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Who here is enlightened?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I'm the most enlightened person I've ever encountered. Unfortunately, I have little to offer that most people want - even though they need it.

Sir Doom

Cooler than most of you
It's curious that the wrongest ones seem to also be the flauntiest ones.:)

Yes, the age-old human practice of over-compensation. If they can't make themselves believe it, they try make a lot of other people believe it instead.

But if you and god see eye to eye because you are one and the same person, wouldn't that mean you see eye to eye with everyone ?

No way, then everyone would be god! Hands off!

Of course maybe you do, and the superficial disagreement is just a way to pass time ...

If you are referring to everyone else's superficial disagreement with me, maybe :p

I guess that must be how enlightened non-dualists see it :rolleyes:

I prefer semi-unenlightened non-arithmetician.

"When the Great Delusion ends, the Great Pretense begins"
- ancient Illuminati aphorism

"Fug defino"
- recent apopheniac aphorism

"If you want to be right all the time, learn how to change your mind."
-Doom's Maxim

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
...for he's a jolly good fellow, an so say all of....



Putting, attractive marks on their fourheads, or
Holding, beautiful beads in their hands, or
Wearing, colourless clothes on their bodies, or
Holding, water pots in their hands, or
Hanging, pandents on their necks, or
People think.. God is a toy :D


Daughter of Chaos
Where there are toys, there- god is a toy.

The toys are fine with that and so (it follows) is god.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Everyone is enlightened in some ways and unenlightened in other ways. It has to do with transcendence over an outdated status-quo. One key is realizing the difference between that which is outdated and the convention that is still useful. To complicate things, some useful conventions may lead themselves to more enlightened ends. On a personal level, this means discerning between that which can be changed and that which cannot. How else would some historical figures, such as the Buddha, been incited to seek a "truer" reality to begin with?

I don't know of a final Enlightenment, however. Just as I don't know of an absolute beginning, I also don't know of a definitive end. The process of enlightenment must be eternal it seems. Perhaps the direct personal realization of this eternal process may be considered final, but it would still involve the acceptance of constant change and receptivity to Truth. Having said that, it must also go beyond words and concepts, which are inherently relative.

It also appears that enlightenment is impossible for individuals to seek separately from society. As social animals, we must seek total "truth" together. I believe this lack of realization may be detrimental to social progress as a whole and might even explain the real reason why Bodhisattvas are still sticking around. Again, not that there is a final Enlightenment that I may pin-point, but rather there is a process of total transcendence over the status-quo at any given time within any given culture when it becomes necessary. Eventually and essentially, over time, it will become necessary in order to evolve consciousness as a collective whole. That's how we human beings play the game of life in the long run.
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Daughter of Chaos
People most likely ... open up... the types of "enlightenment experiences" that speak to them personally. (ontologically this must be so)

Now that I think about it- my whole life led up to my experience (it was the "type" I always wanted- for almost 20 years- though I'd given it up for lost), and now I know what it's like to live on the other side of it. The world looks very different from here. Though it was a reality deconstruction/re'construction type experience- I don't think I suspected how much unwanted debris would be left to sort through and rid myself of in the fallout.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Your opinion only. People could claim that Buddhism is outdated.

The teachings of original Buddhism itself seem to admit that folks should be open to change, as far as I understand it. I don't know either way as I'm not officially a "Buddhist". These are all our opinions only and should go without saying. How can absolute reality be put into words anyway?

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
These are all our opinions only and should go without saying. How can absolute reality be put into words anyway?

True. Buddhism also varies in it's approach to "enlightenment", I think Pure Land Buddhism seems obviously variant from a personal enlightenment path.


Istha gosthi
dear diciple ,

Your opinion only. People could claim that Buddhism is outdated.

Haa , ...... but people claim all sorts of things without realy examining their validity .

buddhism will only be outdated when mankind ceases to suffer from dellusions , ignorance and the aflictive emotions ,

when there is no more suffering in the human realm .