Obama is genetically 50/50, and culturally way more white than anything else.
He just got lucky and inherited the politically correct skin tone and also a white family.
Think he'd be President if his dad had taken him back to Kenya when he left?
I don't.
Of course he wouldn't be president of America if he went back to Kenya. He'd probably be in Kenya! Maybe some sort of political leader there anyway. Who knows?
Most "POC" born in the west are culturally more white by default. That's the culture they grow up in! I'm far more culturally white because I grew up in the west. As did my cousins, who are far more culturally white than anything else. Our parents are far more Indian/Fijian in culture though.
I think if some white person were to be to be born and raised in India, they'd probably be more culturally Indian than anything else.
I was merely pointing out that the leader of America, considered a superpower in the world, happens to be not completely white. As a direct contention that white man is superior because they run the world. With some hyperbole thrown in for some comedic affect.
You know, people were taking bets when he first got elected when he'd be shot by racists. (Yes, I think that's a bit sick to do too.) I think many are still shocked that nothings happened to him.