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Why do Athiests challenge Thiests?


Well when you go around saying things like Catholics are not Christians, you aren't really make Theists look Good :(

Catholics are not Christians.
If you want to get technical, They're a branch of Christianity.
But they are not Christians, They're Catholics.

If they are Christians, Then by that logic I'm also Catholic.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Catholics are not Christians.
If you want to get technical, They're a branch of Christianity.
But they are not Christians, They're Catholics.
Catholicism is a branch of Christianity but Catholics aren't Christian? :areyoucra

If they are Christians, Then by that logic I'm Catholic.
Belgians are Europeans. Swedes are also Europeans. This does not mean that Belgians are Swedes.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
They revere Christ. Therefore, they are Christian.

Or maybe they are not. Let's roll with it for a while.

Taking for granted that somehow it is possible for quite a sizeable percentage of those who believe in Christ as God not to be Christian after all... what does that say about the importance of belief?

If those many millions are not Christians despite their own sincere efforts, then what point there is in pressuring Atheists into a role that they do not even want?


Well-Known Member
Or maybe they are not. Let's roll with it for a while.

Taking for granted that somehow it is possible for quite a sizeable percentage of those who believe in Christ as God not to be Christian after all... what does that say about the importance of belief?

If those many millions are not Christians despite their own sincere efforts, then what point there is in pressuring Atheists into a role that they do not even want?

Billions possibly, since even a Christian who proclaims they are save, will still acknowledge that they do not know if someone else is....

Enai de a lukal

Well-Known Member
Catholics are not Christians.
If you want to get technical, They're a branch of Christianity.
But they are not Christians, They're Catholics.

If they are Christians, Then by that logic I'm also Catholic.
No, that doesn't follow, as 9-10ths pointed out. Also, if you didn't know that Catholics were also Christians, this is going to blow your mind because they're not the only ones-

List of Christian denominations

Turns out there's all varieties of Christians. Heck, there's even Christian atheists. Whew!


If education is coming to know the truth, then yes, theists are uneducated with respect to the existence of God- else they wouldn't be theists in the first place. :D

But you can say the same about Athiests, They're uneducated with the respect to the existence of God, Else they wouldn't be Athiests.

Eh. Why would you think that?

Because if you knew all the things that a Thiest knew, You wouldn't be Athiest because You'd know there is a God.


No, that doesn't follow, as 9-10ths pointed out. Also, if you didn't know that Catholics were also Christians, this is going to blow your mind because they're not the only ones-

List of Christian denominations

Turns out there's all varieties of Christians. Heck, there's even Christian atheists. Whew!

No, My point is that there is a difference.
They're different religions and the only thing they have in common is Christ.
Most of everything else is different.

So a Christian isn't a Protestant, Else why would we give them a denomination?

Do you atleast see what I'm trying to say people?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
No, My point is that there is a difference.
They're different religions and the only thing they have in common is Christ.
Most of everything else is different.
The relevant statement in that is the part where you pointed out that the thing they have in common is Christ. This makes them all Christian.

So a Christian isn't a Protestant, Else why would we give them a denomination?
I can't tell what this is supposed to mean.

Do you atleast see what I'm trying to say people?
Not at all. :shrug:


If you really knew more than a Thiest, You wouldn't be Athiest.

It was the knowledge I gained in real history, and how the bible OT and NT was created and how it evolved that made me who I am. Yes a education on the subject.

Maybe how a Roman Emperor helped to define your god.

Once you see human fingerprints on every part of the biblical text, its hard to go back to believing in Santa Claus.

There is a reality here that theist will not look at, truth and knowledge due to fear, and those that do have open minds, often become atheist or agnostic once a real education on these subjects has set in.


They're different religions and the only thing they have in common is Christ.

What do you really know about this man they call Christ?

Do you understand the books were for the most part written by people who never lived near, nor seen, nor heard a word ever pass through Jesus lips ? This has almost universal acceptance for real credible historians.

Paul has 7 letters that can be attributed to him with certainty, the rest are thought to by later unknown authors. Some trying to soften his extreme stance up.


Active Member
No, that doesn't follow, as 9-10ths pointed out. Also, if you didn't know that Catholics were also Christians, this is going to blow your mind because they're not the only ones-

List of Christian denominations

Turns out there's all varieties of Christians. Heck, there's even Christian atheists. Whew!
Which is kind of funny, because if you called an atheist a christian that shares some of the similar values or morals as the teachings of Jesus, they would probably look at you like at you are crazy.


Which is kind of funny, because if you called an atheist a christian that shares some of the similar values or morals as the teachings of Jesus, they would probably look at you like at you are crazy.

Whats funny is when Christians first started they were called atheist, because they were different.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Which is kind of funny, because if you called an atheist a christian that shares some of the similar values or morals as the teachings of Jesus, they would probably look at you like at you are crazy.

The Christian atheists probably don't mind being called Christian.