I apologize, that I break by the intrusion this conversation. English is not my native language,
Therefore, probably, I simply have not understood a question and vainly I borrow(occupy) your time.
I use by a translation program, therefore for adequacy of translation I do not vouch(warrant).
[ QUOTE=KayOS; 1859394]
What are the basic religious theories that have been proven, and what have they done for us? [/QUOTE]
Religion it not the theory, as for example arithmetics or mechanics, religion it not the social concept and not
Ethics. Though, certainly, all these parties of religion are inherent. But the religion is not settled(exhausted) by these things.
The religion, it first of all output(exit), output(exit) for limits all that can be created by man. An output(exit) on meeting of other reality,
By what is not generation of our consciousness, but which fills our essence любовью.
The different subjects can be necessary: eggs, milk, cheese, money, automobiles etc. But the religion it not a subject, with which is possible to use.
Religion, it first of all зов: ", I stand at a door and I knock: if who will hear a vote mine and will open a door, I shall enter to it(him) and I shall celebrate with it(him), and he with me ".
Pay attention: here is not said, that he will celebrate extremely that you would like. Here is said - "
with it(him), and he with me
What does it mean? It means, that the God not a thing. He, can not for something "be necessary". It(he) cannot be adapted under the tasks. And the God, costs(stands) and knocks, and he costs(stands) and knocks always.
But some, open to him a door, and others no. Why? What distinguishes one from others? Extremely that the people want to act only at the will.
It is not interesting that the God wants. Is interesting only to them what they want. They, like themselves most of all on light, it is more than the God. Therefore to God up to them not достучаться.
For very first заповедь they do not observe:
" Listen, Israel, I Господь the God have deduced(removed) yours, Which you from Egypt; yes there will be no at you gods, except for me ".
And if the man puts itself превыше all? Who for him(it) the God how not he? So, if we speak about religion
( And religion only one), we should think not only above what role she can play in our businesses.
What our desires can serve, But first of all, how to us to resist(stand) in true to. How to us to get rid from обожествления itself?
Certainly, it is completely impossible. Nobody can by itself get rid of self-conceit or pride. You see on the essence of concept "pride"
Means, that is necessary something, that outside of you to prefer to itself. But it is impossible before that moment, than the man sees this other, and seeing, is actively combined.
I apologize in next time for rough translation.