Prophecy can make or break the claims of a new religious movement, and there are many. Some of them very well could be totally false. Why did the Jews reject, not only Jesus, but others that claimed to be the Messiah? Why do Jews and Christians reject Muhammad, The Bab and Baha'u'llah? They very well could point to some things that weren't fulfilled. What are those things? Why do Baha'is claim they've fulfilled prophecies from every major religion? How can they fulfill things when Baha'is don't even believe the Scriptures of those religions are totally accurate?
But the big problem is that most things that Baha'is say about verses in the other religions, especially those from the NT and the Bible, is that they are symbolic. So anybody can come up with pretty much any interpretation. In fact Baha'is make things in the NT that are written as if real and historical, not real, not literal, but symbolic. Jesus talks with and is tempted by Satan? Symbolic. The disciples talk with the risen Jesus. Not literal, but symbolic. So if Baha'is can make those things disappear, then how much more easily is it for them to change and manipulate prophecy? Very easy. The Three Woes from Revelation? Sure sounds like horrible judgements from God on the evil people of the Earth. But no, for Baha'is the Three Woes are prophecies about the coming of Muhammad, The Bab and Baha'u'llah.
But worry not, you are in good company. I think what Matthew has done in his gospel is just as bad. He takes things that no one would think as prophecy. He takes just a verse of two totally out of context and creates fulfilled prophecy. "Out of Egypt" God called his Son? Did the baby Jesus really ever go to Egypt? Christians say yes, because Matthew said so. No one else did, but Matthew did. Same with Herod's men killing all the infant boys in area Bethlehem area. He finds a verse that is fulfilled by that event. But no one else mentions that Herod ever command the killing of these kids.
Any way, progressive revelation and vague and out of context prophecies are my main issues with the Baha'i Faith. Other than that, you guys are the best.