Re: Ottoman disbanding
About 100 years ago some Europeans who won WW I sat down and carved up the Ottoman empire. (I'm leaving out details on purpose.) During the first half of the century, a whole bunch of new "countries" were created: Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel and so on. In that carving up process Israel represents a tiny percentage of the land in play. Lots of traditional peoples, as legit as the "Palestinians" got the short end of the land grab stick. The Kurds for example didn't get a homeland.
When people look at historical evidence of "Palestinians", they lived in areas far broader than what is now Israel. For example, many of them usually lived in western Jordan. All of this leads to the following:
In all of this artificial carving up of land and making countries up out of thin air, why is it that people seem ONLY to get upset when if comes to a few tiny chunks of disputed territory around Israel? What about the Kurds? The Yazidies? And so on... What about having Jordan donate a bit of land to help their Arab Palestinian brothers establish a homeland?
The answer seems obvious to me.
About 100 years ago some Europeans who won WW I sat down and carved up the Ottoman empire. (I'm leaving out details on purpose.) During the first half of the century, a whole bunch of new "countries" were created: Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel and so on. In that carving up process Israel represents a tiny percentage of the land in play. Lots of traditional peoples, as legit as the "Palestinians" got the short end of the land grab stick. The Kurds for example didn't get a homeland.
When people look at historical evidence of "Palestinians", they lived in areas far broader than what is now Israel. For example, many of them usually lived in western Jordan. All of this leads to the following:
In all of this artificial carving up of land and making countries up out of thin air, why is it that people seem ONLY to get upset when if comes to a few tiny chunks of disputed territory around Israel? What about the Kurds? The Yazidies? And so on... What about having Jordan donate a bit of land to help their Arab Palestinian brothers establish a homeland?
The answer seems obvious to me.