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What will Christians and Muslims have to say


RF Addict
Typical religious responce, asking for proof when someone gave you a fatal rebutle.

Actually a fair response, because I would ask him to do so if I thought he were claiming something preposterous which I did not believe.

That said, if someone had not posted proof, I would have done so, but I'm not sure whether Iloveislam would do the same.


Worshipper of Athe.
okay tell me what is the main purpose of sex scientifically...?

The main function of sex is reproduction.

The main function of opposable thumbs is gripping objects. So let's go arrest anyone who plays the piano, types on a keyboard, or uses thumbtacks, because clearly using thumbs in a pressing motion is a secondary function, and our fairy in the sky tells us that secondary functions are evil.


Active Member
yes. I cannot imagine being born by IVF treatment.

so which one is mum:
daddy no.1 or
daddy no.2

Lesbians can still have children, weather you like the methods or not isn't relevent to the arguement.

That point aside, there is no evidance that being raised by homosexual parents can harm a child. Infact, don't you think it would be much better for a loving homosexual couple to raise a child, instead of a child wandering in and out of foster homes and orphangaes.

Personally, I'd much rather have a homosexual raise someone's child than a provincial homophobe such as yourself.

You appeared to have missed my point too. The point I was making was a counter-point to your bemoaning that supporting gay marriage discourages marriage when it clearly does the opposite of that.


Active Member
instead of following personal whims and desires, it is better to judge upon established evidence.

I agree with what you said here, but I also know that animals have shown homosexual tendencies. I've wread it from credible sources that show your discontention calling it "unnatural" iks absurd.


Active Member
The main function of sex is reproduction.

The main function of opposable thumbs is gripping objects. So let's go arrest anyone who plays the piano, types on a keyboard, or uses thumbtacks, because clearly using thumbs in a pressing motion is a secondary function, and our fairy in the sky tells us that secondary functions are evil.

so you think its perfectly fine if people stop using their opposable thumbs altogether... sure people can do it, but it gives them such a disadvantage... that's apart of being a human... we can do thing that don't make sense...


Well-Known Member
Lesbians can still have children, weather you like the methods or not isn't relevent to the arguement.

That point aside, there is no evidance that being raised by homosexual parents can harm a child. Infact, don't you think it would be much better for a loving homosexual couple to raise a child, instead of a child wandering in and out of foster homes and orphangaes.

Personally, I'd much rather have a homosexual raise someone's child than a provincial homophobe such as yourself.

You appeared to have missed my point too. The point I was making was a counter-point to your bemoaning that supporting gay marriage discourages marriage when it clearly does the opposite of that.

I agree... Would you rather a child be born into a heterosexual family being beaten and abused or would you rather a child be born into a homosexual family and have the utmost amount of care and protection? There is no evidence stating homosexual parents are harmful for the child. It just means a human being will be born knowing it is okay to love who ever you want, and will not be born into this homophobic world, thinking it is unethical and wrong. They still make the choices for themselves whether they want to be with a male or a female. It is up to them how they choose to live, not the parents.


Active Member
I agree... Would you rather a child be born into a heterosexual family being beaten and abused or would you rather a child be born into a homosexual family and have the utmost amount of care and protection? There is no evidence stating homosexual parents are harmful for the child. It just means a human being will be born knowing it is okay to love who ever you want, and will not be born into this homophobic world, thinking it is unethical and wrong. They still make the choices for themselves whether they want to be with a male or a female. It is up to them how they choose to live, not the parents.

Valid points made which I agree with wholeheartedly. I mean, yeah it'd be different for a child to be raised by homosexuals, but in the examples you've given it is clearly the best situation the child could hope for. Thank you for agreeing-I'm glad for that.
Originally Posted by neves
okay tell me what is the main purpose of sex scientifically...?
Funny..every time I try to bring a scientific argument into religion I am told that science can not be compatible with the spiritual..now that it's convenient you use science...
If the answer to this one is to reproduce, and if we look at the state of the planet due to over population, people starving, not everyone having clean water to drink, the use of pesticides and fertilisers to artificially induce crops in order to feed the hordes, then it's not a very sound argument, considering all of the damage that reproduction on this scale does.

Originally Posted by iloveislam
Tolerance to gays and lesbians in a society can encourage the people in that society not to marry.

This leads to sexual affairs and family affairs.
This is just so ridiculous it almost defies a response. How could tolerance of gays and lesbians lead to other people not marrying?


Well-Known Member
Valid points made which I agree with wholeheartedly. I mean, yeah it'd be different for a child to be raised by homosexuals, but in the examples you've given it is clearly the best situation the child could hope for. Thank you for agreeing-I'm glad for that.

Well... how you feel about the matter is exactly how I feel too. This kind of topic grinds my gears because it seems to me that not many people care about anothers feelings. People care too much about their own personal views and are beyond the term selfish. I don't even know what to say anymore. arg... lol


Admiral Obvious
Tolerance to gays and lesbians in a society can encourage the people in that society not to marry.
Then let them marry.

This leads to sexual affairs and family affairs.
And of course, children being born out of wedlock.
Damn them homosexuals....

any proof please.
Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate

so the man-made law is not universal, but limited to different places...another weakness.
Gods law, completely un-necessary.
Who would have thought....

There is right and wrong. I didn't deny that fact.
I never said you did.
You DID say that we cannot determine the difference.
I disagree.
I can determine the difference.

please read my post carefully...I am claiming that we humans can and do have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.
Make up your mind already.

Do animals have the intellect to think deeply

Ans. NO
Proof please.

Do animals have the ability to research?

Ans. NO
Proof please.

I am talking about the dignity of human compared to animals.
Do animals worry so much about dignity I wonder?

Humans, despite their intellect, disagree on good and bad whereas you can't blame animals since they don't possess this intellect.
Seems to me that you got your idea all backwards.


New Member
Firstly, you are asking a hypothetical question.

If it happens then we will discuss it.

Secondly, we know that people are not born homosexual but rather it is an impact the society and environment has upon a person.

Common sense will tell you that if someone hangs around with certain type of people then they are likely to become similar to those people, or at least adapt certain characteristics of those group of people.

For example, if one hangs around with drug addicts and accompanies them then that person is also likely to take drugs or even become an addict himself.

Let me ask you a counter-question.

If scientists find a gene for rape and prove to the world that there are some babies who are genetically born to become rapists. If those babies then grew up, became adults and then raped someone, would you then say that's fine, don't punish them since they had the genes anyway?
Well put, I agree, you forgot the role of psychology though. They dont have to be exposed to 'gays'. It is also related to the nature of the relationship with the parents when very young & how skilled the parents were at creating balance of the relationship to the child. (not 'blaming 'parent) The parent could have been great, but the childs perception of the same relationship may not have been & vice versa.
Please do not think I pass judgement on homosexuals, I dont but I do disagree with it. I will accept you, we just wont talk about relationships together, like yoga or gardening?


See the previous line
Radical Fundamentalist finds out about gay gene:

"Oh no! If this is true, part of my beliefs are ruined! Oh, I know!"
*ruffles through closet*


Agnostic Pantheist
Secondly, we know that people are not born homosexual but rather it is an impact the society and environment has upon a person.
We do?
Common sense will tell you that if someone hangs around with certain type of people then they are likely to become similar to those people, or at least adapt certain characteristics of those group of people.
Gay youth live among 'normal' hetrosexual people, and many of them struggle with it and have to be ridiculed for it, some even try to pretend they are 'normal and straight'. your comment is highly insensitive to what it means to many gays to grow up as one in an intolerant environment.
For example, if one hangs around with drug addicts and accompanies them then that person is also likely to take drugs or even become an addict himself.
Is sexual orientation equivalent to drug abuse?
Let me ask you a counter-question.

If scientists find a gene for rape and prove to the world that there are some babies who are genetically born to become rapists. If those babies then grew up, became adults and then raped someone, would you then say that's fine, don't punish them since they had the genes anyway?
You know, this reminds me of when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad compared gays to criminals (after boasting that there are no gays in Iran). gays are normal citizens of society, they dont have a tendency to rape others, or even to harm them. are gays deserving of a punishment?
you need to seriously examine your world view, its quite disturbing.
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Agnostic Pantheist
I've never believed that being homosexual is a choice, any more than being heterosexual is a choice. That said, I do believe that sexual behavior and activity are choices. I don't believe sexual relations between two people of the same sex are right
LOL ok, so you do homosexuals the favor of telling them they are 'ok', but sexual relations between people who happen to not be of the 'straight' orientation is a sin?
wow paradoxes galore!
they'd be better of if you were just telling them they are sinners for being gay and end it there, the perspective of 'its ok to be gay but its not ok to practice your sexuality' is simply terrible in every conceivable way, I think its mocking millions of people with certain sexual orientation, who are not as stupid as some think.
This kind of perspective seems to be a modern Churches cope out of trying to survive in modern times, and its making them look petty.
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Agnostic Pantheist
Tolerance to gays and lesbians in a society can encourage the people in that society not to marry.

This leads to sexual affairs and family affairs.
Great Eris! are you saying we SHOULDNT be tolerant of gays? what is your alternative? :areyoucra

so the man-made law is not universal, but limited to different places...another weakness.
Freedom is Slavery

thats all I can say about that.