Can you name one particle of matter that has the ability to perform complex mathematical or chemical equations. Can you identify any particle of matter that can think and decide the right proportions for all the particles to form in a particular way. I don't think so. As far as the elbow comment, elbows are made of matter where I am discussing two different elements, matter and mind.
I've already explained why this logic is flawed. There are no particles of matter that have hinges, and yet I doubt you would question the possibility of matter coming together to be able to form hinges. There is nothing intrinsic to consciousness or mental ability that make them incapable of occurring as a result of physical processes. Do you have any evidence to that effect? Can you demonstrate that "mind" is not a product of matter?
The perfection of the numbering of the universe can be seen in the latest research on dark matter and in all science relating to the make up of the universe. If anti matter and matter had been equal in the moments after the big bang there would be no universe. There was just 4% difference where matter was the majority and so the universe took hold. Thus a perfect composition occurred to allow this universe existence. Now we know that matter makes up only 4% of the universe and such we see another perfection related to the beginning.
Again, this is flawed logic. "If things were different, they wouldn't be the same" is the exact same logic you are using here. If you understand statistical mechanics, you would understand why such statements are meaningless.
Matter is an illusion, don't take my word for it Science realises this to the point where it has been submitted on many occasions the universe is holographic in nature. The quantum realm reveals our laws of physics break down when viewing this reality, yet an orange in our viewing of reality is always an orange with the same attributes. For an orange to always be an orange in our view its pattern for existence must be set before the quantum realm otherwise the quantum realm would have infinite potential to change the pattern to something else.
Clearly, you know very little about actual quantum mechanics. Quantum physics says nothing like what you are claiming - it merely states that when an outside forces measures or perceives of something
that exists in a quantum state its quantum waveform collapses into one of a large number of
finite probabilities (at least, that's the Copenhagen interpretation). Quantum physics does not (and cannot) apply at the macro scale. I strongly suggest you read some actual science on the subject, and not the apparent quantum woo you have been reading thus far. I suggest In Search of Schrodinger's Cat by John Gribbin as an excellent starting point.
The most basic law of physics is that a thing can only release the potential energy already held within a thing. The seed of an apple tree cannot produce an orange tree etc. No particle of matter holds intelligence so how could it produce intelligence.
Again, this logic is fundamentally flawed and you should now understand why. This logic wouldn't allow for literally anything other than individual particles to exist. Apparently, particles couldn't form rocks, oxygen, dirt, trees or elbows, by this logic. You have yet to provide any good reason to conclude that consciousness is anything other than a product of physical matter.
You ask me to show you mind separate from matter, how about you show me a particle of matter that has intelligence as your basis for your belief is born out of Newtonian science.
I don't have to provide you with anything, because I haven't made any such claim (nor have I stated anything about Newtonian science). You have claimed that the mind is something distinct from the physical, and therefore cannot be the result of a physical process or composition. If this is true, then please give an example of a mind that is separate from matter.
Show me a particle that can come up with the pattern of the human body, call all the other particles to become part of the show and I will change my view. Mind moves matter not the other way around.
This red herring does nothing but show that you are wholly illogical on this subject. Show me a single atom that contains a hinge, otherwise your entire argument must also negate the existence of all physical hinges.
Einstein revealed time travel as a concept, the ramifications of this are the mind in a baby born also exits as the mind of the baby as an adult and at death, as existing together just in separate viewing time frames. One mind in different forms of matter. if matter was the cause of this mind then it could only exist in the time of the baby and Einstein was wrong.
Let me know when you stop spewing garbage and start talking facts.