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Why Do Gods Need To Be Worshipped


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
What purpose does this worship serve.


Jehovah stated his purpose for mankind when he created them 'To fill the earth and subdue it and have in subjection the creatures on earth' (Genesis 1:28) Men would be able to live forever in an earth beautified by men working with direction from a loving Creator. Having perfect health, Adam and Eve could have passed this perfection on to their children, working unitedly as a loving earthwide family.
Perfect people would enjoy a glorious life of fulfilling activities, enjoying the wonders of creation at peace. Actually, God has never changed his purpose for man. This earth and obedient men will yet experience the realization of God's purpose toward them. (Revelation 21:1-4) God's purpose will be fulfilled. It is up to us to decide whether we want to be part of that purpose, or like Adam and Eve, go our own way.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
What purpose does this worship serve.
As far as Xy is concerned, the purpose of worship is to hook us up with God's creative power -- so that God can create with us and continue to perfect us through our relationship with God.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
As far as Xy is concerned, the purpose of worship is to hook us up with God's creative power -- so that God can create with us and continue to perfect us through our relationship with God.

Why didn't he just say that.

Random biblical verses do not an explanation make.



New Member
God is worshiped so that you can tell him apart from the angels and other spirits .Other wise they would all be equal.​


Miss Independent
Ever hear about a guy who 'worships his girlfriend'?

Is she making him happy? Yes
How does he express that happiness - by expressing his love to her in words, gestures, deeds etc.

How can god command someone to worship him? Well he is commanding you to find pleasure in him. He wont command you to worship him if he intended to keep himself at a distance and fail to 'dazzle' you and keep you captivated. God captivates the hearts of his people.

Here is a guy that was captivated by god.

''As a deer pants for flowing streams, so my soul for you , o god.''

''Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on erath that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever''

''O god, you are my god, earnestly I seek you, my soul thirst for you , my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water''

Sound like David was captivated by god! If god commands us to not worship him, what was david to do with his captivation? He would have no way of expressing his delight in god, unless god allowed him to do so. So he does, he COMMANDS it so that david could go right ahead and do it. When God reveals himself to you in a very real way, there is nothing left but to be in awe and longing for more of him.

So God commands us to worship him, because if his intention is for you to know him, then you would be terribly frustrated to have no right to adore him!

And since we know the awesomeness of our father, he makes us very happy. He is our delight. But with no way of expressing that delight, we would be like a heartsick boy who can only admire his new bicycle from a distance and not express his joy.

If I had to define worship i would do it like this: Its a way of reflecting back to God the radiance of His worth to us, and to do it gladly.

Some might understand this example, if you are a mother: When your little one is born, and you see those ten toes and ten fingers, you just want to squeeze it! You cant get enough of the little jelly buttons. And you dont keep quite either. You squish them and give out shrieks of verbal joy.

So, when we worship god, we simply do so because we radiate back to him, the pleasure that we find in him, and we express that feeling, by using words, songs, praise and lots of thank you's.

Does god find any pleasure in this worship. Of course he does. Does your girlfriend find it repulsing if you worship her? Certainly not. Does your father find it repulsive if you find joy in him and express it. No he doesnt. But mostly....when you worship god, god finds great pleasure in seeing you happy and hearing you express that happiness. God finds great delight in your joy. So god commands you to worship him, because when you do, you are the one squishing the little toes and getting a significant amount of pleasure out it!

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New Member
why worship "beings" (& i use the word loosely) that have absolutely no proof of ever existing. tangible evidence is usually required to provide explanations, but then, how can u have a constructive argument against blind faith??


Self-appointed Lunatic
Does your girlfriend find it repulsing if you worship her?
I've never had a "girlfriend," but yes, every girl I've ever had a crush on was repulsed when I showed any signs of love for them.
That made no sense at all to me, try rephrasing it please
... It was pretty obvious to me... I dunno how I can rephrase it in a less confusing manner... hmm... I think she was trying to say something like:
"Does it offend you that you lived a life against God and you'll eventually have to deal with the consequences? If you don't like the consequences of sin, you can always turn to God at any time."
Your god plays no role in my eternal destiny at all.
I have nothing to do with your god so any pathetic wage he gives you means nothing.
... you do realize that whether or not you believe in whatever god is completely irrelevant as to whether or not you will be judged, right? If Hinduism turned out to be the correct religion and Shiva or Vishnu (or whoever is in charge of judgement... sorry, I don't know much about Hinduism) decided to reincarnate me as a blade of grass because I lived my life as a Christian, would I walk up to him and say "Hey, you can't do that to me because I don't believe in you!"? No, he wouldn't care whether or not I believed in him, because I can believe all I want without being correct. The same works here.
How stupid that is to say, no god can be brought to a human court.
How stupid that is to say, she was obviously being sarcastic when she said to bring God to a court ;).
To wrap up what I think about your god please read my sig.
Least you're honest. Is your lack of interest in God's commands based on you having moral problems with him, or is it based in a lack of belief in his existence?


Liebe ist für alle da
... you do realize that whether or not you believe in whatever god is completely irrelevant as to whether or not you will be judged, right? If Hinduism turned out to be the correct religion and Shiva or Vishnu (or whoever is in charge of judgement... sorry, I don't know much about Hinduism) decided to reincarnate me as a blade of grass because I lived my life as a Christian, would I walk up to him and say "Hey, you can't do that to me because I don't believe in you!"? No, he wouldn't care whether or not I believed in him, because I can believe all I want without being correct. The same works here.
Yes whatever. One non of the aspect of the Hindu god judge you nor do they decide what you are reincarnated has. But has for your god it really doesn't matter if you believe in it or not. His has no role.

How stupid that is to say, she was obviously being sarcastic when she said to bring God to a court ;).
Not stupid at all if you dealt with her post before.

Least you're honest. Is your lack of interest in God's commands based on you having moral problems with him, or is it based in a lack of belief in his existence?
I have no moral problem with a lesser god then other I believe in, nor to I fully deny his existences. Just all the clams he and his worshipers make.


Self-appointed Lunatic
Yes whatever. One non of the aspect of the Hindu god judge you nor do they decide what you are reincarnated has. But has for your god it really doesn't matter if you believe in it or not. His has no role.
I have no idea what you just said. Could you check the spelling/grammar please? Or rephrase it?
Not stupid at all if you dealt with her post before.
I have no idea what this means either. It looks like you're trying to imply that all of her posts are stupid, but I'm going to assume that you're too civil and intelligent yourself to say something like that.
have no moral problem with a lesser god then other I believe in, nor to I fully deny his existences. Just all the clams he and his worshipers make.
Ok, then. I was worried that all of your hatred might have been rooted in the non-existence of God.


Liebe ist für alle da
I have no idea what you just said. Could you check the spelling/grammar please? Or rephrase it?
One none of the aspect of the Hindu god is that he does not judge you nor does he decide what you are reincarnated has. But has for your god it really doesn't matter if you believe in it or not. His has no role over me or other people unless they wish to submit.....better
I have no idea what this means either. It looks like you're trying to imply that all of her posts are stupid, but I'm going to assume that you're too civil and intelligent yourself to say something like that.
Didn't mean it like that.
Not stupid at all if you dealt with her post before. She usually post thing that make no sense in the way of not knowing what she's taking about, or making thing up and putting it on people about how they are or should be, it gets annoying.

Ok, then. I was worried that all of your hatred might have been rooted in the non-existence of God.
No no, I have my reasons ^_^


Self-appointed Lunatic
One none of the aspect of the Hindu god is that he does not judge you nor does he decide what you are reincarnated has. But has for your god it really doesn't matter if you believe in it or not. His has no role over me or other people unless they wish to submit.....better
Hmm, k (dangit, why can't I turn off italics XD). So you're saying that the Hindu gods don't judge or decide how you will be reincarnated? Fair enough, I guess, although it doesn't say anything about my point... (other than that I need to research Hinduism more XD)
He has no role unless you wish to submit, yes... until you are dead and it is your turn to be judged. If the Christian God just so happens to exist, it is irrelevant whether or not you believe in him if he was to judge you. Sorry, I'm not sure how else I can state that D=.
Didn't mean it like that.
K, I'll take your word for it. (Dang italics... XD)


Resident Liberal Hippie
In my belief, God requires no worship. That would indicate an egotistical God, and therefor a flawed God, not worthy of said worship.
I do, however, appreciate the universe around me. And the wonders yet to be discovered. I express my appreciation by supporting a thoughtful care-taking of this world.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
In my belief, God requires no worship. That would indicate an egotistical God, and therefor a flawed God, not worthy of said worship.
I do, however, appreciate the universe around me. And the wonders yet to be discovered. I express my appreciation by supporting a thoughtful care-taking of this world.

That's what they were invented for.

So would you both say wthat come judgement time those who havent worshipped her (i believe the abrahamic god should be female as females are the life bringers and since we are made in her image it would make sense that God is female because she is a life bringer to) will not be judged more harshly than those who have worshipped.


Miss Independent
I think gods want worship because it feeds their egos.

Feeding a god? What kind of god needs ego stroking. Gods dont need to feel better about themselves do they? Or to help them realise they are great. Worshipping a god can not be stroking or feeding their ego.

Any god that needs worship in order to become better or greater is worse than the people that worship them. It would mean the people are bringing to their god something that he is lacking.


New Member
God is the great and powerful Creator and we, the insignificant and weak creation. Therefore, we humble ourselves and submit
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Liebe ist für alle da
Feeding a god? What kind of god needs ego stroking. Gods dont need to feel better about themselves do they? Or to help them realise they are great. Worshipping a god can not be stroking or feeding their ego.

Any god that needs worship in order to become better or greater is worse than the people that worship them. It would mean the people are bringing to their god something that he is lacking.
If god doesn't need worship to feed his Ego then, why does he demand worship in the Bible? Why would an all-power god demand something like that?
If he was really an all-power god he wouldn't care or demand such a thing.