Faced by the terrorists some people in the west seem to have lost their temper and became unable to take the right decisions..
While some Muslims seem to never have been able to, if the continued reluctance to discredit Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram is any indication.
1. Some people in the west became unable to see why people are attracted to Islam...
The promises of having reliable answers, of unity against adversity, of a stable and commited society, and of God's ultimate reward for faithfulness are some of the reasons that I see.
Islam is one thing and terrorism is another..
Which is why we are not in open war against Islam itself.
The question is how come there is such a strong correlation between the two, and how better to address the issue.
Frankly, Muslims could cooperate more in that regard. But then again, you have faith directives not to take non-Muslims as "protectors and guardians" and not to oppose other Muslims if you can help it, isn't that true?
Some religion of peace.
2. There is always this assumption that women are forced to cover their body and to dress modesty...
Are you claiming that they are not? What would happen to a Muslimah that decided to wear a bikini, then?
You need to keep in mind that the percentage of women converting to Islam is much higher than the percentage of men..
You realize that you are not even
attempting to address my observation?
Do you have any comments that are not attempts at obfuscation?
Women are very attracted to the fact that Islam made the legal marriage is the only way for the two genders to live together as a family..
Marriage is not a Islamic creation, nor its exclusivity. I am sure you know that. Maybe you mean to say that Islam does not accept people who do not intend to have a traditional marriage?
Some solution. Harmony through the relentless persecution of the divergents...
Many men, if they have the option will choose to enjoy having their ladies without being attached with the responsibilities of marriage..That is why marriage rate in in decline in the west..
The issue is far more complex than you seem to acknowledge. In any case, you don't seem to have any solutions to offer either. There is a vague promise that repressing people so that they feel no choice but to marry would be a solution, but really...
Women prefer to keep their bodies for their husbands...They don't like to be exploited by the society..
The Society in the west is pushing women to exploit themselves in the night clubs, beaches etc..
Oh, that
evil, evil Western Society! Why won't they just behead their troublemakers as good people are expected to do? Or at least scare them with the possibility?
Why assuming that women are forced to cover their bodies...
If they want to show their bodies, they will have their ways...
If they were forced to cover their bodies, they will act differently..
Tell me how and why. I won't believe you otherwise, rest assured.
3. let us suppose that some women are forced to cover their bodies...The solution is not by forcing all the women going to the beaches to show their bodies..
Which is why that is not done.