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Which religion has the best fruit?


Jesus himself was a pharisee, but of the school of Hillel rather than Shammai.
Yes Jesus was born Jewish. He was not a Pharisee or the such. The Israelite religious leaders hated his guts, he surely was no part of them. He cut the Israelite religion off, the spiritual teachers were apostatized, they remain so to this day.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Yes Jesus was born Jewish. He was not a Pharisee or the such.
Your first clue should be that Jesus believed in teh resurrection, which was a teaching of the Pharisees. Your second clue should be that he accepted the Prophets, another Pharisee teaching.

But what you are probably not aware of is that all of this teachings (excluding what he says about himself) are those of bet Hillel Pharisaism. You are not aware of this, because you are not familiar with what Hillel taught.
The Israelite religious leaders hated his guts,
1. Beginning during the Babylonian captivity, the word Jew is used rather than Israelite. I realize they mean the same thing, but it sounds very weird for you to refer to the Pharisees and Sadducees as Israelites rather than Jews.

2. The Pharisees were not some monolithic group that had clone brains. Their opinions on Jesus varied. For example, we know that some Pharisees such as Nicodemus had great respect for Jesus. It's probably a good rule of thumb to try not to make blanket statements about ANY group.
he surely was no part of them. He cut the Israelite religion off,
Nah. He taught obedience to the Law, which is what Judaism is.
the spiritual teachers were apostatized, they remain so to this day.
from what to what? They practiced Judaism and never changed to another religion, so they cannot be called apostates.

Remain so to this day? I wasn't aware they were still alive.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Look at the various subsets on RF. The ideology that generates the highest concentration of decent and intelligent people isn't a religion at all. It's humanism, which promotes reason, human development including formal education, social and economic opportunity, and empathy/tolerance/equality. Humanism promotes secular government, environmental protection, utilitarian values for shaping society, rights, and freedom.

There is no tribalism there, no commandments, no magical thinking, and no clergy. Humanists are the people that stand in opposition to authoritarianism, theocratic religions, and robber baron capitalism and environmental despoilation. Humanists lead the charge defending against LGBTQ+ discrimination, historical revisionism, and book banning. They don't start wars or local tribal disputes, and they don't generate terrorists or theocracies.

Humanists don't create problems. They solve them. That's some pretty good fruit there.

Note that humanism doesn't exclude theism. There are theistic humanists including several here on RF. But they hold the values I just elaborated despite a god or gods belief. Their thinking isn't shaped by their religion's culture. They don't have the bigotries of religions, and they don't vote for candidates because they promise to impose their religion on the unwilling.


Your first clue should be that Jesus believed in teh resurrection, which was a teaching of the Pharisees. Your second clue should be that he accepted the Prophets, another Pharisee teaching.

But what you are probably not aware of is that all of this teachings (excluding what he says about himself) are those of bet Hillel Pharisaism. You are not aware of this, because you are not familiar with what Hillel taught.

1. Beginning during the Babylonian captivity, the word Jew is used rather than Israelite. I realize they mean the same thing, but it sounds very weird for you to refer to the Pharisees and Sadducees as Israelites rather than Jews.

2. The Pharisees were not some monolithic group that had clone brains. Their opinions on Jesus varied. For example, we know that some Pharisees such as Nicodemus had great respect for Jesus. It's probably a good rule of thumb to try not to make blanket statements about ANY group.

Nah. He taught obedience to the Law, which is what Judaism is.

from what to what? They practiced Judaism and never changed to another religion, so they cannot be called apostates.

Remain so to this day? I wasn't aware they were still alive.
Jesus accepted-Gods truth--The resurrection and prophets are Gods truth.
Jesus brought a new covenant, that did away with the Mosaic laws.
Jesus started a new religion. Paul went around setting up congregations of that new religion. None who reject Jesus belong to God.


Question Everything
Look at the various subsets on RF. The ideology that generates the highest concentration of decent and intelligent people isn't a religion at all. It's humanism, which promotes reason, human development including formal education, social and economic opportunity, and empathy/tolerance/equality. Humanism promotes secular government, environmental protection, utilitarian values for shaping society, rights, and freedom.

There is no tribalism there, no commandments, no magical thinking, and no clergy. Humanists are the people that stand in opposition to authoritarianism, theocratic religions, and robber baron capitalism and environmental despoilation. Humanists lead the charge defending against LGBTQ+ discrimination, historical revisionism, and book banning. They don't start wars or local tribal disputes, and they don't generate terrorists or theocracies.

Humanists don't create problems. They solve them. That's some pretty good fruit there.

Note that humanism doesn't exclude theism. There are theistic humanists including several here on RF. But they hold the values I just elaborated despite a god or gods belief. Their thinking isn't shaped by their religion's culture. They don't have the bigotries of religions, and they don't vote for candidates because they promise to impose their religion on the unwilling.

I do appreciate humanism - inclusive global ethical citizen - people you can reason with, are open to change their view (progressive), personal autonomy, not just scientific inquiry but enjoyment of the arts in exploring the human experience - quite wonderful indeed.


Question Everything
^ disgusting

Sorry, Christians claiming they are now the "chosen ones", claiming they have the best fruit - while using ill-translated Jewish scriptures - is crass, should have worded it differently - that Jews reject the idea of Jesus - just an idea - killed the idea of Jesus - and are not cursed, have better fruits than many Christian groups. I respect the Jewish community (I'm not a zionist - a few Jews are not zionist...) I do not believe any current - or past - wars are from "God". Just self-fulfilling prophecies - self-made, like students performance/confidence is built on expectations. Write something down, preach it, and people will believe. Tell your enemies "God is on my side" and people believe it, gain confidence. There is no god, it's all bs, but wow - what destructive phycological games can be plaid by claiming - or believing - "God is on my side". how people love to march in their tribes, think they are chosen, and work to fulfill expectations.


Question Everything
Not most. But a substantial amount. We have won approximately 20-22% of all Nobel Prizes awarded. When you consider that we are only 0.2% of the population, THAT is when it becomes truly astounding.

Me? I never killed Jesus. I wasn't even in the neighborhood.

Killed the idea of Jesus.

Of the 965 individual recipients of the Nobel Prize and the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences between 1901 and 2023,[1] at least 214 have been Jews or people with at least one Jewish parent, representing 22% of all recipients. Jews comprise only 0.2% of the world's population, meaning their share of winners is 110 times their proportion of the world's population.[2][3][4][5]

I do think jealousy is the root of quite a few problems of the Jewish community. Humility - hide what you have, and people won't hate you ;)


By their fruits...

Blue zones - Okinawa (Japan), Ikaria (Greece), Loma Linda (USA), Sardinia (Italy), and Nicoya (Costa Rica).... who lives the longest?

Who has most cash? Who is happiest? Whose marriages work out the best?? Who has the most nobel peace prizes - who is smartest?.... Who has won the most wars?

By their fruits...

"I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore.." India has the most kids, Hinduism must be correct...

By their fruits...

Post the accomplishments of your chosen group. What makes your group chosen by God :)

If someone wins a war, lives longer, has more kids, doesn't get divorced, is blessed with wealth and prosperity - it is all from God, right? So let's look at data, which group is most blessed? Which group is chosen by God?
Those who love their neighbor as God loves us all. That is the only seed that covers the world and beyond and it's not contained to any one field or farm -- thank God.


Question Everything
Sad for you sir.
Sad for children who believe "God" placed them in abusive poverty stricken circumstances.
Sad for the terminally ill who believe "God" sent the illness.
Sad for the rich who believe they are blessed by "God".
Sad for all uneducated, trapped, brainwashed groupies who waste their time and days reinforcing their ego bubbles, pridefully believing their book/belief/leader is somehow better than another group's book/belief/leader...

hives of bees, flocks of birds, colonies of ants following their queen - not following god, following some little group, trapped in their group, angry at everyone else because of their small insignificant little group. It's no "God" you follow, little ant. "elevation" is no more than a herd bonding instinct, not God.

sir? mam? person? interesting, do you think I am a "sir"? haha living in imagined worlds, thinking you know who someone is :)
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Question Everything
Those who love their neighbor as God loves us all. That is the only seed that covers the world and beyond and it's not contained to any one field or farm -- thank God.

Brevity - shorten to "those who love".
just their neighbor? nah, need to love those across the world too.
as god loves? nah, no god, no love there.

all you need is love. love of life, love of nature. love for others.


Brevity - shorten to "those who love".
just their neighbor? nah, need to love those across the world too.
as god loves? nah, no god, no love there.

all you need is love. love of life, love of nature. love for others.
"Neighbor" in the broad sense of all life, as God loves His creation, not just His children.


Question Everything
"Neighbor" in the broad sense of all life, as God loves His creation, not just His children.

yes,πλησίος, close to - usually means close by, friend, countryman.

I've seen a few things that are not loving. Don't believe in God. Don't believe everything here on earth is loved - just reality, laws of nature. I'll do what I can to make life better for others, but there is no God.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Did the Pharisees teach the bodily resurrection from actual graves?
If so, what scriptures was that teaching based upon?
Yes. A bodily resurrection.

Isaiah 26:19: "Your dead shall live; their corpses shall rise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in the dust; for your dew is a dew of light, and the earth will give birth to the dead."

Daniel 12:2: "And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt."

Ezekiel 37:12-14: In the vision of the valley of dry bones, God says, "I will open your graves and bring you up from your graves, O my people; and I will bring you back to the land of Israel."


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Jesus accepted-Gods truth--The resurrection and prophets are Gods truth.
The resurrection and acceptance of the Prophets were the teachings of the Pharisees.
Jesus brought a new covenant, that did away with the Mosaic laws.
Matthew 5
17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus started a new religion. Paul went around setting up congregations of that new religion. None who reject Jesus belong to God.
Jesus never started a new religion. He taught Jews to obey the Torah. It was Paul who was responsible for what had been a Jewish sect becoming a separate Gentile religion.


yes,πλησίος, close to - usually means close by, friend, countryman.

I've seen a few things that are not loving. Don't believe in God. Don't believe everything here on earth is loved - just reality, laws of nature. I'll do what I can to make life better for others, but there is no God.
I've seen many, many things not loving, as I think we all have. But to the point of the OP, as I understand it, those that love have the finest harvest of fruit.


Veteran Member
Jesus never started a new religion. He taught Jews to obey the Torah. It was Paul who was responsible for what had been a Jewish sect becoming a separate Gentile religion.
Christianity became the religion of Paul, not the religion of Jesus. That's sad. :(