Freedom Of Mind
if thats the case then why are muslims allowed to openly try to convert christians to muslims in chrisitan countries ?
when you say the people in power - you mean muslims who use the quran as the decider on the law of the land - since we are talking about islamic states were chuch and state are one - it must be those in power are muslims
Actually most muslim countries have churches and of course some arabian christians are free to follow their religion or to discuss with muslims their religion as we are doing now
through the net,so who will forbid me from discussing any religion,no one.
That depends on you as an individual,if you find that your religion is correct then why to convert to another religion.
Most religions are named according to things or tribe like Judaism ,Christian ,Hundos..etc,
But Islam means a submission,that is to the one god
1 Peter 3:22
who has gone into heaven and is at Gods right handwith angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.
2 Chronicles 30:8
Do not be stiff-necked, as your ancestors were;submit to the LORD. Come to his sanctuary, which he has consecrated forever. Serve the LORD your God, so that his fierce anger will turn away from you.
So we cant believe that god can be a man of flesh or that his son will be so ,but
we are sumitters to god,submitters means muslims
That depend on a personal conviction and not a country law or whatsoever.