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Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
The better hypothesis is the one that better fits all the data including unusual things called paranormal.

I've been researching and investigating the paranormal for nearly 16 years (16 next month). During these years, I've traveled across the country to research and investigate both suspected and haunted locations. I have gone to many locations to either research and investigate the site myself or to assist other paranormal investigators whom I know and trust in a mediumship capacity. However, despite my mediumship, I don't always assume that the paranormal phenomena I'm either informed about or have personally witnessed are paranormal, especially if I don't see a spirit causing the activity. Even though I'm sensitive and can feel the presence of spirits, I know that sensing spirits doesn't necessarily indicate that a spirit is the cause of an unusual occurrence in a suspected or well-known haunted location. There could be a natural explanation for it, and I believe it is my responsibility as an experienced paranormal investigator to ascertain whether the unusual phenomenon is paranormal or not. If I think that it could be, then I will attempt to appropriately document it using specialized ghost-hunting equipment. I believe it is essential to rule out all natural explanations for a phenomenon that appears paranormal at first.

I also believe that it is essential to make a concerted attempt to ascertain whether the phenomenon can be debunked and, if not, to properly document it using proper ghost-hunting equipment to prove that it is in fact paranormal. Whenever I'm investigating a suspected or well-known haunted location, I will first make an effort to disprove any paranormal phenomena, and if that fails, I'll politely ask the spirits to repeat the incident so that I can accurately document it using my specialized ghost-hunting equipment. I always research the location and conduct an extensive and comprehensive investigation to either prove or disprove any paranormal phenomena that I witness or that others accompanying me witness. As an experienced paranormal investigator, I don't ever leave any of my potential evidence of the paranormal (such as digital photos of spirits and EVP recordings) wide open for skeptics to harshly rip apart. In fact, I'm my own worst critic when it comes to the potential evidence of the paranormal that I document because my main objective when analyzing this potential evidence is to try and debunk it first to determine whether I can authenticate it or not. I also ask and permit other experienced paranormal investigators and even skeptics, whom I know and trust, to personally analyze (verify or debunk) any potential evidence that I document.

Whenever I personally analyze any potential evidence I document, I never take any pictures that I capture or videos I record at face value, despite my mediumship abilities. If I'm conducting an EVP session, then I make sure that the people around me hear what I hear via the Spirit Box. I've asked the other people around me, "What did you hear?" rather than repeating what I heard myself. I could tell them that I audibly heard the spirits speaking directly to me because of my abilities, but that isn't sufficient evidence for the skeptics in the crowd. If I show other people the pictures I've taken at a haunted location, I don't tell them what I see but rather ask them what they see. I don't try to influence how other people interpret my evidence. In addition, before I enter a specific location that is believed to be haunted, I'll ask the people I'm with not to tell me anything about the place or any experiences they have had there. I don't want to be influenced. I prefer to go into a location with a clear mind so that I can be certain that what I'm sensing in the area is real.

As I've previously stated, there aren't many people that I personally know in real life who are aware of my psychic mediumship abilities, but there are other paranormal investigators I know and trust who are. If one of them asks me to use my psychic medium abilities at a haunted location, I'll remind them that I don't want to know anything about their personal experiences there. If the location is a house, a building, another type of structure, or a public business, I don't want to know anything about the current or previous owners or the property's history. If I'm given a personal object to hold so that I can possibly connect with a spirit, then I will make it clear that I don't want to know anything about the person who owned that object before they passed away. It's very important to me that I have a clear mind before doing a reading for another person or when I'm investigating a well-known or suspected haunted location. I want to be sure that my reading is correct and hasn't been affected by any suggestions or information I've received from other paranormal investigators or anyone else in the room. I can't speak for other mediums, but that's what I do when I'm asked to give a reading or when I'm asked to use my abilities during a paranormal investigation. We, meaning psychic mediums, are all different, and most of us, if not all, have our own unique methods of interacting with spirits. Most of us have fine-tuned our abilities in such a way that we can control them better. I've certainly learned how to over the years.

In conclusion, I believe there are paranormal occurrences that cannot be validated by specialized ghost-hunting equipment, rationally explained and debunked by science, or legitimately explained away by religious dogma that staunchly opposes the belief that the spirits of the dead can communicate with and interact with the living. In fact, I believe that there are supernatural occurrences that happen in this world that brazenly defy both scientific and religious explanation. I believe this because I have had forty-four years of personal experiences seeing (both visually and in psychic visions), hearing (both audibly and in psychic visions), and feeling the presence of earthbound spirits. For nearly sixteen of those years, while actively utilizing my mediumship abilities, I have had direct contact with these spirits, had psychic visions of spirits, and have experienced trace mediumship and channeling spirits as well.
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Frank Goad

Well-Known Member
I've been researching and investigating the paranormal for nearly 16 years (16 next month). During these years, I've traveled across the country to research and investigate both suspected and haunted locations. I've gone to many locations to either research and investigate the site myself or to assist other paranormal investigators whom I know and trust in a mediumship capacity. But despite my mediumship, I don't always assume that the paranormal phenomena I'm either informed about or have personally witnessed are paranormal, especially if I don't see a spirit causing the activity. Even though I'm sensitive and can feel the presence of spirits, I know that sensing spirits doesn't necessarily indicate that a spirit is the cause of an unusual occurrence in a suspected or well-known haunted location. There could be a natural explanation, and I believe it is my responsibility as an experienced paranormal investigator to ascertain whether the unusual phenomenon is paranormal or not. If I think that it could be, then I will attempt to appropriately document it using specialized ghost-hunting equipment. I believe it is essential to rule out all natural explanations for a phenomenon that appears paranormal at first. I also believe that it is essential to make a concerted attempt to ascertain whether the phenomenon can be debunked and, if not, to properly document it using proper ghost-hunting equipment to prove that it is in fact paranormal.

Whenever I'm investigating a suspected or well-known haunted location, I will first make an effort to disprove any paranormal phenomena, and if that fails, I will ask the spirits to repeat the incident so that I can accurately document it using my specialized ghost-hunting equipment. I always research the location and conduct an extensive and comprehensive investigation to either prove or disprove any paranormal phenomena that I witness or that others accompanying me witness. As an experienced paranormal investigator, I don't ever leave any potential evidence of the paranormal (such as digital photos of spirits and EVP recordings) wide open for skeptics to harshly rip apart. In fact, I'm my own worst critic when it comes to the potential evidence of the paranormal that I document because my main objective when analyzing this potential evidence is to try and debunk it first to determine whether I can authenticate it or not. I also ask and permit other experienced paranormal investigators and even skeptics whom I know and trust to personally analyze (verify or debunk) any potential evidence that I document during my investigation. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to ensure that any evidence of the paranormal is undeniably genuine so that skeptics can't rationally refute it.

Whenever I personally analyze any potential evidence I document, I never take any pictures that I capture or videos I record at face value, despite my mediumship abilities. If I'm conducting an EVP session, then I make sure that the people around me hear what I hear via the Spirit Box. I've asked the other people around me, "What did you hear?" rather than repeating what I heard myself. I could tell them that I audibly heard the spirits speaking directly to me because of my abilities, but that isn't sufficient evidence for the skeptics in the crowd. If I show other people the pictures I've taken at a haunted location, I don't tell them what I see but rather ask them what they see. I don't try to influence how other people interpret my evidence. In addition, before I enter a specific location that is believed to be haunted, I'll ask the people I'm with not to tell me anything about the place or any experiences they have had there. I don't want to be influenced. I prefer to go into a location with a clear mind so that I can be certain that what I'm sensing in the area is real.

As I've previously stated, there aren't many people that I personally know in real life who are aware of my psychic mediumship abilities, but there are other paranormal investigators I know and trust who are. If one of them asks me to use my psychic medium abilities at a haunted location, I'll remind them that I don't want to know anything about their personal experiences there. If the location is a house, a building, another type of structure, or a public business, I don't want to know anything about the current or previous owners or the property's history. If I'm given a personal object to hold so that I can possibly connect with a spirit, then I will make it clear that I don't want to know anything about the person who owned that object before they passed away. It's important to me that I have a clear mind before doing a reading for another person or when I'm investigating a well-known or suspected haunted location. I want to be sure that my reading is correct and hasn't been affected by any suggestions or information I've received from other paranormal investigators or anyone else in the room. I can't speak for other mediums, but that's what I do when I'm asked to give a reading or when I'm asked to use my abilities during a paranormal investigation. We, meaning psychic mediums, are all different, and most of us, if not all, have our own unique methods of interacting with spirits. Most of us have fine-tuned our abilities in such a way that we can control them better. I've certainly learned how to over the years.

In conclusion, I believe there are paranormal occurrences that cannot be validated by specialized ghost-hunting equipment, rationally explained and debunked by science, or legitimately explained away by religious dogma that staunchly opposes the belief that the spirits of the dead can communicate with and interact with the living. In fact, I believe that there are supernatural occurrences that happen in this world that brazenly defy both scientific and religious explanation. I believe this because I have had forty-four years of personal experiences seeing (both visually and in psychic visions), hearing (both audibly and in psychic visions), and feeling the presence of earthbound spirits. For nearly sixteen of those years, while actively utilizing my mediumship abilities, I have had direct contact with these spirits, had psychic visions of spirits, and have experienced trace mediumship and channeling spirits.
Because you have had a hard time with jesus.When you meet a ghost that is earth bond and asks you were is heaven.What do you tell them?Do you tell them to go to the light?

Frank Goad

Well-Known Member
I've been researching and investigating the paranormal for nearly 16 years (16 next month). During these years, I've traveled across the country to research and investigate both suspected and haunted locations. I have gone to many locations to either research and investigate the site myself or to assist other paranormal investigators whom I know and trust in a mediumship capacity. However, despite my mediumship, I don't always assume that the paranormal phenomena I'm either informed about or have personally witnessed are paranormal, especially if I don't see a spirit causing the activity. Even though I'm sensitive and can feel the presence of spirits, I know that sensing spirits doesn't necessarily indicate that a spirit is the cause of an unusual occurrence in a suspected or well-known haunted location. There could be a natural explanation for it, and I believe it is my responsibility as an experienced paranormal investigator to ascertain whether the unusual phenomenon is paranormal or not. If I think that it could be, then I will attempt to appropriately document it using specialized ghost-hunting equipment. I believe it is essential to rule out all natural explanations for a phenomenon that appears paranormal at first.

I also believe that it is essential to make a concerted attempt to ascertain whether the phenomenon can be debunked and, if not, to properly document it using proper ghost-hunting equipment to prove that it is in fact paranormal. Whenever I'm investigating a suspected or well-known haunted location, I will first make an effort to disprove any paranormal phenomena, and if that fails, I'll politely ask the spirits to repeat the incident so that I can accurately document it using my specialized ghost-hunting equipment. I always research the location and conduct an extensive and comprehensive investigation to either prove or disprove any paranormal phenomena that I witness or that others accompanying me witness. As an experienced paranormal investigator, I don't ever leave any of my potential evidence of the paranormal (such as digital photos of spirits and EVP recordings) wide open for skeptics to harshly rip apart. In fact, I'm my own worst critic when it comes to the potential evidence of the paranormal that I document because my main objective when analyzing this potential evidence is to try and debunk it first to determine whether I can authenticate it or not. I also ask and permit other experienced paranormal investigators and even skeptics, whom I know and trust, to personally analyze (verify or debunk) any potential evidence that I document.

Whenever I personally analyze any potential evidence I document, I never take any pictures that I capture or videos I record at face value, despite my mediumship abilities. If I'm conducting an EVP session, then I make sure that the people around me hear what I hear via the Spirit Box. I've asked the other people around me, "What did you hear?" rather than repeating what I heard myself. I could tell them that I audibly heard the spirits speaking directly to me because of my abilities, but that isn't sufficient evidence for the skeptics in the crowd. If I show other people the pictures I've taken at a haunted location, I don't tell them what I see but rather ask them what they see. I don't try to influence how other people interpret my evidence. In addition, before I enter a specific location that is believed to be haunted, I'll ask the people I'm with not to tell me anything about the place or any experiences they have had there. I don't want to be influenced. I prefer to go into a location with a clear mind so that I can be certain that what I'm sensing in the area is real.

As I've previously stated, there aren't many people that I personally know in real life who are aware of my psychic mediumship abilities, but there are other paranormal investigators I know and trust who are. If one of them asks me to use my psychic medium abilities at a haunted location, I'll remind them that I don't want to know anything about their personal experiences there. If the location is a house, a building, another type of structure, or a public business, I don't want to know anything about the current or previous owners or the property's history. If I'm given a personal object to hold so that I can possibly connect with a spirit, then I will make it clear that I don't want to know anything about the person who owned that object before they passed away. It's very important to me that I have a clear mind before doing a reading for another person or when I'm investigating a well-known or suspected haunted location. I want to be sure that my reading is correct and hasn't been affected by any suggestions or information I've received from other paranormal investigators or anyone else in the room. I can't speak for other mediums, but that's what I do when I'm asked to give a reading or when I'm asked to use my abilities during a paranormal investigation. We, meaning psychic mediums, are all different, and most of us, if not all, have our own unique methods of interacting with spirits. Most of us have fine-tuned our abilities in such a way that we can control them better. I've certainly learned how to over the years.

In conclusion, I believe there are paranormal occurrences that cannot be validated by specialized ghost-hunting equipment, rationally explained and debunked by science, or legitimately explained away by religious dogma that staunchly opposes the belief that the spirits of the dead can communicate with and interact with the living. In fact, I believe that there are supernatural occurrences that happen in this world that brazenly defy both scientific and religious explanation. I believe this because I have had forty-four years of personal experiences seeing (both visually and in psychic visions), hearing (both audibly and in psychic visions), and feeling the presence of earthbound spirits. For nearly sixteen of those years, while actively utilizing my mediumship abilities, I have had direct contact with these spirits, had psychic visions of spirits, and have experienced trace mediumship and channeling spirits as well.
When your doing a psychic reading for someone else.Have you ever been told.All the stuff you predicted could have been information you found on the internet?:)

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Because you have had a hard time with jesus.When you meet a ghost that is earth bond and asks you were is heaven.What do you tell them?Do you tell them to go to the light?

I rarely share my personal beliefs about Jesus or heaven when attempting to persuade or assist an earthbound spirit in crossing over. If I do, then I'm honest about my personal beliefs about Jesus or God, but I make it clear that I don't honestly know if either of them exists in the spirit world. I'm also upfront about my personal doubts regarding the Bible's teachings on death and the afterlife. A few months ago, in another thread, I shared the story of when I spoke with a spirit about my personal beliefs, and you can read that post here. My main objective as a psychic medium is to persuade and assist earthbound human spirits in crossing over into the spiritual realm. I believe this to be my personal responsibility and a calling from what I consider to be my spirit guides. I've been able to see, hear, and feel the presence of spirits since I was six years old, when I saw my first human spirit (read about it here).

When your doing a psychic reading for someone else.Have you ever been told.All the stuff you predicted could have been information you found on the internet?:)

No. The vast majority of the people I've given a reading to are total strangers that I've never met or have seen since I gave them a reading. I usually don't even know their first or last name when I approach them unless it is revealed to me. I have never asked for or searched the internet (such as social media) for any personal information about the people I do know that I've given a reading to. For example, the first reading I ever gave was to my first therapist, and she never revealed any personal information about herself or her family to me or to anyone else who knows me, and I did not have access to the internet at that time. In fact, it never crossed my mind to look for any personal information about her, considering we were at a restaurant at the time.

As I've stated before, I've given readings to many people who didn't believe in the paranormal, and none of them remained skeptical of the paranormal after I revealed specific private information that was only known between them and their deceased loved one(s) (such as the first and last names of their living or deceased relatives, exact dates of key events in their lives, family vacations, certain places they visited or traveled to outside of the country, and specific childhood memories that they have). My experiences as a medium include my first therapist (read about it here), as well as a couple of other therapists and a psychologist. In addition to what I've written in one of my previous posts here, I've also shared how I knew when a friend tragically died (read about it here), when my relatives died (read about it here), and when I've had extraordinary experiences that I couldn't confirm with other present witnesses or document with my ghost-hunting equipment, as I explained in a previous post here. In fact, I've spent a year and a half posting on this forum about my personal experiences as a medium (such as this post here) and an experienced paranormal investigator (such as this post here) and commenting in many other threads as well. In these posts, I provide a great deal of specific detail about my experiences as a medium and paranormal investigator.
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Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
I've been researching and investigating the paranormal for nearly 16 years (16 next month). During these years, I've traveled across the country to research and investigate both suspected and haunted locations. I have gone to many locations to either research and investigate the site myself or to assist other paranormal investigators whom I know and trust in a mediumship capacity. However, despite my mediumship, I don't always assume that the paranormal phenomena I'm either informed about or have personally witnessed are paranormal, especially if I don't see a spirit causing the activity. Even though I'm sensitive and can feel the presence of spirits, I know that sensing spirits doesn't necessarily indicate that a spirit is the cause of an unusual occurrence in a suspected or well-known haunted location. There could be a natural explanation for it, and I believe it is my responsibility as an experienced paranormal investigator to ascertain whether the unusual phenomenon is paranormal or not. If I think that it could be, then I will attempt to appropriately document it using specialized ghost-hunting equipment. I believe it is essential to rule out all natural explanations for a phenomenon that appears paranormal at first.

I also believe that it is essential to make a concerted attempt to ascertain whether the phenomenon can be debunked and, if not, to properly document it using proper ghost-hunting equipment to prove that it is in fact paranormal. Whenever I'm investigating a suspected or well-known haunted location, I will first make an effort to disprove any paranormal phenomena, and if that fails, I'll politely ask the spirits to repeat the incident so that I can accurately document it using my specialized ghost-hunting equipment. I always research the location and conduct an extensive and comprehensive investigation to either prove or disprove any paranormal phenomena that I witness or that others accompanying me witness. As an experienced paranormal investigator, I don't ever leave any of my potential evidence of the paranormal (such as digital photos of spirits and EVP recordings) wide open for skeptics to harshly rip apart. In fact, I'm my own worst critic when it comes to the potential evidence of the paranormal that I document because my main objective when analyzing this potential evidence is to try and debunk it first to determine whether I can authenticate it or not. I also ask and permit other experienced paranormal investigators and even skeptics, whom I know and trust, to personally analyze (verify or debunk) any potential evidence that I document.

Whenever I personally analyze any potential evidence I document, I never take any pictures that I capture or videos I record at face value, despite my mediumship abilities. If I'm conducting an EVP session, then I make sure that the people around me hear what I hear via the Spirit Box. I've asked the other people around me, "What did you hear?" rather than repeating what I heard myself. I could tell them that I audibly heard the spirits speaking directly to me because of my abilities, but that isn't sufficient evidence for the skeptics in the crowd. If I show other people the pictures I've taken at a haunted location, I don't tell them what I see but rather ask them what they see. I don't try to influence how other people interpret my evidence. In addition, before I enter a specific location that is believed to be haunted, I'll ask the people I'm with not to tell me anything about the place or any experiences they have had there. I don't want to be influenced. I prefer to go into a location with a clear mind so that I can be certain that what I'm sensing in the area is real.

As I've previously stated, there aren't many people that I personally know in real life who are aware of my psychic mediumship abilities, but there are other paranormal investigators I know and trust who are. If one of them asks me to use my psychic medium abilities at a haunted location, I'll remind them that I don't want to know anything about their personal experiences there. If the location is a house, a building, another type of structure, or a public business, I don't want to know anything about the current or previous owners or the property's history. If I'm given a personal object to hold so that I can possibly connect with a spirit, then I will make it clear that I don't want to know anything about the person who owned that object before they passed away. It's very important to me that I have a clear mind before doing a reading for another person or when I'm investigating a well-known or suspected haunted location. I want to be sure that my reading is correct and hasn't been affected by any suggestions or information I've received from other paranormal investigators or anyone else in the room. I can't speak for other mediums, but that's what I do when I'm asked to give a reading or when I'm asked to use my abilities during a paranormal investigation. We, meaning psychic mediums, are all different, and most of us, if not all, have our own unique methods of interacting with spirits. Most of us have fine-tuned our abilities in such a way that we can control them better. I've certainly learned how to over the years.

In conclusion, I believe there are paranormal occurrences that cannot be validated by specialized ghost-hunting equipment, rationally explained and debunked by science, or legitimately explained away by religious dogma that staunchly opposes the belief that the spirits of the dead can communicate with and interact with the living. In fact, I believe that there are supernatural occurrences that happen in this world that brazenly defy both scientific and religious explanation. I believe this because I have had forty-four years of personal experiences seeing (both visually and in psychic visions), hearing (both audibly and in psychic visions), and feeling the presence of earthbound spirits. For nearly sixteen of those years, while actively utilizing my mediumship abilities, I have had direct contact with these spirits, had psychic visions of spirits, and have experienced trace mediumship and channeling spirits as well.
Is there any website or anyplace you share your investigative results? The information is valuable to others and us students.

Frank Goad

Well-Known Member
I rarely share my personal beliefs about Jesus or heaven when attempting to persuade or assist an earthbound spirit in crossing over. If I do, then I'm honest about my personal beliefs about Jesus or God, but I make it clear that I don't honestly know if either of them exists in the spirit world. I'm also upfront about my personal doubts regarding the Bible's teachings on death and the afterlife. A few months ago, in another thread, I shared the story of when I spoke with a spirit about my personal beliefs, and you can read that post here. My main objective as a psychic medium is to persuade and assist earthbound human spirits in crossing over into the spiritual realm. I believe this to be my personal responsibility and a calling from what I consider to be my spirit guides. I've been able to see, hear, and feel the presence of spirits since I was six years old, when I saw my first human spirit (read about it here).

No. The vast majority of the people I've given a reading to are total strangers that I've never met or have seen since I gave them a reading. I usually don't even know their first or last name when I approach them unless it is revealed to me. I have never asked for or searched the internet (such as social media) for any personal information about the people I do know that I've given a reading to. For example, the first reading I ever gave was to my first therapist, and she never revealed any personal information about herself or her family to me or to anyone else who knows me, and I didn't have access to the internet at that time. In fact, it never crossed my mind to look for any personal information about her, considering we were at a restaurant at the time.

As I've stated before, I've given readings to many people who didn't believe in the paranormal, and none of them remained skeptical of the paranormal after I revealed specific private information that was only known between them and their deceased loved one(s) (such as the first and last names of their living or deceased relatives, exact dates of key events in their lives, family vacations, certain places they visited or traveled to outside of the country, and specific childhood memories that they have). My experiences as a medium include my first therapist (read about it here), as well as a couple of other therapists and a psychologist. In addition to what I've written in one of my previous posts here, I've also shared how I knew when a friend tragically died (read about it here), when my relatives died (read about it here), and when I've had extraordinary experiences that I couldn't confirm with other present witnesses or document with my ghost-hunting equipment, as I explained in a previous post here. In fact, I've spent a year and a half posting on this forum about my personal experiences as a medium (such as this post here) and an experienced paranormal investigator (such as this post here) and commenting in many other threads as well. In the posts I linked, I provided a great deal of specific detail about my experiences as a medium and paranormal investigator.
Thanks for the reply!:)

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Is there any website or anyplace you share your investigative results? The information is valuable to others and us students.

No. RF is the only site online where I discuss my paranormal investigations or anything else I believe about the paranormal. As I explained in an earlier post in this thread (post #406), RF is the first online platform where I've ever shared and discussed my personal experiences with the paranormal.


Well-Known Member
No. RF is the only site online where I discuss my paranormal investigations or anything else I believe about the paranormal. As I explained in an earlier post in this thread (post #406), RF is the first online platform where I've ever shared and discussed my personal experiences with the paranormal.
I agree with your choice @Sgt. Pepper. I have found suitable sites online, but to be honest their membership has always been too small to provide good discussion. It is a shame but that is how it is. RF is a good size and has a diversity of views.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I agree with your choice @Sgt. Pepper. I have found suitable sites online, but to be honest their membership has always been too small to provide good discussion. It is a shame but that is how it is. RF is a good size and has a diversity of views.

One of the reasons I joined RF was because of the paranormal activities forum. I wanted to participate in it, but it wasn't very active at that time. I was hesitant to share or discuss my personal beliefs about the paranormal and my experiences as a medium and paranormal investigator. In fact, I had an extensive discussion with my husband before I joined RF about whether or not I should share my personal beliefs about the afterlife and my experiences with the paranormal on the forum. It was his suggestion that I maintain my anonymity, which I have done. If I recall correctly, I didn't initially come out and say that I'm a medium when I started posting in some paranormal-related threads. My decision to discuss my mediumship and personal experiences with the paranormal wasn't one I took lightly, and it took me some time of "testing the waters" to get to this point. It hasn't always been easy, to be honest.
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Frank Goad

Well-Known Member
@Sgt. Pepper How would you know about someone who the ghost is no family to?:)

One of the reasons I joined RF was because of the paranormal activities forum. I wanted to participate in it, but it wasn't very active at that time. I was hesitant to share or discuss my personal beliefs about the paranormal and my experiences as a medium and paranormal investigator. In fact, I had an extensive discussion with my husband before I joined RF about whether or not I should share my personal beliefs about the afterlife and my experiences with the paranormal on the forum. It was his suggestion that I maintain my anonymity, which I have done. If I recall correctly, I didn't initially come out and say that I'm a medium when I started posting in some paranormal-related threads. My decision to discuss my mediumship and personal experiences with the paranormal wasn't one that I took lightly, and it took me some time of "testing the waters" to get to this point. It hasn't always been easy, to be honest.
Can you reply to my post?Did you miss it on accident?:)

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
If the ghost does not know the person.How do you know the person's past?

First and foremost, thank you for rephrasing your question. I apologize for the misunderstanding. Secondly, I don't convey messages to people that a spirit doesn't personally know or isn't familiar with. As I explained to you in my other post (see here), I reveal specific private information that was only known between a spirit and their deceased loved one(s). I have on occasion offered a reading to someone that the spirit was a personal friend to, such as a co-worker, but the vast majority of the messages I share are from spirits who want to convey a message to their surviving loved ones. I'd like to mention that what I've shared so far barely scratches the surface of what I've experienced over the past 44 years, 16 of which I've been actively using my mediumship.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
To @Sgt. Pepper not sure if you answered me, sorry but can't keep up with everything. Did you say why you went to 3 psychologists if I remember correctly you were saying? Did they hire you or did you hire the psychologists for help?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
First and foremost, thank you for rephrasing your question. I apologize for the misunderstanding. Secondly, I don't convey messages to people that a spirit doesn't personally know or isn't familiar with. As I explained to you in my other post (see here), I reveal specific private information that was only known between a spirit and their deceased loved one(s). I have on occasion offered a reading to someone that the spirit was a personal friend to, such as a co-worker, but the vast majority of the messages I share are from spirits who want to convey a message to their surviving loved ones. I'd like to mention that what I've shared so far barely scratches the surface of what I've experienced over the past 44 years, 16 of which I've been actively using my mediumship.
It seems odd to me that a supposed spirit turns the TV off and on as a message...why not just interrupt the program with a message in words or writing? Why such bad communication?


Veteran Member
It seems odd to me that a supposed spirit turns the TV off and on as a message...why not just interrupt the program with a message in words or writing? Why such bad communication?
There was no program playing since I do not use that TV anymore. In fact, it is in a cabinet behind closed doors.
The message came across that he had paid a visit and that is all I needed to know.... Any communication can come later.