Save Me Jebus,
God does not hate homosexuals, any more than He hates other forms of sexual perversion. God warns against every sort of Porneia, which means any illict sexual behavior.
God is the Almighty Creator of the universe, the lifegiver, so He has the right to determine what is good and bad.
God tells us what is bad and if we want to have a very long life we will listen to Him and try to do what is right in His eyes.
It is a sure thing that man does not know how to run his life to be successful, Jere 10:23. If we listen to God He will make our paths straight and give us eternal life in the future.
Remember, God does not make laws just for the fun of it. All God's laws are for our benefit, to help us have a better life now, and in the future, Deut 10:13, Isa 48:17,18.