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Who Was Baha’u’llah, and How Can We Evaluate His Claims?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Not sure why you raised the issue of peace and unity CG.

Most likely these laws will not see the light of day for centuries. It will be up to the lawmakers that are part of the world legislative to enact laws applicable to the world and National Governments to enact the laws of the land.

It really is pointless speculating on them now as who knows how our opinions will change in the near to distant future.

Regards Tony
How long after Moses was given the law did it get applied? How long after Muhammad received the law did it get applied?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I do not need to question God. There is a law, there is a promise, that in the future it will be obvious as to why.

I do not expect, those with an unbound liberal mindset to embrace those concepts.

Regards Tony
What's all this about? I suppose these people are fake Baha'is? But is this stuff they say true?
Therefore, from his explanation in "God Passes By" it is reasonable to assume that Shoghi Effendi understood that:

* The term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on Local Houses of Justice (local assemblies).

* The term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on National Houses of Justice (national assemblies).

Baha'u'llah's use of the term "rijal" in the Aqdas in reference to the House of Justice, was not intended to mean women were to be excluded from membership on local and national houses of justice. Therefore the Arabic word "rijal" cannot be construed to have that meaning.

How, then, could the term "rijal" be construed to mean that women were to be excluded from membership on the Universal House of Justice?

The term "rijal" cannot be construed to mean that women are to be excluded from membership on the Universal House of Justice, any more than the term "rijal" could be construed to mean women are excluded from membership on local and national Houses of Justice. Judge fairly!

Shoghi Effendi knew this.

* He knew the term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on Local Houses of Justice (local assemblies).

* He knew the term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on National Houses of Justice (national assemblies).

* And likewise, Shoghi Effendi knew the term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on the Universal House of Justice.​

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Are you familiar with Gospels where Jesus was speaking in Parables,
The parables of Jesus weren't that hard to understand. They were more like him telling a little story to make something even more clear. But then some Baha'is make it seem as though the whole Bible and NT is nothing but a parable.
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CG Didymus

Veteran Member
So god does stuff by accident, or without realising he's doing it?
Your argument is becoming more and more incoherent.
At God's headquarters in heaven... "Sir, did you remember that you had scheduled a volcanic eruption and a tsunami today?" "Yes of course nothing escapes my notice." "But the eruption and tsunami are going to kill thousands of people... many of whom believe and love you." "Well, that's fine they get to come up here and be with me. And how many non-believers will be killed?" "Our best estimate is 50,000" "Good riddance. I don't understand why they don't like me?"


Veteran Member
Not necessarily. I and many other women manage to work AND look after our family. My husband also works AND looks after our family. You seem to be living in the past,Tb. Move with the times... ;)
Your job is not the SAME as the job of being on the UHJ as you are not the highest governing body for a world religion.

Duties are duties, a job is a job and all jobs are different....
This has nothing to do with living in the past. That is the red herring fallacy.
Do you know which logical fallacy you have just committed?
No, why don't you tell me instead of playing games? Then I can defend my position.

Meanwhile, there have been 114 Supreme Court justices in history and only four have been women. Do people label that as sexism, or maybe they understand there is a reason for it.
I think the reason is because women had to rise to positions of authority gradually over time.

"For almost 200 years, every single Supreme Court justice was male. But Ronald Reagan pledged as a presidential candidate that he'd put a woman on the court, and during his first year in office in 1981 he kept that promise by appointing Sandra Day O'Connor."

There have been 115 Supreme Court justices in history. Only 7 were not White men - CNNPolitics

FYI, in the future there might be women on the UHJ. #947 Trailblazer
I only found that out through research, and I thank all the naysayers on this thread for that, since I would not have been researching it otherwise. :D
And finally, here is an example of logic reasoning to die for...
Tb There is a reason why the Pope has always been a man
Me What is it?
Tb I don't know. Catholicism is not my religion.

What I said has NOTHING to do with logic. I just said I don't know because Catholicism is my religion, I did not say there is not a reason. I can find the reason in two seconds flat by doing a Google search. So could you, which is why I was not going to do your homework for you.

Why isn't there any female pope?

Because the institutional Church is a patriarchal institute that has traditionally denigrated women.

It took years of struggle before women could even become priests in the Anglican Church and they have only been admitted to the Episcopacy very recently.

The Roman Catholic Church is way behind and personally I can’t ever see a woman sitting on the Papal throne - at least not as long as the Catholic Church continues in its present recognisable form.

The same could be said for the Patriarchates of the Orthodox Churches.

Why isn't there any female pope? - Quora

You are just looking to throw pot shots at the Baha'i Faith and you ran out of ammunition. :rolleyes:
However, the more pot shots you throw, the more free advertising you provide for the Baha'i Faith.
That's one reason we Baha'is don't mind. The other reason is this...

“If any man were to arise to defend, in his writings, the Cause of God against its assailants, such a man, however inconsiderable his share, shall be so honored in the world to come that the Concourse on high would envy his glory. No pen can depict the loftiness of his station, neither can any tongue describe its splendor. For whosoever standeth firm and steadfast in this holy, this glorious, and exalted Revelation, such power shall be given him as to enable him to face and withstand all that is in heaven and on earth. Of this God is Himself a witness.”

Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 330

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
But fabrications and sophistry with language is not.
Their claims are being taken seriously. But there's lots of problems with the claims of the Baha'i Faith. And they aren't able to handle some of the things that some of us are asking for them to explain more deeply. There has been way too many false "Messiahs" to just take the word of just anyone who makes the claim.


Veteran Member
What's all this about? I suppose these people are fake Baha'is? But is this stuff they say true?
Yes, they are fake Baha'is, as that is a Covenant-breaker website.
It says Official Website of the Universal House of Justice but it is a fake.
The reason I know that is because once, years ago, a Baha'i who owned the Planet Baha'i forum set me straight.

If you click on the Home tab this is what you get:


Thank you for contacting the Universal House of Justice with the Davidic King as its President. Please read the following statement prior to filling out the Contact Information Form below.

the Davidic King as its President. LOL!

There might be some truths on the website but it is not to be trusted.

The Official Website of the Worldwide Bahá’í Community is: The Baháʼí Faith - Home
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One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
How long after Moses was given the law did it get applied? How long after Muhammad received the law did it get applied?

One could offer exactly the same as has happened in this dispensation CG.

They were applied immediately they were given and told they were applicable. The Baha'i embraced and practiced them.

It takes a lot longer time before these laws make it into the laws of the Land and Nations, but they will, as they have done in the past.

Nations had their laws based on what both Jesus and Muhammad revealed. I say had, as the Old World Order has proven it decays God's laws.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
The parables of Jesus weren't that hard to understand. They were more like him telling a little story to something even more clear. But then some Baha'is make it seem as though the whole Bible and NT is nothing but a parable.
Tell me then, what did Jesus mean by this Parable

And again he said, “To what shall I compare the kingdom of God? It is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until it was all leavened.”

— Luke 13:20–21


Veteran Member
Look what I added after you read the post. :rolleyes::oops:
If you click on the Home tab this is what you get:


Thank you for contacting the Universal House of Justice with the Davidic King as its President. Please read the following statement prior to filling out the Contact Information Form below.

the Davidic King as its President. LOL!


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
What's all this about? I suppose these people are fake Baha'is? But is this stuff they say true?
Therefore, from his explanation in "God Passes By" it is reasonable to assume that Shoghi Effendi understood that:

* The term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on Local Houses of Justice (local assemblies).

* The term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on National Houses of Justice (national assemblies).

Baha'u'llah's use of the term "rijal" in the Aqdas in reference to the House of Justice, was not intended to mean women were to be excluded from membership on local and national houses of justice. Therefore the Arabic word "rijal" cannot be construed to have that meaning.

How, then, could the term "rijal" be construed to mean that women were to be excluded from membership on the Universal House of Justice?

The term "rijal" cannot be construed to mean that women are to be excluded from membership on the Universal House of Justice, any more than the term "rijal" could be construed to mean women are excluded from membership on local and national Houses of Justice. Judge fairly!

Shoghi Effendi knew this.

* He knew the term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on Local Houses of Justice (local assemblies).

* He knew the term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on National Houses of Justice (national assemblies).

* And likewise, Shoghi Effendi knew the term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on the Universal House of Justice.​

@Trailblazer answered this. Yes you have found out what Covenant Breaking results in and that is the art of deception. Unfortunately there were some very cleaver deceivers. Yet they are not able amd will never be able to split the Baha'i Faith.

The way domain names are sold. The Universal House of Justice is unable, at this time, to prevent that site unlawfully using its Lawful Name. So one or two persons can make something look quite big.

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Look what I added after you read the post. :rolleyes::oops:
If you click on the Home tab this is what you get:


Thank you for contacting the Universal House of Justice with the Davidic King as its President. Please read the following statement prior to filling out the Contact Information Form below.

the Davidic King as its President. LOL!

Yes in my early days on the net I was tricked by this site for a little while. Then something started to smell really off. It was when I came upon the genealogy. The last few entries was the red flag.

It was while posting on Planet Baha'i that I was made aware of this site by David.

Regards Tony

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Pretty basic human status. Thinking.

O earth is our stone rock. Created in space law with no heavens.

Heavens is where we say image voice is. As terms recorded.

Law of rock O entity Rock in natural law is in space. First and Only.

No man is God.

As human science is only theoried by humans living on rock as a human and it's about all earths products.


We live breathing. Holy water is life oxygenated by nature.

Theists state nature has to exist before life human is thought upon.

Men theists today state living biology with no human present is an ape.

So you can't thesis any bio human living term beyond that ape. So not rock or dust themes.

The reason a human argues against another human is because human theists think incorrectly as a humans conscious evaluation.

If a human says as a basic human I can liken my natural mind to an ape thinking no science is involved. Proven.

Is a humans teaching warning to incorrect human thinkers in life's reality. The reason it's argued.

Breath of Life existed before a human did. And it was with nature.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Tell me then, what did Jesus mean by this Parable

And again he said, “To what shall I compare the kingdom of God? It is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until it was all leavened.”

— Luke 13:20–21
First tell me if what the gospel writers said about the empty tomb and the resurrection was a parable or were they relating to what they believed really happened?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
@Trailblazer answered this. Yes you have found out what Covenant Breaking results in and that is the art of deception. Unfortunately there were some very cleaver deceivers. Yet they are not able amd will never be able to split the Baha'i Faith.

The way domain names are sold. The Universal House of Justice is unable, at this time, to prevent that site unlawfully using its Lawful Name. So one or two persons can make something look quite big.

Regards Tony
That's just swell, but you guys again ignore all of this. Is this true or false?
Therefore, from his explanation in "God Passes By" it is reasonable to assume that Shoghi Effendi understood that:

* The term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on Local Houses of Justice (local assemblies).

* The term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on National Houses of Justice (national assemblies).

Baha'u'llah's use of the term "rijal" in the Aqdas in reference to the House of Justice, was not intended to mean women were to be excluded from membership on local and national houses of justice. Therefore the Arabic word "rijal" cannot be construed to have that meaning.

How, then, could the term "rijal" be construed to mean that women were to be excluded from membership on the Universal House of Justice?

The term "rijal" cannot be construed to mean that women are to be excluded from membership on the Universal House of Justice, any more than the term "rijal" could be construed to mean women are excluded from membership on local and national Houses of Justice. Judge fairly!

Shoghi Effendi knew this.

* He knew the term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on Local Houses of Justice (local assemblies).

* He knew the term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on National Houses of Justice (national assemblies).

* And likewise, Shoghi Effendi knew the term "rijal" did not exclude women from membership on the Universal House of Justice.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Tell me then, what did Jesus mean by this Parable

And again he said, “To what shall I compare the kingdom of God? It is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until it was all leavened.”

— Luke 13:20–21
Why compare it to a woman?

You state no man is God.

You should also quote but you didn't and.... no woman is God.

As you needed some instructions to think correctly after moses brain mind burn.

In maths womb science O rock is zero doesn't rise.

Holy maths only position zero.

If you infer maths zero woman space womb allows rock to raise then it is a lie....
You would associate the advice to why a man baby by holy mother human got life sacruficed.

Why you compared baby man's life to bread terms.

Knowing rock should not raise but remain flat.


Veteran Member
The way domain names are sold. The Universal House of Justice is unable, at this time, to prevent that site unlawfully using its Lawful Name. So one or two persons can make something look quite big.
The fake uhj.net certainly did fool me and I was pretty embarrassed when Dale and all the other Baha'is on Planet Baha'i told me I had almost been duped. Now I feel it is my duty to prevent other unsuspecting people from being duped.

At least I caught it early, but I wonder how many people they fool permanently! :(