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Why do muslims hate democracy


Actually the source I provided does state that there is no two seas which have an impassable barrier.. Read it a couple more times. Use a dictionary if you need to; I did. But you really need to stop attributing lies to Allah. Hellfire is not good.

Water masses in the ocean - Changing circulation | National Oceanography Centre | from coast to deep ocean

Response: Yet the words "no two seas which have an impassable barrier" or anything synonymous to it exist, thus exposing yourself and demonstrating the clear truth of the Qur'an.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Response: When a person responds to the Qur'an challenge by saying that 2+2 is not always 4, then I have made my point. Thanks.

Sure, bud. Your point appears to be that your challenge, defined in your terms has not been completed, therefore Qur'an = true.

2 + 2 = 4, only because people we are talking to are humans, with ten fingers. There is an inherent assumption in the statement that 2+2 always equals 4. As mentioned this is not the case in Trenary (as an example). It is not a universal truth, but we can make it work due to the inherent assumptions we make.

The inherent assumptions in your statement are obvious.
In your own words;
For the Qur'an challenge provides a hands on-eyewitness account that inspiring enough followers to help him/her conquer and rule a nation, or just the street you live on, by using human-made speech/literature that goes against what the people want is humanly impossible, because anyone who takes the challenge will fail and not come close to answering it. And since it is clearly humanly impossible to use human-made speech/literature to achieve the act, then that means that the Qur'an that Muhammad used to inspire enough followers to conquer a nation was not the invention of any human/s, but from one who has greater power and authority than humans, and that is Allah.

1. Assumes that Muhammed conquered anything using speech and literature alone.
2. Assumes it is humanly impossible to use speech and literature to 'conquer' anything.
3. Assumes that ability to 'conquer' anything is indicative of Allah, who has more power and authority than humans and was willing to intervene or inspire his followers to feats not otherwise possible for humans.

I'm simply suggesting you should be aware of the assumptions built into your challenge, as they are indicative of your mindset, and informative. Naturally, if you think I've misunderstood or misrepresented any of the inherent assumptions in your challenge, feel free to explain why.

Anyway, I'll repeat my challenge to you. I don't consider it support of anything, really. That puts it on equal ground with your challenge in my estimation;
I'd like for YOU to come and take over my street. Or any fellow Muslim of your choosing. Feel free to use the Qur'an in any way you see fit.


Sure, bud. Your point appears to be that your challenge, defined in your terms has not been completed, therefore Qur'an = true.

2 + 2 = 4, only because people we are talking to are humans, with ten fingers. There is an inherent assumption in the statement that 2+2 always equals 4. As mentioned this is not the case in Trenary (as an example). It is not a universal truth, but we can make it work due to the inherent assumptions we make.

The inherent assumptions in your statement are obvious.
In your own words;

1. Assumes that Muhammed conquered anything using speech and literature alone.
2. Assumes it is humanly impossible to use speech and literature to 'conquer' anything.
3. Assumes that ability to 'conquer' anything is indicative of Allah, who has more power and authority than humans and was willing to intervene or inspire his followers to feats not otherwise possible for humans.

I'm simply suggesting you should be aware of the assumptions built into your challenge, as they are indicative of your mindset, and informative. Naturally, if you think I've misunderstood or misrepresented any of the inherent assumptions in your challenge, feel free to explain why.

Anyway, I'll repeat my challenge to you. I don't consider it support of anything, really. That puts it on equal ground with your challenge in my estimation;
I'd like for YOU to come and take over my street. Or any fellow Muslim of your choosing. Feel free to use the Qur'an in any way you see fit.

Response: In other words, you cannot answer the challenge, thus supporting the fact that the Qur'an is valid.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
Response: Yet the words "no two seas which have an impassable barrier" or anything synonymous to it exist, thus exposing yourself and demonstrating the clear truth of the Qur'an.

The boundaries between air masses are called weather fronts and can bring wind and rain. In the ocean, the boundaries are also called fronts and often bring strong currents and large amount of algal growth, shoals of fish and large numbers of predators.

Nutrients and oxygen can be useful tracers but they can be altered through biological processes. The sharp density gradient at fronts generates both strong currents along the front, and baroclinic instabilities leading to enhanced mixing, vertical movement and the generation of eddies. These processes contribute to large-scale mixing and redistribution of heat and salt around the global ocean.

There you go. Have another read.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Response: In other words, you cannot answer the challenge, thus supporting the fact that the Qur'an is valid.


C'mon, man. If we're going to pretend to have a conversation, you have to eventually answer something, or give a little more than rote response.

I apologize if having to do so challenges your beliefs, or gives you blisters on your typing fingers, or something, but your constant and complete refusal to address any points directly is somewhat akin to my four year old daughter's tactic when she wants to avoid getting changed for bed.

Please address my points.


There you go. Have another read.

Response: And we still see nothing that states that they do mix, thus debunking yourself as usual and confirming the Qur'an is true. Providing a statement with the word "mix" is not proof that it refers to the mixing of sweet and salt water. Debunked. Thanks.



C'mon, man. If we're going to pretend to have a conversation, you have to eventually answer something, or give a little more than rote response.

I apologize if having to do so challenges your beliefs, or gives you blisters on your typing fingers, or something, but your constant and complete refusal to address any points directly is somewhat akin to my four year old daughter's tactic when she wants to avoid getting changed for bed.

Please address my points.

Response: Your points were addressed, as nothing you stated was an actual answer to the challenge. Which point shows you conquering a street or nation by inspiring followers with human-made speech that goes against their liking? Not one of them. So your points actually refute you and show the challenge proves the Qur'an is true.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
Response: And we still see nothing that states that they do mix, thus debunking yourself as usual and confirming the Qur'an is true. Providing a statement with the word "mix" is not proof that it refers to the mixing of sweet and salt water. Debunked. Thanks.

You must've blinded yourself reading the truth.. Check out that last line again, before you go to sleep.

Nutrients and oxygen can be useful tracers but they can be altered through biological processes. The sharp density gradient at fronts generates both strong currents along the front, and baroclinic instabilities leading to enhanced mixing, vertical movement and the generation of eddies. These processes contribute to large-scale mixing and redistribution of heat and salt around the global ocean.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Response: Your points were addressed, as nothing you stated was an actual answer to the challenge. Which point shows you conquering a street or nation by inspiring followers with human-made speech that goes against their liking? Not one of them. So your points actually refute you and show the challenge proves the Qur'an is true.

Is there something you are misunderstanding? I'm happy to explain them in a different way.

Let me ask you a simple question, and hopefully receive a simple answer.
Do you agree that your challenge has inbuilt assumptions?


You must've blinded yourself reading the truth.. Check out that last line again, before you go to sleep.

Response: And your own statement refers to temperature, not sweet and salt water. Debunked by your own source. Furthermore, your own source says that the mixture causes homogenization. Meaning the properties of one sea is not transferred to the other, thus your own mention of "mixed" is proof of a barrier.

Now to embarrass you, from your own source.

"A halocline is most commonly confused with a thermocline - a thermocline is an area within a body of water that marks a drastic change in temperature".

Your reference is to a thermocline, which clearly states a drastic change in temperature. Since there is a change, then that means the water is no longer fresh or salt water, thus the mixture is a barrier. Additionally, the Qur'an refers to all clines. And every cline refers to homogenization, which is a CHANGE in properties. Thus it is a barrier, as it is neither fresh or salt water. Once again, your own source refutes you and proves the Qur'an is true.
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Is there something you are misunderstanding? I'm happy to explain them in a different way.

Let me ask you a simple question, and hopefully receive a simple answer.
Do you agree that your challenge has inbuilt assumptions?

Response: The challenge has inbuilt facts, supported by your inability to show otherwise.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
Response: And your own statement refers to temperature, not sweet and salt water. Debunked by your own source. Furthermore, your own source says that the mixture causes homogenization. Meaning the properties of one ea is not transferred to the other, thus your own mention of "mixed" is proof of a barrier.

Now to embarrass you, from your own source.

"A halocline is most commonly confused with a thermocline - a thermocline is an area within a body of water that marks a drastic change in temperature".

Your reference is to a thermocline, which clearly states a drastic change in temperature. Since there is a change, then that means the water is no longer fresh or salt water, thus the mixture is a barrier. Additionally, the Qur'an refers to all clines. And every cline refers to homogenization, which is a CHANGE in properties. Thus it is a barrier. Once again, your own source refutes you and proves the Qur'an is true.

Actually it refers to sweet, salt, and any other water you can try to fit into that Quranic verse.. What's truly embarrassing, and I'm sure Allah agrees, is your ignorance of this:

In oceanography, a halocline is a subtype of chemocline caused by a strong, vertical salinity gradient within a body of water.

In the midlatitudes, an excess of evaporation over precipitation leads to surface waters being saltier than deep waters. In such regions, the vertical stratification is due to surface waters being warmer than deep waters and the halocline is destabilizing. Such regions may be prone to salt fingering, a process which results in the preferential mixing of salinity.

Passing through the halocline tends to stir up the layers.

It doesn't matter what cline you want to refer to, they all mix. The Quran however, states that the barrier cannot be transgressed. You're attributing a lie to Allah. You should be embarrassed and ashamed of yourself, but it won't matter on the day of judgement. You can go to bed now.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Response: No. There is no assumption.

Cool. I completely disagree, but appreciate your response. As I mentioned earlier, these were my attempts at identifying the assumptions I think exist in the statement.

1. Assumes that Muhammed conquered anything using speech and literature alone.
2. Assumes it is humanly impossible to use speech and literature to 'conquer' anything.
3. Assumes that ability to 'conquer' anything is indicative of Allah, who has more power and authority than humans and was willing to intervene or inspire his followers to feats not otherwise possible for humans.

If you want to refer to these as 'facts' we can simply agree to disagree on that, since I'm actually not trying to be petty here.
Do you think those three statements are fair about your challenge, and the belief/fact/assumptions underpinning it?


Actually it refers to sweet, salt, and any other water you can try to fit into that Quranic verse.. What's truly embarrassing, and I'm sure Allah agrees, is your ignorance of this:

It doesn't matter what cline you want to refer to, they all mix. The Quran however, states that the barrier cannot be transgressed. You're attributing a lie to Allah. You should be embarrassed and ashamed of yourself, but it won't matter on the day of judgement. You can go to bed now.

Response: And your own source says that the "mixture" has a difference in properties that separates the two waters. Therefore, the reference to mix in your evidence is being used synonymously as an actual barrier. Furthermore, the Qur'an does not say that they do not mix. It says that they do, and the meeting creates a barrier so the two waters do not overtake each other. Your own source states exactly that, thus proving the Qur'an is true. Debunked as usual.
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