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What's God's Big Hangup With Homosexuality?


It is not, of course, homosexuals that God has laws against, it's the ACTS homosexuals perform that are immoral. Immoral acts PREVENT anyone from being in God's favor or from not being destroyed. God LOVES everyone, and doesn't want anyone to be destroyed. He wants all to attain to repentance and righteousness. Homosexuality is abnormal sexual behavior and is immoral sexual behavior. Sex of ANY KIND out of wedlock, the wedlock God describes in the scriptures, is also immoral and causes one's destruction. All can repent (meaning stopping the bad behavior and trying hard not to repeat it) and pray to God, in Jesus' name for forgiveness on the basis of Jesus' ransom sacrifice for us that resulted in his death. If we deliberately continue sinning, we are rendering Jesus' and God's sacrifices on our behalf as useless toward us. Instead of pleasing God we insult him. It is pleasing Him that causes us to be able to achieve being saved.


It is not, of course, homosexuals that God has laws against, it's the ACTS homosexuals perform that are immoral. Immoral acts PREVENT anyone from being in God's favor or from not being destroyed. God LOVES everyone, and doesn't want anyone to be destroyed. He wants all to attain to repentance and righteousness. Homosexuality is abnormal sexual behavior and is immoral sexual behavior. Sex of ANY KIND out of wedlock, the wedlock God describes in the scriptures, is also immoral and causes one's destruction. All can repent (meaning stopping the bad behavior and trying hard not to repeat it) and pray to God, in Jesus' name for forgiveness on the basis of Jesus' ransom sacrifice for us that resulted in his death. If we deliberately continue sinning, we are rendering Jesus' and God's sacrifices on our behalf as useless toward us. Instead of pleasing God we insult him. It is pleasing Him that causes us to be able to achieve being saved.


Veteran Member
The rectum according to my understanding is meant for crapping out of, nature did not design it for penis penetration as far as I know, it would be a pretty toxic playground I imagine.
While a predominant form of sex among gays it is not the only one, and among lesbians it's a minor form of sex.

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I did read it and saw nothing that explained by god abhors homosexual behavior. Want to point it out?
I don't agree with the premise contained in the question -- it's begging the question. All I can do is present how I believe God looks at homosexuality and tell you why he did abhor it in Israel and why Paul said the things he said.

Generalizing from the Old Testament and saying God abhors all homosexual behavior is jumping to conclusions. In many cases, I don't think it matters. In some cases, gay sex may be better than straight sex. It depends on the person. Indeed there are passages in the Bible which suggest being gay could be right in some circumstances. If someone is able to enter the kingdom and allows anything to interfere, to him, it is sin. Anything.

God wants the best for us. God is not like some authoritarian human fathers who get annoyed merely because someone disobeys them, who enjoy laying down the law and says, "Because I said so." God is annoyed by things when they injure us.

Not all people are ready to "enter the kingdom" -- but for those who are, anything which interferes with that is not what God wants for them. For those not ready to enter the kingdom, different rules may apply. There were specific rules given to Israel that were not useful for Gentiles. Indeed some of the laws of Moses explicitly say they are for Israel only. The Sabbath was given to Israel as a present to them. It serves a purpose for them too. It would be pointless for most Gentiles to observe it. God looks at people's situations and wants the best for them taking the circumstances into consideration. The Sabbath was given to Israel -- the Bible says as much -- yet some Christians get boggled and think "it's a sin" if they work on the Sabbath. It is a sin for Jews. It isn't for Gentiles. Indeed, some Jews pay Gentiles to do little jobs for them on the Sabbath because Gentiles are allowed to work while Jews aren't.

Eating pork is also said to be an abomination. For Jews. It is not for Gentiles.

People are apt to pull out whatever passages please them. People who eat pork and do not observe the Sabbath feel free to quote Leviticus to try to prove God hates homosexuality. These people are also not likely to know the passages which suggest being gay can be right at times; and if you point them out to them, they tend to get upset.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Everyone is different.
But we aren't all as wrong as others.
You can tell me that 2+2=5 and that you believe it because some prophet said that God thinks so. I will still be right, regardless of what you believe about prophets and God.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I did address it. Did you read my entire post? What I got back was an uninformed statement about whom the Law of Moses applied. I do not care what other Christians say. If they are uninformed and think the Law of Moses applies to Israel, I cannot help that.

Israel made a covenant with God. They took a vow to do all the things in the Law given through Moses. It applied to them and their children. Moreover the souls of Israel not yet born also took that vow. And some Gentiles who left Egypt took the vow.

Dt. 29:10 Ye stand this day all of you before the Lord your God; your captains of your tribes, your elders, and your officers, with all the men of Israel,
11 Your little ones, your wives, and thy stranger that is in thy camp, from the hewer of thy wood unto the drawer of thy water:
12 That thou shouldest enter into covenant with the Lord thy God, and into his oath, which the Lord thy God maketh with thee this day:
13 That he may establish thee to day for a people unto himself, and that he may be unto thee a God, as he hath said unto thee, and as he hath sworn unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
14 Neither with you only do I make this covenant and this oath;
15 But with him that standeth here with us this day before the Lord our God, and also with him that is not here with us this day:

A covenant is an agreement between two parties. It is not something imposed on people against their will. Gentiles whose ancestors were not at Sinai should not believe this covenant is binding on them. They didn't take that vow.

Don't hold me responsible for the ignorance of some Christians. If you don't believe me, call a Rabbi -- he'll tell you Gentiles are not bound by the Law of Moses.
All that does is explain the law. It doesn't answer why god has a hangup about homosexuals.
The rectum according to my understanding is meant for crapping out of, nature did not design it for penis penetration as far as I know, it would be a pretty toxic playground I imagine.
No more toxic than toes, a mouth, a vagina, or other sexual areas that are good breeding grounds for bacteria. And if the anus wasn't meant to be stimulated, it wouldn't feel so good, and probably no one would ever orgasm from it. (the rectum, by the way, is the later part of the large intestine, and isn't the part that is stimulated, though, for men, the prostate gland can be stimulated through the rectum.).

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You can tell me that 2+2=5 and that you believe it because some prophet said that God thinks so. I will still be right, regardless of what you believe about prophets and God.
You could be more Biblical, and rather than "2 + 2 = 5" use instead "π = 3." Cud chewing rabbits is also a good one.


yawn <ignore> yawn
You could be more Biblical, and rather than "2 + 2 = 5" use instead "π = 3." Cud chewing rabbits is also a good one.
Those are different.

Primitive people didn't measure with modern tools. "A circle 'ten across and thirty around" is pi, rounded to no decimal places. And nobody knew much about rabbits or anything.
It's like putting bats in a category with birds, instead of squirrels. Bats fly, seagulls fly, squirrels don't fly, and sheep don't fly. So if you define bird as "non-insect which flies", then bats and seagulls are birds. Penguins and ostriches are not. It's just how the word bird is defined.
Of course, I would not believe an assertion by those people about god either, or an assertion about god based on those people's assertions about god.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I am obligated to live under a new commandment, a new covenant with God, and I am not a Jew. God's law is speaking to the children of Israel, who were supposed to be set apart as a people to do God's will.
... so while you aren't supposed to execute gay men yourself, you think that Jews should be executing them?

BTW: if this law no longer applies when we're talking about your obligations, why would it apply to a gay man for his?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Do you think eating a KrispyKreme donut is a healthy and moral act and approve of it?
Well in my humble opinion, putting a donut in my mouth is an infinitely more healthy activity than putting a penis in a rectum....do you think otherwise?