I don't. But if we want to talk about what is real, then we necessarily talk about things that are objectively real ie exist in the world external to the self, which we know of through our senses. That's what "real" means.
Because you said God had objective existence but you respond exactly as if [he] doesn't, but instead only exists in your mind as a concept or thing imagined.
A great deal remains to be discovered. But you fail to specify what you might be looking for in such extra dimensions as may be. (The idea that God is a creature in a higher dimension was popular back in the times of spiritualism, late 19th early 20th centuries. And you may have come across Edwin Abbott's well-known book Flatland (1884). The ideas were stimulated by popular accounts of the n-space maths of Riemann, of course.)
Once again you confuse the internal with the objectively real. Your claim is that God is real, not solely conceptual / imaginary, isn't it? In that case my questions are well-founded ─ describe this real god so we'll know what we're looking for, and will be able to tell whether any real suspect is God or not.
No, that won't do. Once again there's no objective test that will distinguish the supernatural, the 'spiritual', the 'immaterial' (&c) from the purely conceptual / imaginary.
No, facts are accurate statements about specific things or states of affairs in reality. My whole point is that you don't go there.
When you get round to telling me what real thing you intend to denote by the word "God" I'll be in a better position to understand your question.
You want me to define God within your terms that fits within your knowledge base. Perhaps, you need to Discover who you really are so you can have a frame of reference to what I speak.
Assumptions shield you from the truth. Does reality really depend upon senses? If a tree falls in the forest will it make a sound if no one is in the forest to hear it? The reality is that sound waves will be generated regardless whether anyone is around or not. God places knowledge around us all. It exists regardless of whether anyone Discovers it.
I speak of God. You do not understand. I tell you of God's nature. You do not understand. I tell you the road to Discover answers for yourself. You either do not understand or you want me to supply you with answers to accept or reject. I do not want you to believe!!!!
Let's go back to an action of God. God doesn't just give knowledge. One must work to acquire knowledge so that wisdom goes with it. I point but if you search for answers, it is your choice, not mine. Discovery is going to take work.
If you are still lost, work at trying to Understand who you really are. If you think you are a totally physical being, you have more work to do on Discovering the Real Truth about yourself.
First comes vision, next is the effort to Discover. If you are so sure of your ways within that box, how do you expect to have the vision to see beyond it??
What is the first thing a wise man realizes once a wise man truly becomes wise?? Anybody?? Anybody?? The first thing a wise man realizes once a wise man truly becomes wise is that there is so much more to learn.
If one thinks nothing exists beyond the box, can one ever acquire wisdom??
One can see a person and think that is it,then later Discover DNA. More knowledge exists beyond the surface. God has placed knowledge all around us. It waits to be Discovered. It has always been there.
The rabbit hole runs deeper than can be confined in any box. Can you see? All the secrets of the universe and all your answers are staring you in the face. What are you waiting for?? Me? Your journey and Discoveries must be yours!! I won't value believing, accepting, nor rejecting!!
That's what I see. It's very clear!!