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Why do some Atheists say Christianity is harmful?


Veteran Member
Obviously not all Atheists claim this, most atheists dont really care about ones faith. However there are some atheists who claim Christianity is harmful as a religion. They tend to be more on the antitheist side.

My question is why? And how? How is christianity in any way form or shape harmful? Some say its because of the strict rules, but how is that bad? How are rules who lead to a better society bad?

And how is sexual purity exactly a bad thing? I dont see how Christianity can be harmful at all. So why do they claim it?
Many self-proclaimed atheists these days aren't atheists at all, and don't even know what atheism, is. They are just anti-religious agnostics that tend to focus all their anti-religious sentiments on Christianity. Specifically on the idea of any sort of "magical interference" by any gods.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Many self-proclaimed atheists these days aren't atheists at all, and don't even know what atheism, is. They are just anti-religious agnostics that tend to focus all their anti-religious sentiments on Christianity. Specifically on the idea of any sort of "magical interference" by any gods.
Actually agnosticism is a form of atheism known as soft atheism aka weak or negative atheism.


Veteran Member
With ex-homosexual i mean i try to live a celibate life now.

IOW, you are still homosexual. Just single and celibate.
That doesn't make you an "ex" anything.

Although it can get lonely sometimes. Its better than to burn in hell for eternity.
And then you ask how christianity is harmful....


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Obviously not all Atheists claim this, most atheists dont really care about ones faith. However there are some atheists who claim Christianity is harmful as a religion. They tend to be more on the antitheist side.

My question is why? And how? How is christianity in any way form or shape harmful? Some say its because of the strict rules, but how is that bad? How are rules who lead to a better society bad?

And how is sexual purity exactly a bad thing? I dont see how Christianity can be harmful at all. So why do they claim it?
It's not Christianity that harms. It's people's interpretations of the teachings of Christ and their actions based on those interpretations that are harmful.

The teachings of Christianity may very well be good, but people have twisted it into a religion that governs through fear, depreciation, and separatism instead of a religion that encourages personal growth.


Veteran Member
The thing is, im not trolling, and i wish i could somehow prove to you im sincere. Because I know lying would be a grave sin. And im sincere with my beliefs.

If not i would have to fear Gods wrath.

And again you demonstrate a point of mine in how it is harmful.
The fear tactics making up for trauma in psychology.

Is it because my views are unusual nowadays?

Unfortunately, they are not at all unusual among christians. The point exactly.
You keep answering your own OP question.


Veteran Member
So i guess we can all agree gay marriage etc. is unecessary? You dont need a partner, its simple if youre not gonna procreate anyway.
The extension of this is that a woman that had her uterus removed due to a cancer or whatever other medical issue, shouldn't be allowed to marry of enter relationships because "she doesn't need a partner, she's not going to procreate anyway".

And the same goes for any woman or man that for whatever reason is infertile.

Are you sure you want to go down that road?
I would say I was scarred by Christianity. I don't know if I would necessarily say "harmed." But being someone who isn't straight, I spent years not accepting myself, believing I was going to hell, since by all terms of Christian faith, I would be. This is a belief I have shed since I have lost faith.
Christianity relies too much on fear and "salvation." I don't need to be saved. I'm fine just the way I am. I will not be held responsible for the supposed "original sin," that occurred millions or thousands of years ago, if it occurred at all.
I personally think religion, Christianity included, does more harm than good. Anything like this that people can use to twist into their agenda
to treat others badly, or pass legislation to remove rights of others, is bad for society IMO.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Obviously, catholicism is the true form of christianity, which makes the most logical sense, its the OG christianity, thats why, the original.
The crusades were a reaction to islamic expansion and persecution of pilgrims in those areas, so yes, they were good and ABSOLUTELY justified, and im not ashamed my church called for several crusades.
inquisition too was to weed out heresy. only a small percentage were actually executed of the accused.
feudalism wasnt all bad either, and the church is opposed to slavery.

You expect me to not defend my church, right? Well i do.
Ive been an atheist before my conversion, i was way more miserable, i would not be alive today without faith. Being an atheist is miserable because you have no meaning in life.
With ex-homosexual i mean i try to live a celibate life now. Although it can get lonely sometimes. Its better than to burn in hell for eternity.
Youre jewish arent you? Because of the menorah? Its true that we christians didnt really tolerate judaism. But not because out of sadism, but becase we wanted to save your souls!!!!
But cant you see that resisting an all Powerful Being is pointless?
Well because sexual immorality is basically self-harm obviously.
Yes, but divorce applies to women and men, and yes people shouldnt just get nilly willy divorce. Abortion is not a right, its murder.

Yes of coruse we want standards in society, why is that bad?
Its nto fair to be angry at God just because other people hurt you. Thats not being very mature.

You can reject God all you want, and he wont force you to heaven. But in the end that also means you will never feel his love again, if you dont repent.

Btw i was raised very authoritarian, and i didnt blame God for it. No actually im glad my parents raised me this way.
Look im sufferign from same-sex attractio ntoo. Why are you saying we should act on it though? Like whats the benefit of that?

Its not love, its lust, trust me. No gay guy ever loved me, its all lust.
I said the crusades were justified, yes. Do you have a problem with that?
Ask yourself, is it truly love? Or is it just lust? Or does he like you because maybe youre rich etc.?

Im not sure. Either way this "love" isnt permited according to the Bible, and i dont want to draw Gods anger on me, so i try to not act on it.
The walls are closing in my friend. God will not permit evil forever.
Lets be honest, youre not a believer, because of your homosexual problem? Yeah it also drew me away from God for the longest time, too long i followed my own desires.

But now i know i must deny myself, submit myself to God, because hes the only source of life, love and truth. Without him i will die and then be forgotten forever in a hellish place.
Problem is they wont be happy long term, because first of all most gay relationships dont last very long ,second it leads straight to death and eternal hellfire.
They usually werent killed if they assimilated. Is it justified? Well, lets say no society can tolerate too much deviancy or subversion. But yes sometimes mobs killed innocent jews, and i do not under any circumstances condone that, however mobs did that, not the church.
Well the catholic Church are his Represantives on Earth, so i do know. They are not made by Men.

But lets assume youre all right and this is all a sham. Whats the point of life then?
My point is, atheism gives people no hope.
Hope for a better future, hope for something greater than just chasing hedonistic desires. Hope, hope of eternal life in eternal bliss, forever, and ever and ever!!!!

What is this life without faith? its all meaningless suffering. But faith gives temporary suffering meaning.
There are no atheists in foxholes. Atheism only works if youre privileged, honestly. And then its only temporarily distractions too. As soon as youre aware of your mortality, pain and suffering, atheism seems depressing, meaningless.
Oh and yes you obviously noticed i dont like modern Judaism. Obviously i dont, because Judaism is a very anti-christian force nowadays.
It's interesting that you would create a thread about how Christianity isn't harmful, and then go on to list all the reasons why it is.


Well-Known Member
Glorification of suffering. Another point in how it is harmful.

You are making this too easy.

All life is suffering, according to one of the world’s other great religions.

Making sense of this unavoidable truth is key to understanding both Christianity and Buddhism (which have more in common at the deepest level, than is superficially apparent).