Well, I used to be Wiccan but I don't call myself as such anymore, partially because I haven't been initiated into a Wiccan coven. I'm a Witch with a quantum physics outlook, in the sense that we are all connected, energy is manipulated by the mind, and that the universe only behaves itself when you observe it. I'm learning about Mexica spirituality right now, in my La Raza Studies program, and while it is very beautiful and I agree with many of the principals, I am often irked by the heterosexist and anti-Christian views spouted by some of our guest speakers.
Above all though, I believe in myself, my experiences, and my rights as a human being. I try to be as tolerant as possible, but if someone tries to convert me or tells me that I don't have the right to get married simply because their belief system says I don't my patience goes down the gunky little drain. My policy is that there is validity to be found in all paths, though the entirety of those paths many not be valid to everyone.
I believe in learning, understanding, and myself. I don't expect anyone else to believe in me, nor would I want them to. That's scary for me to think about. The only thing that has ever caused me pain/anger/sadness is to see those of religious paths forcing their beliefs on others, not by conversion, but by saying that their beliefs need to rule everyone else's lives. (Pro-life/Pro-choice topic, Pro-Gay Marriage/Anti-Gay Marriage...) If you believe it is wrong, don't do it. Don't tell me I can't, is what I think.