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What will Christians and Muslims have to say


See the previous line
Engaging in a sexual act is a choice.
True. But being homosexual isn't.

If it was proven that genes determine being gay, this wouldn't mean homosexual acts are natural but it would mean we should help homosexual people to live a natural life (i.e. search for a treatment).
So . . . being true to yourself requires treatment?
Say I love candy, but because of my health freak friends, I'm pressured not to eat any. Does eating candy require treatment?


Veteran Member
When and if a gay gene is identified by geneticists. Will you abandon your stance that it is a choice, evil, abomination, unnatural?

on our side that gene is already identified and when it disfunctions, people happen to be gay.



RF Addict
it would mean we should help homosexual people to live a natural life (i.e. search for a treatment).

You do know how horrible this sounds, right? If someone fiddled with your brains and genes so you can have a homosexual life and be fine with it, would this be good to you?


Agnostic Pantheist
This thread is a morbid resource for a donkey load of dystopian literature of the most horrific kind.
the really disturbing thing is that there are nations that systematically apply some of the mentality reflected here, while some nations run passionate debates about same sex marriage, other nations run passionate pogroms on the homosexual community.
in some places 1984 is not alt history, its a reality.
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Samuel 1:26
"I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; dear and delightful you were to me; your love for me was wonderful, surpassing the love of women."

What does this mean?
To say he is just expressing his brotherly love would be ridiculous. If there is any Christian men out there that would let their mates talk to them like this let me know.
This sort of talk from one straight one to another would get you a couple of black eyes..



Quran & Sunnah
So then Peace & ILoveIslam.....What should the punishment be for homosexuals that refuse to listen to Allah?

Not anyone can punish homosexuals, and it is not people's right to do so. Only an Islamic government has the right to punish homosexuals, only Muslim ones, but with the condition that there four witnesses to the act itself.
Many Muslim scholars differ in the way homosexuals must be punished and some scholars based their opinion on comparing homosexuality to fornication and thus applied the same punishment and of course with the condition stated above which is the testimony of four witnesses.

If you want to know more about the fatwa click Here


Agnostic Pantheist
If you want to know more about the fatwa click Here
Quoting from your link Peace, how do you feel about this:
"The scholars of Islam, such as Malik, Ash-Shafi`i, Ahmad and Ishaaq said that (the person guilty of this crime) should be stoned, whether he is married or unmarried."


Active Member
Not anyone can punish homosexuals, and it is not people's right to do so. Only an Islamic government has the right to punish homosexuals, only Muslim ones, but with the condition that there four witnesses to the act itself.
Many Muslim scholars differ in the way homosexuals must be punished and some scholars based their opinion on comparing homosexuality to fornication and thus applied the same punishment and of course with the condition stated above which is the testimony of four witnesses.

If you want to know more about the fatwa click Here
Hi Peace. You have missed my point. There should be 'no punishment' for being homosexual - and - that the punishment in Islam is 'Death' is beyond disturbing. You have no problem with someone being put to death over this ?


Veteran Member
Hi Peace. You have missed my point. There should be 'no punishment' for being homosexual - and - that the punishment in Islam is 'Death' is beyond disturbing. You have no problem with someone being put to death over this ?

btw, that punishment has no place IN Islam the religion. there is no death penalty for gay people according to Qur'an.



Active Member
btw, that punishment has no place IN Islam the religion. there is no death penalty for gay people according to Qur'an.


The Qur'an states that they will be destroyed by Rain. The Hadith explicitly states 'Death'. Please explain being destroyed by rain?


Veteran Member
The Qur'an states that they will be destroyed by Rain. The Hadith explicitly states 'Death'. Please explain being destroyed by rain?

you gotta eliminate all hadiths that contradict with Qur'an cos they are made up stuff.

destroyed by rain? it is about disasters. disasters either come from sky or land. if it comes from land, an eartquake would ruin a society. if it comes from sky, it could be a storm or it could be rain of rocks that caused by explosion of volcano. so being destroyed by rain is natural disaster. in Qur'an there are verses about a tribe who were ended by disaster like that.



Active Member
you gotta eliminate all hadiths that contradict with Qur'an cos they are made up stuff.

destroyed by rain? it is about disasters. disasters either come from sky or land. if it comes from land, an eartquake would ruin a society. if it comes from sky, it could be a storm or it could be rain of rocks that caused by explosion of volcano. so being destroyed by rain is natural disaster. in Qur'an there are verses about a tribe who were ended by disaster like that.


So.. all homosexuals will be destroyed by natural disasters ?


Veteran Member
So.. all homosexuals will be destroyed by natural disasters ?

Qur'an says that if all sinners were punished right now no living creature would be left on Earth. we are all sinners. being human requires making mistakes. being gay considered as a sin of lust and rebel. it is not the only sin. gossip is a sin too or stealing, telling lie...etc. so religious has to see homosexuality as a sin that some people commit. that's all. what people do is between their Rab and themselves. there is no place for third party. better for everyone to correct his own wrong doings and change himself to be better people, instead of pointing sins of others. noone is sinless! hating people is serving satan and hating gay people is the very same thing.

i do not think that all homosexuals would be destroyed by disasters. everyone dies someday with or without disasters. those tribes who destroyed all at once were people who met Prophets in person. all community were sharing the same belief. i think today societies are different. we are crowded and there are any kind of people anywhere. 2000 years ago a tribe probably meant maybe 1000-2000 people. i do not know it for sure but i believe there were not so many people as we have today. disasters still kill but not every victim of a disaster die in the same way. some dies in a sleep, some dies in extreme fear.




Active Member
Qur'an says that if all sinners were punished right now no living creature would be left on Earth. we are all sinners. being human requires making mistakes. being gay considered as a sin of lust and rebel. it is not the only sin. gossip is a sin too or stealing, telling lie...etc. so religious has to see homosexuality as a sin that some people commit. that's all. what people do is between their Rab and themselves. there is no place for third party. better for everyone to correct his own wrong doings and change himself to be better people, instead of pointing sins of others. noone is sinless! hating people is serving satan and hating gay people is the very same thing.

i do not think that all homosexuals would be destroyed by disasters. everyone dies someday with or without disasters. those tribes who destroyed all at once were people who met Prophets in person. all community were sharing the same belief. i think today societies are different. we are crowded and there are any kind of people anywhere. 2000 years ago a tribe probably meant maybe 1000-2000 people. i do not know it for sure but i believe there were not so many people as we have today. disasters still kill but not every victim of a disaster die in the same way. some dies in a sleep, some dies in extreme fear.


Lava... homosexuality is 'forbidden' in most Islamic countries - because - of what it says in the Quran. Because the punishment in the Quran states that they should be destroyed - the punishments in those Islamic countries can be Death.

You say that the Hadith contradicts the Quran - but - it does not. The Hadith only gives you a means for their destruction. But... any kind of punishment - jail time, whipping etc.... is barbaric in this case. These people are who they are. They are not ill, they do not need treatment and they do not need to change themselves to be better people.

The sin I see is that a God told his children that they are 'wrong' and should be 'punished' for this behavior. Because of this... Millions have suffered emotionally and physically for far too long.