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What's Your Ape Index?

Your index

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Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want

For those who wonder.....That is not me hanging from a brach.. thats an APE, and i am not one of those ;)


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
My ape index is close to 1. I don't have a tape measure around at the moment, but its close.

Even so my ring finger is much shorter than my middle finger, which is a terrible misfortune. Also my palm indicates that I will be an introvert, and my index toe seems feeble and more of a placeholder than a digit.


Admiral Obvious
My ape index is close to 1. I don't have a tape measure around at the moment, but its close.

Even so my ring finger is much shorter than my middle finger, which is a terrible misfortune. Also my palm indicates that I will be an introvert, and my index toe seems feeble and more of a placeholder than a digit.
What is the unfortunate about ring fingers being shorter than the middle fingers?
I ask because my ring fingers are almost a full knuckle shorter than my middle fingers...