue Theologian
the speed of light is constant from all perspectives.

they are warped by their movement relative to each other.

which is it?

consider.....moving with you and no other reference point....and your speed identical and constant
an object within reach will stay that way

moving in the opposite direction.....twice the speed
moving directly to you....twice the speed

the object is constant
you are constant
the pending impact ......velocity doubled


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
We can deduce the existence of, and at least the approximation values of Planck space-time, unless you're saying that time and space are infinitely divisible--in which case time, distance, time and motion would not be possible or meaningless, re: Zeno's Paradox and non-local space. That is not speculation. The non-infinite divisibility of distance and time is the key point of the OP, but one which the main opponents here are either talking around or ignoring altogether.

Sorry, but Zeno's paradoxes are resolved in other ways than having non-infinite divisibility.

What happens at the Planck level is that quantum effects on gravity become dominant, making the geometry itself a quantum effect. The measurements of space and time are quantized, but the underlying manifold may allow further subdivision.

No, the evidence is overwhelming that the cosmos is local down to that limits of the divisibility of the cosmos, whatever that level is. But in fact, as some point (Planck space-time limits, whatever they are), quantum mechanics must shift over to a non-local environment or what I've been calling Quantumland, likely due, as you say, to the dominance of string theory/quantum gravity. The necessity and coexistence of a non-local Quantumland is best explained by Cramer's Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (TIQM).

Really? Care to point to that evidence? And which interpretation is used doesn't affect the physical predictions, or the cautions.


A Planck length is fractional 0, how do you propose 0 can ''warp'' or dilate?

How is it a fractional zero??? Planck time and Planck length are real numbers.

There is no negligible length to contract, may I suggest you please think about the question rather than repeating what Wiki says.

What does "there is no negligible length to contract" mean?

I quote Wiki at times for convenience, which stands on its own internal Truth. Using the logical fallacy of an appeal to authority is not a refutation of the statement quoted, even when, as in this case, you only implied the authority. If you see a flaw, by all means say so, by saying what it is.

james blunt

Well-Known Member
How is it a fractional zero??? Planck time and Planck length are real numbers.

What does "there is no negligible length to contract" mean?

I quote Wiki at times for convenience, which stands on its own internal Truth. Using the logical fallacy of an appeal to authority is not a refutation of the statement quoted, even when, as in this case, you only implied the authority. If you see a flaw, by all means say so, by saying what it is.
The numbers for Planck ''stuff'' are practically zero. No negligible length means exactly that , it is not worth considering.

You seem smart , can you please help in other thread, do you know anything about electricity?


which is it?

consider.....moving with you and no other reference point....and your speed identical and constant
an object within reach will stay that way

moving in the opposite direction.....twice the speed
moving directly to you....twice the speed

the object is constant
you are constant
the pending impact ......velocity doubled

Which is what? :confused:

Sorry, but Zeno's paradoxes are resolved in other ways than having non-infinite divisibility

What happens at the Planck level is that quantum effects on gravity become dominant, making the geometry itself a quantum effect. The measurements of space and time are quantized, but the underlying manifold may allow further subdivision.

Not in non-local space, which is what is specified, and implied by the EPR paradox, double slit, etc. And if that was one of your "other ways", it wasn't.

Really? Care to point to that evidence?

And which interpretation is used doesn't affect the physical predictions, or the cautions.

TIQM is the only one that explains all quantum weirdness. But it does so at the expense of implementing quantum transactions in a timeless environment, which is why its been stuck on the back burner for so long....time prejudice.


The numbers for Planck ''stuff'' are practically zero. No negligible length means exactly that , it is not worth considering.

Besides it's double negativity, the implications of what's beyond Planck space-time is enormous. 10 to the minus 43 seconds is only a stop on the way to 10 to the negative infinite power. However, if the Planck space-time limit is the transition from local space to non-local space, time and distance are meaningless from that point on.

You seem smart , can you please help in other thread, do you know anything about electricity?

I'm not smart...at all. My rote recall sucks. I'm a mere lay theoretician who must rely on professionals who can express all this mathematically, and others still who can express that math intuitively. What intellectual strength I have is the result my life long focus on Truth theory, if you will. My knowledge of electricity is bare necessity essentials. What you may be looking for may be only tangential or even totally irrelevant to electricity, depending on the question. O/W, I'd probably be no help.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
All of the examples of `light` are assumed to be directional ?
Light is the `cause`, in all directions, with no interruptive opposition.
Light can be re-directed, can't it ?And of course, absorbed.
Are we still talking about the BB itself ? Not the `container` ?
And since the existence of light implies a medium in which the light radiates in all directions everywhere, that medium is, a) present whether there is light or not, and b) omnipresent.


Rogue Theologian
And since the existence of light implies a medium in which the light radiates in all directions everywhere, that medium is, a) present whether there is light or not, and b) omnipresent.
so .....space.....existed BEFORE the big bang

I would agree....if you mean to say.....

the VOID existed before the creation of light

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
so .....space.....existed BEFORE the big bang

I would agree....if you mean to say.....

the VOID existed before the creation of light
I am not sure there was a beginning to the process, creation cycles of manifestation (big bangs, light,etc.,) imho, are a part of an eternal process.


Just old
Premium Member
If one believes in the creation by `God` of a `new` entity, called Earth,
that to be the haven of `His` new human toys, and their pets and food,
and that `creation` from the vastness of the `void` from nothingness,
everything that was inside the container, at the snap of `His` fingers,
everything appears in six days, EVERYTHING FROM NOTHING !
There was a void of nothingness, and inside that container of nothingness,
was a singularity that was everything, so `God` used the singularity to create everything !
So says the good priest that came up with the myth of the first creation,
The Big Bang !
So when this was happening.........where was `God` ?
And of course, what created `God`.
Always was...and...will be...the Cosmos
No edges, no center, no rotation, just pure oscillation and mass
spreading everywhere,
but......into what ???


If one believes in the creation by `God` of a `new` entity, called Earth,
that to be the haven of `His` new human toys, and their pets and food,
and that `creation` from the vastness of the `void` from nothingness,
everything that was inside the container, at the snap of `His` fingers,
everything appears in six days, EVERYTHING FROM NOTHING !
There was a void of nothingness, and inside that container of nothingness,
was a singularity that was everything, so `God` used the singularity to create everything !
So says the good priest that came up with the myth of the first creation,
The Big Bang !
So when this was happening.........where was `God` ?
And of course, what created `God`.
Always was...and...will be...the Cosmos
No edges, no center, no rotation, just pure oscillation and mass
spreading everywhere,
but......into what ???

A local universe expanding into a non-local "environment". Being non-local, it has no dimensions or time.

As for God, we have no evidence either way, which is ostensibly intentional, if God exists. :)


Rogue Theologian
A local universe expanding into a non-local "environment". Being non-local, it has no dimensions or time.

As for God, we have no evidence either way, which is ostensibly intentional, if God exists. :)
if it moves ....that movement could be calculated
the calculation IS the item we call ....time

time is a number noted by distance in it's relation to a measure
which we made up in our heads

'seconds' don't exist... as substance or a force
distance is also made up......your feet exist
the 'foot' does not

as for God out of sight.......of course

His true image is Spirit
so no physical representation will do
(hence the commandment....Thou shalt NOT have a graven image before thee)


Just old
Premium Member
hey Pain,
Thief is describing the secret of the Cosmos,
encompassed by the `God` of his choice.
`it` moves as `it` will be, and merging with the `now`.
`it` is moving as we move, into the further Cosmos.
I wish that Thief's future is correct,
and mine is wrong.


hey Pain,
Thief is describing the secret of the Cosmos,
encompassed by the `God` of his choice.
`it` moves as `it` will be, and merging with the `now`.
`it` is moving as we move, into the further Cosmos.
I wish that Thief's future is correct,
and mine is wrong.

Looks like whatever he has is contagious. Guess I better suit up:



Veteran Member
And since the existence of light implies a medium in which the light radiates in all directions everywhere, that medium is, a) present whether there is light or not, and b) omnipresent.
Hold on, hold on there a moment! Maxwell, Michelson and Morley and Einstein would be turning in their graves to hear you say that.

Light, famously, does not require a medium for its propagation. It propagates very nicely in the vacuum of space.


Rogue Theologian
Hold on, hold on there a moment! Maxwell, Michelson and Morley and Einstein would be turning in their graves to hear you say that.

Light, famously, does not require a medium for its propagation. It propagates very nicely in the vacuum of space.
but not such in solids?
how about the grave?


Veteran Member
but not such in solids?
how about the grave?
Light of a given wavelength will pass through solids, liquids and gases IF they do not absorb light of that wavelength, i.e. they are said to be "transparent" to that wavelength.

Graves, you may have noticed, tend to absorb most wavelengths of light.