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Why do christianity get so much hate?


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I'm not a believer, I've said that many times here.

I know.

My Absolute Knowledge of God's Absolute Existence is Absolutely above your disbelief ;)

I am right and the atheist is wrong.

I know that Absolutely, in Truth's name.
Arrogance feels so good, doesn't it? That feeling that self aggrandizement brings to the ego?


Veteran Member
I'm not a believer, I've said that many times here.

I know.
Then you won't have any problem showing the facts of what you claim to know.
My Absolute Knowledge of God's Absolute Existence is Absolutely above your disbelief ;)
Do you have extra sensory perception, or special powers, that enables you to "know" this?

If so, then prove you have these abilities, as I am not convinced.

If not, then explain how you, as an ordinary human being, knows something extraordinary that any other ordinary person will comprehend and understand is knowledge. Show us your work. No claims, we need facts that a God exists, and can be recognized by an objective mind without any assumptions or special beliefs.

Show us you are correct.
I am right and the atheist is wrong.
This is the claim, where are the facts and argument?
I know that Absolutely, in Truth's name.
I'm not convinced, you haven't bothered showing us your claims are true, and that you aren't just joking around.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
If Christians were like believers in garden fairies, without any pretense of affecting other people's lives, then nobody would care.

the problem starts when said Christians insist on things like:

- What we women do with our bodies, and possible embryos in it
- What people can or cannot decide about how they want to terminate their life if they want to
- etc.

Then they had it coming. For they try to influence the lives of others, on the base of a belief in a God that has the same evidence of Mickey Mouse.


- viole
It depends what you think is influencing others. As a Christian, I work on being honest. When put to the test, among other things more than being honest, that is not always easy. And doesn't usually come "naturally." The opposite may be true as far as certain traits, good or bad, coming naturally. What do you think?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
My question was why one should believe that? I have no reason to believe that, so I don't.
Before I believed in God I had a similar viewpoint. I did not want to die, but I felt there was no choice and that was virtually all I had to look forward to. Now I know I certainly may die, I still don't relish the thought, but I now have a hope of a resurrection, for which I am very glad.


Well-Known Member
Why do christianity get so much hate? It is really frustrating. I am not a christian but I think about christians that get hate just because of the religion they are following. It is so sad

I agree that Christianity gets more hate than it deserves. At a fundamental level, it is a commitment to a peaceful and tolerable way of life. IMO, that doesn't deserve hate. But I think what people actually have a (legitimate) problem with are the things that have been historically done "in the name" of Christianity. Hell, I gotta admit, some of that stuff is pretty bad.

But I tend not to blame Christianity for such things. But I do recognize that Christianity has been used to justify evil sometimes. Maybe THAT (and not what Christianity is essentially) is why some people have a problem with it.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I agree that Christianity gets more hate than it deserves. At a fundamental level, it is a commitment to a peaceful and tolerable way of life. IMO, that doesn't deserve hate. But I think what people actually have a (legitimate) problem with are the things that have been historically done "in the name" of Christianity. Hell, I gotta admit, some of that stuff is pretty bad.
It continued and still does, for a long time, in various ways.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
I agree that Christianity gets more hate than it deserves. At a fundamental level, it is a commitment to a peaceful and tolerable way of life. IMO, that doesn't deserve hate. But I think what people actually have a (legitimate) problem with are the things that have been historically done "in the name" of Christianity. Hell, I gotta admit, some of that stuff is pretty bad.

But I tend not to blame Christianity for such things. But I do recognize that Christianity has been used to justify evil sometimes. Maybe THAT (and not what Christianity is essentially) is why some people have a problem with it.

Eh... I can appreciate your perspective since I am more drawn to judge people on a personal basis than what organization they associate with, and I agree with much of what you say. That said, the reputation an organization gains, fairly or unfairly, does tend to color how folks will see them

While I do tend to agree that it's not fair to associate Christian Nationalists and Dominionists with the likes of Quakers or the United Church of Christ, in the United States the image of Christianity in the US has been usurped by a very specific and very large demographic



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I agree that Christianity gets more hate than it deserves. At a fundamental level, it is a commitment to a peaceful and tolerable way of life. IMO, that doesn't deserve hate. But I think what people actually have a (legitimate) problem with are the things that have been historically done "in the name" of Christianity. Hell, I gotta admit, some of that stuff is pretty bad.

But I tend not to blame Christianity for such things. But I do recognize that Christianity has been used to justify evil sometimes. Maybe THAT (and not what Christianity is essentially) is why some people have a problem with it.
Of course, it's worth noting that Christianity is literally the religion that invented tbe phrase "a good tree cannot bear bad fruit."


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Of course, it's worth noting that Christianity is literally the religion that invented tbe phrase "a good tree cannot bear bad fruit."
Think about it. In order to understand it, you have to know what type of tree it is (i other words, what does the religion teach and if you agree with it).
Why do christianity get so much hate? It is really frustrating. I am not a christian but I think about christians that get hate just because of the religion they are following. It is so sad
I am a Christian, there several answers to that. And Atfish hit the nail on the head for ONE of the reasons we are hated.

1. Because when we come to truly believe in Christ, we take on a new nature, we (should) think and act differently. Jesus said we must be born again.

2. True Believers also want to lead others to the same saving grace and the new Life they have been given, and when telling others that don't want to believe it is offensive to them.
3. Jesus , 2,000 years ago promised it would happen.. He said know this if they hated me they will also hate you.

John 15:18-19 If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.​
4. Because many times we bring it on ourselves by being judgemental. Out of Love not Hatred, Our message to the world once we have been saved, is to warn of a coming judgment that God promises to all who reject his saving grace thru faith in Jesus Christ, but that God does not want anyone to perish but that all would to repentance. This is what we should be doing, BUT too many christians only point out others sins, and never share the message of hope and deliverance.
5. Because too many of us don't practice what we preach! No Christian is perfect, even after we are saved, we still fail to live up to God's perfect standard, but WE should be living a Holy life unto God, and WHEN we fail to live up to that standard we should be humble enough to admit, repent and ask for forgiveness, first to God, and to anyone else we may have sinned against. To try and justify our sins, or hide them makes us HYPOCRITES, and noone likes a hypocrite.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I agree that Christianity gets more hate than it deserves.
Then you think that people who dislike Christianity often have insufficient reason to justify that feeling? I have a very low opinion of the religion. Do you think that is unjustified? My feeling about the Republicans is similar, albeit stronger. And it doesn't surprise me that so many people who choose one choose the other. These aren't random targets of opprobrium. I'm a liberal and an atheist. Both groups are disrespectful of that. Both groups define me as morally corrupt, one saying rebellious sinner and hedonist, while the other says Communist. What's to respect there with either?
I do recognize that Christianity has been used to justify evil sometimes. Maybe THAT (and not what Christianity is essentially) is why some people have a problem with it.
What Christianity is essentially is what it renders, not its claims about itself. It says love one another and then lines up to define the targets of its bigotries, hatreds, marginalization and demonization. THAT's essential Christianity. That's the public face of that religion. *Staff
. Now, they've banned IVF in Alabama and inflicted further damage on people due to their superstitions and their selfish indifference to inflicting them on everybody. THAT's the Christianity I see in the news (there's none at all in my personal life now that I've left America for Mexico, where the religion is much less visible and they've kept it out of their government, for which I am grateful).
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Veteran Member
Before I believed in God I had a similar viewpoint. I did not want to die, but I felt there was no choice and that was virtually all I had to look forward to. Now I know I certainly may die, I still don't relish the thought, but I now have a hope of a resurrection, for which I am very glad.
But you are going to die, as is the case for all of us. Do you realize reality did not chance even though you adopted the idea of an afterlife? Adopting this belief is just a way to avoid reality, and hold on to some non-factual idea that helps you avoid the inevitable. In Buddhism it is taught to face fears, not hide from them.

I see Christianity as highly flawed in how it allows believers to hide in illusions rather than accept what is real and true about reality. Look at how you reject evolution and other conclusions in science. That is the negative influence of Christianity.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Why do christianity get so much hate? It is really frustrating. I am not a christian but I think about christians that get hate just because of the religion they are following. It is so sad

I've created a poll that will hopefully shed some light on why different religions get called out or hated on to different degrees:



Well-Known Member
Then you think that people who dislike Christianity often have insufficient reason to justify that feeling?

I think you and I probably assess Christianity as it has manifested itself in the world the same. It is a sad and sorry religion.

We also probably agree that the Bible, taken as a whole, is a hideous book.

But if you take the good from the Bible, and discard the bad... if you take the good from Christianity and discard the bad... then it's actually better than neutrality imo. It's the baggage and bad thinking that harms the religion overall. But if it were somehow possible for us to distinguish the good from the bad, let us suppose that we were rational beings capable of doing such... then it might be possible to say that there are good things about the religion... and even their holy book.

Of course, most people who defend the religion do so wholesale. And it is certainly justified to criticize the view of those folks. Hell, I do it myself. But, in the final analysis, sure, Christianity deserves some hate (it's painstakingly earned such hate by its own deeds over the centuries, after all). But I say not all the hate it gets is deserved. Hence, "it gets too much hate" is (imo) a defensible thesis.


Well-Known Member
Are you rating this one as "incredibly stupid" or "incredibly awesome"?

IDK. As a metaphor, it's mediocre. I guess I forgot to mention that most of Bible quotes are mediocre. It's just that sometimes you get awesome quotes, and other times you get stupid quotes.

It seems to me that Christianity's own standard suggests that even one Mount Cashel would be enough to justify writing off the whole religion.

I have written off the entire religion. Long ago. Mount Cashel is a good enough reason to do such. But there are countless other atrocities to choose from.

I've also written off Islam because of Nuran Halitoğullari. But once you've written something off in its complete form, it's okay to go back and look at the thing and say "This particular thing is good. I like that part, too." I've known plenty of kind and gentile Christians and Muslims who would object to such atrocities.

I've spent most of my life as a hard-nosed atheist. I'm not about to change my mind about my atheism any time soon. But I'm willing to change my mind about my "hard-nosed-ness." Some good can come from religion (sometimes). And I'll take good where I can get it. So, these days, I'm willing to extend something of an olive branch to believers.