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Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I have some evidence of the paranormal that has been repeated, but since I am the only person who experienced it you would have to take my word for it.

Like you, I have evidence of the paranormal that has been repeated, but because I don't give readings online or over the phone, I can't demonstrate it in this thread either. However, I have shared my stories of giving readings to people in real life in my threads, in this thread, or in other threads relating to the paranormal. As I explained in my post earlier in this thread, I've given readings to many people who didn't believe in the paranormal, and none of them remained skeptical of the paranormal after I revealed specific private information that was only known between them and their deceased loved ones (such as the first and last names of their living or deceased relatives, exact dates of key events in their lives, family vacations, certain places they visited or traveled to outside of the country, and specific childhood memories that they have). I also have repeatable evidence of the paranormal that I've collected from both suspected and well-known haunted locations, including laser grid data, digital pictures, thermal images, SLS images (with no objects or people in the vicinity of the camera to explain the images), and EVPs recorded on a digital recorder with no people in the vicinity of the recorder.

As I mentioned in another thread, one of the most effective ways to convince a skeptic that the paranormal is real is to have them take part in a legitimate paranormal investigation of a notoriously haunted location (such as the 1886 Crescent Hotel & Spa). Speaking as a veteran paranormal investigator (with sixteen years of firsthand experience), I'm a firm believer in "seeing is believing," which is sealed by the skeptic's inability to rationally explain and debunk any poltergeist activity that they've personally witnessed. It's especially true if the activity is something that they visually saw and audibly heard, as well as properly documented by authenticated pictures, videos, EVP recordings, spirit box sessions (using The Estes Method), and other high-tech ghost-hunting equipment (such as a Laser Grid System with multiple sensors, like this one here; I own one). The other most effective way that I've found to convince a skeptic that the paranormal is real is for them to receive a reading in person from a genuine psychic medium that they cannot rationally refute, leaving them so stumped that their curiosity about what they witnessed takes over and they begin to genuinely research and investigate the paranormal. I've been sharing my personal experiences with the paranormal on this forum for over a year and a half now. And, while I've shared my experiences, I won't, under any circumstances, argue or debate with anyone about them. As far as I'm concerned, other people can accept or reject what I've written in my posts. It's their decision. To be honest, it doesn't matter to me if they believe me or not because their disbelief doesn't negate my experiences or alter my reality.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Another theory is that the physical body has an interpenetrating astral/soul body that separates from the physical body during death-like trauma (as in Near Death Experiences) and out of body experiences (astral projection). I find this model better explains a host of paranormal phenomena that materialists will deny can occur.

The astral body becomes the vehicle for the in-dwelling consciousness as people continue much as before without the clunky physical overcoat (as reported in Near Death Experiences).

Choose your paradigm. In the astral/soul body theory consciousness is not a creation of matter moving about but is a fundamental and eternal component of reality.

I'd like to say that astral projection is certainly a unique and exciting experience. I've experienced it myself and was wondering if you have too.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
I'd like to say that astral projection is certainly a unique and exciting experience. I've experienced it myself and was wondering if you have too.
Would love to experience it but haven't. Unfortunately, I am not the psychically gifted type but am fascinated by those who are. I learn from the experiences and teachings of others.


Veteran Member
I'd like to say that astral projection is certainly a unique and exciting experience. I've experienced it myself and was wondering if you have too.
I have never experienced astral projection, but I have experienced my mind being able to be somewhere where I was, but where I am not at now. It is as if I am there even though my body is here. It makes me think that this physical world is illusory. The real person is the soul, and it can be anywhere it is drawn to.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I have never experienced astral projection, but I have experienced my mind being able to be somewhere where I was, but where I am not at now. It is as if I am there even though my body is here. It makes me think that this physical world is illusory. The real person is the soul, and it can be anywhere it is drawn to.

I understand what you've described, and I also believe that the true person is the soul, which can be anywhere it is drawn. A close friend of mine, who is also a medium, once told me that we are spiritual beings having an earthly experience. In my experience as a medium, I have gone into trances (which involved trance writing, known as Psychography, and also channeling a spirit), but I don't always remember everything that happens during a trance. I can touch an object and connect with a spirit (known as Psychometry), or I will have a psychic vision of a past event involving the spirit or another past event on the property of a haunted location. I've also experienced psychic visions while holding a deck of tarot cards. I've had visions that have come true.

Finally, I recommend reading this article for a reference on trance mediumship.

Live Science: How a Medium's Brain Changes in a Trance

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
‘Reasonable’ is an opinion word. And if someone is irrationally resistant then one can hold out forever.

I think that there are skeptics who would go to their grave in determined denial of the paranormal. As I was saying in a related topic (read here), I've met skeptics who were still in denial despite their inability to refute and properly explain a paranormal experience they personally witnessed. I also think that it must have something to do with being legitimately afraid of something paranormal that they couldn't rationally explain away with conventional science, the Bible, or some other religious dogmas. In my opinion, it could be fear of the unknown, coupled with their intrinsic uneasiness about not being able to rationally explain a paranormal event that makes no sense to them. It's the point at which science and/or their preferred religious beliefs utterly fail them.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
I think that there are skeptics who would go to their grave in determined denial of the paranormal. As I was saying in a related topic (read here), I've met skeptics who were still in denial despite their inability to refute and properly explain a paranormal experience they personally witnessed. I also think that it must have something to do with being legitimately afraid of something paranormal that they couldn't rationally explain away with conventional science, the Bible, or some other religious dogmas. In my opinion, it could be fear of the unknown, coupled with their intrinsic uneasiness about not being able to rationally explain a paranormal event that makes no sense to them. It's the point at which science and/or their preferred religious beliefs utterly fail them.
And I think some of it is this attitude that science is to do away with all this religious/paranormal superstition. So, when things appear suggesting there might be something real to this religious/paranormal superstitious crap they get irrationally antagonistic.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
you ignored my statements. You say it is a parable because Jesus spoke in parables - so it is a parable because Jesus spoke in parables THAT is circular reasoning.

Show me any of the other true parables where Jesus used actual names. Let it be confirmed by a witness of two.

you don't have one, so..... Jesus spoke in parables and that is why it is a parable.... and you list the parables... circular.

Just applying your circular statements.

no reference that it is dead

Hello Kenny. I hope you can help me to settle this in my mind about this. Do you think that the Lazarus Jesus was talking about was the Lazarus he resurrected? Not sure if you answered me before.so I apologize if so. Thanks!


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I think that there are skeptics who would go to their grave in determined denial of the paranormal. As I was saying in a related topic (read here), I've met skeptics who were still in denial despite their inability to refute and properly explain a paranormal experience they personally witnessed. I also think that it must have something to do with being legitimately afraid of something paranormal that they couldn't rationally explain away with conventional science, the Bible, or some other religious dogmas. In my opinion, it could be fear of the unknown, coupled with their intrinsic uneasiness about not being able to rationally explain a paranormal event that makes no sense to them. It's the point at which science and/or their preferred religious beliefs utterly fail them.
It depends. Paranormal exists, it depends upon who is defining it. I'd sure be interested to see how an atheist thinks about it.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
And I think some of it is this attitude that science is to do away with all this religious/paranormal superstition. So, when things appear suggesting there might be something real to this religious/paranormal superstitious crap they get irrationally antagonistic.
Is it possible that some scientists might assign it to brain aberrations?

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Yes, but I am suggesting some events with physical effects and multiple witnesses and controlled testing can't be explained-away like that.

Well, I have convinced three therapists, one psychologist, and numerous other people for almost sixteen years that not only are my mediumship abilities genuine and undeniable but also that the spirits of their loved ones can still be with them and that there are other earthbound human spirits around them as well. I've considered undergoing a brain scan during a reading, as medium Tyler Henry has done, but I assume the results would be identical or similar to his. The results of his brain scan show a distinct difference between when he was giving a reading and when he wasn't. However, I am curious to know.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Well, I have convinced three therapists, one psychologist, and numerous other people for almost sixteen years that not only are my mediumship abilities genuine and undeniable but also that the spirits of their loved ones can still be with them and that there are other earthbound human spirits around them as well. I've considered undergoing a brain scan during a reading, as medium Tyler Henry has done, but I assume the results would be identical or similar to his. The results of his brain scan show a distinct difference between when he was giving a reading and when he wasn't.
Therapists? Psychologist you saw?? Did they use you to examine others with your psychic abilities or did you need them for yourself?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Well, I have convinced three therapists, one psychologist, and numerous other people for almost sixteen years that not only are my mediumship abilities genuine and undeniable but also that the spirits of their loved ones can still be with them and that there are other earthbound human spirits around them as well. I've considered undergoing a brain scan during a reading, as medium Tyler Henry has done, but I assume the results would be identical or similar to his. The results of his brain scan show a distinct difference between when he was giving a reading and when he wasn't.
And so others have reported seeing things. They were convinced.. it didn't always work out for the best, however.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
.Hello Kenny. I hope you can help me to settle this in my mind about this. Do you think that the Lazarus Jesus was talking about was the Lazarus he resurrected? Not sure if you answered me before.so I apologize if so. Thanks!
No. I'm sorry if I missed that. Those are two different Lazarus. Lazarus sisters, Mary and Martha, along with him weren't poor as far as I understand it.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
No. I'm sorry if I missed that. Those are two different Lazarus. Lazarus sisters, Mary and Martha, along with him weren't poor as far as I understand it.
OK, glad we agree there. :) It stands to reason, doesn't it, that Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary, was not begging and laying out by the rich man's table.