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What's God's Big Hangup With Homosexuality?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Those are different.

Primitive people didn't measure with modern tools. "A circle 'ten across and thirty around" is pi, rounded to no decimal places.
A circle ten across is thirty-one around, rounded to no decimal places.

And nobody knew much about rabbits or anything.
... which makes perfect sense if the book is a human creation.


Veteran Member
I don't agree with the premise contained in the question -- it's begging the question. All I can do is present how I believe God looks at homosexuality and tell you why he did abhor it in Israel and why Paul said the things he said.

Generalizing from the Old Testament and saying God abhors all homosexual behavior is jumping to conclusions. In many cases, I don't think it matters. In some cases, gay sex may be better than straight sex. It depends on the person. Indeed there are passages in the Bible which suggest being gay could be right in some circumstances. If someone is able to enter the kingdom and allows anything to interfere, to him, it is sin. Anything.

God wants the best for us. God is not like some authoritarian human fathers who get annoyed merely because someone disobeys them, who enjoy laying down the law and says, "Because I said so." God is annoyed by things when they injure us.

Not all people are ready to "enter the kingdom" -- but for those who are, anything which interferes with that is not what God wants for them. For those not ready to enter the kingdom, different rules may apply. There were specific rules given to Israel that were not useful for Gentiles. Indeed some of the laws of Moses explicitly say they are for Israel only. The Sabbath was given to Israel as a present to them. It serves a purpose for them too. It would be pointless for most Gentiles to observe it. God looks at people's situations and wants the best for them taking the circumstances into consideration. The Sabbath was given to Israel -- the Bible says as much -- yet some Christians get boggled and think "it's a sin" if they work on the Sabbath. It is a sin for Jews. It isn't for Gentiles. Indeed, some Jews pay Gentiles to do little jobs for them on the Sabbath because Gentiles are allowed to work while Jews aren't.

Eating pork is also said to be an abomination. For Jews. It is not for Gentiles.

People are apt to pull out whatever passages please them. People who eat pork and do not observe the Sabbath feel free to quote Leviticus to try to prove God hates homosexuality. These people are also not likely to know the passages which suggest being gay can be right at times; and if you point them out to them, they tend to get upset.
Have a nice day.


Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
No more toxic than toes, a mouth, a vagina, or other sexual areas that are good breeding grounds for bacteria. And if the anus wasn't meant to be stimulated, it wouldn't feel so good, and probably no one would ever orgasm from it. (the rectum, by the way, is the later part of the large intestine, and isn't the part that is stimulated, though, for men, the prostate gland can be stimulated through the rectum.).
But it is not your penis pushing poop, if you had one, you may think other than you do about it..

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
What I think of anal sex isn't the question. The question is:

What's God's Big Hangup With Homosexuality?

That question has been amply responded to, but you have avoided my question....no misdirection this time please...do you approve of anal sex?


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
The rectum according to my understanding is meant for crapping out of, nature did not design it for penis penetration as far as I know, it would be a pretty toxic playground I imagine.
Umm no. The majority of bacteria that is found in one's gut is actually in the colon, not to be confused with the rectum which is below it. Also you are aware of course that the vagina has a lot of bacteria too? Right? Also bacteria doesn't always equate to "bad." Like good god man basic biology. There are many different types of bacteria, some beneficial some detrimental. Hell there's even certain products that actively gives you bacteria in order to promote a healthy digestive system. We have Yukult, not sure of the American equivalent though.
If you want to simplistically point to bacteria (which you didn't make the distinction between good and bad types) as an argument against certain acts you should be railing against vaginal birth. Do you have any idea how much bacteria a newborn has to go through in order to get out of there?
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Primitive people didn't measure with modern tools. "A circle 'ten across and thirty around" is pi, rounded to no decimal places. And nobody knew much about rabbits or anything.
If it's something that is supposed to be divinely inspired, the word of god, and so on, I expect such things to be accurate.
And, yes, even such "primitive" people had pi. The Babylonians, for example, had a formula that put the value of pi at 3. Surely god would see to it that men writing on his behalf would have the insights to show the Babylonians were wrong about such a fundamental principle of mathematics. And anyone who watches a rabbit for a day would realize they don't chew their cud.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Umm no. The majority of bacteria that is found in one's gut is actually in the colon, not to be confused with the rectum which is below it. Also you are aware of course that the vagina has a lot of bacteria too? Right? Also bacteria doesn't always equate to "bad." Like good god man basic biology. There are many different types of bacteria, some beneficial some detrimental. Hell there's even certain products that actively gives you bacteria in order to promote a healthy digestive system. We have Yukult, not sure of the American equivalent though.
If you want to simplistically point to bacteria (which you didn't make the distinction between good and bad types) as an argument against certain acts you should be railing against vaginal birth. Do you have any idea how much bacteria a newborn has to go through in order to get out of there?
Your knowledge of anatomy is poor, the rectum is the end of the colon and naturally contains all the toxic nature of the colon.....were you thinking of the anus?


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
But it is not your penis pushing poop, if you had one, you may think other than you do about it..
What does having a penis have to do with it? Plenty of straight guys have anal sex with a female partner, so this doesn't seem relevant.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
the rectum is the end of the colon and naturally contains all the toxic nature of the colon....
If the colon were toxic, we wouldn't live very long with it. And, indeed, you have a myriad of bacteria found throughout your digestive tract, especially in the intestines, where an imbalance of good or bad bacteria can cause some bowel difficulties.


Veteran Member

So far there have been 170 posts, 23 of them mine. And out of the remaining 147 only four

#9 by psychoslice.

#20 by columbus

#64 by Mary Blackchurch

#99 by wicketkeeper
actually produced a relevant answer.


And I'm told that's less than a 3% return on my investment in my question.


Get the message ?


Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
What does having a penis have to do with it? Plenty of straight guys have anal sex with a female partner, so this doesn't seem relevant.
It is relevant in that they are taking the same health risk as if they were pushing male's poop...or do you think your rectum is less toxic than a man's? Yuk!

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
If the colon were toxic, we wouldn't live very long with it. And, indeed, you have a myriad of bacteria found throughout your digestive tract, especially in the intestines, where an imbalance of good or bad bacteria can cause some bowel difficulties.
You do not understand.....if the colon was not toxic, there would be no 'bad' bacteria present.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It is relevant in that they are taking the same health risk as if they were pushing male's poop...or do you think your rectum is less toxic than a man's? Yuk!
There aren't really any extra health risks. Even if a penis is penetrating a vagina, proper lubrication is a must as being under-lubed can cause discomfort, pain, and injury to all involved. As with anything else sexual, proper hygiene is a must. If you have poor hygiene, or if a partner has poor hygiene, it doesn't matter where you "stick it."
You do not understand.....if the colon was not toxic, there would be no 'bad' bacteria present.
There are germs in your mouth, germs that cause tooth decay and halitosis, but the mouth is not considered toxic. There are tons of germs between your toes, but we don't consider them toxic. Our body needs a fine balance of the good and bad bacteria, or else things don't function properly,

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member

So far there have been 170 posts, 23 of them mine. And out of the remaining 147 only four

#9 by psychoslice.

#20 by columbus

#64 by Mary Blackchurch

#99 by wicketkeeper
actually produced a relevant answer.


And I'm told that's less than a 3% return on my investment in my question.


Get the message ?

You asked..."So the question arises: Just what the heck does God find so abhorrent about homosexual activity? He certainly doesn't leave any clue. Perhaps He may doth protest too much?

Anyone care to take a stab?"
I gave you an answer....God judges a penis pushing poop in the rectum to be unhealthy and unnatural. Now in the interests of public disclosure for having started this thread, I ask if you approve of such activity? Please no further misdirection or strawmen..


But we aren't all as wrong as others.
You can tell me that 2+2=5 and that you believe it because some prophet said that God thinks so. I will still be right, regardless of what you believe about prophets and God.
If i can prove the truth to myself then so can you or anyone else.
I don't expect anyone to believe anything i tell them other than that they can know the truth for themselves if they want it bad it enough.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
There aren't really any extra health risks. Even if a penis is penetrating a vagina, proper lubrication is a must as being under-lubed can cause discomfort, pain, and injury to all involved. As with anything else sexual, proper hygiene is a must. If you have poor hygiene, or if a partner has poor hygiene, it doesn't matter where you "stick it."

There are germs in your mouth, germs that cause tooth decay and halitosis, but the mouth is not considered toxic. There are tons of germs between your toes, but we don't consider them toxic. Our body needs a fine balance of the good and bad bacteria, or else things don't function properly,
I am not talking about germs in the mouth, between the toes, body balance, penis in the vagina, under-lubrication, poor hygiene, discomfort, etc., etc., the fact remains that penis pushing rectum poop is not a healthy activity. See if you can find some medical research that shows it is a healthy pastime and get back to me?


I have. It has nothing to do with prophets or revealed religion. Those are all mere human opinions.

If you have proven the truth to yourself and continue to do so daily then you are asking some strange questions and making some strange claims.
I would say you know little to nothing about what it means to prove the truth.

This is what it takes. it must become your only goal in life.

Deut. 6:4-9
4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.
5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.
7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.
9 Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.