We're defending against what we see as an undesirable intrusion into wider European cultures - just as the Moroccans are doing by protesting the burkini ban in their own country. They've even gone so far as to call it the "rudeness of the new colonisation". And I love how nobody is criticising them.
Body-coverings in Muslim societies are inextricably linked to a culture of ****-shaming and victim-blaming where women are seen as deserving of rape or harassment if they don't cover themselves 'properly' or even at all. We don't want that here.
There is no us (westerners) vs them these aren't moroccan citizens they are French citizens who are part of French society.
According to France's secularism the state is neutral but the people have the right to freely express their religious views.
Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights is quite clear about religious freedom: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.”
Based on this women are free to wear a burkini or a bikini.
Isn't the mayor of Cannes doing what you are accusing others of comprimising the freedom of muslim women.
He suggests that Muslim women who choose to wear headscarves and cover their bodies are symbols of extremist groups such as the Islamic State, and therefore enemies of France.
This is an oversimplification,terrorism specialists haven't identified a link between wearing modest clothing and terrorism.
This ban is counterproductive and it's exactly what groups like IS wants.
They want young muslims to feel excluded,stigmatised and they will probably use this in their next recruitment video.