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Why do muslims hate democracy


Premium Member
800 million Muslims of the 1.4 billion are illiterate (6 out of 10 cannot read). So there are Muslims that can read like (4 out of 10) . One can easily see the negative influence reading the Quran has on those that can read. It is unfortunate those that cannot read are not spared either.

Forgive me for not getting your point in answering my question, but are you generalizing that all Muslims who can read, are negatively influenced by the Quran? Or in other words, as you mentioned before, they all have turned to rapists and killers (or at least became to believe in it) because they managed to read the Quran?

making replies just to see ones reactions, phony posting.

It is okay, it is a good thing to not jump to conclusions and judge others. Sometimes people have thoughts and don't manage to convey them correctly in words. The benefit of the doubt :)

Yeah, I might sound too forgiving, but I learned it is a good thing :)


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
The Constitution of Medina...

Prior to this there was only tribal justice. An eye for an eye. Muhammad, assuming he authored it, showed his diplomatic skills.

A document to support equality for all people.

Wouldn't this be similar to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights which United the first thirteen colonies of the united states? It was imposed on the southern states by force.

This kind of thing happens when Nations are being built. I don't think when being promised equality there is much for most to fight against. Except by those who see it as a loss of their power over other people.

I think a majority of people would want equality.

Muhammad's rise to power was more likely do to his political abilities, not his prophetic abilities.


Active Member
Forgive me for not getting your point in answering my question, but are you generalizing that all Muslims who can read, are negatively influenced by the Quran? Or in other words, as you mentioned before, they all have turned to rapists and killers (or at least became to believe in it) because they managed to read the Quran?

It is okay, it is a good thing to not jump to conclusions and judge others. Sometimes people have thoughts and don't manage to convey them correctly in words. The benefit of the doubt :)

Yeah, I might sound too forgiving, but I learned it is a good thing :)

Muslims that can read, who read the Quran are negatively influenced by the Quran. You can see the negative influence reading the Quran has on those that read it. They become Islamists extremists. Not all those who have read the Quran end up killing and raping Muslims. The wealthier ones finance these radical groups because they themselves have become extremist after reading the Quran. Are there any moderate Muslims? That is a myth. There are only 2 kinds of Muslims. The Islamists and the illiterates. And it is often easy to confuse the two because they behave the same.


Premium Member
Muslims that can read, who read the Quran are negatively influenced by the Quran. You can see the negative influence reading the Quran has on those that read it. They become Islamists extremists. Not all those who have read the Quran end up killing and raping Muslims. The wealthier ones finance these radical groups because they themselves have become extremist after reading the Quran. Are there any moderate Muslims? That is a myth. There are only 2 kinds of Muslims. The Islamists and the illiterates. And it is often easy to confuse the two because they behave the same.
This is actually a pretty valid argument. When christians were doing horrible things the church mostly provided the theology and such. People didn't start splitting off until literacy was more the norm and it was literacy that tore the bible a new **********. Excuse my french.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
This is actually a pretty valid argument. When christians were doing horrible things the church mostly provided the theology and such. People didn't start splitting off until literacy was more the norm and it was literacy that tore the bible a new **********. Excuse my french.

From what I've heard, the Church was opposed to the printing press because it would put the Bible in the hands of the common man.

Well this...

Despite the "spin" that some Evangelicals put on the Catholic position, the Catholic Church was never opposed people reading the Bible. What it opposed was people reading interpretations the Bible apart from the teaching authority of the Church, which would lead to the kinds of problems we have today with 30,000 denominations interpreting Scripture differently. The Bible itself warns against this. (2 Peter 1:20). With the invention of printing, there was a communications explosion, and one suddenly saw lots of people making very poor and heretical translations of the Bible and popularizing them throughout Christendom...The Church tried to stop this.

From here...


A pro Catholic site.
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Premium Member
From what I've heard, the Church was opposed to the printing press because it would put the Bible in the hands of the common man.

Yes the catholics were scared that people would misinterpret the teachings in the bible if they didn't keep in mind the core foundation and tradition of the church. Now we have thousands of denominations with just as many theologically diverse concepts.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Muslims that can read, who read the Quran are negatively influenced by the Quran. You can see the negative influence reading the Quran has on those that read it. They become Islamists extremists. Not all those who have read the Quran end up killing and raping Muslims. The wealthier ones finance these radical groups because they themselves have become extremist after reading the Quran. Are there any moderate Muslims? That is a myth. There are only 2 kinds of Muslims. The Islamists and the illiterates. And it is often easy to confuse the two because they behave the same.

To save Smart Guy the trouble, I'll say it...
This is a pile of horse manure.


Premium Member
Muslims that can read, who read the Quran are negatively influenced by the Quran. You can see the negative influence reading the Quran has on those that read it. They become Islamists extremists. Not all those who have read the Quran end up killing and raping Muslims. The wealthier ones finance these radical groups because they themselves have become extremist after reading the Quran. Are there any moderate Muslims? That is a myth. There are only 2 kinds of Muslims. The Islamists and the illiterates. And it is often easy to confuse the two because they behave the same.

I understand.

Thank you for sharing your views.

I disagree, but I respect your opinion.

To save Smart Guy the trouble, I'll say it...
This is a pile of horse manure.

It's okay. I'm sure s/he has a good reason for saying that :)
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
Muslims that can read, who read the Quran are negatively influenced by the Quran. You can see the negative influence reading the Quran has on those that read it. They become Islamists extremists. Not all those who have read the Quran end up killing and raping Muslims. The wealthier ones finance these radical groups because they themselves have become extremist after reading the Quran. Are there any moderate Muslims? That is a myth. There are only 2 kinds of Muslims. The Islamists and the illiterates. And it is often easy to confuse the two because they behave the same.
I can hardly be described as a supporter of Islam or sympathetic to Muslims, but the above is so far over the line that it begs Moderated retribution.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Harikrish
Muslims that can read, who read the Quran are negatively influenced by the Quran. You can see the negative influence reading the Quran has on those that read it. They become Islamists extremists. Not all those who have read the Quran end up killing and raping Muslims. The wealthier ones finance these radical groups because they themselves have become extremist after reading the Quran. Are there any moderate Muslims? That is a myth. There are only 2 kinds of Muslims. The Islamists and the illiterates. And it is often easy to confuse the two because they behave the same.
Thank you
You say words you know in advance about his own crucifixion theory of Islam
But I give you verbal complements and completes your conclusion
I wrote this speech in a civilized dialogue forum
I personally worked with Muslims for twenty-five years
During the rule of Saddam Hussein
During that time period was not Muslim
Because it does not allow religious discrimination
And the rulings of Islam were far from the application
The relationship with Muslims was through two
Lakrao'n the Koran and Muslims they have nothing on religion
These were my relationship with them was good
As a Muslim who ykraa Quran
My relationship with him was not good
I feel he hate me
Through life experience
The Muslim who was my relationship with him a good turn and not good when it start reading the Quran
And practiced ritual prayer
And one day you say to a devout Muslim units
My brother Basil
I was surprised after days tell me
You are not
My brother
For this talk I did not say again
And that's why I refused to ask a brother
Knowing that we were guys
In the same fate
Apple I provided services and facilities not at his brother of his mother's womb
Reached as a result after the time and especially after the fall of Saddam Hussein and the spread of Islamic thought in Iraq and forced family
That is when ykraa the Koran changed
Hate as a stage direction and aggressive and terrorism Olhaye as later stages
I wish you to use Google translate program between Arabic and English so as to be clear with your words of gratitude and appreciation



I suppose what I disagree with is that this is any indication of divine authority.

You for some reason assume this is impossible without divine authority. If Muhammad did not have divine authority and was able to accomplish this then there's your example. Your only evidence is your assumption that what did happen was impossible without divine authority.

Usually this is referred to as Divine Providence. The US felt they had a divine providence to take over the USA from coast to coast. Gave them the right to disregard the native population as having any rights to their own beliefs or way of life.

Just another form of Might makes Right.

Maybe instead of letting all these religious leaders "inspire" a bunch of followers. We should stick them all in a pit and let them duke it out. Then we can say the last one standing truly had divine authority. Throw the Pope in with the Mormon Prophet. By the way who currently has authority for Islam? Anybody who wants to prove their divine authority. Free for all to the death.

Response: Yet there is no assumption, as the Qur'an challenge provides a hands on-eyewitness account that inspiring enough followers to help him/her conquer and rule a nation, or just the street you live on, by using human-made speech/literature that goes against what the people want is humanly impossible, because anyone who takes the challenge will fail and not come close to answering it. And since it is clearly humanly impossible to use human-made speech/literature to achieve the act, then that means that the Qur'an that Muhammad used to inspire enough followers to conquer a nation was not the invention of any human/s, but from one who has greater power and authority than humans, and that is Allah.


yeah...you forget that lots of Muslim women in Europe wear sexy
And that doesn't prevent them from being Muslim.
What is best for society? You think that wearing those clothes can harm or destroy society?

Response: Promiscuity is more likely to occur when one is wearing revealing clothes, rather than unrevealing, as revealing clothes is more tempting.


But have you looked at the type of people who follow Mohammad? There are 800 million illiterate Muslims (6 out of 10 cannot read). Those that have managed to read the Quran turn into Islamists extremists killing and raping those poor illiterate Muslims.

The prophet being illiterate himself appeals to the lowest strata of humanity. Not possessing any knowledge acquired through education. He could only recite what was revealed to him by some invisible being. Muslims have over the centuries learned to follow sound and not the written scriptures which most cannot read. What are these sounds that Muslims respond to? The call to die as martyrs.

Response: None of this answers the challenge, thus supporting the fact that the Qur'an challenge is valid.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Response: Promiscuity is more likely to occur when one is wearing revealing clothes, rather than unrevealing, as revealing clothes is more tempting.

Again: there is free will. We all have it.
so, if you don't want to sleep with a woman who seduces you with her body, do not sleep with her! Nobody forces you. Use your own free will to say no.
But you have to respect those who want to sleep with them. Because the fact they sleep in the privacy of their own house, doesn't harm you in any way.

Besides...the common welfare, or the good of society is about economics. It has nothing to do with sex. Because the fact that two people have sex, doesn't produce economic effects. Ergo, promiscuity doesn't harm society.
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Again: there is free will. We all have it.
so, if you don't want to sleep with a woman who seduces you with her body, do not sleep with her! Nobody forces you. Use your own free will to say no.
But you have to respect those who want to sleep with them. Because the fact they sleep in the privacy of their own house, doesn't harm you in any way.

Besides...the common welfare, or the good of society is about economics. It has nothing to do with sex. Because the fact that two people have sex, doesn't produce economic effects. Ergo, promiscuity doesn't harm society.

Response: Free will not to sleep with someone does not answer the fact that being promiscuous is not what is best for society. So promiscuity is condemned in Islam. Furthermore, the welfare of society is not just economics, but morality as well.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Response: Promiscuity is more likely to occur when one is wearing revealing clothes, rather than unrevealing, as revealing clothes is more tempting.
IOW: Muslim men can't be trusted to control themselves. What good is Islam, if it doesn't instill trustworthiness and a sense of self-control??? You're damning your own religion, man! :foot: