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Why does God hate Homosexuals and why did he create them?


Intentionally Blank
I honestly wonder if some gays (men) are attracted to women on some level and just like the attention, especially the ones that go crazy with the women clothing and make up. I never really had any concerns with lesbians, they always seem to be chill unless you question them, they don't crave and probably do not want attention. If it were up to me the media would stop feeding the gay community attention, and the government would give them all equal rights as humans.
Why don't you ask them?


Intentionally Blank
Say 90%+ of the population is straight. 9 out of 10 kids will be born straight. I'm all about the greater good. And finding your sexual identity is not always that easy, I questioned if I was a gay a few times when I was younger, mostly due to my insecurities, but I grew out of it. Maybe a kid that has 2 gay parents might not grow out of it and just run with those insecurities. I think all kids question their sexual identity at some point, and I just imagine it would make that questioning more extreme if both your parents were gay, especially someone like me who gets a bit paranoid and crazy at times.

I think having parents who accept you regardless probably makes this whole process easier. In any case, exploring and figuring out who you are is a normal part of growing up; and it's good to have a safe, accepting family to do it in. And finally, there's nothing wrong with being gay, so it's not a problem if it works out as you fear.


Miss Independent
You're right. I don't know what I was thinking. You obviously don't change your mind...wait, doesn't that make you debased?

Gotcha. And far be it from you to go against...a book! You defintiely wouldn't want to actually think for yourself!




Intentionally Blank
Unlike kdrier, I love flamboyant people; they make life interesting. It would be boring if everyone were the same, dull, conformist and ordinary. Viva flamboyance, say I.


I'm your huckleberry.
1. Since there's nothing wrong with being gay, if this were true, it would not be a problem.
2. The great majority of gay people were raised by heterosexuals, which did not cause them to become heterosexual.
3. Statistics indicate that children of gay people turn out to be gay at the same rate as children of straight people, so it doesn't actually work that way.
4. to have courageous and honest parents would be a good thing for children to emulate.
5. My oldest (19) is straight, happily raised by lesbians and looks up to and emulates me. She agrees that life should be lived in integrity, doing what you think is right and being open about what you do. She also has often told me that she prefers me as a parent to most of her friends' parents, for various reasons.

1. Strictly your opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own.
2. That's simply because there is still a majority of straight people in the world.
3. So we've established that gayness is a choice, not genetic. Good at least we agree on something.
4. But that can be to a fault. Someon can be courageous and honest and still be in the wrong. What they think is courageous and honest may not fit your definition. I.E. I don't think being a homosexual parent is honest for reasons that you and I have gone over before.
5. So your oldest prefers you as a parent over her friends parents? What a shocker!!


Intentionally Blank
1. Strictly your opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own.
Yes, that's what makes horseraces. Care to debate the subject?
2. That's simply because there is still a majority of straight people in the world.
No, you're not following the logic. Straight people have gay kids. Therefore sexual preference of parents does not determine sexual preference of their children.
3. So we've established that gayness is a choice, not genetic. Good at least we agree on something.
(a) Don't see at all how this follows from what I said. (b) Actually, it appears to be largely inborn in men, and more varied in women, but what difference does it make? Again, since there's nothing wrong with being gay, it's fine either way.
4. But that can be to a fault. Someon can be courageous and honest and still be in the wrong.
Of course. Want to present your opinion that homosexuality is wrong and why?
What they think is courageous and honest may not fit your definition. I.E. I don't think being a homosexual parent is honest for reasons that you and I have gone over before.
Why not? I don't get it. What is dishonest about being open about who you are? I'm stumped as to what you could be driving at.
In any case, right or wrong, you have to agree that living life as you think right and being honest about that with the world is the very definition of courage and integrity.
5. So your oldest prefers you as a parent over her friends parents? What a shocker!!
Yes, I'm not a bad mom. She certainly wouldn't trade me in for some nice ordinary heterosexual family. But then, she and I have a lot in common, and get along well.


Well-Known Member
If God hates Homosexuals why did he create them?

Save Me Jebus,
God does not hate homosexuals, any more than He hates other forms of sexual perversion. God warns against every sort of Porneia, which means any illict sexual behavior.
God is the Almighty Creator of the universe, the lifegiver, so He has the right to determine what is good and bad.
God tells us what is bad and if we want to have a very long life we will listen to Him and try to do what is right in His eyes.
It is a sure thing that man does not know how to run his life to be successful, Jere 10:23. If we listen to God He will make our paths straight and give us eternal life in the future.
Remember, God does not make laws just for the fun of it. All God's laws are for our benefit, to help us have a better life now, and in the future, Deut 10:13, Isa 48:17,18.:baby:


Intentionally Blank
Save Me Jebus,
God does not hate homosexuals, any more than He hates other forms of sexual perversion. God warns against every sort of Porneia, which means any illict sexual behavior.
God is the Almighty Creator of the universe, the lifegiver, so He has the right to determine what is good and bad.
God tells us what is bad and if we want to have a very long life we will listen to Him and try to do what is right in His eyes.
It is a sure thing that man does not know how to run his life to be successful, Jere 10:23. If we listen to God He will make our paths straight and give us eternal life in the future.
Remember, God does not make laws just for the fun of it. All God's laws are for our benefit, to help us have a better life now, and in the future, Deut 10:13, Isa 48:17,18.:baby:
do you have some kind of support or evidence for all of these assertions?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Save Me Jebus,
God does not hate homosexuals, any more than He hates other forms of sexual perversion. God warns against every sort of Porneia, which means any illict sexual behavior.
God is the Almighty Creator of the universe, the lifegiver, so He has the right to determine what is good and bad.
God tells us what is bad and if we want to have a very long life we will listen to Him and try to do what is right in His eyes.
It is a sure thing that man does not know how to run his life to be successful, Jere 10:23. If we listen to God He will make our paths straight and give us eternal life in the future.
Remember, God does not make laws just for the fun of it. All God's laws are for our benefit, to help us have a better life now, and in the future, Deut 10:13, Isa 48:17,18.:baby:
for this post to work, we first need to determine that homosexuality is a sexual perversion. That has not been proven, and has largely been refuted by experts in human sexuality and psychology.

so much for this post.


Its only a Label
Friend Savemejubus,
Do not know as to how much you understand about enlightenment but those on the path understand that life is continuous and one goes through many births till he achives nirvana. Nirvana is only achived when a person has no more desires of any kind left.
So being gay is a desire that the individual has and so he will have to finsih off that desire too.
God is there or not is not the question as if if you create god then Satan too is created. Days have to follow nights and only both makes it true. So kindly allow him to **** or get ****** wahtever way he wants as that is not going to enlighten you unless you understand it.
Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
This thread is a stuck record, God does not hate gays, the Christian conservatives and other fundies might think differently but then when has that ever mattered?
When does it matter what anyone ELSE thinks about such a subjective issue?
How can they possibly know whats it like to be you, only you and God know..

These people that say homosexuality is wrong, they don't know what they are talking about, they are either ignorant or spiteful creatures, either way laughable.

If someone tries to condem homosexuality, saying that the bible says it's a sin or whatever, just ignore them, don't even try to reason with them, just put your palm out in a 'stop' gesture and say 'No! bigot no! loudly and firmly...eventually they will crawl back under whatever stone they came from.

Just remember that they only have power of you if you let them, let them wallow in their own guilt and fear, don't let them try to transfer it to you, 'revealing your sin', it is they that God hates, the judgers and worshippers of a man made book...they don't know God, all they hear is their own frightening super egos, pay no heed, do not honour their hatred and judgement with a response.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
God created men and women. Men are then responsible for their actions. Sodomy, fornication, etc are all sins. If you don't believe in God on the first place, so it doesn't matter whether you are a homo or not.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
God created men and women. Men are then responsible for their actions. Sodomy, fornication, etc are all sins. If you don't believe in God on the first place, so it doesn't matter whether you are a homo or not.

No, it doesn't matter whether someone who doesn't believe in God is homosexual or not. what matters is how other people treat them, and the view that them acting naturally and being homosexual is a sin and is wrong leads to oppression and general poor treatment of homosexuals. Personally I don't care what anyone thinks, as long as it doesn't cause them to treat me or anyone else badly for no reason.


Liebe ist für alle da
God created men and women. Men are then responsible for their actions. Sodomy, fornication, etc are all sins. If you don't believe in God on the first place, so it doesn't matter whether you are a homo or not.

It doesn't matter if one believes in a God and is Gay ether. What make you think that the only way someone needs to worry about being Gay is if they believe in God?

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
God created men and women. Men are then responsible for their actions. Sodomy, fornication, etc are all sins. If you don't believe in God on the first place, so it doesn't matter whether you are a homo or not.

There are many gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people who do believe in a some sort of deity and have no conflict with that belief and their sexual orientation. Some do have conflict with it and it can be very damaging to no only their spiritual life but also their personal life. They may try to be something they are not just to please their deity. That rarely ends well.


Well-Known Member
God created men and women. Men are then responsible for their actions. Sodomy, fornication, etc are all sins. If you don't believe in God on the first place, so it doesn't matter whether you are a homo or not.

Homo is an offensive noun in that context Abu, a bit like rag head.

If I create a robot and give it self awareness and then it decides to go on a killing spree, who is responsible, ultimately, me or the robot?


Flaming Queer
There comes a time when you have to ask yourself some tought questions. And i have observed my friends hurting themselves, and they have cried with me, and they have called out for help. But...no one can help them if they are not willing to admit that what they are doing is hurting themselves.
rejection from my whole family hurt me, made me cry. the pain and torture i put myself through when i believed others who said i was unnatural hurt me. accepting that i am gay, a good person, and naturally who i was meant to be has been the most fulfilling and liberating thing ever. so don't tell me that being a homosexual is me hurting myself, that is (insert expletive here).

It doenst matter what i think about homosexuality really..does it? It matters to me what god thinks it does to people. And i have seen it. It is not good for them.
it doesn't matter to me, but to many it does, because you have the power to vote on gay rights.

In my dealings with homosexual people, i have realised one thing in particular. YOU CANNOT CHANGE THEIR minds. That in itself is debased. If you cant change your mind, then there is something very wrong with it.
we don't change our minds when people who know nothing of what we have been through pop up and tell us they know better. you don't. you have no decent argument, and then have the nerve to call us arrogant for not changing our views based on yoru worthless argument? get real.

I accepted all my homosexual friends, i do not accepts them hurting themselves. But i cannot do anything about it, and they dont seem to have the ability to realise they are hurting themselves. And that is the problem from gods perspective. Their eyes and their ears have closed to the inner conscience and inner guide.
good job they aren't hurting themselves then.

I believe what god said. I dont think i should have doubted him. And i never will again, in this regards.
which God?

I have seen my one friend try to commit suicide, i have seen him yearning for the acceptance of his parents, i have seen how they desperately need to act up in social circumstances to be accepted. They are longing for acceptance! That is true. But they will never find it. Never within themselves. Hence the great homosexual threads and controversy. And it will never go away either.
you are so wrong. my personal experience, and the experience of the hundreds of other gays i have spoken to (yes, hundreds) testifies to the contrary. as soon as we realise that we can accept our selves and not give a damn about acceptance from family and society, we are free and liberated. we campaign for equal rights under the law, and yeah a lot of us would still like social acceptance, but the majority of us have in the past told society to go *do* themself, and we have no problem doing it again.

I have come to the conclusion that homosexuals are so outspoken about their sexuality since they themselves have not come to grips with it. They fear that if they have to let go of it , they have to let go of who they are. But they dont really know who that is.They struggle to find an identity, and look to others people's acceptance of them, as a measure of how much they are worth. Hence if someone says someting about it, the respons is overwhelming since the fear of having to be challenged in that way is overwelming.These are the underlying problems that homosexuals struggle with.
i disagree, entirely. like i said, the gay community is full of strong willed people who have walked away from the social and familial pressures of conforming and found their own identity - and identity that is strong and proud. yeah, a lot of us show off that identity, it's our way of telling you people who condemn us to go "do" yourselves.

Having said all that...i also need to make something very clear. While I am quite outspoken about the problem of homosexuality causing a debased mind. I in no way think that i am better than them, or more worthy of love, or more self-assured.

Highligting the problems they experience does not make me better than them. I have to account for my own mishaps and mess-ups and they are many .

Unfortunately this is always the way people interpret resistance to homosexuality - they interpret it as a personal attack.
erm, when gays are saying that you have completely misunderstood them, and you insist to the contrary, it is a personal attack.

Be a better homosexual supporter than i am a christian. But dont think that god is a lyer. That is just foolishness.
oh, i don't think the Abrahamic God is a lier. i think He is very honest about how cruel, petty minded and twisted He is.