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What's God's Big Problem with Homosexuality?

First Baseman

Retired athlete
Death is simply the transition of the material body to return back to the earth, heat, water, air and elements while the soul that is indestructible and primeval moves into another body- Since those are the literal words of God (Bhagavad Gita chapter 2)
Sin never had a part in it as sin doesn't exists.

Yes, So should we start by shaving your head and putting you on a donkey for one day for the grave offense of consuming beef?
Upanishad law dictates eating beef as equal to murder of one's mother.

I don't even pretend to understand this post.

I know I don't want to understand anything written about a god other than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or anything written in any religious text except the Holy Bible. So your post may as well be gibberish to me.


Active Member
He's capable of explaining, but has chosen not to, which is evidenced by the lack of explanation. So . . . . . . . . .

Actually, very seldom do I ever listen to pastors; however, I've certainly read the opinion before, and can easily believe that some pastors go along with it.

Then how about answering my question:

God condemns homosexual acts [as abominations and vile affections] because ______________________fill in the blank____________________ .​

Because I haven't found the answer in the Bible.

Admittedly, the answer isn't in the Bible, but like I said in the form of explanations by people speaking on His behalf. Now I'm not claiming that they really are, I'm just saying that it seems like God has already explained Himself on the issue of homosexuality.


Veteran Member
Admittedly, the answer isn't in the Bible, but like I said in the form of explanations by people speaking on His behalf. Now I'm not claiming that they really are, I'm just saying that it seems like God has already explained Himself on the issue of homosexuality.
If it seems so, just what do you see him having said that points to his explanation? SPECIFICALLY: his explanation for condemning homosexual acts as abominations and vile affections.



Active Member
If it seems so, just what do you see him having said that points to his explanation? SPECIFICALLY: his explanation for condemning homosexual acts as abominations and vile affections.

From what I've heard, homosexual acts are not normal and only leads to unfullfillment of our roles as men and women. Men naturally are atrracted to women and vice versa so to disrupt this natural order would be an abnormality.

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
I don't even pretend to understand this post.

I know I don't want to understand anything written about a god other than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or anything written in any religious text except the Holy Bible. So your post may as well be gibberish to me.

Then kindly Don't Start your replies with "God says"... And mention which God you are referring to.
Also, Allah is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob too.


Well-Known Member
I don't even pretend to understand this post.

In general he's describing reincarnation, which of course he claims is "the literal word of God." He claims to know what happens when we die.

You should be familiar with that notion, as you claim you also know what happens when we die, and you believe it is supported by the all important "literal word of God."

Lots of people seem to have figure out for certain what happens when we die, due to the LITERAL WORD OF GOD.

Lemme tell ya what...God literally ain't said nothin'.

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
From what I've heard, homosexual acts are not normal and only leads to unfullfillment of our roles as men and women. Men naturally are atrracted to women and vice versa so to disrupt this natural order would be an abnormality.

Who better understand the normal laws of nature but a guy who uses a laptop to connect people from different countries. Bravo!!
Fulfilment of gender roles? Then might as well, fulfill the role of your race, caste, creed, culture, nation, duty and every other temporary aspect that will surely come to an end once the body is dead.
And why is it always the homophobes who know more about the experience of gay sex than gay men?

If men are naturally attracted to women, then Jesus was an abnormal being while rapists are normal.
That's the moral code!

First Baseman

Retired athlete
Then kindly Don't Start your replies with "God says"... And mention which God you are referring to.
Also, Allah is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob too.

Sir, as far as I am concerned there is only one God. For future reference, under my screen name it says I'm Catholic. No Catholic believes there is more than one god and every Catholic believes in the God of the Holy Bible so it is obviously who a Catholic is talking about when he uses the word God.

First Baseman

Retired athlete
In general he's describing reincarnation, which of course he claims is "the literal word of God." He claims to know what happens when we die.

You should be familiar with that notion, as you claim you also know what happens when we die, and you believe it is supported by the all important "literal word of God."

Lots of people seem to have figure out for certain what happens when we die, due to the LITERAL WORD OF GOD.

Lemme tell ya what...God literally ain't said nothin'.

That's very easily understood considering you don't believe in a god at all.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
No, but what's your point?

The Bible defines homosexuality by lust (all and every single scripture is not about genuine affection and commitment between two men or two women. If there are, let me know). It's coupled with killing, abuse, rape (yes, that's in scripture too). There is no positive side nor medically and humanly accurate about homosexuality in the Bible.

My point is

Got a chapter and verse for this?

because there are none, there are many homosexuals that do NOT lust for each other, kill, abuse, and rape and all that mess. They are not homosexuals according to the bible because the Bible defines it differently.

We define it as a sexual orientation. The Bible defines it as an action. Unless you believe the Bible is a fact, the people that wrote the Bible did not think of sexual orientation. Straight-gay-lesbian-bi-etc where all lusting over each other doing homosexual acts and all that mess. Whoever (S-GBLTIQA aka humans) had sex with their same gender all were homosexuals according to the Bible. Unless you can find a verse that separates them into categories.

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
Sir, as far as I am concerned there is only one God. For future reference, under my screen name it says I'm Catholic. No Catholic believes there is more than one god and every Catholic believes in the God of the Holy Bible so it is obviously who a Catholic is talking about when he uses the word God.

I've no idea what Catholic means but if you say God without mentioning a specific one of your faith, you can't stop people of other religions denying your outdated notions.
Mention the name of God, not just God.
For us Krishna is God, for Muslims Allah is God... So be specific.


Genetically Engineered
No, it doesn't.

*Not having sex with the opposite sex* eliminates the possibility of procreation.

... and only then if you ignore the possibility of "procreation miracles", but since the Bible has a bunch of them, I'm not sure why anyone would do this if they take the Bible seriously enough to follow Leviticus would do this.

And what do you say a homosexual is? Someone that has sex with the same sex SOMETIMES?

Homosexuals can't reproduce together. I'm pretty sure if they mix and matched their sexual preferences that would make them bisexual - wouldn't it?

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
What? Who on the planet doesn't know what Catholic means?

To be fair to First Baseman, in your post that he quoted you just said "the literal word of God" and didn't use the name Krishna.

I doubt that 1/10rd of the people in the west will know about Shaktism, Vajrayana Buddhism or even Nataraja...
So, not everyone in the world lives in the west and has a Christian majority nor is everyone obsessed about Hillary Vs Trump.

The "literal word of God" that I used was to point out the wording of him.
He said God in his reply and I used it to bring out my point.

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
I don't even pretend to understand this post.

I know I don't want to understand anything written about a god other than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or anything written in any religious text except the Holy Bible. So your post may as well be gibberish to me.

Also, if we can't shave your head and force feed you cow urine for beef consumption, be. Careful in saying who should follow your religious laws and morals.

First Baseman

Retired athlete
I've no idea what Catholic means but if you say God without mentioning a specific one of your faith, you can't stop people of other religions denying your outdated notions.
Mention the name of God, not just God.
For us Krishna is God, for Muslims Allah is God... So be specific.

There is no need. Since I only believe in the one God I don't have to be specific since it's obvious who I'm talking about. If you like you can say Jehovah or Elohim but it's redundant since there is only one God and no others in any Christian's faith.