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Who IS "The Only TRUE God"- as Jesus put it?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
'Clear' when assuming.

How to explain something when someone
doesn't WANT to know!

Jesus is the son of God.(Not God Almighty.)
It is the Trinity Dogma that sends the mind
down the wrong path.

What did Thomas mean when he said to Jesus,
"my lord and my God"?

Since the account shows that Jesus had,
just BEFORE appearing to Thomas,
appeared to Mary Magdalene, telling her to
send his disciples the message, "I am
ascending to my Father and your Father and
to my God and your God"there is no reason
for believing that Thomas thought Jesus
was God Almighty.{John20:17}
(Except if you believe Church Tradition)

Imagine YOU are Thomas.

Your faith has been DEVASTATED; Your
"Messiah" was brutally killed & shamefully
nailed to a stake/cross. He must have been just
another of the many false prophets, and you
were stupid enough to believe him! Your world
caves in as your faith & dreams vanish! Now this
man is before you claiming to BE Jesus- but
he doesn't LOOK the same (maybe it was dark-
no electricity!).
He tells you to feel his hands, and as you see
the nail wounds- and FEEL them, Euphoric shock
overwhelms you, as you cry out
" My Lord and My God!",overwhelmed to realise
it IS Jesus, and how grateful you are to
God above for resurrecting him!

Since one CANNOT see God (Moses, Christ,
John), Thomas praised them BOTH, in awed
shock at realizing Christ HAD been resurrected-
and Christ would have CORRECTED Thomas,
if he had meant what the Clergy have taught
for centuries.

John himself after recounting Thomas'
encounter with the resurrected Jesus,
says of this and similar accounts: "But these
have been written down that you may believe
that Jesus is the Christ the SON OF GOD,
(NOT God Almighty)
and that,because of believing , you may have
life by means of his name." Joh 20:,31.
"My Lord and my God" is not an expletive in that culture. but it is a declaration.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Jesus once denied being God. "Why do you call me good? There is no one good except God alone". (Mark. 10:18, Luke 18:19)

Therefore Jesus is not God, but man. I can pretty much guarantee that Jesus didn't think of himself as God. I don't think it was ever part of the prophecy that the Messiah would be God Himself.
Hmm... There are many biblical texts that promulgate the concept of God as savior. Psalms 55 and 57 are two good examples, as well as Isaiah 35 and Ezekiel 37.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Christians are those that follow Christ's word & example.
Churchoids are those that PRETEND to!
shame on us for doing the best we can! Shame! Shame! This is venomous, judgmental crap, so I guess, by your own definition, you are a "churchoid," since you only pretend to follow Christ's example? By your own judgment you will be judged.
I could go on...but WHY?
It is SO obvious even a child can easily understand how goofy the dogma is...

But not churchoids!
Completely ignoring the log in your own eye...
So, you're not a supporter to the trinity doctrine??

And neither is Jesus..............

John 14:28,NASB,
28 .........If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced because I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.

John 20:17,NASB,
17 ..........but go to My brethren and say to them, 'I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.'"


Mark 10:12 - "And have ye not read this scripture;"

Isaiah 7:14 -" Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."
(Immanuel means "god with us")

Isaiah 9:6 -" For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. "

John 1:1-3 - 1 "in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." 2 "The same was in the beginning with God." 3 "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made."

John 1:14 - "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."
(the word is jesus)

Isaiah 60:16 - Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breast of kings: and thou shalt know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.

JESUS - "yeh-ho-shoo'-ah, yeh-ho-shoo'-ah" - Jehovah-saved
from the word -" yeh-ho-vaw' " - ( (the) self Existent or eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God: - Jehovah, the Lord )
from the word - " yaw-shah' " - A primitive root; properly to be open, wide or free, that is, (by implication) to be safe; causatively to free or succor: - ex: at all, avenging, defend, deliver (-er), help, preserve, rescue, be safe, bring (having) salvation, save (-iour), get victory."

(strongs hebrew and greek dictionary)

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Active Member
Explaining trinity:
Its a video that will explain it to you so you wont have doubt anymore

Explaining trinity

That video is hilarious.

It is sooooooooooooooo Confusing.

That scripture in John where it says "the father and I are One" does not mean that they are physically one it means that they are of one mind meaning they think the same way. But are indeed two separate entities

Jehovah is the only true God.


Active Member
That video is hilarious.

It is sooooooooooooooo Confusing.

That scripture in John where it says "the father and I are One" does not mean that they are physically one it means that they are of one mind meaning they think the same way. But are indeed two separate entities

Jehovah is the only true God.

And Jehovah would be?


Veteran Member
"My Lord and my God" is not an expletive in that culture. but it is a declaration.

A declaration to whom?

As a person in trouble might call out in front of another "Oh, my God"
they are not declaring the person in front of them as their God, but all know his declaration is toward his Creator.

Right before Thomas enters the room Jesus at John 20v17 plainly tells us that he [Jesus] is going to ascend to his God. Even after God resurrects Jesus to heaven at Rev 3v12 Jesus still calls God as his God, and the heavenly resurrected Jesus still considers himself, according to Rev 2v18, as the Son of God.


Veteran Member
Can you pleaaase quote it for me, that would much more easier. Thank you for help

You're welcome.

KJV Psalm 83v18:

"That men may know that thou, whose name is JE-HO-VAH, art the most high over all the earth."

Jehovah is the most accepted English translation of the Tetragrammaton [YHWH] which are the four Hebrew letters representing God's hallowed name.
Hi guys i have been
reading your debates just that i came across James 1:13 (Codex sinaiticus Version) if jesus was tempted 3 times by satan with this verse james 1:13 had just say that he is not god because Jesus was tempted. what do you think guys ?
thanks for reading


Does the devil lift Jesus up?
if jesus was tempted 3 times by satan with this verse james 1:13 had just say that he is not god because Jesus was tempted.

Remember that Jesus was a man while tempted. Phil 2 explains that the Eternal Word of Life(1John1-4) Emptied Himself to become a man, just like you and me. Jesus cannot be tempted now or before he became a man. Dont forget Jesus Created with the Father and created everything, so to say he could be tempted by his creation could only happen because he let it happen. Jesus says no one can take his life, unless he lays it down for them to take. i believe the same towards temptation.

in Love,

PS - Im a new member. A buddy (SLO-MOTION) told me about this site...
so Icebuddy you are saying that he can became man and god at the same time and/or one at a time ?
So when is he a man and when is he a god ? and how do you know even when he is man/god ?

In Phli 2:7(Interlinear bible) seem to say that the body of jesus is just a god incarnate(a shell) {then when you part take the communion bread is meaning to you are eating a empty shell ?} and is not in equality to god.
which also means when he was god and when he was man is very much questionable and a direct contradiction to trinity which insists that all three are equal at all the times. with this verse Phli 2:7 , trinity cannot stand please explain ?????
As for the creation of the universe part i also not agree because of these verses and the bible mentioned a different cosmology from the factual one they are
The bible the mentioned that the Earth is not moving is fixed and stationary in a position which in direct contradiction to factual earth of our solar system (Ps 93:1 ;96:10 ;104:5 ; I Chr 16:30)
In addition ,the sun was moving around the earth instead (Ps 104:19 ;Ec 1:5 ;Jos 10:13)and disc-like flat earth (Is 40:22) please explain
thanks for reading
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Does the devil lift Jesus up?
so Icebuddy you are saying that he can became man and god at the same time and/or one at a time ?

What we know is what we are told. The Eternal Word of Life that was with the Father emptied himself to become a "MAN". We sit here and try to explain things, yet no one here can even begin to explain the Virgin Birth. So what I express are my beliefs based upon scripture. I believe the Word was God, emptied himself to become a man, as man he was either without his powers(not sure exatly) and relied 100% upon the Father for all things. Kinda like Superman without his powers, hes still superman just powerless. (again, not sure how exactly)

So when is he a man and when is he a god ? and how do you know even when he is man/god ?

Before he emptied himself he was God and God only. Now that he became a man, he is both. Think of God as a Spirit and Think of man as the Flesh. Then read

Col 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

I Think of it this way, A lamp without a lamp shade is too bright to look at, yet when you place the lampshade over it, you can see it better. Thats how I see Jesus as Man and God. The Spirit in Jesus is God, the Flesh upon that Spirit is Man. (my Personal Thoughts)

In Phli 2:7(Interlinear bible) seem to say that the body of jesus is just a god incarnate(a shell) {then when you part take the communion bread is meaning to you are eating a empty shell ?} and is not in equality to god.

i see it this way: Jesus added a Flesh Body to his Spirit. To say this Flesh was just a shell with no importance is what I see you getting at. When we eat the "body" at communion, we do this in memory of what Jesus did for us. I believe theres nothing we can Physicaly do to add to our salvation. We Love/Believe in Jesus and that his death cover our sins and we are correct with God. Now sure, maybe Im not following...

which also means when he was god and when he was man is very much questionable and a direct contradiction to trinity which insists that all three are equal at all the times. with this verse Phli 2:7 , trinity cannot stand please explain ?????

I guess that depends on how one views "God". For example, when I read

1Cr 12:15 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
1Cr 12:16 And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

I see you saying something simalar. If Jesus was truely God, and became a man for our benifit, then to say he isnt God at any point is odd to me? Again, Superman without his powers is still superman. Lets say you become my slave and I your master, are you any less human? What if I chop off your hands and feet, are you still a human? Now I burn your eyes out and cut off your tounge? At what point do you stop being a human(man)? I see Jesus as a Man as no less God as when he stepped out of heaven to do so. I should think of him as more so, since he did such a great thing for us... Gods word however says the "Fullness" of God was in a body, so to say he was not equaly God to the Father is in error (to me), based upon scripture that says the Fullness was in the body we call Jesus.

The bible the mentioned that the Earth is not moving is fixed and stationary in a position which in direct contradiction to factual earth of our solar system (Ps 93:1 ;96:10 ;104:5 ; I Chr 16:30)

Ps 93:1 ;96:10 ;104:5; I Chr 16:30 - I believe you take liberties on this. The Greek word for "Moved" means Removed, shaken, Dislodged, fall, fall away, carried off. I belive this passage is saying only God can destroy the earth. in other words God is majesty.

In addition ,the sun was moving around the earth instead (Ps 104:19 ;Ec 1:5 ;Jos 10:13)

I see this as no different as the Fox News station forcasts the Sun Rise and Sun Set of the day. Surely the news caster of today knows the sun doesnt move, right. Its an earthly view of things. I haven read them all, but the one I read said "Under the Sun". It is key to know this, because when we read "Under the Sun", that is the Old Testament way of telling us its from an earthly mans perspective. For example, Under the sun, when a man dies his thoughts perish (Although we believe we are with Jesus at death) or "Under the sun" everything is meaningless and more along those lines...

disc-like flat earth (Is 40:22) please explain

Is 40:22 says "Circle" of the earth. i see no problem here... The Greek word is chuwg and can describe a ball...

i hope i have given you my understanding of what you have asked. As i read the Bible there are many things people overlook. For example, The universe use to be thought of as always existing and some people in the science community use to tease us Creationist with the fact that the Bible says "In the beginning God created the heavens and earth". (Meaning a starting point for the universe) Now Science believes the Universe sprang out of nothing, yet cannot point to God and must explain things in a natural way. hence, the Big Bang Theory and others...

in Love,
Firstly ,old testament was written in the Hebrew the oldest known manuscripts i don't use greek for an accurate reading & i am using Dead sea Scroll bible & the tanach written in hebrew. just to be as close to the oldest version as possible i also use the septinguat as well but only for further confirmation of the contextual meaning.

your translation or your version seem to be on the excessively over translated however ,the earth is not a ball is a sphere there is a hebrew word for that but is no where to be found in the bible. if you dare don't use word synonyms as your support ,those words are use in different contexts they don't belong to this verse

greek vocab is more precise than to the Hebrew ones...so.. maybe you should use a hebrew bible for the old testament.
Is 40:22 did mentioned 'circle' but didn't describe the earth as circle. the problem is YOU really because you see ,the problem is already there read it in hebrew. make sure it's Isaiah manuscript from the dead sea scrolls.
if you don't see a problem you are really not of this solar system as the sun is moving around the earth instead (Ps 104:19 ;Ec 1:5 ;Jos 10:13).and if you still don't get it than you are really not from earth

Basically ,i don't think you understand hebrew at all.

i quote "The Greek word for "Moved" means Removed, shaken, Dislodged, fall, fall away, carried off. I belive this passage is saying only God can destroy the earth. in other words God is majesty."

if you dare don't use word synonyms as your support ,those words are use in different contexts they don't belong to this verse .these are synonyms words or of similar meanings that can be use in other CONTEXTs but in this case 'moved' is not to be displaced by other word-meanings Sorry please do your translation with contextual meanings as well....that is if you really know how.... what you believe this passage is saying......is really not in the contextual meaning of the verse.

i quote ".... that is the Old Testament way of telling us its from an earthly mans perspective....."

If you look closely and contextually at those verses i quoted they were not written as how you would described them to be---

having said that
the above mentioned verses reminds me of Galileo the astronomer in the 16-century at that time the Church insists that the earth is the centre of the universe that all the planets including the sun revolves round our flat disc-like (Is 40:22) earth. Conversely ,the astronomer discovered that was not true. He was arrested and later released on house arrest till his death. Incidentally ,after 400 to 500 years later the last pope issued a letter of apology (1993) to Galileo's family.

YOU SEE its vital for the so called word of your god ,the bible ,to be able to address the basic facts accurately before homo sapiens sapiens can actually discover them by sending a Hubble satellite up to photo them. To know something factual before discovery by man is vital especially the bible claimed is from god ,the creator of the universe. Unfortunately ,your god or the bible fail to do just that. it's just simple capabilities of differentiating between facts and fable. nothing personal here.

'earthly mans perspective' with Man's creation too. the bible is written by men of course it will be in earthly mans perspective. Not god's

i know ,if you can't have a good rebuttals you just dilute the opposition stand further with unnecessary information which is what you have been doing 'using words synonyms'
btw please improve your hebrew before your reply thank you

as for the virgin birth i have these in mind for you

Rom 1:3-4 …. was born of the flesh not born by divine impregnation…"

Gal 4:4 Paul uses the law in association of the corruptibility of the flesh 'made' of a woman nothing special about jesus birth.

i qoute "Before he emptied himself he was God and God only. Now that he became a man, he is both. Think of God as a Spirit and Think of man as the Flesh."

the spirit drives thinking mind and then drives the flesh

if jesus is born of an innate divine nature

then when satan tempts him ,he should be using his divine nature to react to the situation ,rather than using his human nature right ?
he could have not being tempted and still be able not to give into the temptations. rather ,there won't any temptations at all

based on the james 1:13

Jesus divine nature is clearly not in existence because he was tempted. because temptations is all in the mind process. where is jesus divine nature mind ?

I quote "Before he emptied himself he was God and God only. Now that he became a man, he is both. Think of God as a Spirit and Think of man as the Flesh."

seems like jesus "thinking of man" nature is stronger than the "Thinking of God" nature ? where is the "Thinking of God" divine nature here ? you say he is both (this reminds me someone suffer from schizophrenia battling his dual personalities)

i would like to expound my stand further the verses below is taken from Phil 2 (Codex Sinaiticus Version) this is the version whenever i need to refer to the new testament i use the papyrus version if i need on further confirmation of those geek words and contextual meanings.

Philippians (62AD) was a letter written below is a pportion of a Christian hymn that Paul quoted. The letter was written to the church at Philippi. one of the earliest churches to be founded in Europe

5 For let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,
6 who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God,
7 but he emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, having been born in the likeness of men; and found in fashion as a man,
8 he humbled himself, having become obedient even to death, and the death of the cross.
having this is a hymn in mind the passage written very clearly that asking the readers to follow or learn to have a mind like jesus who was in a human god form and he didn't take granted of the his status to be equal with god.

verse 7 actually say that he had detached his godly figure, in another words he was a god in a man's body. being in that body he was same the level of men or as low as a servant of men. and he was obedient even till his death on the cross.

Over here ,god had an assumed human body which was jesus but that divine nature in jesus mind still there which comes back to how was he even being tempted with that divine nature in mind ? unless jesus was all man inside out.

Having said that if satan knew jesus was god then why was satan still dare to approach jesus to tempt him knowing he was god & cannot be tempted in the first place ? the answer was obvious he was man inside out.

thanks for reading.
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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
You're welcome.

KJV Psalm 83v18:

"That men may know that thou, whose name is JE-HO-VAH, art the most high over all the earth."

Jehovah is the most accepted English translation of the Tetragrammaton [YHWH] which are the four Hebrew letters representing God's hallowed name.
"Jehovah" isn't a translation of the tetragrammaton. It's rather a convenient conglomeration of both German and English representations of the tetragrammaton.
yes you are right URAVIP2ME in a way
because in the jewish tradition and the kaballah the word to described god or his name is left untouched because to them its very sacred and
especially in the kaballah they said there are no words can hold his entity because the moment you put god in a word or try to described him or name him you actually mis-identify his properties and identity because god cannot be described by words & humanly inconceivable ,indescribable & unknowable.
somewhere in the book of songs said that too something 'for god is unknowable to human' something like that i can't recalled the exact verse so.... please excuse me.

having said that the concept of god cannot be described by words remind me of a saying in zen buddhism
'one who utters knows nothing but one who utter not knows all'
thanks for reading


Veteran Member
In looking at first-century Christian tradition Jesus at John [17v6] said he manifested God's name [YHWH], and at [17v26] Jesus stated that he declared God's name [YHWH] and will declare it [name]. YHWH [Lod,He,Vau,He]
Jesus even prayed that his Father's name be hallowed or sanctified not left unknown.
In other words, Jesus did not believe it to be too sacred to pronounce or make known.

I do know that because of religious superstition about pronouncing God's name the exact pronouncing of it is unknown. Seems as if scholars agree it is a three-syllable word.
Such as Yehowah. Latinized HaleluYah [praise Yah or Jah] for Hallelujah.
In the original or oldest writings the Tetragrammaton still appeared in Hebrew characters for God's personal name and as KJV has in the Latinized form at Psalm 83v18.

Isn't the concept of God, the God of the Bible, found in Scripture along with his personal name as Jesus taught?