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When I Die


Wonder Woman
That sounds pretty nice, Kcnorwood. Is Summerland common to all Pagans or just to Druids?

I don't know if Summerland is common to all Pagan paths, but several. There are different names for essentially the same thing. If you can take a moment to picture in your mind the most beautiful place in nature, unspoiled or touched by human hands or polution of any kind, that is closest to what I see when I picture it. It may not be the same for everyone. But suited more towards the spirits experiencing it. I also don't view it as a "final resting place" as people view Heaven to be. More a rest and relaxation and self-evaluation place to examine one's own soul to determine what still must be learned and experienced in the next incarnation. Our afterlife may be affected by our karma just as much as our lifetimes. It all depends, really, on what the spirit needs in order to balance and proceed on their journey.


Wonder Woman
Yep. If you're pure of heart/soul (basically free of sin), you will set out on your trek to Aaru and join the "eternally living" (they're called this because Aaru is described as being the eternal field of reeds, just like those of the Nile delta.) Though it's considered a "heavenly paradise", there's no fluffy clouds, or singing angels or harps, etc. It pretty much resembles the reed fields the Egyptians lived in, along the Nile. So when we die, we go there, and instead of resting in some "perfect paradise", our souls simply continue on in a paradise of the home... so to speak, only there's no evils to jeopradize our lives.

It is "sin" that makes our hearts/souls heavy, and this is what weighs down our hearts on Mayet's scales, thus eternally damning us to a second death, through Ahemait, and forcing us to wander eternally though Duat.

It's not our beliefs that condemn or absolve us. It's the purity of our hearts.

So what is it that you define as "sin" in your religion? Are their set rules and orders, or more of a internal judgement on the affect of those outside of ourselves type of thing? Is it kind of like the Wiccan "rule" of "harm none" or are there actual "sins" laid out somewhere for you not to do?


Well-Known Member
So what is it that you define as "sin" in your religion? Are their set rules and orders, or more of a internal judgement on the affect of those outside of ourselves type of thing? Is it kind of like the Wiccan "rule" of "harm none" or are there actual "sins" laid out somewhere for you not to do?

The ancients had a set of rules they lived by, but as they are outdated, we don't follow like they used to. They've been reconstructed to fit modern life. But basically it's just pretty straightforward, common sense things. Stealing, murdering, etc are out. Being a good person. Kind hearted. Helpful, etc etc.


Wonder Woman
Cool. Thanks for your answers Circle_One. Didn't mean to have so many questions for you. :p


Mother Heathen
None of us are equipped to judge others' hearts, Dawny, and you know that I consider you to be one of the least judgmental people I have ever known. :hug: I wonder if you realize, though, that what it sounds like you're saying is, "My religion teaches that you will spend eternity in Hell because you were not a Christian. Somehow I can't believe that God would treat be that cruel, though, so I really don't know what to say."

Believe you me, there are days that I'm a mess regarding my own faith and walk. In faith, I believe that I will spend my afterlife with God. It's a struggle for me at times to keep this faith.

My "brand" of religion includes the "hell concept". But I can't say with certainty what will happen to anyone, when they pass on. There are too many definitions of the "afterlife" out there, many of these definitions are found underneath the umbrella of "Christiniaity". And too many of the definitions appear feasible and logical, including that of Latter Day Saints.

In terms of death and the afterlife, I believe individuals need to work out for themselves how they feel on the subject and live according to their own convictions. For me, I believe that there's a very real prize for those who follow God's plan and that there's true punishment for those who opt not to. I live my life, keeping this in my mind. I'm motivated to follow God by love, not fear. It's my walk. My journey.

Draka has her own. I believe she's best equipped to speak on her afterlife. :)
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It's not so clear cut in my case. I think you would live on in the legacy you leave behind.

I don't think you'll get to have Ambrosia with Zeus or strum a harp with Saint Peter, but I think you get an afterlife of sorts... as long as the people who you leave behind who care about you continue to keep your memory and legacy alive.
Sounds pretty clear cut to me..


Its only a Label
Friend Draka,

When I Die

It never happens. Whatever you do makes no difference as only the body will disintegrate but you live.
YOU as an EGO has to die and that can only be done consciously during a life time.
Love & rgds


Done here.
(Atheists are excluded from this question as I believe we already know the clear cut answer ;) )
Spoilsport. :p

Actually, though, you can't make any accurate statements about what atheists believe -- just about what we don't believe. Atheism is not, in and of itself, incompatible with a belief in reincarnation or some kind of survival of consciousness. I don't hold such a belief myself, but there are plenty of atheists who do, and it wouldn't shatter my worldview to learn that they were correct.


Well-Known Member
That sounds pretty nice, Kcnorwood. Is Summerland common to all Pagans or just to Druids?

For Wiccans, Druids, Witches Summerland is not a uncommom place, because Paganism is such a BROAD term & it engulfs many different Pagan paths. It does not include all Pagan paths. Summerland is not a final resting place unless you want to stay. We have the choice to come back & start a new adventure again. The Wiccans that we know believe that they will go there when they leave this word. I personally do not believe in sin I do not see why we would be judged for being human we all make bad choices, that's a part of the learning experence.
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Not your average Mormon
For Wiccans, Druids, Witches Summerland is not a uncommom place, because Paganism is such a BROAD term & it engulfs many different Pagan paths. It does not include all Pagan paths. Summerland is not a final resting place unless you want to stay. We have the choice to come back & start a new adventure again. The Wiccans that we know believe that they will go there when they leave this word. I personally do not believe in sin I do don't see why we would be judged for being human we all make bad choices, that's a part of the learning experence.
I hope this question is not taking us too far off topic, but when you say you don't believe in sin, I wonder if you really mean what I think you mean. Let's say you rape and murder a small child. Is that nothing more than a "bad choice"? Let's say you're never caught. Do you believe there are no ramifications whatsoever for this behavior?


Well-Known Member
I hope this question is not taking us too far off topic, but when you say you don't believe in sin, I wonder if you really mean what I think you mean. Let's say you rape and murder a small child. Is that nothing more than a "bad choice"? Let's say you're never caught. Do you believe there are no ramifications whatsoever for this behavior?

Good question. When I say that I don't believe in sin I mean I don't believe that there are demons or Satan provoking us to do bad things. I do believe in cases like the one you mentioned that some people are not wired right from the start. As far as choice goes I think it's only human to make the wrong descison, I think we all do that from time to time. I do believe there is a place for people who do those things what is it I can't say because I honeslty don't know.


Not your average Mormon
Good question. When I say that I don't believe in sin I mean I don't believe that there are demons or Satan provoking us to do bad things. I do believe in cases like the one you mentioned that some people are not wired right from the start. As far as choice goes I think it's only human to make the wrong descison, I think we all do that from time to time. I do believe there is a place for people who do those things what is it I can't say because I honeslty don't know.
Thanks, Kcnorwood. I appreciate your response.


To be honest, most of the replies here that describe something specific that is going to happen sound completely arbitrary. My belief is that there is no afterlife. That the "spark" of life is all we have that separates us from the dust. Once it is gone, there is no administration of reincarnation, no "invisible you" walking around, still observing the goings-on of Earth, no transportation to some other realm, no etc. etc. etc.

The idea that there exist these invisible and unknowable facilities to propagate our sentience is kind of a sign of the sense of desperation that the vast majority of humanity has toward the subject of mortality, in my opinion. It's built from an archaic set of ideals. Fun to think about... but in reality it is completely impractical and unnecessary. I mean truly, what purpose would an afterlife serve to anything or anyone in the universe (other than to relieve your mind of the "scary" idea that you simply end)? Absolutely none that I can think of.


Not your average Mormon
I mean truly, what purpose would an afterlife serve to anything or anyone in the universe (other than to relieve your mind of the "scary" idea that you simply end)? Absolutely none that I can think of.
To me, it's just the opposite. I would see no purpose in a life that simply came to an abrupt end at some point. I definitely don't find the idea of ceasing to exist to be scary. I mean, what's there to be afraid of if you don't exist? I do find it to be pretty depressing to imagine that when someone I loves dies, that's it. I will never see him or her again. I suppose if I were an atheist, an afterlife would be something I couldn't believe in, but as a theist, I have to believe that there is a point to my existance and that I am an eternal being.
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non-existential luminary
Ha, my point of religion inspired by desire is rightfully proven. at least by one kitten.


New Member
i can see by what u wrote that you are a loving person but i can also see that you are confuse by the many theories and false believe that are base on tradittion rather than the bible. it hurt to know that many people find themself deniing god because the are smart enought to know that what the popular religion teaches does not make any sence. i can see that you are in a search for the truth *edit* and what the bible teaches about death is clear and makes alot of sence.(please ecuse my spelling error. english isnot my first lenguage) you may know that the popular religion teaches that when good people die they go to heaven and when bad people die they go to hell. you may be surprice to know that this is not what the bible teaches. the bible compare death with an sleep. it tell us that the dead know nothing all seas to exist once we die. it then teaches that at the second coming of jesus,(i know u say u dont believe in him but hear me out please) all the dead will wake up to face judment, for eternal death or eternal life, no where inthe bible does it say that you go to heaven or hell. the bible teaches that God is a loving God, no matter how much we love we can never love like he does, so keeping this in mind please allow me to run this cenario. imaging that one of your kids turn out to be really bad and the other one really good now the bad one is tgo the point where he can no be around anyone or he will hurt them. you know that you as the parent need to do something to stope him from hurting people or evryone else is going to get hurt. what will you as a mother do. will you send him to sleep forever where you know he has no feelings no remorese and no pain and at the same time everyone is safe from him or will you rather put him in a fire pit where he is going to burn forever and will suffer for an eternity you will hear him scream and alway remeber howmuch he is suffering.
no mater how bad a parent can be i think they would rather put him to sleep for ever. so how can we thinkthat a loving God will have his children suffer for ever and ever in hell. it does not make any sence it is not what the bible teaches and i believce that you dont think there is a god cuz you are to smart to be fool by this false claims about hell and other crazy theories out there.*edit*or you can write me at martinezj171 this is in comcast
(please i will debate this point with anyone it isnot my intention to fight nor hurt any one feeling it is only to teach the truth . any one can contact me but lets be serious i am sorry to see so many jokes instead of real answers.) i wrote this last part that do believe in the bible but are also confuse by tradittions not to you cuz i know you dont believe in jesus YET:D please do contact me this is the firt time i get into this site i was just looking around but God led me here for a reason. the best part about God is that everyone has an equal oportunity to know him and be safe no matter who they are nor what they do.
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Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
It depends on how you react to God's all consuming love, will you experience it as a cleansing flame/bliss or burning torment... I cannot say...


Not your average Mormon
i can see by what u wrote that you are a loving person but i can also see that you are confuse by the many theories and false believe that are base on tradittion rather than the bible.
aris, you really need to realize that this isn't just a Christian discussion forum. There are people of many different religious persuasions here. Draka's question does not imply that she is confused. It implies that she is wants to know about people's beliefs other than her own. It would probably be a good idea if you were to take a few minutes and check out the forum rules.


Wonder Woman
i can see by what u wrote that you are a loving person but i can also see that you are confuse by the many theories and false believe that are base on tradittion rather than the bible. it hurt to know that many people find themself deniing god because the are smart enought to know that what the popular religion teaches does not make any sence. i can see that you are in a search for the truth and i am here to tell you that the only souce of truth is the bible and what the bible teaches about death is clear and makes alot of sence.(please ecuse my spelling error. english isnot my first lenguage) you may know that the popular religion teaches that when good people die they go to heaven and when bad people die they go to hell. you may be surprice to know that this is not what the bible teaches. the bible compare death with an sleep. it tell us that the dead know nothing all seas to exist once we die. it then teaches that at the second coming of jesus,(i know u say u dont believe in him but hear me out please) all the dead will wake up to face judment, for eternal death or eternal life, no where inthe bible does it say that you go to heaven or hell. the bible teaches that God is a loving God, no matter how much we love we can never love like he does, so keeping this in mind please allow me to run this cenario. imaging that one of your kids turn out to be really bad and the other one really good now the bad one is tgo the point where he can no be around anyone or he will hurt them. you know that you as the parent need to do something to stope him from hurting people or evryone else is going to get hurt. what will you as a mother do. will you send him to sleep forever where you know he has no feelings no remorese and no pain and at the same time everyone is safe from him or will you rather put him in a fire pit where he is going to burn forever and will suffer for an eternity you will hear him scream and alway remeber howmuch he is suffering.
no mater how bad a parent can be i think they would rather put him to sleep for ever. so how can we thinkthat a loving God will have his children suffer for ever and ever in hell. it does not make any sence it is not what the bible teaches and i believce that you dont think there is a god cuz you are to smart to be fool by this false claims about hell and other crazy theories out there. if you really want to know the truth u most fallow the bible. if you want to know more about what the bible teach go to helltruth (this is a website but i cant post it here just searh for it please ) or you can write me at martinezj171 this is in comcast
(please i will debate this point with anyone it isnot my intention to fight nor hurt any one feeling it is only to teach the truth . any one can contact me but lets be serious i am sorry to see so many jokes instead of real answers.) i wrote this last part that do believe in the bible but are also confuse by tradittions not to you cuz i know you dont believe in jesus YET:D please do contact me this is the firt time i get into this site i was just looking around but God led me here for a reason. the best part about God is that everyone has an equal oportunity to know him and be safe no matter who they are nor what they do.

Thank you for your response as to what you believe happens after death. Do you equate people who do not follow the bible to be "bad" or do you believe that it is what's in a person's heart that counts regardless of their religion?

*Please note that I am not confused. I am not looking for personal answers as I have those already. Just other people's takes on what they think would happen to an individual such as myself when they die. The afterlife process in general.

Also, I fail to see what jokes have been said in regards to this discussion. Everyone has been pretty open about their beliefs so far.