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When I Die


All i can offer is my own opinion and my own beliefs and i truly hope anything i say does not offend you i any way, because i sincerely do not wish to do so.

I believe in my personal Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

30"He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters. 31And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. (Matt 12 30-32)

I can't tell you if you are a good or bad person, certainly we are all sinners, regardless of what we have done

you said you have served in the US army? did you ever kill someone (even if it was in self defense?) as a mother yourself, would you forgive a solider in another country if they killed on of your children just because your countries were at war?

I don't believe in judging others, because i know (very well) of my own weaknesses, and my own sins.

I don't believe hell is some huge giant fire, where people get tossed in like logs, i think hell is simply a separation from God, i think we all have a spiritual need... just as we have hunger needs and other needs... i think some of us find different ways to deal with our spiritual needs... our spiritual thirst- to be separated from God is to be alone forever from the one who loves you most.... its like giving birth to a new born child and then choosing it never hold it because you don't want to, and then being separated forever from it- sometimes the worst kind of pain isn't the physical one- God doesn't want to be away from you, but he will not stay with you if you freely choose to deny him

some consider it as an irrational fear, a sort of knee jerk reaction because we know we will die and we don't want to so we "create" this idea of an afterlife to soothe ourselves, i don't agree with that- i believe there are things outside of science that cannot be explained by scientific analysis, and if anything science and our limited minds cannot comprehend them (for example what we see is nothing compare to the eyes of other animals, and what we know of the universe is nothing because we will never be able to travel the galaxy in a single lifetime unless we surpass the speed of light many times over)

And if an atheist believed that life occurred from ocean vents and abiogenesis through probability then that same probability must mean there is lifeforms on a million other planets at least (Richard Dawkins views not mine) so to believe in life through probability means you have to use that same probability and believe in UFOs without any evidence, in other words faith.... this is beyond the topic

well without beating around the bush allow me to get to the point of my own beliefs (and only my own, others may have varing beliefs)

if you Deny Christ and the gift of salvation from his blood, you only condemn yourself... to suggest you are a good person based on your own views on good or bad.... well that is upto you to make the distinction, i believe we're all sinners, and that whatever we do isn't enough- we have a sinful nature, man is sinful

i dont doubt your parenting skills but i do wonder how likely your own children are in following your example and becoming pagans themselves (i'd like to assume you'd give them the choice to decide what they like for themselves)- but by choosing to deny Christ and by indirectly influencing your own children you may be condeming yourself and the ones you love most... and rationalising it to yourself that you are living a good life and if God exists- he "owes" you for what good you've done- I believe God loves us so much he sent down his only son for us because he knows us that well, and he knows how weak we can be (and certainly we've all had periods of weakness)


Wonder Woman
you said you have served in the US army? did you ever kill someone (even if it was in self defense?) as a mother yourself, would you forgive a solider in another country if they killed on of your children just because your countries were at war?

First, I was in the Navy, not the Army. No I did not kill anyone personally. I was an avionics technician for anti-sub helos. Recognize this fact...that everyone in the military provides a vital role to the readiness of our armed forces as a whole. I made sure that the communication and navigation systems worked as well as the sonar that is used to find and track submarines so that they may be attacked with torpedos that the helo is carrying. Even the galley cook, who contributes to feeding the sailors, is playing an important role. So we are all responsible whether we pull a trigger or not. And if one of my children were to join the armed forces and participate in a war (I hope that we as humans can overcome this stupidity of waging war altogether) and were to be killed by another armed forces member on the opposing side, then no, I would not blame who killed them. The blame lays with all those people who decided to wage a war in the first place. The sailors/soldiers are merely doing their duty to country.

i dont doubt your parenting skills but i do wonder how likely your own children are in following your example and becoming pagans themselves (i'd like to assume you'd give them the choice to decide what they like for themselves)- but by choosing to deny Christ and by indirectly influencing your own children you may be condeming yourself and the ones you love most... and rationalising it to yourself that you are living a good life and if God exists- he "owes" you for what good you've done- I believe God loves us so much he sent down his only son for us because he knows us that well, and he knows how weak we can be (and certainly we've all had periods of weakness

I'm not rationalizing anything, nor do I believe your god "owes" me anything as I simply don't believe your god is what you think it is at all, if it even exists in any form. And I won't be "indirectly" influencing my children by my pagan beliefs. I will be directly influencing them because I have every intention of teaching them all about my faith and raising them in it just as, I'm sure, you will do/have done with any children of yours. As they get older and have the ability to study other religions and if they find another to follow then that is their decision. I will be disappointed, yes, but I cannot control their minds or beliefs and have no intention to. I can only hope that they never become evangelicals for I find most of them such a sad and pathetic lot.

Other than those points, thank you for your response concerning your beliefs of afterlife.
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
What do you think will happen to me?

I'm a Pagan. I do not and will not follow nor worship the Abrahamic god. I believe there is a possibility that there is a god whom some have taken to be the Abrahamic god, but don't think that god is what it's believers think it to be. I doubt the existence of the man named Jesus Christ.

I use ritual and prayer combined (magic) in cast circles.

I'm a stay-at-home mom of two little children. I play with them, take care of them and tuck them in at night. I make dinners, pay our bills, and clean the house.

I served my country in the U.S. Navy and am proud of that fact.

I prevented my ex-brother-in-law from commiting suicide.

I live with the father of my children and am in a loving relationship with him, but we are not legally married.

I donate food, baby formula, clothes, coats and so on to the local women and children's shelter.

So, according to your ideas/faith/religion what will happen to me when I die?
(Atheists are excluded from this question as I believe we already know the clear cut answer ;) )

First happy Imbolc,i am not sure what happens when you die but i think that it happens to us all,with all the good things you do maybe you'll get something more but lets hope you don't find out for a very long time.


Jesus in me
What do you think will happen to me?

I'm a Pagan. I do not and will not follow nor worship the Abrahamic god. I believe there is a possibility that there is a god whom some have taken to be the Abrahamic god, but don't think that god is what it's believers think it to be. I doubt the existence of the man named Jesus Christ.

I use ritual and prayer combined (magic) in cast circles.

I'm a stay-at-home mom of two little children. I play with them, take care of them and tuck them in at night. I make dinners, pay our bills, and clean the house.

I served my country in the U.S. Navy and am proud of that fact.

I prevented my ex-brother-in-law from commiting suicide.

I live with the father of my children and am in a loving relationship with him, but we are not legally married.

I donate food, baby formula, clothes, coats and so on to the local women and children's shelter.

So, according to your ideas/faith/religion what will happen to me when I die?
(Atheists are excluded from this question as I believe we already know the clear cut answer ;) )

First of all it depends on whether you believe the same things when you die as what you you believe now. If you died now I could only be sure of two things 1. You would not go to Heaven 2. You would be judged by the God you don't believe in.

As for your future after death it is difficult to predict. If Jesus returns while you are dead, you will most likely spend an extremely long time out of body (thousands of years) with nothing to do but long for physical life and rehash your memories.

I think it is most likely that God will decide to return you to physical life quickly and the condition of your birth will depend upon your deeds and what you need to learn.


Miss Independent
Im sorry draka, this is probably not good news.

When God saw Jesus, his own son, in the sinner's place, He did not spare Jesus, and when He finds you, draka, without christ, He wont spare you either. If he did not spare his own son, would he spare you?

Jesus, the son of god was forsaken by god the father, when the sins of the world was placed upon him.

I cannot estimate the suffering that rained upon Jesus who died for us, therefore its impossible for me to tell you what torrents of grief will pour upon you if you die as you are now, without Christ.

Also, I believe that if you had to re-incarnate your next life will be much harder than the one you have this time around from the get go. It does not become easier, it becomes harder.

Not relating to this topic but that is why suicide is also not an escape but rather a fast entry into a far more difficult path.



Wonder Woman
Im sorry draka, this is probably not good news.

When God saw Jesus, his own son, in the sinner's place, He did not spare Jesus, and when He finds you, draka, without christ, He wont spare you either. If he did not spare his own son, would he spare you?

Jesus, the son of god was forsaken by god the father, when the sins of the world was placed upon him.

I cannot estimate the suffering that rained upon Jesus who died for us, therefore its impossible for me to tell you what torrents of grief will pour upon you if you die as you are now, without Christ.

Also, I believe that if you had to re-incarnate your next life will be much harder than the one you have this time around from the get go. It does not become easier, it becomes harder.

Not relating to this topic but that is why suicide is also not an escape but rather a fast entry into a far more difficult path.


So, you believe a person who, by all actions, could be considered saint-like but just isn't Christian would not be spared god's wrath (not saying I'm saint-like) and a horribly twisted mass murderer who claimed belief in Jesus before he died would have more love from god because of his belief?

Do you believe in hell or non-existence?

What do you believe the purpose of reincarnation is?



I'm not rationalizing anything, nor do I believe your god "owes" me anything as I simply don't believe your god is what you think it is at all, if it even exists in any form.

It is just my own opinion, my faith.

is your form of Wicca practice the one derived from Gerald Gardner? the nudist rapist satanic occultist?

well I'm no expert but i would assume it would be based on something that from the founder of the faith

And I won't be "indirectly" influencing my children by my pagan beliefs. I will be directly influencing them because I have every intention of teaching them all about my faith and raising them in it just as,

Which is your own right. Will you also allow them to study all aspects of your faith, and even any supposed shortcomings? will you deny them reading any books that would be critical of your faith if it personally offended you- for example, and this is just an example, if they were to bring you material that suggested Gardner and Crowley (a friend of his) in establishing Wicca were making Satanism palpable to easily led people? and would you mind if your children were involved in any satanic cult? If i may be frank on the matter- as a fellow parent do you (or your partner) feel that there is any boundries for your children?

I'm sure, you will do/have done with any children of yours.

incorrect, when i was a Muslim and my (then) girlfriend and i had my daughter we agreed to let her choose her own way, and try to show her and educate her on as many faiths as possible (although absolutely, back then i wanted my daughter to become a muslim freely). i truly believe that the truth will always remain the truth, even then i did.... as a recent convert to Christ himself- who had a son a year ago, i still feel that way. neither of my children is baptised, but when they are old enough and can study the scripture themselves i will give them the oppotunity to be saved and baptised for themselves....

I can only hope that they never become evangelicals for I find most of them such a sad and pathetic lot.

:confused: theres really no reason for that

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
So, you believe a person who, by all actions, could be considered saint-like but just isn't Christian would not be spared god's wrath (not saying I'm saint-like) and a horribly twisted mass murderer who claimed belief in Jesus before he died would have more love from god because of his belief?

Do you believe in hell or non-existence?

What do you believe the purpose of reincarnation is?

Shouldn't Heneni be worrying about facing her petty, infantile, and sadistic god's wrath herself for her belief in unbiblical heresies like reincarnation?


Well-Known Member

I don't believe in judging others, because i know (very well) of my own weaknesses, and my own sins.

i dont doubt your parenting skills but i do wonder how likely your own children are in following your example and becoming pagans themselves (i'd like to assume you'd give them the choice to decide what they like for themselves)- but by choosing to deny Christ and by indirectly influencing your own children you may be condeming yourself and the ones you love most...

Uh....... can you say Double standard?


Well-Known Member
It is just my own opinion, my faith.

is your form of Wicca practice the one derived from Gerald Gardner? the nudist rapist satanic occultist?

While I am not the biggest fan of Wicca you really should stop believing in what other people tell you. Do the research yourself stop being lazy.

Which is your own right. Will you also allow them to study all aspects of your faith, and even any supposed shortcomings? will you deny them reading any books that would be critical of your faith if it personally offended you- for example, and this is just an example, if they were to bring you material that suggested Gardner and Crowley (a friend of his) in establishing Wicca were making Satanism palpable to easily led people? and would you mind if your children were involved in any satanic cult? If i may be frank on the matter- as a fellow parent do you (or your partner) feel that there is any boundries for your children?

Once again you need to do some research for yourself Wicca has nothing to do with Satanism most Satanist are Athiest & do not even believe in Satan or your God. Satan is a Judeo-Christian concept made up to scare people to your God.

incorrect, when i was a Muslim and my (then) girlfriend and i had my daughter we agreed to let her choose her own way, and try to show her and educate her on as many faiths as possible (although absolutely, back then i wanted my daughter to become a muslim freely). i truly believe that the truth will always remain the truth, even then i did.... as a recent convert to Christ himself- who had a son a year ago, i still feel that way. neither of my children is baptised, but when they are old enough and can study the scripture themselves i will give them the oppotunity to be saved and baptised for themselves....

Good for you but I highly doubted this story considering how judgemental you are & by going off topic.

:confused: theres really no reason for that

I find it intresting how you can take a shot at someone else's belief but start whining when they fire back at you. If you can't take the heat then stay out.


Wonder Woman
Gotta love when I try to be civil with people who, in effect, tell me I'm going to hell and they shoot back with bad-mouthing a religion they obviously don't really know that much about and ripping on me for it.

My comment about finding evangelicals sad and pathetic is my own personal opinion because of their general actions and attitudes towards others with different beliefs.

Other than voicing my opinion that I would hope that my children would not become evangelicals I have been nothing but civil and polite in this thread. Even with those who believe I am going to suffer for my non-belief in Christ. Why must some decide that being civil need be attacked?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
It's funny how people will slander and attack other faiths, but then turn around and demand respect and reverence for their own.


It's funny how people will slander and attack other faiths, but then turn around and demand respect and reverence for their own.

and might i remind you, that you're quick to attack religions and the religious and call them out on it, but you cry foul when someone calls out someone evil who practiced atheism (Stalin)


While I am not the biggest fan of Wicca you really should stop believing in what other people tell you. Do the research yourself stop being lazy.

Why don't you tell me that Gardner had nothing to do with Wicca ;)

Once again you need to do some research for yourself Wicca has nothing to do with Satanism most Satanist are Athiest & do not even believe in Satan or your God. Satan is a Judeo-Christian concept made up to scare people to your God.

well thank you for telling me what (you think) Satanism is. i think i've already explained my opinion on the matter

Good for you but I highly doubted this story considering how judgemental you are & by going off topic.

well if you doubt it, then thats your call.... but i'm not in the habit of lying, especially not over something like this

I find it intresting how you can take a shot at someone else's belief but start whining when they fire back at you. If you can't take the heat then stay out.

I'm not taking a shot at someone else's belief system.... i stated a fact. Gardner is the modern father of Wicca- he was friends with Crowley, he was a rapist, a nudist... and Crowley himself [well we could write volumes on the man]

before you start to refute someone, why don't you get your head out of a rock or a stone henge and say something actually constructive- not become defensive yourself


Gotta love when I try to be civil with people who, in effect, tell me I'm going to hell and they shoot back with bad-mouthing a religion they obviously don't really know that much about and ripping on me for it.

You know for someone who is crying foul of being condemned to hell and saying people shouldn't judge.... you sure need to take some of your own medicine.

My comment about finding evangelicals sad and pathetic is my own personal opinion because of their general actions and attitudes towards others with different beliefs.

What really have i done except voice my own opinion on a matter... its amazing how you're a complete hypocrite who listed all her great achievements at the start to show how amazing a life you've lived.... including
(hilariously) serving in the army. Are you worried that just in case you're wrong that your works will save you, and you want to list them on record just in case you need a backup download on judgment day (if thats where you end up)?:rolleyes:
no i would assume you did that to show the world how "amazing" you are, and how "wronged" you have been by those "darn" Christians who persecuted you, by asking you if you thought involving children in extreme pagan practices was what a good parent would do- or by giving their opinion when you yourself asked for it

Other than voicing my opinion that I would hope that my children would not become evangelicals I have been nothing but civil and polite in this thread. Even with those who believe I am going to suffer for my non-belief in Christ. Why must some decide that being civil need be attacked?

Good question, why is it okay for an atheist and a pagan to play the victim, but why is the christian always the agressor?


Wonder Woman
You know for someone who is crying foul of being condemned to hell and saying people shouldn't judge.... you sure need to take some of your own medicine.

I'm not crying foul or saying anything of the sort about judging or anything and haven't throughout this thread. I have only responded with addressing certain false assumptions about myself to clear things up or have asked questions for further explanation about beliefs and have otherwise thanked people for their responses. I simply tried to clarify a few things for you about how I stand on a few things and you immediately jumped on my religion as a whole and I have no idea why. I didn't jump all over Christianity so I don't get the hostility from you at all.:shrug:

What really have i done except voice my own opinion on a matter... its amazing how you're a complete hypocrite who listed all her great achievements at the start to show how amazing a life you've lived.... including (hilariously) serving in the army. Are you worried that just in case you're wrong that your works will save you, and you want to list them on record just in case you need a backup download on judgment day (if thats where you end up)?:rolleyes:
no i would assume you did that to show the world how "amazing" you are, and how "wronged" you have been by those "darn" Christians who persecuted you, by asking you if you thought involving children in extreme pagan practices was what a good parent would do- or by giving their opinion when you yourself asked for it

I haven't lived such a great life, I posted several different things about myself just to give an idea about me both what people might consider good and bad. And why is serving in the NAVY (Not ARMY) hilarious? Do you have a problem with those in uniform and serving their country or what? The reason I posted the things I did was to give people something to work with when giving their ideas of afterlife...such as "living in sin" or "practicing witchcraft" and so on. I gave my life in a nutshell to work from...not to "validate" myself for any god. I have never said anything about being "wronged" by Christians. Goodness man, my family are Christians. I was raised Christian. What IS your problem with me?

And the WHAT do you classify as EXTREME pagan practices and where did I say anything about involving my children in them and if I thought myself a good parent for doing so? WHERE are you coming up with this stuff? Why are you being so mean to me? What did I do to you to deserve this?

Good question, why is it okay for an atheist and a pagan to play the victim, but why is the christian always the agressor?

Again I don't know what you are talking about as I'm not playing a victim in any of this. Though right now I sure do feel like yours because you are being awfully mean to me when I have done nothing at all to you. If your intention was to make me cry...you've done it. Congratuations.
I'm a stay-at-home mom of two little children. I play with them, take care of them and tuck them in at night. I make dinners, pay our bills, and clean the house.

I served my country in the U.S. Navy and am proud of that fact.

I prevented my ex-brother-in-law from commiting suicide.

I live with the father of my children and am in a loving relationship with him, but we are not legally married.

I donate food, baby formula, clothes, coats and so on to the local women and children's shelter.

I’m afraid the above list is skewed. :( No one is all good.

Please list a few mean, unkind, and just plain bad-type things you’ve done.