Why do christianity get so much hate? It is really frustrating. I am not a christian but I think about christians that get hate just because of the religion they are following. It is so sad
I am a Christian, there several answers to that. And Atfish hit the nail on the head for ONE of the reasons we are hated.
1. Because when we come to truly believe in Christ, we take on a new nature, we (should) think and act differently. Jesus said we must be born again.
2. True Believers also want to lead others to the same saving grace and the new Life they have been given, and when telling others that don't want to believe it is offensive to them.
3. Jesus , 2,000 years ago promised it would happen.. He said know this if they hated me they will also hate you.
John 15:18-19 If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.
4. Because many times we bring it on ourselves by being judgemental. Out of Love not Hatred, Our message to the world once we have been saved, is to warn of a coming judgment that God promises to all who reject his saving grace thru faith in Jesus Christ, but that God does not want anyone to perish but that all would to repentance. This is what we should be doing,
BUT too many christians only point out others sins, and never share the message of hope and deliverance.
5. Because too many of us don't practice what we preach! No Christian is perfect, even after we are saved, we still fail to live up to God's perfect standard, but WE should be living a Holy life unto God, and WHEN we fail to live up to that standard we should be humble enough to admit, repent and ask for forgiveness, first to God, and to anyone else we may have sinned against. To try and justify our sins, or hide them makes us HYPOCRITES, and noone likes a hypocrite.