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Who will enter the paradise , the christains , the jews ,the muslims


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
A story about Chief of Town in egypt , called to main chefs of the there religions in that town , '"Imam" a muslim , and a "Clergyman" christain and a "Rabbi" jew ... He asked them : "i want for every one of you to prove me that , his religion is right, and guide to the paradise "... every one of them quiete (did not speak)...... then they dicided to choice the muslim to speak first..... the muslim said " if the jews will be enter the paradise , we will be with them ,because we believe in Moses , and if the Christains will be in the paradise we will be with them, because we believe in Jesus , and if we (Muslims) will be in the paradise , they will not, because they did not believe in Mohammed ".

I had two thoughts reading this:

1) It's funny how believing in God doesn't come into this story as being relevant.

2) What does this have to do with Truth?
The moral of the story seems to be: choose option C because if you are wrong then you're still ok. Very little to do with reality...


Well-Known Member
A story about Chief of Town in egypt , called to main chefs of the there religions in that town , '"Imam" a muslim , and a "Clergyman" christain and a "Rabbi" jew ... He asked them : "i want for every one of you to prove me that , his religion is right, and guide to the paradise "... every one of them quiete (did not speak)...... then they dicided to choice the muslim to speak first..... the muslim said " if the jews will be enter the paradise , we will be with them ,because we believe in Moses , and if the Christains will be in the paradise we will be with them, because we believe in Jesus , and if we (Muslims) will be in the paradise , they will not, because they did not believe in Mohammed ".

Nice:) But I kinda disagree on the last part. In the case of Catholics, it has been asked: Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? The Vatican Council answered these: Lumen Gentium proclaimed that: "...the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator (in case of jews who accept the Father and Muslims, Allah). In the first place among these are the Muslims who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge humankind." Also on the Nostra Aetate:" Upon the Muslims, too, the Church (Catholic) looks with esteem. They adore one God, living and enduring, merciful and all powerful, maker of heaven and earth and speaker to humanity. They strive to submit to His inscrutable decrees, just as did as Abraham, with whom the Islamic faith is pleased to associate itself. Though they do not acknowledge Jesus as God, they revere Him as prophet. They also honour Mary, His virgin mother; at times they call on her too with devotion. In addition they await the judgment when God will give each person his due after raising him up. Consequently, they prize moral life and give worship to God especially through prayer, alms giving and fasting." Therefore, we may have different faith and different convictions and beliefs about God and salvation. But, we worship only one the same God, so therefore, a Jew, a Christian and a Muslim can be in heaven. We just worship and adore him in a different manner but as long as we worship Him and Him alone, how can He not welcome any of these three in heaven?;)


Active Member
" We just worship and adore him in a different manner but as long as we worship Him and Him alone, how can He not welcome any of these three in heaven?;)"

Because he is an egotistical psychotic killer?


Well-Known Member
" We just worship and adore him in a different manner but as long as we worship Him and Him alone, how can He not welcome any of these three in heaven?;)"

Because he is an egotistical psychotic killer?

Love (no any other reason). We worship God because we love Him, *( not because of hell fire). Also, God is a God of love and peace (beneficent and all embracing, not a god of punishment (egotistical psychotic killer). Believe what you want but, we all have our own convictions about God.;)
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Facts not Faith
A story about Chief of Town in egypt , called to main chefs of the there religions in that town , '"Imam" a muslim , and a "Clergyman" christain and a "Rabbi" jew ... He asked them : "i want for every one of you to prove me that , his religion is right, and guide to the paradise "... every one of them quiete (did not speak)...... then they dicided to choice the muslim to speak first..... the muslim said " if the jews will be enter the paradise , we will be with them ,because we believe in Moses , and if the Christains will be in the paradise we will be with them, because we believe in Jesus , and if we (Muslims) will be in the paradise , they will not, because they did not believe in Mohammed ".

Actually in order to be saved by Christ, you have to be born again through him and have faith in him as God. You muslims have faith in Allah and Muhammed instead so you will not be saved if Christianity is true.


Active Member
I believe that almost everyone that is dead will get a resurection into the millenial reign of Christ as a testing time. They have already paid for their sins by their death and Jesus ransom offers them a further opportunity to prove themselves worthy of the promise of eternal life. Those that did real good in this life will go straight to heaven. They are the saints, although not necessarily the saints Catholisism identifies.

I think Mathew 24:30 speaks to a great sign and all the tribes beating themselves in lamentation at the time of the great tribulation. I see this as the opportunity for all faiths to know and see the truth and choose to follow and make it into the millenial reign.

Those alive at the time of the great tribulation/armagedon will see great signs and have the opportunity to choose between serving God or death. I believe it is only these people that will eternally die with no hope of a resurrection. This is because at that time it will no longer be a matter faith, we will have undeniable proof. If one feels they would rather die than be holy..so be it...their choice.

Those that die at Armagedon because they would not repent will achieve the second death as will those resurrected into the millenial reign that do not have the right state of heart and chose to not follow the law of God.

That's my take on the topic.
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Well-Known Member
Actually in order to be saved by Christ, you have to be born again through him and have faith in him as God. You muslims have faith in Allah and Muhammed instead so you will not be saved if Christianity is true.

Are you saying that one should join the Born again christian sect or be "born again" in spirit through the teachings of Christ Jesus?
Im totally conflicted, I know Jesus is the light and the way. But why so many and varying religions I would like to think that just means god likes a wide and varying groups of people. And most of all Pandered to the people on how they could accept him and his true messages.:candle:


Facts not Faith
Are you saying that one should join the Born again christian sect or be "born again" in spirit through the teachings of Christ Jesus?

In order to be saved according to Christian teaching, you must be born again through Christ and have faith in him. I also get the message that you must at least put some effort to follow his teachings because that is part of having faith in Christ and being born again. You must be faithful and sincere, and have his spirit with you.

You do not need to be part of any modern Christian group to be saved by Christ according to Christianity. That is the message I get from Christian mythology. It may be utterly false and a fairytale, but Muslims cannot be saved if Christianity is true.


Facts not Faith
Im totally conflicted, I know Jesus is the light and the way. But why so many and varying religions I would like to think that just means god likes a wide and varying groups of people. And most of all Pandered to the people on how they could accept him and his true messages.:candle:

The reason for many varying Christian doctrines is that the New Testaments is full of vague statements which are sometimes in conflict at first glance and there is no God anywhere to set people strait. Different Christian groups have faith in their respective teachings and are so true to their faiths that they do not consider different perspectives. Therefore Chistianity is and will remain divided.


Well-Known Member
I hope that is true... but its wrong ...tell me why ... because God tell us that you had distortion his messege and his Book that sent to Moses ...that why God sent you many prophets because every time they distortion the messege of god ... and that why God deny the jews

Hey, Godobeyer.
As a Muslim, you believe that many true prophets were sent before Muhammad, correct? Also, the people changed the words of the prophets and turned away from the truth, right? What is to keep the words of Muhammad from being rejected and changed? What if you are in the same position as you accuse the Jews and Christians of being in? How do you know that Islam has not lost it's original purity? It has happened to other religions. Is Islam immune for some reason?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Hey, Godobeyer.
As a Muslim, you believe that many true prophets were sent before Muhammad, correct?

Also, the people changed the words of the prophets and turned away from the truth, right?
yes, that's why New testement contain many Books and many authors , and that's why , the Jews represent God as human , walking the heaven , and fighting Yacob (and Yacob won God !!!) and that's why the Jews did not believe in hereafter (hell,heaven) , and that's why the Bible contain many contradictions

What is to keep the words of Muhammad from being rejected and changed?
-first of all it's not the words of Muhammad (pbuh) it's was the God words
-secondly it's reject from the polytheists and the jews
the polytheists : because it's against their beliefs
the jews : because they discover that Muhammad (pbuh) was not a jewish prophet(messanger) as they habit
- did not changed because it's was writen just after (few years) the death of the Muhammad (pbuh) , and It's was one Book , not books (as yours, and each book wrote in year different)
- the original copies,is already existed at the musiem of Turky
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][FONT=Verdana,arial]the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul[/FONT][/FONT]
File:Early Qur'anic Manuscript - Kufic.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Egypt :
عدسة الارشيف داخل الحجرة النبوية في القا&#1607

The Tashkent Quran (Uzbekistan):
The world's oldest Quran located in Tashkent, Uzbek | Ummah's Best

What if you are in the same position as you accuse the Jews and Christians of being in?
i will pray god to show me the truth , and study more about the Quran and Islam from the Muslims , and using the Tafsir (explication of Quran) to understand the Quran

How do you know that Islam has not lost it's original purity?
Islam did not lost,because it's the message of God to Muhammad(pbuh) to all the human neither , not as Moses or Jesus (peace be upon them) for the jews , maybe the muslims lost pious , (as most of the christians, and jews)

It has happened to other religions. Is Islam immune for some reason?

"Alif. Lam. Mim. (1)This is the Scripture whereof there is no doubt, a guidance unto those who ward off (evil). (2)Who believe in the Unseen, and establish worship, and spend of that We have bestowed upon them; (3) And who believe in that which is revealed unto thee (Muhammad) and that which was revealed before thee, and are certain of the Hereafter. (4)"

Al-Hijr 15-9
"Lo! We, even We, reveal the Reminder, and lo! We verily are its Guardian. (9) We verily sent (messengers) before thee among the factions of the men of old. (10) And never came there unto them a messenger but they did mock him. (11)"

they : mention to the jews (in the past) when God sent them his messagers


Im totally conflicted, I know Jesus is the light and the way. But why so many and varying religions I would like to think that just means god likes a wide and varying groups of people. And most of all Pandered to the people on how they could accept him and his true messages.:candle:

That question of yours is a very valid question and nothing is a coincidence is it? Of course the Lord of Lords has planned everything in detail.

You should study Falun Dafa and get the right answer to your question, it is very unexpected to modern people and you might PM me to get it fast. Jesus never had anything to do with the Asian people because they had their own Gods like Buddha Sakyamuni.

I can give you some links to interesting prophecies about our near future here:

Udumbara flower prophecy - Holy King of the Wheel is here..., page 1

Korean end times prophecy - Falun Gong..., page 1

Emmanuel Swedenborg - a great prophet gives us full details on judgment day..., page 1

Essentials for Further Advancement II

I advice you to read this book Zhuan Falun to find the real answers:

Download Falun Dafa Falun Gong books and articles: books

Good luck!


Jesus in me
Actually in order to be saved by Christ, you have to be born again through him and have faith in him as God. You muslims have faith in Allah and Muhammed instead so you will not be saved if Christianity is true.[/quote]

Salvation is relative. The person who is strong enough not to steal is just as saved from that sin as the person who has Jesus empowering him not to steal. For that matter a person with no religion who has a good conscience not to steal is just as saved from that sin by his conscience.

Christianity is true whether Muslims are saved from their sin or not.


Rogue Theologian
Actually in order to be saved by Christ, you have to be born again through him and have faith in him as God. You muslims have faith in Allah and Muhammed instead so you will not be saved if Christianity is true.[/quote]

Salvation is relative. The person who is strong enough not to steal is just as saved from that sin as the person who has Jesus empowering him not to steal. For that matter a person with no religion who has a good conscience not to steal is just as saved from that sin by his conscience.

Christianity is true whether Muslims are saved from their sin or not.

And that Thief which hung at His side was saved?.....or no?

'....and you shall walk with me in paradise...'


everyone will be judged on the basis of his deeds.Belief does not matter.Even if one is an atheist and did so many good things he will surely go to paradise.


Rogue Theologian
everyone will be judged on the basis of his deeds.Belief does not matter.Even if one is an atheist and did so many good things he will surely go to paradise.

I actually had this discussion with an atheist.....face to face.

He had just declared his disbelief and reported he was once the deacon of a local congregation.

For his sake I explained why his declaration would probably not keep him out of heaven.

Bill makes such practice....
He does unto others as he would have it done unto him.

On the other hand....
If I ask of God a good thing, unto my self or some else.....
He might do so....and I would be in His debt...my soul in forfeit.

If I ask a good thing from the devil, He might do so....
and would I not be in His debt....my soul in forfeit.

Good things come and go.
Are these the lines drawn?