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Why Can't Harris Answer A Question.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
The strange thing is that you follow a religion run by secretive groups of single men who are into cosplay, devote themselves to the image of a naked man - invariably ripped and chiselled like a male model - and, as is well known, indulge all kinds of sexual appetites among themselves, and in numerous cases with children they are supposed to be providing guidance and care to. Besides the 'officials' of the church, I've never met a Catholic who adhered to the supposedly strict rules of sexual conduct. From what I've seen Catholics do whatever they want, and vent their feelings of guilt through manufactured disgust at less hypocritical people they feel are legitimate targets.
Catholicism is not about people's sex life...and indeed...most Catholics use contraceptives, have pre-marital sex and then go to Church.


Veteran Member
If you acknowledge that the U.S. voters elected Joe Biden, what do you feel about Trump's persistent assertions to the contrary and the apparent use of this question as a loyalty test administered to his base? I'm particularly interested in whether or not you find election denial problematic in a democracy.
I feel that it is anyone's right to question an election otherwise we we be no better than those countries that have sham elections.
When a recount of the votes are asked for do you have a problem with it.
As far as the 2020 election goes I do find that there were irregulateries in the period leading up to the election itself. The irreguateries I'm referring to were not illegal but problematic. But as they say every is fair in love and war which now include elections.


Veteran Member
I think we should also mention, on the topic of which candidate "answers questions," that Kamala Harris was in the "lion's den" on Fox -- a highly antagonistic platform and an antogonistic interviewer. BUT SHE WAS THERE--and answered questions.

She was also interviewed on 60 Minutes, as all serious presidential candidates have been for over 50 years. Does anyone recall Trump's appearance on 60 Minutes?
Why should Trump go on 60 Minutes after the schanagians they pulled in editing her answers. Just as ABC s bias was quite evident.


Well-Known Member
If one watched the interview with VP Harris and Fox News reporter Bret Baier interview ask youself if Harris is she able to answer a question. Can she?
If you missed the interview here is the link.
I watched the interview. Harris would not answer any question, in a direct way. It was like she felt that answering would incriminate her and force her to accept some responsibility for the things that did go south. It was like person pleading the 5th. She would have been better off separating herself from Biden, admitting some things some things did not work out as hoped and planned, and then say we learned from our mistakes and now we have a new course. Instead, she would skating around filibustering; filling in time, avoiding any direct or even indirect answer. Harris needed to explain who she was, to undecided voters. FOX is the biggest forum to find those voters. But she stayed evasive and obscure. The DNC choir is already in her corner. Pleasing her home crowd, with evasion and denial, led to a lost opportunity, to reach that small percent of voters who may decide the election.

The first question Bret Baier asked Harris was, can you give an estimate of the number of illegal aliens that entered the country? That is a simple accounting question. She is still VP and should still have direct access to the best information. Instead, of giving a quick answer and giving a number, even estimating low, she skated around, like a little kid, until the nanny; Baier, had to call back in, so she would stay closer to topic. But once close, she skates off again and blames Trump, even though Trump was not in office and had no control over their executive orders that rescinded the Trump era policies, that had successfully closed the border. Biden-Harris ran in 2020, on doing the opposite of Trump, which they did. The first week in office they did what they promised and the rest is history. They also tied Trump up in court for the Jan 2021 riots, and then did frivolous law fare after that through the spring. Somehow, she says Trump did it all.

Harris evoked Trump's name about once a minute, in a 25 minute interview. After skating around each question, not admitting or answering anything, she would loop back and/or be called back by Baier, and then try to turn the blame on Trump. Then she would filibuster, to talk over Baier, who would try, to politely reel her back, but she would keep skating around; motor mouthing, to avoiding being fact checked about her timelines. The interview was finally interrupted by Harris's four handlers, who all started to wave their hands, like a towel in a prize fight; they threw in the towel. The longer she stayed in the interview the worse she looked due to not appearing to have control over the issues and being so defensive and evasive, to the point of obvious lying.

The interview reminded me of debating a good Liberal friend. He uses the same tactic of filibuster, and talking over you, lodger if need be, so he can pretend not to hear you neutralize his arguments, or ask more questions. The Left is more about cliche and less about facts and timelines, since what they do, often turns to crap and they try to avoid accountable, to save face. Being evasion may be a needed skill to be a Liberal. Harris did that fine. But who wants a President who will never give a straight answer and where the buck never stops there. Harris may be better as a talk show host on CNN. It can involve cooking and blaming Trump.
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Yeah, but she misunderstood that it was an interrogation, not an interview. Baer was actually more interested in his own answers to the questions than hers. She kept interrupting his train of thought with answers.
Like I said, she sure is long winded.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
If you acknowledge that the U.S. voters elected Joe Biden, what do you feel about Trump's persistent assertions to the contrary and the apparent use of this question as a loyalty test administered to his base? I'm particularly interested in whether or not you find election denial problematic in a democracy.
I feel that it is anyone's right to question an election otherwise we we be no better than those countries that have sham elections.

That was a pathetic non-answer. I suspect that you know it.

Rights can be abused. They can be used irresponsibly. They can incite with depraved results. Your cavalier dismissal of election denial of a pathological liar and wannabe oligarch thug is hard to justify and harder to stomach.


Premium Member
If one watched the interview with VP Harris and Fox News reporter Bret Baier interview ask youself if Harris is she able to answer a question. Can she?
If you missed the interview here is the link.
I saw the interview, she answered every question. Did she give a response that the interviewer want no she gave the political response and I have also watched Donald Trump's interviews, Joe Biden's, Tim Waltz and JD Vance's interviews and they all do the same shocker. However, she came off as seeming far more intelligent when doing it then the others in my opinion.


Veteran Member
Trump had everything in place with good results until the Biden Harris Administration dismantled just about every policy and order and intentionally and willfully opened the border on American citizens that resulted in the mass havoc this country is experiencing because of Biden and his border czar Harris who could care less about the citizens she was tasked to protect.
Trump still couldn't close the border. But what he did do violated domestic and international laws. Remember?

He was only able to close the border when the pandemic hit the planet. Biden kept it closed until the pandemic started to wane.
BBC had compiled a comparative list.

Now you know the rest of the story.
Noice it where it say "humane". That was in contrast to Trump's policies.

She was put in charge of the Border by Biden that's why she was first called border czar 3 years ago by the media without nary an objection.

The media loves its labels. It means nothing officially. And whatever Biden or Harris did at the border still had to follow the laws that Congress passed. Remember the new bill for border reform that Trump sabotaged? The federal government has to follow the law, and Biden and Harris can't set policies outside of what the law says. As we have seen Trump set illegal policies while Biden/Harris set humane policies. I will take humane over illegal and cruel.

MAGAs seem attracted to cruel. That's unacceptable as leader of the free world.
You want to deny she was ever in charge of the Border you go right ahead with that ,
but everybody knows the truth of the matter.
You make it sould like she was sheriff of the border who could call the shots. There is no one in charge of the border. There is federal law and state laws, and they have to be followed until the laws change.

And let's not forget that whatever her role in assessing the border situation she is humane and following the law. That is what is ethical and required of our leadership. There's no room for another term of criminal behavior and cruelty.

MAGAs would be happier in Israel and supoprting what Netanyahu is doing to citizens in Gaza. I don't think you need to be Jewish, you have the required cruelty and indifference to suffering.


Well-Known Member
Give any impromptu Trump speech to a competent English teacher (or psychologist) and I'm willing to bet that "simplistic" is the very last term that would come to mind.
Trump is appealing to the blue collar worker and not the intellectual snob. The average blue collar worker is better with Math than English. They can see results, if they add up, but are not impressed with fancy words. That is the job of the DNC. Harris has all the snobs in her corner. But she needs the more of the down to earth vote, which better relates to Trump's open and simple style.

Trump in an interview, explained his presentation style. He says he talks in spirals, where he appears to go tangent off, but he spirals back to the topic. He says this style takes a lot of memory, to be able to close the loops, and start new loops and make sure they all close. Harris sort of does that, but spirals away, never to return. My guess is the spirally technique adds context, to pointed questions designed o take things out of context.

Last night they has the Al Smith dinner in NYC, which is an annual Catholic fund raiser, where the elite of NYC go. It has been the tradition since John Kennedy and Nixon, that Presidential Candidates will go, to pock fun at each other, in a roast sort of way. It is a day off from the political attacks, and more like a comedy show. Trump showed up with his wife, but Harris called in a short humorous video production she did with a female player from the show Saturday Night Live dressed as Catholic School girl.

Trump was a speaker and he roasted current events. He did a good job and tried to be funny and not get too serious. The master of ceremonies, who was a comedian, did a good job insulting everyone, while not linger on anyone. Some of the comedy was cringe worthy, but by moving on, everyone could laugh and get a break from the camera's view of their cringe; elite cringes.

Trump had the advantage of having gone to this annual event, since he was younger. He went with his Father, three times, plus many others times as a businessman, before he was president; charity roasts. He also did it with Biden in 2020. It is mostly Democrat elites; Jews and Catholics. Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer was there, on stage, sitting near the Cardinal. Both Schumer and Trump, know each other, and both took some flack, but both were good sports. It is you get a chance, see it. It was funny and a nice break from the battle.
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Veteran Member
I feel that it is anyone's right to question an election otherwise we we be no better than those countries that have sham elections.
And in 2020 there were questions asked and none of them concluded elecion fraud.

Except what Trump and his co-conspirators did in seven states. Why don't you ever mention those actual crimes?

Today, Friday, the courts will release evidence of Trump's involvement with the January 6 attack.
When a recount of the votes are asked for do you have a problem with it.
It is a matter of state laws. If laws allow for recounts and there is a sound reason for it, like a close race, it is usually done automatically. There were many recounts and none helped Trump.
As far as the 2020 election goes I do find that there were irregulateries in the period leading up to the election itself. The irreguateries I'm referring to were not illegal but problematic. But as they say every is fair in love and war which now include elections.
Notice you make this claim but don't state what you have a problem with. Is it the state laws that adjusted how the elections were done due to the pandemic, and for public safety reasons? It allowed more people to vote, and easier, and this is what seems to have bothered conservatives the most: that more citizens were able to vote.

If I'm wrong, correct me.


Veteran Member
Trump is appealing to the blue collar worker and not the intellectual snob.
So the poorly educated and poorly informed. We need better education if 46% of the voting public supports a criminal candidate.
The average blue collar worker is better with Math than English. They can see results, if they add up, but are not impressed with fancy words. That is the job of the DNC. Harris has all the snobs in her corner. But she needs the more of the down to earth vote, which better relates to Trump's open and simple style.

Trump in an interview, explained his presentation style. He says he talks in spirals, where he appears to go tangent off, but he spirals back to the topic. He says this style takes a lot of memory, to be able to close the loops, and start new loops and make sure they all close. Harris sort of does that, but spirals away, never to return. My guess is the spirally technique adds context, to pointed questions designed o take things out of context.

Last night they has the Al Smith dinner in NYC, which is an annual Catholic fund raiser, where the elite of NYC go. It has been the tradition since John Kennedy and Nixon, that Presidential Candidates will go, to pock fun at each other, in a roast sort of way. It is a day off from the political attacks, and more like a comedy show. Trump showed up with his wife, but Harris called in a short humorous video production she did with a female player from the show Saturday Night Live dressed as Catholic School girl.

Trump was a speaker and he roasted current events. He did a good job and tried to be funny and not get too serious. The master of ceremonies, who was a comedian, did a good job insulting everyone, while not linger on anyone. Some of the comedy was cringe worthy, but by moving on, everyone could laugh and get a break from the camera's view of their cringe; elite cringes.

Trump had the advantage of having gone to this annual event, since he was younger. He went with his Father, three times, plus many others times as a businessman, before he was president; charity roasts. He also did it with Biden in 2020. It is mostly Democrat elites; all off Jews and Catholics. Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer was there, on stage, sitting near the Cardinal. Both Schumer and Trump, know each other, and both took some flack, but both were good sports. It is you get a chance it was funny.
Didn't read any further. I don't have time to fact-check and correct another of your posts.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
If one watched the interview with VP Harris and Fox News reporter Bret Baier interview ask youself if Harris is she able to answer a question. Can she?
If you missed the interview here is the link.

And they say there's no such thing as a "dumb question". :rolleyes:

BTW, at the Al Smith convocation yesterday, most of that which Trump parroted was written for him by Fox employees, and even then he had to read them from a paper in front of him. When are you going to get it through your head that Fox is not a news channel and is highly unreliable?

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Trump is appealing to the blue collar worker and not the intellectual snob. The average blue collar worker is better with Math than English.

The average blue collar worker was pretty good at enlisting to defeat fascism, not because of his math skills, but because of his morals.

By the way, speaking of intellectual snobs, Math, and English, what are your thoughts on word count and verbosity?


Industrial Strength Linguist
I've seen that over and over from people who rely on the conservative media in the US for news. The typical line is 'this proves (whatever)', but when watched or read it's just some collection of characters saying something is the case, with zero evidence. The accepted standard of proof is 'someone said it, then they got someone else, and they said it too, and then someone else did'. There appears to be no understanding in consumers of this sort of thing that somebody saying something over and over is not a substitute for providing some evidence. The conservative media have clearly long since cottoned onto this. It certainly makes their job easier, no need for journalistic integrity or the hard work of putting evidence together.

Yes, but we should use Adolf Hitler's name for the technique, which he first mentioned in Mein Kampf: the Big Lie (Source: Wikipedia). Ironically, Hitler framed it as a technique used by Jews to blame the German military for their loss in WWI. But the German Nazis and the Soviet Communists used it successfully to manipulate public opinion prior to WWII. Trump uses it effectively to promote the idea that his election losses are caused by election fraud perpetrated by Democrats. This "border czar" lie is small potatoes compared to that one.

A big lie (German: große Lüge) is a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth primarily used as a political propaganda technique.[1][2] The German expression was first used by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf (1925) to describe how people could be induced to believe so colossal a lie because they would not believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously". Hitler claimed that the technique had been used by Jews to blame Germany's loss in World War I on German general Erich Ludendorff, who was a prominent nationalist political leader in the Weimar Republic.
According to historian Jeffrey Herf, the Nazis used the idea of the original big lie to turn sentiment against Jews and justify the Holocaust. Herf maintains that Nazi Germany's chief propagandist Joseph Goebbels and the Nazi Party actually used the big lie technique that they described – and that they used it to turn long-standing antisemitism in Europe into mass murder. Herf further argues that the Nazis' big lie was their depiction of Germany as an innocent, besieged nation striking back at "international Jewry", which the Nazis blamed for starting World War I. Nazi propaganda repeatedly claimed that Jews held outsized and secret power in Britain, Russia, and the United States. It further spread claims that the Jews had begun a war of extermination against Germany, and used these to assert that Germany had a right to annihilate the Jews in self-defense.
In the 21st century, the term has been applied to Donald Trump's and his allies' attempts to overturn the result of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, specifically the false claim that the election was stolen through massive voter and electoral fraud. The scale of the claims resulted in Trump supporters attacking the United States Capitol.[3][4] Later reports indicate that Trump knew he had genuinely lost the election while promoting the narrative.[5][6][7][8]


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Yes, but we should use Adolf Hitler's name for the technique, which he first mentioned in Mein Kampf: the Big Lie (Source: Wikipedia). Ironically, Hitler framed it as a technique used by Jews to blame the German military for their loss in WWI. But the German Nazis and the Soviet Communists used it successfully to manipulate public opinion prior to WWII. Trump uses it effectively to promote the idea that his election losses are caused by election fraud perpetrated by Democrats. This "border czar" lie is small potatoes compared to that one.

A big lie (German: große Lüge) is a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth primarily used as a political propaganda technique.[1][2] The German expression was first used by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf (1925) to describe how people could be induced to believe so colossal a lie because they would not believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously". Hitler claimed that the technique had been used by Jews to blame Germany's loss in World War I on German general Erich Ludendorff, who was a prominent nationalist political leader in the Weimar Republic.
According to historian Jeffrey Herf, the Nazis used the idea of the original big lie to turn sentiment against Jews and justify the Holocaust. Herf maintains that Nazi Germany's chief propagandist Joseph Goebbels and the Nazi Party actually used the big lie technique that they described – and that they used it to turn long-standing antisemitism in Europe into mass murder. Herf further argues that the Nazis' big lie was their depiction of Germany as an innocent, besieged nation striking back at "international Jewry", which the Nazis blamed for starting World War I. Nazi propaganda repeatedly claimed that Jews held outsized and secret power in Britain, Russia, and the United States. It further spread claims that the Jews had begun a war of extermination against Germany, and used these to assert that Germany had a right to annihilate the Jews in self-defense.
In the 21st century, the term has been applied to Donald Trump's and his allies' attempts to overturn the result of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, specifically the false claim that the election was stolen through massive voter and electoral fraud. The scale of the claims resulted in Trump supporters attacking the United States Capitol.[3][4] Later reports indicate that Trump knew he had genuinely lost the election while promoting the narrative.[5][6][7][8]

After I got back from studying the Holocaust in Poland and Israel, I read copy after copy of Der Sturmer [microfeesh], the infamous NAZI propaganda magazine, and Trump uses much the same tactics with his words & posts. That is not likely to be just coincidence since his first wife, Ivana, said that he regularly read NAZI essays that he kept by his bedside. His dad used to tell him that he was of both German kings and warriors and that he should be proud of that.


Well-Known Member
After I got back from studying the Holocaust in Poland and Israel, I read copy after copy of Der Sturmer [microfeesh], the infamous NAZI propaganda magazine, and Trump uses much the same tactics with his words & posts. That is not likely to be just coincidence since his first wife, Ivana, said that he regularly read NAZI essays that he kept by his bedside. His dad used to tell him that he was of both German kings and warriors and that he should be proud of that.
Another important consideration is the stealth of Hitler's movement from an anti-communist, pro folk, jobs and national pride message, albeit with the more open street violence of the day, to the introduction of means to deal with 'enemies of the people' and 'scum' on an industrial scale. As you say, his rhetoric was not dissimilar to Trump's. People buy into the simplistic notions of magically making everything great with some grand gesture or other, or in Trump's case by talking a big talk, and pay no attention to where it all might be going. In Trump's case, though, it seems more likely to lead to short term economic gains, followed by the inevitable bust, and to an emboldening of autocrats the world over to consolidate their positions, but it's hard to say at this point what he might try and get away with.


Well-Known Member
Another important consideration is the stealth of Hitler's movement from an anti-communist, pro folk, jobs and national pride message, albeit with the more open street violence of the day, to the introduction of means to deal with 'enemies of the people' and 'scum' on an industrial scale. As you say, his rhetoric was not dissimilar to Trump's. People buy into the simplistic notions of magically making everything great with some grand gesture or other, or in Trump's case by talking a big talk, and pay no attention to where it all might be going. In Trump's case, though, it seems more likely to lead to short term economic gains, followed by the inevitable bust, and to an emboldening of autocrats the world over to consolidate their positions, but it's hard to say at this point what he might try and get away with.
Yes to damn with faint praise, Trump is not preaching a thousand year reign of his ideas, he is only interested in the immediate future as it pertains to himself, I doubt he even cares if his offspring even benefit or are involved in the future.


Well-Known Member
Yes to damn with faint praise, Trump is not preaching a thousand year reign of his ideas, he is only interested in the immediate future as it pertains to himself, I doubt he even cares if his offspring even benefit or are involved in the future.
When his own economic advisors told him his plans would likely lead to economic chaos in a decade or so, he dismissed them with 'I won't be in power then'. I suppose that at least indicates he doesn't seem himself clinging on into his 90s.