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When will Jesus return?


I know for a fact that Jesus will return, because i believe in the scriptures. What i don't know is why his return is taking this long... can it be suggested he cannot return on his own will power but until all things be fulfilled by the greater power as written? ([FONT=Times New Roman,Times,Times Roman]Acts 3:20-21[/FONT]). "My understanding here is that Jesus came and completed his mission on earth that he was sent to do and will return someday, but his return would not come until the Almighty God himself restores all things."

Why do you think Jesus has gone away when He left His Holy Spirit with us to guard and guide us towards Salvation?

Why do you think Jesus has gone away when He left His Holy Spirit with us to guard and guide us towards Salvation?


Jesus is gone, his work is done. The Holy Spirit we are to be guided by including Jesus is that of the Almighty God. Don't we understand Jesus teachings all along... he did nothing of himself and inasmuch as great as he was he was being guided by the Almighty one also -he had no doctrine of his own -no power of his own -neither no mission of his own, he was sent and he did his job well. Bless his name.


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“LORD, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” (Acts 1:6) The apostles were eager to know when Jesus would establish his Kingdom. Today, some 2,000 years later, people are still eager to know: When will God’s Kingdom come?
On another occasion, Jesus disciples asked him "What will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?" (Matthew 24:3)

Jesus gave a composite sign that would identify the time period for his return with kingly power to finally rule the earth. Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13 describe this sign in great detail. Jesus said that his presence as King in heaven would be marked on earth by wars, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, and lawlessness. (Matthew 24:7-12; Luke 21:10, 11) What would cause all this misery? The Bible explains that Satan, “the ruler of this world,” is full of rage because he knows that his time is very short now that Christ’s presence as King has begun. (John 12:31; Revelation 12:9, 12) Such visible evidence of Satan’s rage and of Christ’s presence has been abundant in our time. Especially since 1914, a year that historians acknowledge was a turning point, has this evidence appeared on an unprecedented and global scale.

We have been in the time of the end, the last days for many decades (2 Timothy 3:1-5). What remains is for God's Kingdom with Christ as King to go forth to destroy his enemies and take complete control over the earth. Then in the fullest sense, the prayer Jesus taught his followers will be fully answered "Let your Kingdom come, let your will take place on earth". (Matthew 6:9,10;Daniel 2:44,45)

As to the day and hour of Christ's coming, we do not know the day or hour. Jesus instructions to his followers are to "Keep on the watch" (Mark 13:37,Luke 12:40)


Jesus is gone, his work is done. The Holy Spirit we are to be guided by including Jesus is that of the Almighty God. Don't we understand Jesus teachings all along... he did nothing of himself and inasmuch as great as he was he was being guided by the Almighty one also -he had no doctrine of his own -no power of his own -neither no mission of his own, he was sent and he did his job well. Bless his name.

<<Jesus is gone, his work is done.>>

Thousands of millions of Christians disagree with you.

<<The Holy Spirit we are to be guided by including Jesus is that of the Almighty God.>>

That is because God has revealed Himself in three different ways to mankind. As The Father Spirit in the O.T. As The Son in the N.T. And as The Holy spirit subsequently.

<< Don't we understand Jesus teachings all along...>>

As Jesus spoke the most wonderful Truths in very simple words so that even illiterate could understand them to say the least your dismissal of them is surprising.

<<he did nothing of himself and inasmuch as great as he was he was being guided by the Almighty one also -he had no doctrine of his own -no power of his own -neither no mission of his own, he was sent and he did his job well. Bless his name.>>

If you believe that a man could be cruelly tortured and killed by master executioners, resurrect Himself and then return to Heaven and He was not God then by refusing to accept that only God Himself incarnated on earth and called Himself Jesus you are promoting the same New Age philosophy of cults such as Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses. If you mean that Jesus could only do those things by God’s Power you are right because Jesus was God.



Sounds like BS to me.
I know for a fact that Jesus will return, because i believe in the scriptures. What i don't know is why his return is taking this long... can it be suggested he cannot return on his own will power but until all things be fulfilled by the greater power as written? ([FONT=Times New Roman,Times,Times Roman]Acts 3:20-21[/FONT]). "My understanding here is that Jesus came and completed his mission on earth that he was sent to do and will return someday, but his return would not come until the Almighty God himself restores all things."

One thing for sure is he wont return in your lifetime! And in the form of a human or what?? Dont think its quite possible :sarcastic