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Why do Athiests challenge Thiests?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
But you can say the same about Athiests, They're uneducated with the respect to the existence of God, Else they wouldn't be Athiests.

What an arrogant statement. Who in his right mind would say such a thing?

Because if you knew all the things that a Thiest knew, You wouldn't be Athiest because You'd know there is a God.

Eh. Wanna bet? ;)


What an arrogant statement. Who in his right mind would say such a thing?

Eh. Wanna bet? ;)

Originally Posted by enaidealukal
If education is coming to know the truth, then yes, theists are uneducated with respect to the existence of God- else they wouldn't be theists in the first place. :D

Is that not an arrogant statement?
If not, Then why is saying the opposite arrogant?

And yeah, I'll bet your immortal soul :drool:


CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I challenge an Athiests beliefs because I want to show them the love of God, To help save their immortal soul, And because I believe one can live a better life with Religion
How do you show them the "love of God"? And, what is that better life with religion? I don't suppose you mean just any religion, but the one true one, which is what? Since you don't go to church, how do you practice it? Since the Bible isn't the end all, what do you base your religion on?

Me Myself

Back to my username
So they truly believe a religious person is not beneficial to society, And therefore worth less to society than a non-religious person?

That would be an extreme generalization of what was said.

They think its better to be informed and discard harmful beliefs.

I think only the most fanatical would believe that they can judge the sum of a persons value to society by the mere knowledge of whether or not they believe in God.


I agree with InformedIgnorance in the beginning of the thread - atheists challenge theists because the different faiths have implications on policy debate. As a secular humanist, I could never accept scripture or supposed words from God as valid argumentations in policy debates, and hence our different faiths are necessarily a source of friction.


New Member
It's human nature to want to be right, or feel like what they're doing is right. That's why athiests challenge thiests and vice versa. They want to prove the others wrong.


How do you show them the "love of God"? And, what is that better life with religion? I don't suppose you mean just any religion, but the one true one, which is what? Since you don't go to church, how do you practice it? Since the Bible isn't the end all, what do you base your religion on?

By teaching them passages, Encouraging them to pray and find the love of God themselves.

Not going to church means nothing, Thank ya verra much.
But I practise my religion by praying, reading the bible and communing with God.
God is my religion, and what I base it on.
He's the link, the everything, the alpha and omega of my faith.

In other words, you wouldn't bet anything real... :cool:

It's real to me, And aside from God, It's the most important thing.

It's human nature to want to be right, or feel like what they're doing is right. That's why athiests challenge thiests and vice versa. They want to prove the others wrong.

I uh, That's an interesting way to look at it ;)


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Originally Posted by enaidealukal
If education is coming to know the truth, then yes, theists are uneducated with respect to the existence of God- else they wouldn't be theists in the first place. :D

Is that not an arrogant statement?
If not, Then why is saying the opposite arrogant?

And yeah, I'll bet your immortal soul :drool:

You completely miss the point, I see.

See, it can't work both ways. You can't claim that you know better than us about our own beliefs and what they should be, while also claiming that we are meant to be, that we are god-created with immortal souls.

Which is to say, it can't work at all. Any way you approach it, your proselitist intent is indefensable.
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Well-Known Member
Okay then, give it to me.
How is Theism dangerous?

I heard a radio program about an islamic school. A pupil asked why tigers have stripes. The teacher replied that that was what allah wanted.

There are good reasons why tigers have stripes. The teacher denied the pupil these interesting reasons and stifled her admirable curiosity.

This kind of thing is very dangerous to humanity.


Well-Known Member
So you see religion as a threat to society?
What made you come to this conclusion?

At the risk of boring some of my friends here who have heard this before:

My father suffered miserably from Parkinson's disease. Had it not been for the meddling of religious zealots with medical research, there might have been relief for him through stem cell technology.

Religion threatens society in many ways, as does any "ism" that claims certainty. That is why systems such as Stalinism so resemble religion in their effects.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
At the risk of boring some of my friends here who have heard this before:

My father suffered miserably from Parkinson's disease. Had it not been for the meddling of religious zealots with medical research, there might have been relief for him through stem cell technology.

Religion threatens society in many ways, as does any "ism" that claims certainty. That is why systems such as Stalinism so resemble religion in their effects.

Society's good at threatening itself.


Not your average Mormon
Catholics gain their salvation from their pope and their priests,
Christians gain their salvation from God/Jesus.

Catholics believe and pray to the saints, Christians don't.

Catholics have mass, Christians don't.

Catholics believe in the trinity, Not all Christians do.

Catholics follow their pope, And believe the pope is a messanger of God.
Christians do not.

There are many more examples of the extreme differences between the two religions.
I think you've just described the difference between Catholic Christians and Protestant Christians. :facepalm:

But I did notice that you said, "Catholics believe in the trinity, Not all Christians do." Obviously you don't. Many Christians would insist that in order to be a Christian, you must believe in the Trinity. Basically, all you've done is take your own beliefs and set them as the standard which a person must meet in order to be called a Christian. Here's another one for your list...

Christians don't judge their fellow men. You do.
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If you love one another, You wont want to hurt one another.
Not necessarily true. Hitler loved his family very much. But wanted to exterminate an entire race of people. And he was a Christian.
But did he want to hurt those he loved? In other words, if Hitler believed we should love one another across the board, would he necessarily have exterminated anyone? I think that's the point Thana was trying to make. I could be wrong, though.

"But with the addon of God and his beauty."

There is nothing you gain when you see fantasy as truth over one who sees both truth and fantasy. But when you falsely see fantasy as truth then you do not see the truth behind your fantasy.
Assuming, of course, that it is just fantasy. ;)

Also, Something else I'd like to add to my initial question.

If God is real,
And I die, I'll go to heaven because of my faith (over-simplifying but you get the point)

If God is not real,
And I die, I'll just be dead.

If God is real and an Athiest dies, They'll go to hell.
If God is not real and an Athiest dies, nothing will happen.

Explain an Athiest's logic, As to why they think it's better to have no faith.
Actually – and I have seen support for this in the bible – endless torment in 'hell' isn't necessarily biblical (I used to be a Christian Universalist; they believe that all will be saved. I still think everyone will be just fine in the end, but I'm no longer specifically Christian).

No, you'll go to hell because you haven't accepted no God but God and Mohammad as his prophet.

That's the logic: we're all going to hell by some God's law.
Ah yes, then there's this ^^. Christianity isn't the only religion that comes with a 'hell'. What if Christianity is wrong and Islam is right? Islam has a hell too.

And then there's Heck ... for those who don't believe in Gosh. I don't believe in Gosh, so I'll probably be darned to Heck. :D

I feel that atheist or free thinking people keep the balance, just imagine if the world was all religious, I would hate to see what would happen, yes balance is the key.
I agree.

In fact, I prefer to think we all worship the same God, Just in different ways and with different names.
(This is a personal thought, Not really shared with other religions/Christians)
Actually, this is consistent with what God is quoted as saying in the bible, about Him being the only God and that there are no other gods besides Him.:yes: From a monotheistic standpoint, while there may be different names for God, they're all the same God and the differences are based on the worshipers' perspectives of God rather than God Himself. This is why I tend to shake my head when I see Christians accusing folks of worshiping "other gods". I'm like, "What other gods? Your own bible says there's only one God." :)



Outstanding Member
Actually, this is consistent with what God is quoted as saying in the bible, about Him being the only God and that there are no other gods besides Him.:yes: From a monotheistic standpoint, while there may be different names for God, they're all the same God and the differences are based on the worshipers' perspectives of God rather than God Himself. This is why I tend to shake my head when I see Christians accusing folks of worshiping "other gods". I'm like, "What other gods? Your own bible says there's only one God." :)

'Imaginary gods' would be my answer if I were a christian.


| abhyAvartin |
In my experience, atheism is a reaction to theism of any kind.

In other words, atheists aren't the ones challenging theists. They are only responding to challenges put forth by theists.

All the atheists that I have met, in the real world, have been amazingly gifted people and their reasoning is sound.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
A lot of my Athiest friends challenge my beliefs, And it got me wondering, Why?

I challenge an Athiests beliefs because I want to show them the love of God, To help save their immortal soul, And because I believe one can live a better life with Religion
(I base this on the fact that most morals conincide with the teachings of the Bible)

So my question is: Why do some non-religious people challenge the beliefs of those who are religious?

What do you gain from it?
What is there to gain from 'taking' someone's faith from them?
Is that not immoral to you?

I'm genuinley curious.

(Also, I'd rather not have the fact that it's because religious people killed others who weren't of the same faith, Wars that were caused by religion because
Most religion teaches you not to kill, So if you go against that, Then you'd kill for greed, lust, politics etc regardless of your faith.)

मैत्रावरुणिः;3564966 said:
In my experience, atheism is a reaction to theism of any kind.

In other words, atheists aren't the ones challenging theists. They are only responding to challenges put forth by theists.

All the atheists that I have met, in the real world, have been amazingly gifted people and their reasoning is sound.
thank you line of boxes.