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Why does God hate Homosexuals and why did he create them?


The Devil's Advocate
If I create a robot and give it self awareness and then it decides to go on a killing spree, who is responsible, ultimately, me or the robot?
The robot.

It can be no other answer unless you're saying you don't believe we are moral agents, making choices for ourselves and being responsible for those choices. Would you suggest the Hitler's parents are ultimately responsible for him?

It would be a different matter, of course, if you programed a propensity for killing into the robot.

God created men and women.
That is true. God also created straights and gays (BGLT). So.... why assume that God is a straight male?


Well-Known Member
The robot.

It can be no other answer unless you're saying you don't believe we are moral agents, making choices for ourselves and being responsible for those choices. Would you suggest the Hitler's parents are ultimately responsible for him?

It would be a different matter, of course, if you programed a propensity for killing into the robot

How is the robot ULTIMATELY responsible...when it is I that made it, capable of killing the soft and squishy humans?

If I didnt create it (the homicidal robot) then the robot would not have killed, ergo I am ultimately responsible its called logic.

Hitlers parents are responsible for Hitler as is God for making humanity in the first place.

Yes if your children steal or kill, you are responsible, you by concious choice (having sex) created them, whether we can BLAME you or JUDGE you is another matter...

Technically God knew Hitler was going to exist, yet allowed him to make soap from baby fat anyway....

Moral agents or not, that is irrelevant.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Technically God knew Hitler was going to exist, yet allowed him to make soap from baby fat anyway....

That's the difference. When Hitler's parents had him, they didn't know how he would turn out. Good parenting is a very useful tool, but cannot guarantee results. The problem is that when I have a kid, it's true that I'm the cause for the existence of that kid, but I'm not the cause of the goodness or evil of that kid's actions.


The Devil's Advocate
Yes if your children steal or kill, you are responsible, you by concious choice (having sex) created them,
That's ridiculous. Are you listening to yourself?

whether we can BLAME you or JUDGE you is another matter...
If you are claiming these are two different things, then I still don't see your point. What does it mean to say that you as creator are "responsible" for all the deaths that the robot caused but you cannot be "blamed" or "judged"? Then what is the point of saying you are responsible??

Ultimately, people (or self-aware entities as the case may be) are responsible for their own actions.

And this entire argument is a red herring anyway, because there is nothing wrong with being gay to which anyone must be held responsible.


Well-Known Member
That's ridiculous. Are you listening to yourself?


You still dont understand.

If A results in B then A is the Cause and B is the effect.

If your children are good or bad either way you are responsible for producing them.

But I am bored of trying to explain this to you...

If I create a robot that kills, people will come looking for me, I might do it again...

Don't label me ridiculous, it 'makes' me harbor negative feelings for you, not good.

There is no such thing a moral agent, humans do what society compells them, particular for that human society...tell a cannibal about comparative morality.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation

You still dont understand.

If A results in B then A is the Cause and B is the effect.

If your children are good or bad either way you are responsible for producing them.

But I am bored of trying to explain this to you...

And as I said, you're responsible for producing the children, but not the good or bad that they do.


Well-Known Member
And as I said, you're responsible for producing the children, but not the good or bad that they do.

Of course you are...partly.

If you like it or not...if you hadnt done the dirty whatever your kids did would not have happened...ergo you are ultimately responsible...its pure logic.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Of course you are...partly.

If you like it or not...if you hadnt done the dirty whatever your kids did would not have happened...ergo you are ultimately responsible...its pure logic.

Yes, I'm responsible for their existence, not for their deeds. Pure logic.


The Devil's Advocate
Don't label me ridiculous, it 'makes' me harbor negative feelings for you, not good.
I said your argument is ridiculous, not you. You should be able to understand the difference. And I still say that your argument is ridiculous. If you harbor negative feelings for anyone, it only hurts yourself. And you are responsible for whether you harbor them or not.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I'm responsible for their existence, not for their deeds. Pure logic.

If you are responsible for their existance then you are responsible for every action they take, you bought them into the world so thus it is your responsiblity to make sure they don't make it a darker place...you are responsible for yourselves and everyone around you....death and destruction awaits the irresponsible society...but anway...whatever I am sick of posting in circles...laters I have Imperial Space Marines to slaughter online.


Well-Known Member
I said your argument is ridiculous, not you. You should be able to understand the difference. And I still say that your argument is ridiculous. If you harbor negative feelings for anyone, it only hurts yourself. And you are responsible for whether you harbor them or not.

I question your understanding of logic but I do not label you stupid...however you cannot absolve yourself of all responsibility of what you say, that is stupid...it would take more than some poster to label me ridiculous to upset me so forget it, bye.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I question your understanding of logic but I do not label you stupid...however you cannot absolve yourself of all responsibility of what you say, that is stupid...it would take more than some poster to label me ridiculous to upset me so forget it, bye.

Wait, by your logic, wouldn't it be Lilithu's parents who are responsible for her calling your statement ridiculous? Or would it be her grandparents, or their grandparents...?


The Devil's Advocate
I question your understanding of logic but I do not label you stupid...however you cannot absolve yourself of all responsibility of what you say,
I take full responsibility for what I say. THAT is the point.

that is stupid...it would take more than some poster to label me ridiculous to upset me so forget it, bye.
So you can say that my position is stupid and that seems to be allowed. But when I say that your position is ridiculous, that's not allowed. :areyoucra I did not call you ridiculous. But I am all for forgetting this ridiculous argument.
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Well-Known Member
Wait, by your logic, wouldn't it be Lilithu's parents who are responsible for her calling your statement ridiculous? Or would it be her grandparents, or their grandparents...?


Now you get it :)

They should not be BLAMED or JUDGED (perhaps) but they are still responsible.
But now we are getting ridiculous, I was trying to say God is responsible as creator for creating homosexuals if He is exists....


What is so difficult about that concept?

Sweet zombie Jesus it isn't hard!

BTW calling my statement ridiculous is still irritating, lets not get heavy with the semantics, I can play those silly games all day long.


Well-Known Member
I take full responsibility for what I say. THAT is the point.

So you can say that my position is stupid and that seems to be allowed. But when I say that your position is ridiculous, that's not allowed. :areyoucra I did not call you ridiculous. But I am all for forgetting this ridiculous argument.


Forgotten already, I might harbor a touchy nature but I don't harbor grudges.

Have some frubals.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation

Now you get it :)

They should not be BLAMED or JUDGED (perhaps) but they are still responsible.
But now we are getting ridiculous, I was trying to say God is responsible as creator for creating homosexuals if He is exists....


What is so difficult about that concept?

Sweet zombie Jesus it isn't hard!

BTW calling my statement ridiculous is still irritating, lets not get heavy with the semantics, I can play those silly games all day long.

Yes, I agree that God is responsible for the existence of homosexuals. The difference is that God generally is supposed to be able to change that. I can't change how my kids turn out. I can be the best parent possible, and still have them turn out murderers (although that's pretty unlikely). If you believe in the theistic God, you generally believe that he created them knowingly.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
And the truth will set ye free.......that was my rather (I thought) obvious conclusion.

He Knowingly created Homosexuals....thus why would he hate them?

Is He a sadist whom creates to torture?

Well, we're on the same page, then. Jeez, why'd you go and cause all of this confusion? ;)


Active Member
There is really one point i dont understand if God is responsible for Homosexuals then God should also be responsible for Murders, Rapists, Robbers, etc.

For instance, if i kill someone i cant say to the judge My Lord, its not my fault, blame God he created me like this. Every man is responsible for his own actions, what you reap is what you sow

People get diverted this world is also like a maze and without doing any precautions people fall into traps.