The truth of the matter, which I have said before, is that not everyone is going to accept everyone else. Not everyone accepts me; because of my personality, because of my belief systems, because of my looks, because I am 1/2 Native American. I've had people disgusted with me because I don't party and get drunk (you are boring if you don't party, they say). I've had people I don't know give me dirty looks in public, heaven knows why. I had some very racist people call me a sp** (I look Hispanic, on one occasion I let it hurt me).
I can accept that not everyone is going to like and/or accept me, what I don't accept is any kind of harassment. No one else appreciates harassment, either. Persecution, abuse, harassment, etc. are a sign of intolerance. Acceptance is not the same as tolerance. Tolerance is the putting up with something even if you don't like it. I accept nonacceptance yet I don't accept intolerance.