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Where do the Jews believe they are going...


Well-Known Member
I think you misunderstand. Eye disease was always a problem so healthy eyes was a good quality.

"Wide eyes" and "healthy eyes" are not synonymous.
Lots of people with 'narrow eyes" can see just fine.
Lots of people with 'wide eyes' are blind.

This is true even if your definition of 'wide eyes' is merely 'open eyes.'

For one thing, I live in the de
I don't personally know any Jews. That's why there is a web site as this to ask things.

THIS website, please pardon me, is for people of many different opinions to express them in many and varied ways. Not all of them are correct. Not all of them are sane. We have no way of knowing, even, whether they are who and what they claim to be.

However, one can be fairly confidant that if one goes to, say, chabad.org or jewfaq.org, one can find the official, and correct, information about what Jews believe. Or you can make an appointment with your local Rabbi.

I would not, however, ask the Mormon who sits next to me on the pew of a Sunday what Jews believe regarding anything. ;)

Nor would I accept, without confirmation, what someone on a debate forum told me, and if I have to confirm something with a primary source (you know...ask a Jew?) then why not go to that primary source in the first place?


Active Member
1. It is slander to call 97% of the world’s people wicked and lump them in with murderers etc
2. Noah’s flood was a myth borrowed from earlier cultures.
Water travels to the lowest point, so if the water covered the tallest mountains then it would cover them now. Where did all the water go in your opinion?
I do not believe in a global flood. It was local and it covered the entire known world, the cradle of civilization and the middle east. The only animals included on the ark were those who were indigenous to that part of the world. Most cultures have an almost identical flood story. The Hebrew story came first. The water filled the seas and oceans. Noah's family spent most of their time fishing for food. They ate a lot of sushi.


Well-Known Member
1. It is slander to call 97% of the world’s people wicked and lump them in with murderers etc
2. Noah’s flood was a myth borrowed from earlier cultures.
Water travels to the lowest point, so if the water covered the tallest mountains then it would cover them now. Where did all the water go in your opinion?

Hey. I heard one evangelist say that all that water is bound up in ice in Antarctica, and that if the globe really IS warming, then we'll be a flooded world again before the end of the century.

It's a theory.......

Not a good one, mind you, but it's a theory.....


Active Member
I thought that Sheol would be afterlife in general, but you may be correct.
Sheol means pit. It refers to both the grave and Hell. There is no fire in Hell, the fire is going to be on earth. Hell is a Black Hole and Bottomless Pit. It. is not a furnace or oven as all three Abrahamic faiths believe. Hell is not forever and it is not physical torture, it is mental terror. Eventually your spirit will be extinguished and you will cease to exist.


Active Member
Life is full of second chances, but the death of the soul (body) is permanent. We only get one shot at Heaven and Judgment Day is the day you die. The death of the spirit is also permanent. The righteous meek will be resurrected with God and live forever on the earth. Zechariah 14:5. "...and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee".


Well-Known Member
It is 10PM. The sabbath ended under an hour ago and I'm too tired to answer this in depth. The simple answer is (according to Orthodox Judaism):

The soul returns to God and is judged. It either connects closely to God or needs a time of "reeducation" to prepare it for God's presence. We see souls in one of 3 categories -- all good, all evil or in between and almost all of us are in between.

Non-Jews can get to heaven (regardless of what a poster here said on page 2) if they follow the 7 Noachide/universal laws.

There is much discussion in Jewish literature about what we guess happens after death (and what will happen in the future in terms of the Messianic era, bodily resurrection etc.). There are websites which catalog a lot of this and I can get resources for those interested.

A request -- if there is a question about what Jews believe, it would be best if the question was asked in a Judaism DIR as I am seeing a lot of false information which misrepresents Judaism today.

And just to stay relevant to the hijacked portion of this thread, Martyrs, Virgins and Grapes

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I believe it is true because it makes sense and it fits in very nicely with my theology.
Doesn't matter how nice you think it sounds if it's completely false nonsense. Northern Europeans have zero to do with Israel, genetically or culturally. They're even different from Southern Europeans.


Active Member

lran? Lost tribes? Did they keep going, mixing with scythians and sarmatians? I think so.
Shem was the youngest son of Noah and he was chosen by God. Shem is where we get the term "Semitic" and most people think that is a Jewish thing but most nations in the middle east are Semitic. They are listed in Genesis 10, and I Chronicles 1.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I have absolutely no memory of the title, but hey, BYU has been the nation's biggest campus library so why don't you just go there and look through every book?

I actually tried that back in 1970. Then I went on a mission and never went back to Provo...got my degrees elsewhere, much, much, later. ;)

....and since I live 627.4 miles from there now, and only ever pass through the town on the way to see my daughters in Logan, I don't think that the BYU library is an option. Mind you, I go to the UCLA library fairly frequently, and that's pretty good too, but I need a little help with this book, I think.

I was really hoping that you remembered something about it, if not the title, then the author or a keyword, so that I could look it up. I mean, really....I think I"d love to read that one!


Well-Known Member
I'm not interested in pondering fiction. You might as well be talking about the Grail or whatever.
Russians had done a lot of research a long time ago, as far as I understand Germanic and Frankish people had some Scythian blood in them, but i kind of expect they will not advertise their DNA findings widely, just a few weeks ago there was a news that biblical Philistine people were Southern European for example.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Russians had done a lot of research a long time ago, as far as I understand Germanic and Frankish people had some Scythian blood in them, but i kind of expect they will not advertise their DNA findings widely, just a few weeks ago there was a news that biblical Philistine people were Southern European for example.
Having some shared genes with a group due to some intermarriage is not the same as what you're claiming.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hey. I heard one evangelist say that all that water is bound up in ice in Antarctica, and that if the globe really IS warming, then we'll be a flooded world again before the end of the century.

It's a theory.......

Not a good one, mind you, but it's a theory.....
I agree it’s not a good one, the last ice age ended 11,700 years ago. Noah’s flood story is a bit late in the timeline.


Veteran Member
...when they die a physical death?

For most Christians, the possibilities for a hereafter is heaven or hell.

The Muslims think 72 virgins await them somewhere outside this physical world.
Do you think any two Jews would agree on where they are GOING?
No two Christians agree on where they are GOING and
No two Muslims agree on where they are GOING and
No two Baha'is agree on where they are GOING...

That is because NOBODY knows where they are GOING after they die...

If God had just told us where were were GOING, it would have a been a whole lot simpler,
but of course not, God had to keep us guessing... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

“As to those that have tasted of the fruit of man’s earthly existence, which is the recognition of the one true God, exalted be His glory, their life hereafter is such as We are unable to describe. The knowledge thereof is with God, alone, the Lord of all worlds.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 345-346

Sorry, but that simply is not acceptable, given all God expects us believers to sacrifice, suffer, and endure in this material world if existence. :(

So, I went looking outside of scriptures to find out where we are GOING and I found out a few things, and it ain't gonna be pretty for some people. Maybe that is why God has kept it under His Hat.